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Gw2 tsunami??

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So i was thinking since the new episode War Eternal , kralkatorrik crash landed in middle of the sea along with new map?? Is it possible it created tsunami somewhere ?? Will we see water damage somewhere?? A tsunami of sort somewhere that displaced some undersea nation?? Or the crash and the subsequent ley energy released wake up water dragon stevie??

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In real life say if a meteor fell from space in an ocean it will create tsunami left right and center right??? Or since we are in world with talking bear and rats does physics of tsunami works differently in gw2??

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@Oogo.4083 said:In real life say if a meteor fell from space in an ocean it will create tsunami left right and center right??? Or since we are in world with talking bear and rats physics works differently in gw2??

A large enough mass falling into the sea would act as you describe. Im not sure that physics has much to do with a bear or rat being able to speak.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Oogo.4083 said:In real life say if a meteor fell from space in an ocean it will create tsunami left right and center right??? Or since we are in world with talking bear and rats physics works differently in gw2??

A large enough mass falling into the sea would act as you describe. Im not sure that physics has much to do with a bear or rat being able to speak.

Physics of giant chunk of rock falling from mist and thus creating a tsunami not animals talking.

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I wonder about that hypothosis. In previous zones (ie. Bloodstone Fen) we have learned that unbound or volitile magic can have strange effects on the surrounding landscape. In this case, making large chunks of earth float. I assume this is also the case on the new map, possibly cushioning the fall.

I think it's entirely possible that the island (and kralkatorik) descended softly without too much of an impact. I mean, the map lacks the widespread devistation or landslides one would expect from a heavy impact. Heck, even the former wildlife are scurrying about unaffected.

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@Oogo.4083 said:In real life say if a meteor fell from space in an ocean it will create tsunami left right and center right??? Or since we are in world with talking bear and rats does physics of tsunami works differently in gw2??

Meteors often travel several, sometimes tens of kilometers per second relative to the earth. Kralk was probably falling around terminal velocity, which is probably around 200km/h or ~0.05km/s for a large dragon. At that speed a large local wave would occur but no tsunami at long distances.

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I would like to remind everyone that when Orr rose from the ocean it created wide-spread destruction, including the flooding of old Lion's Arch.

That should give us a rough idea of what kind of destruction, and at what range, this event should have caused.

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I think first you have to understand the force it takes to generate a displacement of ocean water large enough to create a tsunami. Kralk falling out of the air into the ocean does nothing to displace the volume of water needed for a tsunami. It makes a big splash no doubt but in order to create a tsunami you need something pretty big travelling at faster than sound speeds. Here is what happens when an asteroid hit the Yucatan

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@Oogo.4083 said:In real life say if a meteor fell from space in an ocean it will create tsunami left right and center right??? Or since we are in world with talking bear and rats does physics of tsunami works differently in gw2??

Meteors often travel several, sometimes tens of kilometers per second relative to the earth. Kralk was probably falling around terminal velocity, which is probably around 200km/h or ~0.05km/s for a large dragon. At that speed a large local wave would occur but no tsunami at long distances.

Depends on the size and mass. For example, the western flank of the isle La Palma in the Canaries is in position to slide into the ocean. It will do so at far less than terminal velocity and is predicted to create a super-tsunami when it does.

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It should have had a big impact on the world. Indeed creating a big tsunami. The size and mass fell from the sky was huge, dropping directly on the bottom of the ocean there. The amount of water that had to move should have created a big wave and therefor affecting sealife.

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Oogo.4083 said:So i was thinking since the new episode War Eternal , kralkatorrik crash landed in middle of the sea along with new map?? Is it possible it created tsunami somewhere ?? Will we see water damage somewhere??

Since it's the Mists, it is highly unlikely that it had a direct effect like a tsunami on Tyria. ;)

You are wrong, the new map isnt in the mists. The chunks of land came from the mist through the portal into Tyria.

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The map isn't in the Mists??? :o That I cannot believe, even when a look on the world map suggests so, since it is Grenth's Underworld, Balthazar's Burning Forest, and Melandru's Realm. Plus our character confirms more than once that we have to kill Kralk in the Mists. How are the realms of the Gods supposed to exist on Tyria??

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Well, in theory:

! The dragon spun through the Mists, belched out portals into several abandoned god realms, shattered through islands in those realms, and then got dropkicked back into Tyria through a portal crafted by Aurene. When he fell, he slammed into the Unending Ocean and then got buried under the hunks of the realms he'd flown through, thus creating little biomes of each of them inside of Tyria.!! Not only should the water be deeper in the new map (if he reached the sea floor), but it should be an impact crater and far less of the dragon should be visible. Game mechanics limit Kralk's size and the water's depth (way more swimming), but the magical influence from the Mists combined with the ley lines Kralk landed on as well as the sheer impact of his fall should have messed up the surrounding ocean and any nearby land masses.!! EDIT: Also, the commander states that we have to kill Kralk outside of the Mists, because if he dies in there, that's where his magic will disperse, thus removing it from Tyria forever and creating a world-cracking imbalance that will end everything.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:The map isn't in the Mists??? :o That I cannot believe, even when a look on the world map suggests so, since it is Grenth's Underworld, Balthazar's Burning Forest, and Melandru's Realm. Plus our character confirms more than once that we have to kill Kralk in the Mists. How are the realms of the Gods supposed to exist on Tyria??! The first part of the story explains how we follow Kralkatorik through different parts of the mist, specifically the underworld, the burning forest and Melandru's realm, and how he rips them apart and drags parts of them along with him. The cinematic just before reaching the new map shows how the dragon falls out of the portal that Aurene created from the mists into Tyria, with the chunks of mist landscape he displaced falling through the portal around him.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:The map isn't in the Mists??? :o That I cannot believe, even when a look on the world map suggests so, since it is Grenth's Underworld, Balthazar's Burning Forest, and Melandru's Realm. Plus our character confirms more than once that we have to kill Kralk in the Mists. How are the realms of the Gods supposed to exist on Tyria??

It’s fully explained in the story In the final rift created into Tyria during the flying battle, Kralkatorriks wing is ripped off by aurenes blast along with 3 chunks taken from the domains in the mists that we passed through. Those chunks land in Kralk, pinning him and create a new island in the Ocean.

The map is even shown on the Tyrian World Map and we see them fall from the Rift out of the mists in a cutscene. Hence why the Pact were so quick to get there in force

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@Palador.2170 said:I would like to remind everyone that when Orr rose from the ocean it created wide-spread destruction, including the flooding of old Lion's Arch.

That should give us a rough idea of what kind of destruction, and at what range, this event should have caused.

Except Orr is an entire continent, where as Dragonfall is three (small?) islands and a mountain ridge. If the impact occurred close to land I could imagine a local tsunami, but nothing even close the raising of Orr.

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@Oogo.4083 said:So i was thinking since the new episode War Eternal , kralkatorrik crash landed in middle of the sea along with new map?? Is it possible it created tsunami somewhere ?? Will we see water damage somewhere?? A tsunami of sort somewhere that displaced some undersea nation?? Or the crash and the subsequent ley energy released wake up water dragon stevie??

I think Kralkatorrik has landed on Bubbles' tail and next season the DSD will be very angry.

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@Randulf.7614 said:It’s fully explained in the story In the final rift created into Tyria during the flying battle, Kralkatorriks wing is ripped off by aurenes blast along with 3 chunks taken from the domains in the mists that we passed through. Those chunks land in Kralk, pinning him and create a new island in the Ocean.

Oops! I missed the part where the wing took chunks of said domains with it. It looks pretty tidy for chunks fallen out of the Mists. ;)

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@Diak Atoli.2085 said:

@Palador.2170 said:I would like to remind everyone that when Orr rose from the ocean it created wide-spread destruction, including the flooding of old Lion's Arch.

That should give us a rough idea of what kind of destruction, and at what range, this event should have caused.

Except Orr is an entire continent, where as Dragonfall is three (small?) islands and a mountain ridge. If the impact occurred close to land I could imagine a local tsunami, but nothing even close the raising of Orr.

If (should say when actually) the west slope of La Palma in the Canaries, one part of one island, slides into the Atlantic, just slides, not even a fall from great height, scientists estimate 50 meter tall waves hitting the west coast of Africa and 10 meter waves hitting the eastern seaboard of the US and Canada.

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