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remember the good old times


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I remember the healing book Guards and cleric Eles that made sure you did not necessarily have to blast water and even though they did not have 10k healing spikes they certainly gave you tactical options in an environment where others had 0 healing outside of personals and fields. I remember fighting Red Guard with those :# .

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One part of me misses blasting fields for x boon/aura & the simplicity of combat back then but the other realizes it's probably less stress on the ancient servers run by guinea pigs if we all just "point & click, fire & forget". I don't think anyone misses needing to combo something but insane server lag just wouldn't let it happen... so you'd end up only getting the field down but not being able to blast.

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@Lala.8752 said:when blasting water was the primary source of healing :'(now u can rollface with ur minstrel armor and get full life :s

I hit fields all the time - just rarely on purpose. I aim my target reticle on the giant mass of particle effects, standing in fields of red circles, and when my blast finisher activates, a text popup on the screen tells me what I won :+1:

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Remember when WvW was part of the core Tyria map exploration? Also crafting stations everywhere, quite literally no rewards, unplayable during reset and no server links. Ranger LB was 1.8k (up to 2k) range and you could get similiar bursts compared to sic em with the old Signet of the Wild. Stacking power buffs from pve guards and double stacking sigills were a thing. Balance was PVE only(not that it mattered). WvW was even more of a meme back in the days.

Edit: weren't enemies invisible if your pc couldn't load the models in time? Don't know too much about the even darker days.

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Back when zergs were mostly random classes I used to be able to fight zergs in my full berserker thief. Cluster bomb was 1200 range and then some when you detonated the projectile. Using Signet of Malice with the stability from Dagger Storm would let you push into a middle of a zerg by yourself. Then you could always port back to safely with the unlimited range, no cast time sword 2 skill.

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@"Zephyra.4709" said:One part of me misses blasting fields for x boon/aura & the simplicity of combat back then but the other realizes it's probably less stress on the ancient servers run by guinea pigs if we all just "point & click, fire & forget". I don't think anyone misses needing to combo something but insane server lag just wouldn't let it happen... so you'd end up only getting the field down but not being able to blast.

It's more stress now. Most of the lag is caused due to ticking timers on boons/conditions as was said a few years ago by one of the WvW devs.

It's also why the game's lag has gotten worse, notably since HoT, than in previous years, despite a smaller population.

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All I remember is getting rolled by zergs, chased across the map by pugs, being +1'd by Thieves, getting CC locked in zergs and stressing over lag during SMC 3 way fights...

... Hm, you know what, all of that still happens. It's almost like the good old times and today are the same. Albeit with a less manual zerg composition and structure defenses, but still roughly the same.

I'm not going to disagree that elite specs, additional stats and foods have allowed players to play more lazily. Nor would I say today's zerging comps or roaming builds are more skillful than they used to be. However I will say that many of the things people hate that exist today still existed then, and sometimes to even greater extremes ( remember when Thieves could literally perma-stealth for minutes? Or when Super Speed affected leap distances? Or when Stability was literally complete immunity to CC? )

Though I do miss some things about the way it "used to be", I'm also not living in the past. Because I know I had as much fun then as I do now and I'm not concerned with anything else. It's just too bad so many others cling to that past and care more about what's gone than what's here.

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remember when the game was balance just before hot =)peoples have to learn how to dodge :3 now u can rollface because u are minstrel or you have a minstrel friend(no need to be good just use all skill) who heals you :s99% of goods players rq the game but who (anet ?) care, casual player like it, rollface is perfect for casual player :s

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