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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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I believe that if classic succeeds it would only draw about 5-10% of this game's playerbase away. With optimistic thinking whatever new content Anet reveals to us in the future will make up for that loss. For those who don't understand the appeal of classic in current day: Some people just wanna go on slowpaced adventures. There will be casuals in classic too, it's not all hardcore 40man endgame raiding like a lot of people point out. Many will take their time chiseling their stones in a vertical fashion opposed to this games horizontal fashion. Tomatoe Tamatto

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Im excited for wow classic but I think the people who play gw2 and the people who play wow classic are two very different types of gamers mainly. There is overlap , I am excited and i also like GW2 but they are also very different games. Wow classic has a sub and nobody in my guild would do a subscription game which I think is a big one. Also battlegrounds and the honor system are not going to be there at launch if you like the old pvp (I did personally). If anything I feel retail wow will be very affected by classic.

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I don't see a problem here. GW2 at it's very launch was a game for those who were fed up with old MMO tropes like non-sharable loot, nodes, npc standing in place doing nothing while you have to run back and forth playing fetch, etc.

Tropes that WoW represented. And i doubt "classic" means they're changing that. Not to mention these PS1 graphics...Nostalgia bug may bite many there, but pretty sure, majority of them are not GW2 players and we're talking two different groups of players here.

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Funny how people are bashing wow while hundreds of big name streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers are having the time of their lifes while playing different kinds of events, perma death modes, Amish challenges and mount rush modes, while the gw2 streamers are dropping like flies while struggling to reach the 200 viewers. Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way. Its fine to dislike the game but there's no need to puff yourself up when announcing your opinion :')

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Target audience has always been different in these two game series. I only touched WoW since i had my hands full with Guild Wars 1, but since we did not get "that" Guild Wars 2 i expected (i still enjoy this),i personally cant wait for it. Especially the MMO part of it since there is no AAA game which honors that part. Every thing is solo online game with added multiplayer touch.HoT open world was good and those heropoints but then Anet said no thanks and PoF got those easy mode heropoints from vanilla

@Goettel.4389 said:Classic WoW will cost nearly €150 a year to play though.

And that money will bring you content like expansion back every two years and everything between. Here we just get one LW in the past 2 years, well almost two years it took for one to finish

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@mikhail.3506 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Who cares about WoW Classic?

Like majority of the Real old school mmo players? So most of us?

I played wow beta and raided hardcore until WotLK.

No kitten way i wanna go back to that freaking dinosaur of a game now.

The novelty will wear off quickly, everyone is just nostalgic about it and wants that 'first mmo euphoria' rush back.

The irony is that you are asking for an expansion yet are prepared to go back to an old, dated game and replay the same old, dated content.

GW2 has nothing to fear from wow classic.

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@"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:Funny how people are bashing wow while hundreds of big name streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers are having the time of their lifes while playing different kinds of events, perma death modes, Amish challenges and mount rush modes, while the gw2 streamers are dropping like flies while struggling to reach the 200 viewers. Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way. Its fine to dislike the game but there's no need to puff yourself up when announcing your opinion :')

its the BIG NEWS now, so of course they are covering it, specially if mr kotick is paying for it"better in every single way" ...then why are you here?and why are the players STILL leaving wow in droves?as for the "puffing"...yea..you shouldnt really make that statement

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I wouldnt worry about wow at its worst it still makes 25/30 mil a month. WoW will be fine, people saying its dead are kidding themselves.

@"Jin.8501" said:Target audience has always been different in these two game series. I only touched WoW since i had my hands full with Guild Wars 1, but since we did not get "that" Guild Wars 2 i expected (i still enjoy this),i personally cant wait for it. Especially the MMO part of it since there is no AAA game which honors that part. Every thing is solo online game with added multiplayer touch.HoT open world was good and those heropoints but then Anet said no thanks and PoF got those easy mode heropoints from vanilla

@Goettel.4389 said:Classic WoW will cost nearly €150 a year to play though.

And that money will bring you content like expansion back every two years and everything between. Here we just get one LW in the past 2 years, well almost two years it took for one to finish

That is the only thing that has me worried about gw2, there isnt a lot of new content that comes out frequently. Its fine for me for now im still working through the game. Its when you have done it all what happens if its years before the next content patch? I already have a suspicion there wont be an expansion, and im okay with that as long as they add content in patches.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:You must be joking.

WoW classic will remind players of all the things they hated in older versions of WoW, and all the QoL changes they got over the years, and make them more likely to leave for GW2.

yep, imagine the culture shock a modern player is going to get...theyre gonna take one look at the graphics and gameplay....uninstallthis is going to benefit anet in the long run

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Haleydawn.3764 said:I didn’t realise players had to only play and spend money one game.I don't think you fully realized how hyped up WOW classic is.

I also don't think you realize wow has a clear distinct playerbase.One that doesn't overlap much with the gw playerbase.Especially the financial commitment for WoW makes the playerbase fractured

you do realize, that core GW2 is basically wow mk 2?you can bet, that most of those box sales went to former wow playersit doesnt overlap much TODAY, but without those box sales, they prolly couldnt even had kept the game running

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@"mikhail.3506"I'm more worried for WoW Classic players. How long will it survive if it doesn't have expansions? Players will run the same content over and over again till?

If, a very big "IF" there will be an expansion later on (even they are questioning themselves if they should) will it be retracing the same lore or spin-off? But since the lore is screwed/altered a few times already does it matter?

Paying the game with monthly subscription for maintenance (without the need of frequent patches/maintenance, does the game really need a sub?) :sweat_smile:.

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I'm gonna be honest. If Gw2 had a subscription i wouldn't play it anymore. I'm not doing much anymore in here,except following the story episodes and daily pvp rounds for the dailys. The rest is for roleplay purposes in here (yes, i'm one of "those" that do roleplay in a tavern ;) ) . Never seen a gw2 raid from the inside and the last time i did fractals or dungeons is probably over 2 years ago. And i know there are a lot of other players that are like me, they use Guild Wars 2 as a Rp Platform and nothing more. Why? Because its free to play. If Classic Wow or Retail Wow goes free,yeah, probably lot of Roleplayers would change side, but as long as it takes the 13 Euro to play monthly nothings gonna change. Sure Gw 2 doesn't have a big rp community, but its enough to make a change if they leave (Counting around 1500 players on Drakkar Lake Rp, and thats just the german community).

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@Kattenpootjes.4291 said:Funny how people are bashing wow while hundreds of big name streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers are having the time of their lifes while playing different kinds of events, perma death modes, Amish challenges and mount rush modes, while the gw2 streamers are dropping like flies while struggling to reach the 200 viewers. Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way. Its fine to dislike the game but there's no need to puff yourself up when announcing your opinion :')

Yeah the fanboi-ism is strong in this thread. In the end I think people are worried and are trying to convince themselves there is no problem here. And they should, although I don`t believe wow classic will be a gigantic sucess there is still plenty of competition that will take a lot of players from this game if it keeps being this stale. Also keep in mind the people in this forum is a minority, most players couldn’t be bothered to discuss stuff in the forum. They will rather play the game.

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@Kattenpootjes.4291 said:Funny how people are bashing wow while hundreds of big name streamers with hundreds of thousands of viewers are having the time of their lifes while playing different kinds of events, perma death modes, Amish challenges and mount rush modes, while the gw2 streamers are dropping like flies while struggling to reach the 200 viewers. Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way. Its fine to dislike the game but there's no need to puff yourself up when announcing your opinion :')

Again, it's a different game for a different audience. The fact that thousands or millions of people in the UK get obsessed with football every time there's a tournament of some sort on, it dominates the TV and many fans don't want to talk about anything else doesn't mean the people who don't like it are wrong for having different interests, even if their interests are less profitable to marketers (which is essentially what streamers are).

Humans are not all generic carbon copies with the same personalities and interests. We like different things and enjoy doing different things and there is absolutely no need to change that and insist that everyone needs to all like the same things.

@mauried.5608 said:You do know that its possible to play more than 1 game at once.Lets ask a thorny question.If GW2 introduced a monthly sub and WOW became a FTP game , what would you do???

Me? I'd quit GW2 and spend more time on Elder Scrolls Online and single-player games.

I'm not interested in playing a subscription game because it just doesn't work for me, but the subscription is just one of a long list of things I don't like about WoW so if that was their only change I still wouldn't want to play it.

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@Tiviana.2650 said:

@Airdive.2613 said:I still remember how Bless Online killed GW 2.

WoW is a big difference than Bless was. There are a lot of wow players playing gw2They definitely do not play GW2 for its similarities with WoW. Or for Classic nostalgia. If they do play here, it's for things Classic
give them.

And that's the main point here - those two games do not really appeal to the same players. And if they do, it's due to different things. As such, Classic is no threat to GW2. I'd be more afraid of FFXIV's Shadowbringers, with its absolutely fantastic storyline - but even then, it's a subscription based game, and more classic in its approach to mechanics, so not exactly the same niche.In the end, the greatest enemy of GW2 is only GW2.

@battledrone.8315 said:

@ZeroTheCat.2684 said:You should be more worried about ffxiv

apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

That's so true. You do need to get through the whole ARR experience to get to the good parts, and that can be... painful. And you can't just skip the early story - the access to most of areas and instanced content is gated behind it.If you can get past it, it gets really good, though. The later storyline is really good, and last expac is truly fantastic. Not so surprising, considering that story has always been Square-Enix's strong point.

Still, as i have mentioned, it's not exactly the same niche, and it's not close enough for GW2 to be a real competitor - as long as GW2 doesn't kitten up anyway.

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WoW classic LoL for GW all you have to do is buy one thing only $39.95 for the guild wars complete collection then you can play the all the original games and the eye of the north expansion all you want. Never have to pay a monthly service charge either. So yes Anet has its own version of a classic game too and it is available now no waiting for it.

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@mikhail.3506 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:Who cares about WoW Classic?

Like majority of the Real old school mmo players? So most of us?

You mean the ones who couldn't let go of the past, so they pirated the game (aka, non-paying) until Blizzard shut it down? Only to make their own "Classic" server as a way to score converts to their actual game? ...which is hot garbage in everything from system to story.

And when they find out their "classic" didn't convert to the exact 1.x they wanted, they'll ragequit. Or when they remember how awful classic was for anything but Paladin, they'll ragequit. Or attunements. The list goes on. And when the already-old content get boring and paid-to-play, they'll either pursue the rest of the game on a non-classic server, or (you guessed it) ragequit.

The old-wave MMO players have already piled into XIV (especially since a new expac just dropped), though GW2 has scored some converts who feel refreshed by the game's more casual approach, more active combat, and wealth of QoL.

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