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The Fall of GW2

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Honestly I think a big reason the living story releases don't last as well as they'd like is because a vast majority of players don't go for the endgame legendary trinkets which honestly extend the life of living story maps immensely. I feel like making the trinkets at the end of the seasons was the way it was meant to be done to hold you over until the next season.

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Right... It's this time of the year... Look, everyone is feeling the content drought right now, but that really doesn't mean the game's "falling". I've seen games falls, this one of the healthiest game there is on the market. New big budget MMos that get on the market get forgotten in months, and killed off. Older MMos have to deal with a playerbase in the hundreds, not the thousands. Guild wars 2 fall in neither categories.

The only thing you could lament for, and on which the devs are not currently being good at, are concrete directions and communication. They communicate, but they cherry pick. They give directions, but they're vague. Aside from that, the game have a healthy population, a good and stable server connection, and content still gets created.

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I unno, ive had plenty of stuff to do in GW2 over the last 7 almost 8 years of this games life. Do i take "breaks"(aka i dont just only play this game?) yes, but even then. I still have tons achievements i need to complete, tons of items both weapons and armor to collect, have i completed the story? yes but i havent finished almost all of the maps tied to them.

Im GLAD theyve slowed content down, it gives players like myself with little time to play, time to catch up to those who can no life the game. I was however for an expansion with some kind of massive new content like mounts, and the first elite specs, but time will tell on what they are able to produce with season five.

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My biggest issue with the game isn't necessarily the content, but the rewards and loot systems in particular. Games like Diablo 2 gave players a reason to grind day in and day out. The system wasnt perfect, but at least you had reson to keep repeating content. The loot system in this game is pathetic. Champ boxes, loot boxes, all the greens and blues...yuck, no thanks. And the really desirable skins and and other loot (infusions) are so astronomically rare, that the average player will never see one drop.

Content that is "fun" will only last so long. Without the chance for good rewards, players quit doing stuff eventually.

Also, the inability to really trade and negotiate with other players is a real handicap for me personally. And all the account-bound and soul-bound stuff is also very stupid. We should be allowed to trade ANYTHING we dont want to use ourselves.

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yawn I haven't even bothered to count how many "The Game Is Dying!!" and/or "Anet Is Stupid!!" threads I've seen on this forum in the 18 months I've been here but the game still seems to be going strong. I can't speak for "every" player or "most" people, I can only speak for myself. Today I started a new key farmer and Queensdale was very active. A half dozen people did the opening story with me. The map had players everywhere I went. There were several mentors offering help including a friend of mine who answered questions and gave assistance to several newbies. Later in the day I spent some time in Vabbi and in Verdant Brink. Both maps had people running around doing events and such. My guild does fractals and every time someone wants to do t1 fractals, the beginner stuff, they don't have any trouble getting a mix of newbies and veterans to join them. I don't do pvp or raids so I can't speak to those but I do dip my toe into WvW a bit. Yesterday, Sunday, there were massive zergs running around in every direction. I know, I got stomped by several of them. Personally I don't see a dying game but a bustling one. That's me though. Your mileage may vary.

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The thing is, Guild Wars 2 is old. ArenaNet is not going to make massive changes or overhaul major systems now. Which means, we'll continue to have:

  • A failed structured PvP system, that didn't come even close to ArenaNet's e-sport dreams.
  • A very imbalanced WvW, in which success is determined by population, and many matches are incredibly one-sided. Alliances won't solve this - people will just transfer from their world once they have been assigned somewhere. The only way to have balanced populations would be by removing the transfer between worlds, but considering how this is a source of income for ArenaNet, they'll never do it.
  • A combat system that fails in open world PvE. GW2's combat doesn't work when you have a lot of characters attacking a single enemy - you cannot see anything and the fight becomes little more than "the floor is lava" with red circles. World bosses are basically just mindless zergs spamming auto-attack.
  • Little to no combat variation in open world and single player instances. There are just a few mechanics repeated over and over, nothing new.
  • Abandoned content, such as Living World season 1 or dungeons. Ascalon Catacombs are STILL bugged, even all these years later (often the charr NPC will get stuck at the very end and stop the dungeon from progressing).

And so on and so on.

By this time in the original Guild Wars, ArenaNet knew they had reached the limits of what they could do, and had began working on GW2. Now... There won't be a Guild Wars 3. GW2 will be the last game in the Guild Wars franchise, and ArenaNet's last game. They will continue to release content and updates, but the systems we have right now are basically all we will ever get.

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Here is what I see (though I others claim they see differently, though I'm not sure how as we are bound to the mega server); nearly all maps are a ghost town, even during prime time. Most of the meta's aren't touched throughout the day, though you see an occasional train running around prime-time. HoT maps surprisingly still draw decent crowds to their metas here and there. The special events draw a decent crowd for the first few days, then there is an abrupt drop and it's nearly a ghost town again.

I've also learned one thing too, when a new map/content comes out with collections related to group events, you better get to them right away. If that map sucks at farming, about a month or 2 after it's release, it'll be extremely difficult to find anyone to complete these events with. If the game were that populated, then finishing these collections wouldn't be an issue.

It is true, there is a lot of stuff to do, but that's towards a new player or someone who doesn't play much and takes their time. Could this be the bulk of the player base? I could believe it, considering nearly all the maps I visit are dead, so these people who say they don't play much, really don't play much.

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I opened the thread hoping it was filled with predictions of what features ANet would be releasing in the autumn of 2019.

Instead, it's another thread by another person confusing "there's nothing for me to do" with "there's nothing to do." People have been predicting "the fall of GW2" since the Winter of 2012. Famous & infamous personages (vloggers, bloggers, WvWarriors, streamers, etc) have come and gone, the good old days are old, and there's a new something something coming out soon™ that will just devastate... well, it's not my argument, so I'm not really interested in reiterating it.

Here's the thing: I don't really care if GW2 is dying or dead, if ANet continues to release stuff every few months, if I can still find people who enjoy the same sort of stuff as I do (including joking around). If the OP (or others) need assurances from their gaming studio, there are plenty of games that offer that. If they are just looking for a game that's fun today and keeps delivering fun tomorrow, this is a good option.

tl;dr I don't give a skritt about what ANet says they are going to do (I don't really believe the hype anyhow); I'm interested in what they actually deliver. So far, so good.

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Here's a simple answer, it has just as much content as a game like Civ 6, which can be played indefinitely(you're basically repeating the same content over and over, yet people do it all the time), no difference with GW2 only on the scale that it's an MMO that continually adds new content to the game(if not as fast as some as would like).

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While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

The only power players have to bring about a "fall" is stop buying gems to a large degree and just simply stop playing the game in massive numbers. That day will come. People cry and cry. They want their this or that to go on forever.

That which has a beginning has an end. This game will to. People should enjoy the game now because it won't be around forever.

Partly the reason I still actually log in sometimes is that this game runs like a champ on my old PC with Linux.

As far as demotivation. The majority of the player base never comes to this forum. The devs if they are that swayed by the statements they read here (I doubt most of them ever come here only those that are required to) then they are not acting like professionals and they certainly are not working at Wendy's.

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@"jbrother.1340" said:As far as demotivation. The majority of the player base never comes to this forum.

There are nay-sayers in-game as well. ;) It's best to just ignore the negativity. Criticism is one thing, but exaggerations like "The fall of [...]" are unnecessary.

The devs if they are that swayed by the statements they read here (I doubt most of them ever come here only those that are required to) then they are not acting like professionals and they certainly are not working at Wendy's.

That's true, though.

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i have so much to do but first i want be rewarded for the time i played last few months. i spend much time in it but my motivation is gone, all i want is getting rich without grind 24/7. i want expensive items dropped. a infusion or a nice skin or perma contract of a bl chest can make me enjoy the game again. but for now it feels more like that i have to pay rl money to buy something. there are so many rich ppl in this game. yes they play 24/7 but i also want some nice skins. if i always have to pay real money i think fk it i move to the division 2. so much loot that makes me happy and it cost not much energy. i play for loot it’s prio. and bl chests give always trash. 10% for a 5th slot. i opened 25 chests and no single time a bonus slot. so no nice skins for me. in the division 2 play a day and you get a few keys for vanity items (skins)sorry to say but this is my experience and opinion. i want to get rewarded for my time spend without always pay money to even get a simple (nice looking) skin.but most of the addictive ppl accept it or say it’s normal to gamble away 50+ euro for a bl chest skin.

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"Roadmaps" are for games that launched unfinished, like Fallout 76. They're necessary there because people need to know when the deliberately broken game they bought will be ready to play. Completed games do not require them, even open-ended ones like this.

Also games are not jobs. One would do well to remember that, and pay close attention to the differences. They're more subtle than one may realize.

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:Here is what I see (though I others claim they see differently, though I'm not sure how as we are bound to the mega server); nearly all maps are a ghost town, even during prime time. Most of the meta's aren't touched throughout the day, though you see an occasional train running around prime-time...

Hehe, we must be playing in parallel universes or something. I spent my time so far today in the Wayfarer Foothills doing map completion on a new alt. There were plenty of people around and the metas, both big and small were getting done. When I went after the rampaging minotaurs and the attacking bears there were others fighting at my side. When the Svanir Shaman Chief tried to pull his shenanigans, there were plenty of people around to take him down quickly and easily.

I've lost track of how many times I've done the Wayfarer Foothills, either for map completion or for just the hero points and waypoints. It's still fun for me though, especially on days like today when a guildie brought one of her alts along to keep me company. Not only did we chat on Discord while roaming but ingame her alt would play beautiful music on the harp while I laid waste to the beasties all around her. Great fun. =)

Is GW 2 a dead or a stupid game? Not for me. Your mileage may vary.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Odd, every map I visit seems to have players completing content. It seems said content is enough to generate quite a bit of revenue, at least a few million per month.

FYI, there's already a thread discussing the issue.

For some thats all there is TO DO, and others it's now a free game so why not atleast try it. Doesnt mean people are happy or content with the content!

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@jbrother.1340 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

The only power players have to bring about a "fall" is stop buying gems to a large degree and just simply stop playing the game in massive numbers. That day will come. People cry and cry. They want their this or that to go on forever.

That which has a beginning has an end. This game will to. People should enjoy the game now because it won't be around forever.

~snip~I present to you in this corner one, the original Guild Wars, that which has a beginning has no ending...last I checked the servers where still on and people still log on and play. Also, Second Life...it appears to have no ending in sight even though Linden Labs has released their virtual world v2.0.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:While I appreciate criticism of the game, as I am one of its vocal critics, I didn't bother to read the whole OP, because - with a title like this - you are just making matters worse. If you "predict" the "fall", you are only more likely to make it happen - because it's demotivating for devs and players alike to read such a negative statement ("final judgment").

The only power players have to bring about a "fall" is stop buying gems to a large degree and just simply stop playing the game in massive numbers. That day will come. People cry and cry. They want their this or that to go on forever.

That which has a beginning has an end. This game will to. People should enjoy the game now because it won't be around forever.

~snip~I present to you in this corner one, the original Guild Wars, that which has a beginning has no ending...last I checked the servers where still on and people still log on and play. Also, Second Life...it appears to have no ending in sight even though Linden Labs has released their virtual world v2.0.

I think you are being to literal. But when I say nothing lasts forever I am not. This game will end so will second life and gW1. It is just the way it works.

It does not have to be a bad thing or a thread like this either.

Let me give you something to consider as well:

you are considering a very short timeline on which you are basing your statement?

How many years can a coma patient lay in a bed not interacting with the world around them before they are considered "dead", at least by their own family or a dr that is really hanging on for them?

They may be alive still, you can visit them, you can see them in front of you, and you could interact with them (even if they cannot interact with you) but by most people's definition that is not "life". Those other games might be in coma mode and they are alive but even in that state they will not last forever.

I don't want GW2 to last forever, I want new games to come out that compel me more, that draw my desire into a new MMO style game that will live on as we say goodbye to GW2 at some point in the future. I want to experience new systems and new ways of playing these games. The end of GW2 does not have to be anything but the inevitable passage of your loved one, and you put them to rest with honor and move on with your life. I just don't think GW2 is in coma mode or in geriatric sunset time. It is in middle age and has some time to go before we all start ignoring it and not listening to what it has to say...

It does not seem like ANET has given up but it does feel like they might need a boost to their moral and find a way to deeply infusion their passion back into it.

In the soon after here we are all going to be gone to, so like I said before go log in and enjoy it. Nothing in this universe will last forever.

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[moderator edit: quoted comment was moderated]

That is actually one of the core ideas of the GW franchise. That everyone can reach the stat cap with no insane grind. The game will die instantly the day they decide to put that in.Also player skill wildly varies. Equipment does not define how 'good' you play. It just lets worse players win over better players when they played more.

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