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What are Warrior's biggest flaws?


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Warrior biggest flaws:

  • Slow attackers
  • Mostly constrained to melee
  • Most skills are pure single target damage
  • No healing, no buffs or boons on most skills.
  • Long cooldown on skills and utilities.
  • Outdated skills and traits.

Warrior biggest strengths:

  • Defense trait line (without it warrior is trash and susceptible to instant 1 shot kill.)
  • Adrenal healing
  • Fast hands
  • Warrior's sprint.

It is a shame that without these traits, warrior is complete and utter trash.Choose wisely.

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@Obtena.7952 said:The biggest flaw with Warrior is that it has so little actions you can take. This means you have to rely on stacked abilities and passive triggers to get effects you want.

Second this post.

The simplicity of the warrior is it's weakness; has the lowest amount of skills available to use at any time, if on cooldown you're stuck with auto attack.

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It's definitely the ranged inability.Unless you play condition Berserker (is that even a thing now?), you have no viable ranged option.Longbow is fine in condition builds and Rifle is way to weak to useful for anything maybe core game open world.

Also, Warrior's already little defense against conditions (which feels like it is one of Arenanet's favourite thing to buff) was recently nerfed.

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I will say that Gunflame on Rifle Berserker is lolz in WvW, but it alone cannot truly carry rifle outside of surprising people while roaming. I honestly think they refuse to buff rifle because Gunflame is so strong...

Cons:Lack of true ranged power DPSlackluster supportCDs to long for what few useful skills we haveoutdated weapons

Pros:Condi Banner Slave is meta in every RaidPower Banner Slave is meta in every fractal groupThere are powerful bursts on relatively low CDs on certain weapons that have their own pros and cons.Easy to learn and be good at, but you will never be great.

That last point is the guiding philosophy from Anet on Warriors. Easy to learn and play, variety of weapons, high health and armor, but never the master of anything. They made the chassis of the warrior to be fairly good, your glass armor and health is what other classes salivate over having, but they get any number of sustain options that keep them alive better than high health and armor ever could, while warrior gets a small window of invulnerability on a long CD.

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Well, biggest flaws...

-Big telegraphed attacks (flaw mostly in wvw and pvp)

-Lack of viable range weapons and skills (you are forced to play melee)

-Not so great defense against conditions (you need to build for it, speaking mostly in pvp. In pve, one skill is usually enough.)

-Lack of sustain compared to Guardian, Ranger and some Mesmer builds (Mesmer got nerfed pretty hard recently, so I'm bot sure if it still has decent sustain now. Didn't mention Ele, mostly because sustain is probably all they have, unless it changed).

-Lacks some true invulnerability (Endure Pain is only 2 seconds in pvp/wvw and 5 in pve, with long cooldown. Also, it only works on Power based dammage. You can still be knocked down of condi bombed while using it.)

-The only reason peoples will ever want you in high end pve is for your banners. Nothing else. (The only positive thing about this is that Warrior is required for "Meta builds".)

There are some pros to play Warrior, but the flaws and the cons are still there, putting some shadow to theses.

-Simple to play. Yes, it's easy to learn. No, it's not necessarely easy to master. It takes high training and timing. But some changes to traits and skills will help too.

-Decent survivability. Mostly for open world pve and some pvp builds (pvp is borderline imo. You can still pretty much be downed in seconds anyway). But in open world, it's generally a good class to play solo.

Edit: Forgot a thing which can be important, as a warrior, you have very few boons! So no Protection (If you specced Guard Counter you can have some), no Regen (unless you trait for Dodged March), almost no Quickness. They also have no way to Blind ennemies (unless you play mace on Berserker I think)

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@"Edge.8724" said:Well, biggest flaws...

-Big telegraphed attacks (flaw mostly in wvw and pvp)

-Lack of viable range weapons and skills (you are forced to play melee)

-Not so great defense against conditions (you need to build for it, speaking mostly in pvp. In pve, one skill is usually enough.)

-Lack of sustain compared to Guardian, Ranger and some Mesmer builds (Mesmer got nerfed pretty hard recently, so I'm bot sure if it still has decent sustain now. Didn't mention Ele, mostly because sustain is probably all they have, unless it changed).

-Lacks some true invulnerability (Endure Pain is only 2 seconds in pvp/wvw and 5 in pve, with long cooldown. Also, it only works on Power based dammage. You can still be knocked down of condi bombed while using it.)

-The only reason peoples will ever want you in high end pve is for your banners. Nothing else. (The only positive thing about this is that Warrior is required for "Meta builds".)

There are some pros to play Warrior, but the flaws and the cons are still there, putting some shadow to theses.

-Simple to play. Yes, it's easy to learn. No, it's not necessarely easy to master. It takes high training and timing. But some changes to traits and skills will help too.

-Decent survivability. Mostly for open world pve and some pvp builds (pvp is borderline imo. You can still pretty much be downed in seconds anyway). But in open world, it's generally a good class to play solo.

Edit: Forgot a thing which can be important, as a warrior, you have very few boons! So no Protection (If you specced Guard Counter you can have some), no Regen (unless you trait for Dodged March), almost no Quickness. They also have no way to Blind ennemies (unless you play mace on Berserker I think)

Longbow has an aoe blind on an ammo skill. Axe 4 and Frenzy provide a fair amount of quickness between the two of them. I wish there were more access to retaliation, protection, and regen in the Defense line.

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@TheBravery.9615 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:The biggest flaw with Warrior is that it has so little actions you can take. This means you have to rely on stacked abilities and passive triggers to get effects you want.

Second this post.

The simplicity of the warrior is it's weakness; has the lowest amount of skills available to use at any time, if on cooldown you're stuck with auto attack.

Which becomes extremely apparent when it comes to certain weapons in certain situations such as rifle...

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@Ruufio.1496 said:Biggest flaw is that it outshines every class in everything so people call for warriors nerfs (lucky anet nerfs other classes instead though OMEGALUL)

I wouldn't say that so much. Warrior has a strong chassis, yes, but it shines brightly in no particular aspect except maybe in CC and might generation.

If you roll a warrior, you can use a large arsenal of weapons and play styles, and you will do solid damage, have solid sustain, solid CC, and (imho) mediocre support, but you will never be the absolute best at any of it.

You'll be second best at whatever roll you go with. But then that itself is not a weakness.

You'll always be good at what you do, and you'll give the top DPS class a run for their money if you are a great warrior and they are meh at their job. You'll be the one that breaks the defiance bars, you'll be the last man standing when things go south (sans a reaper in the party, they'll outlive you, see second best again lol). You'll always be welcome in a group, because the warrior won't be the one dragging the party down.

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@"DanAlcedo.3281" said:Many Weapons = Many Weapon Traits = Less Trait Choice.

Oo - I assume you mean that as in "you have to take this traitline, to get a certain weapon trait", but no. You don't have to. Like Spellbreakers in WvW are perfectly fine without the hammer traits. You always have to look at what you want to achieve.

IMO the one thing downside about warrior is also its upside: It is rather simple to learn. It's all about timing. You wanna learn this game, warrior is perfect. You need to remember less skills. A few core skills, depending on the traitline, are exceptionally important. You can focus on learning those: When to trigger them, how to make the most use out of them, in which context they work and where they don't work.Timing and context. That's pretty much perfect. Nothing to distract you from the key elements.

Things might get a little repetitive, if you're looking for different things to do. For me it's perfect, as with changing contexts I always have to take new things into account. YMMV.

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@Regh.8649 said:Would it be viable to add an f2 skill to core warrior, just to give us an option and biiit more complexity?A ranged attack or a support shout, working the same way the f1 does, 3 levels and all adrenaline spent.

Wrong thread for that, but sure give me an F2 that provides some AoE support or ranged attack based on the weapon equipped.

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@cryorion.9532 said:

@"Ruufio.1496" said:Biggest flaw is that it outshines every class in everything so people call for warriors nerfs (lucky anet nerfs other classes instead though OMEGALUL)

I wouldn't say that so much. Warrior has a strong chassis, yes, but it shines brightly in no particular aspect except maybe in CC and might generation.

If you roll a warrior, you can use a large arsenal of weapons and play styles, and you will do solid damage, have solid sustain, solid CC, and (imho) mediocre support, but you will never be the absolute best at any of it.

You'll be second best at whatever roll you go with. But then that itself is not a weakness.

You'll always be good at what you do, and you'll give the top DPS class a run for their money if you are a great warrior and they are meh at their job. You'll be the one that breaks the defiance bars, you'll be the last man standing when things go south (sans a reaper in the party, they'll outlive you, see second best again lol). You'll always be welcome in a group, because the warrior won't be the one dragging the party down.

Sounds like a typical warrior in every game, safe "allrounder" pick (and I agree with that, to be clear). So... why do warrior players cry so much about everything and want to have overloaded skills on every weapon? :D

Maybe because warrior profession, its traits, utility skills and weapon skills aren't all perfect and you just exaggerate?

How did I exaggerate and where did I write they're perfect?

I don't mind tweaks here and there, but many people on this subforum try to -key word- overload warrior's kit so much that it's hilarious

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@Sobx.1758 said:How did I exaggerate and where did I write they're perfect?

I don't mind tweaks here and there, but many people on this subforum try to -key word- overload warrior's kit so much that it's hilarious

It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things. After all, all we do is just giving suggestions/feedback, some are better than others. I reacted to part where you said that warrior players cry so much about everything and want to have overloaded skills on every weapon, which is exaggerating. What if some changes people propose wouldn't be as overloaded as you may think?

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@cryorion.9532 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:How did I exaggerate and where did I write they're perfect?

I don't mind tweaks here and there, but many people on this subforum try to -key word- overload warrior's kit so much that it's hilarious

It is up to ANet to know how far they can push things.

You don't seem to share that opinion when anet actually makes their decisions, but ok I guess?

After all, all we do is just giving suggestions/feedback, some are better than others. I reacted to part where you said that warrior players cry so much about everything and want to have overloaded skills on every weapon, which is exaggerating. What if some changes people propose wouldn't be as overloaded as you may think?

I understand these are just suggestions/feedback, but it doesn't change the fact that so many of them are hilariously broken or overloaded. And that's what I was commenting on, I should have written "some warrior players", obviously I don't mean all of them. :D

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