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What Is The Main Reason You Block People?

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Random gold sellers are the main source of block list filling for me. But griefers who walk into rp's and start saying vile things are quickly blocked and reported and then just ignored. Or griefers who deliberately spam. I'll also block people talking RL politics in Map, whether I agree or disagree with their sentiments, because my game time is when I don't think about RL. I don't PuG much but I think I have one or two blocks on pugs that were extremely rude in party chat.

Basically, I block rude people. Rude to me, rude to others, they just won't get any of my attention's bandwidth ever again and I'll forget they even exist. Bliss!

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Mostly gold sellers, but either I blocked them all or they have blocked me these past few years for not buying :)Other than that only a few ego hunter fail ranked pvp'ers who want to talk smack around their self percieved awesomesaucefulness in a daily farm room.I do however profess to hold a short pain threshold when it comes to RP'ers in DR that think it's cool to play dress up around very poor taste sexually or politically degrading themes and also several recurring begging players in LA which at first was kind of fun to troll them back until the begging became more and more incessant.

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I block match manipulators and ragers so I can see when they queue for a game then queue after they are in match.

Only other time I do is when someone wants to be smart and message me dribble while offline, I send them mail and let them know where to stick it and intentionally infuriate them more then proceed to block them. They lose at thier own game, very satisfying.

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I do block like everyone I see around just to cut off any way of interaction. I mostly block people for harassment like getting too close to me (I absolutely hate this and it makes me panic every time), if they're obviously elitists, if have offensive or lore unfriendly character names, if they're new (or just having too low AP for me in general), if they're "botting" at one spot afk farming, not talking in English even it's requested by the group, hindering my sight with too many obnoxious skins and effects (also counting towards the elitist point), being in the same group as me (I hate using lfg but when a dungeon is daily I have to use it even though I'm anxious and extremely shy), if they're playing a ranger (especially if they run around with a bow or a bear and even worse both grrr), if they cause me to have extreme panic or anxiety attacks and many other reasons I could list that would make the post too long.It also depends on how often I block while some days I mass block and other days I only do that on like 5 people. I mostly block masses of people when new content comes out like a new living season for example. I also tend to report people a lot (mainly due to the offensive/lore unfriendly character names or elitist appearance). But you can be sure that there won't be a day when I don't block or reprt anyone. It's sad though as I can't enjoy the game anymore due to my paranoia and general fear of everyone. It used to be different before HoT though...However I do unblock everyone after a few days again since I've been hitting the limit multiple times and got error messages quite a lot in the past.

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I block people that make it impossible to read the chat and people that cause a lot of drama and people that constantly complain about something they've likely caused themselves and people that harass others a lot and and and...

tldr: I block people

That beeing said I only have about 8 people in my blocklist and 5 of them are goldsellers which are probably banned by now anyway...

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Either by accident or for convenience, like if I'm trying to follow some chat and some person other person is saying a lot in another chat so it gets distracting, I'll block the 2nd person. But I always unblock them once the need has passed, so my block list is always empty . . .

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I’ll block people who are offensive or spamming me personally.

Racist, homophobic or exceptionally inappropriate language will get you reported. I have no time for the excuse that it’s just the internet. I want people to continue playing this game with me and tolerating behavior like this would not lead to player retention.

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Spam is really the only reason i block people, i block for harassment too (but only one person has permananetly made it to the block list for that, it's not something i encounter usually). Mostly for squad invite spam when i'm in a party with my friends and some commander feels they MUST invite everyone doing x thing, then i block them for the duration of the event. Generally, if someone's annoying me i just switch chat channels so it's on guild by default instead of map, combat tab if i'm feeling particularly peeved that day, as usually if i want to avoid seeing somehting then it's a conversation and i'm too lazy to block all participants, one person trying to bait people in map chat rather makes me laugh than block.

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I block offensive people who act in an obnoxious manner.

I don't know if anoyne else has ran into this, but as a guild recruiter I sometimes come across people blocking me when I am discussing about the guild with them - especially if I tell them that I dont think they are a good fit for our guild. Sometimes otherwise too. If I just ask them questions regarding our guild policies.

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I've blocked once in my half-year of playing and hopefully my list won't grow much after.

But this one particular player was excessively rude and toxic to everyone in the chat. They were calling other players vulgar names, cursing excessively, and generally being unnecessarily aggressive for the smallest thing that wasn't even something to get angry about in the first place. And this was in a Living World Map, not PvP or WvW or anywhere else. And they weren't leaving after a good hour of their toxicity at everyone in the map so I simply blocked them. Map chat was so much nicer to look at after that.

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@Batel.9206 said:I've only had to block one person in the year and a half I've been playing this game, and that was for some rather...inappropriate...whispers.

Weirdly, I was playing a male character. A male asura character in very drab, nondescript clothes, without anything that was attention-getting or eye-catching in any way.

Not sure why that other guy singled me out...or if I want to know what they were thinking. :joy:

You're presuming he singled you out. Maybe he decides to whisper to everyone. :p

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