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in twitch.Why are there few people watching Guild Wars 2?


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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

Old folks spend much money on video games for themselves?

Figured they would be spending it on kids, and grandkids.

I wonder how many of those are interested in or know about GW2?

Old folks spend a lot of money on stuff they enjoy. Not all of them are into model railroads, LEGO UCS or RC planes.

I am 40+. Is that 'old folks' already? I spend A LOT of money on the games I enjoy.

I know plenty of peopl who are a) older then me and b) spend a huge chunk of their income on hardware and games.

That's ok. It's good to invest into your hobbies. But, your (age) group is not what keeps this game or any other going.

We can push it to x up to 35 and about 65% of the income comes from there.

It is statistics for 2019 despite the URL.

Edit: That might be a lie if those age groups are being funded by yours....haha.

that statistic only says 'players' not 'money spent by players'. So nice try, but no, that is not what I was talking about.

1000 broken 22 year olds or 200 well doing 45yr olds, which group is probably spending more?

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The answer is simple, its because of the zerg oriented content which is 90% of the gw2 content. Do you really think people are gonna watch you spam 1111111 on some boss / group event where your skill is totally irrelevant and you could be alt tabbed while auto attacking since the content is really easy and not engaging and mostly just zerging. MMOs not being as popular as FPS is another reason but theres a reason why WoW and other games have viewers and guild wars 2 dosent .

Its not fun to watch, the only thing that could be fun to watch is PvP that is not zerg oriented or some super hardcore raid/dungeon which gw2 dosent have unless you low man it on purpose on CM mode. Any content thats not engaging and dosent require skill will never have any viewership on twitch, because people want to watch something that they arent able to do themselves. its why people watch pro streamers etc.

Anybody can join a zerg and spam 1111, so why would they watch some1 else do it ? its like watching other people sitting on their sofa. If gw2 started to release hardcore content thats based around small scale instead of zerg fests there would be a way higher viewership and playerbase.

For those saying twitch views dont matter its a blatant lie because it does matter alot, its how alot of players find the games they wanna play and its how people decide whether the game is worth investing into or not. If it dosent have any presence on platforms like twitch or youtube its a huge handicap for the game and its overall longevity and popularity.

Theres a reason why the most played games in the world also have the highest twitch viewership its not a coincidence, so for those saying it dosent matter you are being extremely delusional.Anyways like i said, if this game wants to expand and attract more players it needs to focus on releasing challenging small scale content and less zerging content. It dosent mean zerg content has to be removed, but there needs to be a variety and there neeeds to be content available for all types of players. Currently gw2 only caters to casual players and its been like this since release, obviously it is a bit too late now to start but.. its better than never.

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its not fun to watch.

The cosmetics are hideous and the game has waaaaaay too much pandering for anyone to take seriously.

The story is a dumpster fire on steroids.

Balance does not exist

The content is easy, and holds no weight or challenge. Therefor people have no reason to care or root for anyone; And the base game is free-to-play thus anyone who is interested can pick it up no problem.

The dev's and company do little to promote it.

Its very niche

It has no roles, therefor nothing to learn or see.

Classes are fundamentally the same

Map grinding and raids really don't hold much in terms of content to be consumed by viewers, and competitive play is dead in the water because balance is literally a walking meme.

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And still it is more fun than games where the combat and evasion doesn't even involve jumping and dodging. Where hit rate is only calculated by some stats and the game is basically about only clicking buttons as well. (Not even movement important.)

Personally I don't give a crap about twitch. Never used it. Never will use it. I play games - instead of watching others (that probably have annoying voice and comment) playing games to just show off how good they are or to make money by getting viewers.

As long as there is enough population in every map in GW2 (doesn't say anything about the total playerbase since the megaserver system) it is fine to play from a point of view of a player - and I'm not forced to play crap like WoW (I'd stop playing MMORPGs then and play single player games and doing more of my other hobbies).

And as long as ArenaNet still keeps doing new living story stuff ... it must sell enough to continue the game. (And don't worry ... just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it isn't selling. Personally I hate most of the skins for gems as well. But there are a lot of people that care and these payment models are popular nowadays. Korean grind games even have gameplay relevant - pay to win - item shops. Also there are games like LoL that solely sell skins.) Worst case it will be put in maintenance mode and still be alive. Just no more updates but still playable. (Even GW1 that is barely played anymore ist still possible to play.)

Don't see why everyone is panicking - and all those new thread every 1-2 days.

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I know only one rule: "if you not understand why it is - the answer is money".If you not donate charismatic streamers, not give gifts for something, don't pay for news - you not have focus. Ho payment focus - no big parts streams.Should we worry that anet not spend money for unknown useless streams ? I think NO.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:1000 broken 22 year olds or 200 well doing 45yr olds, which group is probably spending more?

Probably the 1000 22 year old are spending way way more than the 200 45 year old. Why? Because usually those "broke" players use their parent's money, you know the well doing grown ups have children of their own. There are more than enough news about little children spending more on games than a reasonable adult would in their entire lifetime playing the same game. Second reason is because spending in mmorpgs is directly related to investment. The more invested a player is in a game, the more money they spend on a game. Now which age group is going to be more invested, a 22 year old or a 45 year old? I'd guess that a young player will play more, because they don't have as many life commitments, play more varied content, and in general be more active in a game. Someone that logs 5 hours in a month isn't spending much.

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Reason why its not popular on twitch is because Gw2 is fun to play but not fun to watch. SIMPLE. why would you watch someone play the game instead of playing it yourself lol.wow is popular on twitch because most of their players are kids who dont have a job so they watch people play the game on twitch. Thats why wow have so many viewers.

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Yeah, actually I started to notice that the lack of roles in GW2 brings every class to doing literally the same thing.

It's just (the non-existent lore and) our imagined feeling of our class that makes us think we play something different.

GW2 is pretty, the lore is very interesting. But because GW2 wants to be do different from any MMO it is what it is.

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Yeah what knomslayer mentinoed might also be true. When I think of WoW my time from back then when I played it for 6 months after release comes to my mind. I had only a char that had about 2 third of the max levels. And was grinding money for mounts. I realize this got made much easier later (and people want to get back to the "classic WoW") but stuff like item/gear treadmill persists I guess. One thing that a lot of people like. But which also makes it not beginner friendly. Since it takes long to get to the latest (end game) content when you have to grind yourself through the treadmill.

There might be players enjoying watching the latest content that are not ready to play it. Where for GW2 basically you can play most stuff with exotic gear even after years of break..

Lack of roles actually is fun - since you can dediced what to do for yourself. I see this as a positive thing. Having no dedicated healer class is the best thing in this game. (Makes it possible to do lots of stuff without having to lf for a healer. No healers that get swarmed by private messages from people looking for healers - then blaming them if something fails.)

For players: Just a different tast for each one. Some like it. Some don't like it. Might be harder to search for streams when you want to watch "healer gameplay" and there are no dedicated healers.

I as player enjoy the jumping (puzzles) and scenery also a lot. People watching MMORPG maybe prefer to "watch" classic stuff like clicking skill buttons combat and no dodging, jumping, movement. (And looking at stats/dps.) I you don't enjoy jumping as well (and we got back then when moutns were not available a lot of players even here that playd the game - complaining even about vista ... not only the JPs when vistas are easy) you miss a lot of the game. But that is stuff people watching streams might not be looking fore. (Doing jumping ... really is a big difference in doing it yourself vs. watching it where watching for other parts might be possible to still be remotely fun.)

Edit: And when OP mentions the lack of hardcore content (which not anyone can do): This could scare away players ... if the game focuses on stuff for elite/hardcore gamers. There is no need to attract such a toxic playerbase when the game always had been advertised for different types of player.s That way it would also try to compete with WoW: Meaning losing more players to WoW when it isn't better there. Players that like the hardcore content in WoW better will go there. Players that liked GW2 because it did not introduce such content will leave. The way we have it now ArenaNet can focus on the existing playerbase (which is different). The other way: It would be a constant battle in trying to be better than WoW at the hardcore stuff. (Possibly even requiring a item/gear treadmill being introduced which would kill the game for me.)

Sometimes I think: These guys making these threads are WoW players that want to hurt GW2 and try to get the existing playerbase to leave. Or they are butthurt cause the like the basic combat but want the "endgame" to be like WoW. (Instead of just playing WoW which they could if they liked the combat for WoW - with everything else already being to their taste.)

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@knomslayer.9457 said:Reason why its not popular on twitch is because Gw2 is fun to play but not fun to watch. SIMPLE. why would you watch someone play the game instead of playing it yourself lol.wow is popular on twitch because most of their players are kids who dont have a job so they watch people play the game on twitch. Thats why wow have so many viewers.

Except even the GW2 streamers who play the game are quitting more and more recently. Pretty sure Teapot is quitting after his Raid tournament community event. They aren't enjoying the game, and its also impacting their ability to grow their channels.

I've been noticing a lot of streamer hate in these forums recently. Ya'lls envy is showing.

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I still don't get all the people saying it has low viewership because the game is "boring". Yes, gameplay might be a part of why some people watch a stream, but it is not the most important part.The most important part is the streamer him/herself. If he's/she's entertaining enough, it doesn't matter what he/she streams, people watch streams for the streamer, because he/she entertains the stream. So many people that don't play WoW themselves watch Asmongold, XQC can play what he wants and people will watch him, same goes for Sodapoppin. Forsen can just have his desktop showing and the chat entertains themselves.WoW also had a lot of content droughts, but what did Asmongold do? He made "custom" content for his viewers, integrated them into his stream every day. Fashion contest, mount-offs etc., even though the game was "boring" and there was "nothing to do".GW2 just doesn't have that type of entertaining streamer.

A game can have high viewership due to being interesting, but that is mostly after a release/new update and the viewership falls off pretty quickly if that is the only thing a streamer has to offer.

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Nah. All you really need is a charismatic Streamer, because that kind of person can make absolutely any game entertaining to watch. The problem is that the community is not willing to watch GW streams not because the game is bad, but because we prefer to play the game ourselves. Most of Asmongolds viewers are former WoW players and he has more people watching his streams than there are people playing World of Warcraft, that’s how dead this game is. Yet it is fun to watch him farming rare mounts not because of game mechanics, but because of his personality.

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Forum Wars 2 Player 1: "Why isn't GW2 popular on twitch?"Forum Wars 2 Player 2: "Who even watches twitch?"WoW: laughs in 23k accounts watching streams at the time of this postLeague of Legends: laughs in 140k accounts watching streams at the time of this post

For reference, Gw2 currently has 500 people watching streams, over half of which are watching Wooden Potatoes discuss upcoming updates.

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@"Westenev.5289" said:Forum Wars 2 Player 1: "Why isn't GW2 popular on twitch?"Forum Wars 2 Player 2: "Who even watches twitch?"WoW: laughs in 23k accounts watching streams at the time of this postLeague of Legends: laughs in 140k accounts watching streams at the time of this post

For reference, Gw2 currently has 500 people watching streams, over half of which are watching Wooden Potatoes discuss upcoming updates.

Doesn't sound too bad compared to ESO's current 900 viewers. There are more people watching Skyrim at the moment.MMORPGs have never been really popular on Twitch from a gameplay perspective. Even FFXIV currently only has 2k viewers at the time of this post. BDO has 4k, even though it has a smaller population than FFXIV.

WoW is and will always be an exception to the rule, simply because it has some amazing personalities streaming, personalities that engage the average viewer and make them prone to watch other WoW streams.

LoL belongs to a different genre, competitive games generally have a higher viewership.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

  1. its not fun to watch.
  2. The cosmetics are hideous and the game has waaaaaay too much pandering for anyone to take seriously.
  3. The story is a dumpster fire on steroids.
  4. Balance does not exist
  5. The content is easy, and holds no weight or challenge. Therefor people have no reason to care or root for anyone; And the base game is free-to-play thus anyone who is interested can pick it up no problem.
  6. The dev's and company do little to promote it.
  7. Its very niche
  8. It has no roles, therefor nothing to learn or see.
  9. Classes are fundamentally the same
  10. Map grinding and raids really don't hold much in terms of content to be consumed by viewers, and competitive play is dead in the water because balance is literally a walking meme.

Other than point 8 these seem spot on.

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@Westenev.5289 said:

@Raknar.4735 said:LoL belongs to a different genre, competitive games generally have a higher viewership.

It sure is a shame this game lacks any form of compeditive pvp. /s

You're comparing a game that is competitive from the ground up to a game where PvP is just one mode. There's a reason why pretty much no MMORPG has pvp tournaments with relatively big viewership, besides WoW.But i guess it isn't that obvious that LoL and GW2 don't belong to the same genre /s

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@Raknar.4735 said:

@Raknar.4735 said:LoL belongs to a different genre, competitive games generally have a higher viewership.

It sure is a shame this game lacks any form of compeditive pvp. /s

You're comparing a game that is competitive from the ground up to a game where PvP is just one mode. There's a reason why pretty much no MMORPG has pvp tournaments with relatively big viewership, besides WoW.But i guess it isn't that obvious that LoL and GW2 don't belong to the same genre /s

All I'm saying is that there are a viewer base that watches this stuff, and if Gw2 combat were easier to follow (less skill spam/rotation, more impactful skill usage), it could be more fun to watch and easier to stream. I honestly believe Genre has absolutely nothing to do with this argument.

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