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Bangar Ruinbringer is too pretty.


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Hey there,

First of all, I loved the trailer and a Rytlock | Bangar cutscene. I think it was great and I loved how they animated the characters. Bngar Ruin bringer looks very unique as he is using a modified Charr face from the Makeover Kit. It's great. His horns are also more prominent and kind of remind me of horns Gaheron Baelfire.

But please, give him some scratch, some scars and dust. Afterall he is the Imperator of the Blood Legion. This might be a generic look on how the things should be but in my opinion stereotypes can really help develop a strong character. So, would Bangar having more battle scars and scratch give hima strong character? Absolutely yes.I know it's still possible as the single model tweaks in game can be implemented to then work in any instance in game. Just like Rytlock's Sohothin got updated throughout whole game.

So, please. Can Bangar look like he's actually been on a war before? He is too pretty and too perfect for someone that is considered very hateful.

Make Bangar Ruinbringer look the way he should be. He has a chance to be actually a very strong character without being this pretty. Ugliness gives characters a lot of distinct features.So, here. I'm just dropping it because I think it's very important if we are to deal with Bangar from now on.

I believe he is going to be a massively great character, but we also need to see it.

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From what little we know Bangar Ruinbringer also seems to be insidious and scheming. It might just be that he's the kind of leader who knows how to not get their own paws dirty.

What surprised me much more was the fact that he called himself a father to a cub. Even in our own personal story fathers are always just called sires and cubs grow up in Fahrars. It is either a petty oversight, or another sign that he does not practice what he preaches.

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Bangar's looks is what the Charr are today.

From ferocious, militaristic Tyrian natives who puts combat prowess and tactics first and foremost more than anything else - to furries making rock bands and prioritizing superfluous things like hair products.

What a 180 degree turn of the lore.

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@"deatine.2498" said:From what little we know Bangar Ruinbringer also seems to be insidious and scheming. It might just be that he's the kind of leader who knows how to not get their own paws dirty.

What surprised me much more was the fact that he called himself a father to a cub. Even in our own personal story fathers are always just called sires and cubs grow up in Fahrars. It is either a petty oversight, or another sign that he does not practice what he preaches.

I noticed that too. My guess was that he intentionally used "father" as a dig and Rytlock and his relationship with Rox & The Olmakhan.

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On the one hand I get what you're saying and understand that as a representation of the most brutal and direct [Edit: voice-to-text is not great xD] of the warbands he does seem a bit untouched. However on the other, think about how leadership positions might be awarded in their military structure. Even though the Char seem to have a kind of quasi meritocracy in the structure of their military, it's entirely possible that he found his way there through minimal direct effort, and someone earlier mentioned scheming and plotting to get there. If they're going for very convincing military leaders that might really be the best way that he did it, because brute force can only get you so far. How does he command? How effective is he at crafting battle plans? Does he have other qualities that allow him to circumvent a direct confrontation? this particular cutscene doesn't show that, but that may be simply for the effect that he has on rytlock one final note, cats are known for their grooming, so I mean, there's that :P

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Evil = ugly is such a silly trope. I'm not on board with this. A villain is made by his character first and foremost. Let his actions speak for him. He's a grade A jerk so far and that while not looking like Balthazar's left foot. He seems to be the deceptive type, a guy of words and intrigue so far to me.

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@Blocki.4931 said:Evil = ugly is such a silly trope. I'm not on board with this. A villain is made by his character first and foremost. Let his actions speak for him. He's a grade A jerk so far and that while not looking like Balthazar's left foot. He seems to be the deceptive type, a guy of words and intrigue so far to me.

I also said that properly managed stereotype can be very helpful in building character. And I mean it.

Ugliness is subjective. I don't consider scars ugly.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Evil = ugly is such a silly trope. I'm not on board with this. A villain is made by his character first and foremost. Let his actions speak for him. He's a grade A jerk so far and that while not looking like Balthazar's left foot. He seems to be the deceptive type, a guy of words and intrigue so far to me.

I also said that properly managed stereotype can be very helpful in building character. And I mean it.

Ugliness is subjective. I don't consider scars ugly.

not ugly but genericthe big bad brute charr bearing scars having witnessed a thousand battles, that´s quite generic.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:Evil = ugly is such a silly trope. I'm not on board with this. A villain is made by his character first and foremost. Let his actions speak for him. He's a grade A jerk so far and that while not looking like Balthazar's left foot. He seems to be the deceptive type, a guy of words and intrigue so far to me.

I also said that properly managed stereotype can be very helpful in building character. And I mean it.

Ugliness is subjective. I don't consider scars ugly.

not ugly but genericthe big bad brute charr bearing scars having witnessed a thousand battles, that´s quite generic.

Good use of stereotype can be a great character builder.But, isn't that how the wars work? You have thousands of battle veterans that showcase being worn-off battle. It's exactly how war works. It leaves a mark on people, both psychological and physical.

We won't agree here. I want Bangar to look like he's actually been through some kitten. You don't think this way - it's fine. Everyone has their opinion - I get your point. I just like it more the 'scars' way.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:We won't agree here. I want Bangar to look like he's actually been through some kitten. You don't think this way - it's fine. Everyone has their opinion - I get your point. I just like it more the 'scars' way.

I tend to agree that scars make sense for any high up charr that's presumably had to prove himself all the way up. However, let's note that we can only see his face. Who knows what's under the armor? Maybe he's good at avoiding face hits, or has been lucky that way, but has plenty of nicks and gouges elsewhere.

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What's disconcerting for me on the lack of scars is not because he's too pretty...but because that may say everything about him in terms of power and cunning. Blood is notorious for being a bunch of war-hungry Charr that seem to lack the cunning of Ash or the creativity of Iron. But everything in Bangar's backtory dealing with Rytlock says otherwise about him. He had Rytlock and Crecia go undercover in Flame Legion, something you wouldn't expect from Blood Legion. When Sohothin was recovered, he sent out Rytlock to use it against them as a morale boost. When Rytlock disobeyed orders time and time again, he "promoted" Rytlock and sent him on a tour of the other Legions, and thus, away from the battlefield, the one place Rytlock loves. He gave Rytlock a punishment both creative and cunning, and in the teaser he's shown to be taking punches from Rytlock without much problem. He is most definitely the most dangerous Imperator we've seen up to this point, and is likely going to be our main villain for this Saga.

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@"RyuDragnier.9476" said:What's disconcerting for me on the lack of scars is not because he's too pretty...but because that may say everything about him in terms of power and cunning. Blood is notorious for being a bunch of war-hungry Charr that seem to lack the cunning of Ash or the creativity of Iron. But everything in Bangar's backtory dealing with Rytlock says otherwise about him. He had Rytlock and Crecia go undercover in Flame Legion, something you wouldn't expect from Blood Legion. When Sohothin was recovered, he sent out Rytlock to use it against them as a morale boost. When Rytlock disobeyed orders time and time again, he "promoted" Rytlock and sent him on a tour of the other Legions, and thus, away from the battlefield, the one place Rytlock loves. He gave Rytlock a punishment both creative and cunning, and in the teaser he's shown to be taking punches from Rytlock without much problem. He is most definitely the most dangerous Imperator we've seen up to this point, and is likely going to be our main villain for this Saga.

Well, that's actually quite reasonable. Thoguh I wouldn't like to see him as a direct villain but more of an anti-hero.

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I think he looks amazing.Do you remember Pyre Fierceshot from GW1: EOTN? Yep, I sure as heck hope we get Pyre's and Bangar's faces in total makeover kits.There's plenty of horrible-looking and ferocious faces to choose from, yet there are Charr exceptions that lean more towards the actual felines rather than dumb-looking brutes.

EDIT:To add, maybe he doesn't have scars on face but on his body, covered with armor. Or maybe he was just too smart to avoid getting hurt?

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@"Rauderi.8706" said:If you don't have facial scars, it means you learned to block. :)

And you learn by mistakes and failure.

A quote I heard today in Black Citadel :)
"One scar a day makes a champion tomorrow."

If we're quoting, there's always the great Azalus Poisontongue~

Azalus: You look like you’ve seen a battle or two. You ever learn how to block?Fang Foulgut: What?Azalus: With scars like those you must be lousy on the field, I once knew a human who—Fang: flame off.

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