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Gorgeous map


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I wanted to say thanks to Anet for that new map: Grothmar Valley. I haven't explored yet the whole map nor did all the story steps but it's awesome. I love the loading screen and the map landscape. I have only experienced the Ooze's Pit but it's nice to see some old mechanics dating from ls1-2 reused. Indeed oozes are weak to specific toxins and use coloured buffs areas ala triple trouble or the knights in battle of lion's arch. I was also very pleased to see that the charr heliplatform is craftable as a guild deco.

This is a little positive post, I love that game and thanks for your efforts Anet. Frankly, I'm very fan of Bangar, and I like the fact he isn't fan of aurene manners. I'm not fan of her too.Note: Very happy to see marjory again.

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@coso.9173 said:loved the map too. it's been a while since we've had a regular grassland map, i wanted them to make a new one so we could compare it to the vanilla ones. and i think it's an improvement.also loved the spooky forest part too! I just wish it had a spookier music. <3

Ohhhh :o just discovered the spooky forest so awesome :+1: dense fogs ! My dream.

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Just finished the prologue, the end: what a twist, I've expected Jormag but not that way :o argh don't want to spoil anything.

Parenthesis: Also would be nice if the poi behind the door is completed by hugging it.

I've discovered a jumping puzzle in the north, nice addition, a good old puzzle. No mount, just skills.

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The map looks pretty great, I have one big issue with it though and that's the skyscale activity. Those damn orbs are way too hard to spot with the horrible glare all around the activity location. I can't even get bronze because I need to spend far too much time squinting at the screen. Maybe I should try it at in-game night time?

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:The map looks pretty great, I have one big issue with it though and that's the skyscale activity. Those kitten orbs are way too hard to spot with the horrible glare all around the activity location. I can't even get bronze because I need to spend far too much time squinting at the screen. Maybe I should try it at in-game night time?I'm hoping that it'll be a matter of memorizing where they all are. I have yet to get even bronze, but I've only done it four times (wanted to finish the story before calling it a night, and it was already past bed time ;) ). I did get a pretty decent time on my 4th try, but couldn't find the last ball that run, although I had found all 15 (even though not within the time limit) in the previous runs.

I'll definitely try that one tonight. It really looked more like a strategy/memory problem to me than one needing reaction time (as most other adventures do), so do-able even for old, slow folks like me, but fiddling with my graphics settings to find one that makes the orbs show up better sounds like a good crutch. That, or get one of my teenagers to stand behind me and point me in the right direction, they're much quicker at catching stuff on screen than I am B) .

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:So far, the map seems to be the only thing worthwhile in this new release. The contents are boring (unless I haven't yet discovered the interesting parts, which is likely) and the dialogue is... oh well.

Well I found most of the activities and "events" rather annoying. Many of them are odes to hearts and such, like the Ash camp mission impossible adventure. But I found that and the sous chef to be some of the most annoying things I've every attempted to do in this game. The mission impossible stuff wasn't too bad in the sandswept isle inquest patch but this one just .. eh.

And the chef thing has just never really excited me.

The shooting and derby are pretty fun, and the concert is cheesy as hell but it's a pretty amusing event. Not sure I'd want to do it all the time, but it's still pretty good.

The jumping puzzle is fun when people aren't intentionally summoning large pets to disorient you.

The strike mission was alright but pretty easy, and I can't really say the rewards excite me much. Doesn't seem like something that's going to bring people in more than for achievements and then abandoned.

Braham's drunken frat boy dialogue was probably amusing to some people, and was well scripted, but didn't appeal to my personal tastes.

All in all I think it was better than I was expecting, and it feels like a fun map for new players to start off in.

I did like the map aesthetics a lot more than I thought I would. I am a bit disappointed that there's nothing happening in the old Kralk resting spot area. It's a beautiful part of the map but it feels like they could have added something into that area to give it a little more to entice people. I'm not sure what the rift thing is in the middle but this area feels like something that's going to change at some point in future releases? Maybe not though since they don't really phase maps out like that anymore and it would be a bit of a story spoiler.

I think with the addition of the new branded assets they've created for Aurene, the Northern Shiverpeaks maps will be even more stunning.

I kind of wish we had more Wardowns area in the new zone though. They really did it justice to the feeling I got during Guild Wars 1, I just wish it had more of it. But I love forest areas anyway.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:The map looks pretty great, I have one big issue with it though and that's the skyscale activity. Those kitten orbs are way too hard to spot with the horrible glare all around the activity location. I can't even get bronze because I need to spend far too much time squinting at the screen. Maybe I should try it at in-game night time?

Turn off Post Processing, makes it a ton easier to see, and imo makes everything look better

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its empty, have the mobs not turned up? its like the opposite of HOT map where you can move for mobs.. one extreme to the other , actually very underwhelming, very little content, Im bored of collections (same rinse and repeat for years) its a worst game mechanic than the old questing aka wow. I cant even be bothered to continue playing, every time there is new content I always hope there is something innovative.. its just sooo the same!

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Everyone have its favourite environments/map/activities styles. I personally like quiet maps like that one when you have civilization and some empty areas. The activities were cool overall. Sure the ash legion enigma trees thing is special, but I like it, what could bother me is the fact that the poi is hidden behind this.But saying everything is just bad and useless is non-constructive and useless.

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@Manasa Devi.7958 said:The map looks pretty great, I have one big issue with it though and that's the skyscale activity. Those kitten orbs are way too hard to spot with the horrible glare all around the activity location. I can't even get bronze because I need to spend far too much time squinting at the screen. Maybe I should try it at in-game night time?

Or just tweak your settings for the time you do it. It's not all that bad for me.

@Roamer.3259 said:Turn off Post Processing, makes it a ton easier to see, and imo makes everything look better

I would just turn it off permanently and never look back. I can't think of a single time it made the game look better.

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@finkle.9513 said:its empty, have the mobs not turned up? its like the opposite of HOT map where you can move for mobs.. one extreme to the other , actually very underwhelming, very little content, Im bored of collections (same rinse and repeat for years) its a worst game mechanic than the old questing aka wow. I cant even be bothered to continue playing, every time there is new content I always hope there is something innovative.. its just sooo the same!That's the difference between civilization (Grothmar) and wilderness (Heart of Maguuma).

What kind of innovation are you looking for, if none of the new events and activities interest you?

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@finkle.9513 said:its empty, have the mobs not turned up? its like the opposite of HOT map where you can move for mobs.. one extreme to the other , actually very underwhelming, very little content, Im bored of collections (same rinse and repeat for years) its a worst game mechanic than the old questing aka wow. I cant even be bothered to continue playing, every time there is new content I always hope there is something innovative.. its just sooo the same!That's the difference between civilization (Grothmar) and wilderness (Heart of Maguuma).

What kind of innovation are you looking for, if none of the new events and activities interest you?

I dont know that beyond my pay grade, All I know is nothing has changed over all these years, same recycled format and process. Just because I see a problem does not mean I have the answer, that my friend is for people who are trained, experienced get paid a lot more than me and are a hell of a lot smarter than me to come up with..

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