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Disappointed with Bound by Blood


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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:Gonna ask this here... do I have to do all the events on alts too? If yes then I'm disappointed with the episode, if it's a once-per-account thing then I'm happy with it.The Strike Mission is a joke though

How do u mean do all the events? I mean your alt will need to the random selection as part of the story, yes

That's what I was afraid of. Since there is really nothing to do between events it's a massive time sink. If it was a one-time only thing I wouldn't mind, but doing all that waiting on each alt is gonna get boring fast. No actually it got boring on the first character.

Bound by Boredom more appropriate name

Waiting for what, there's nothing to wait for unless you stay in one spot...if you're constantly moving around the map then there's something going on at almost all times...plus the Hatched Pepper nodes refresh rather quickly(at least that's what it looks like), so you can just go around and around gathering those.

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I'll sum my general reaction to OP quickly:

You're more than welcome to take or leave the new content, however, it doesn't stop it from being new content. That said, your post isn't an empty criticism, just an admission from someone for whom the new content didn't resonate.

My take:

I was genuinely surprised at my enjoyment of the mini-game centric events. However, my criticism comes from how long they will hold me over till the next drop. That's what I'm worried about above anything else. It's good, but is it 2-3 months good? #DangerTime

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I think this is one of the Best Living Stories so far. I am looking at this as just the prologue and did not expect much more than meeting the main characters. This is what we often had in the past. But this is an entire map with events, achievements, and the new mini raid thingy. The Story kept me drawing me in even with all the events as distractions. The character building is very good. I don't see any one dimensional characters. (Not out of the principle ones.) As a GW1 Prophecies player, I never thought I would think of the flame legion with anything other than hate. The Story had a good balance of moving the plot forward while building character depth. I think Anet should be congratulated on this first leg of the LS.

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@FrigginPaco.4178 said:I'll sum my general reaction to OP quickly:

You're more than welcome to take or leave the new content, however, it doesn't stop it from being new content. That said, your post isn't an empty criticism, just an admission from someone for whom the new content didn't resonate.

My take:

I was genuinely surprised at my enjoyment of the mini-game centric events. However, my criticism comes from how long they will hold me over till the next drop. That's what I'm worried about above anything else. It's good, but is it 2-3 months good? #DangerTime

If it's 2.5 months and they drop Halloween in the middle of it, I would be fine.

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I like any map without hearts. I've yet to figure out what hearts offer that events done. Events are more dyamic, hearts are static. They're virtually always busy work, a simple list of things to do that not only don't end up meaning anything but they're not rewarding in any particularly way except to unlocking a specific merchant.

Hearts weren't planned for this game, and didn't even appear during the first two betas. They were only added to keep people into areas where events spawned. The evidence of this is that once you get to Orr, the original end game, hearts disappeared. Anet figured people knew how to play the game by then. Hearts didn't make a return in Southsun, or Dry Top or Silverwastes, all the zones that appeared in Season 1. Hearts didn't reappear in all of HOT or even in the first episodes of Season 3 (Bloodstone Fen). The fact is, hearts were only brought back because some people asked for the, but I can't for the life of me what people get out of them. What they actually add to the zone.

Dragonfall is arguably a popular map without hearts. Plenty of events, happening all the time. Instead of hearts, to get people to repeat events (which is pretty much all a heart is, a static event bar you fill by doing generally menial chores) Dragonfall had anchievements which unlocked vendors. Much like hearts, but I don't have to do them on each character for an altoholic.

When altoholics like me bring new characters into any zone, hearts are my least favorite thing. They're generally not engaging on any level, and they require time, to repeat this trivial content for no other reason than to check it off a list.

I like this zone because it has no hearts. I'd be happy if no hearts ever appeared in the game going forward. Give us something more along the lines of what Dragonfall did, sure. That was fine. Multiple merchants unlocked but once you unlock them on the account it's done. It's sort of heartlike without being so limiting.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@FrigginPaco.4178 said:I'll sum my general reaction to OP quickly:

You're more than welcome to take or leave the new content, however, it doesn't stop it from being new content. That said, your post isn't an empty criticism, just an admission from someone for whom the new content didn't resonate.

My take:

I was genuinely surprised at my enjoyment of the mini-game centric events. However, my criticism comes from how long they will hold me over till the next drop. That's what I'm worried about above anything else. It's good, but is it 2-3 months good? #DangerTime

If it's 2.5 months and they drop Halloween in the middle of it, I would be fine.

If Halloween has new stuff, great, but I'm not keen on old stuff in the same format.

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@FrigginPaco.4178 said:

@FrigginPaco.4178 said:I'll sum my general reaction to OP quickly:

You're more than welcome to take or leave the new content, however, it doesn't stop it from being new content. That said, your post isn't an empty criticism, just an admission from someone for whom the new content didn't resonate.

My take:

I was genuinely surprised at my enjoyment of the mini-game centric events. However, my criticism comes from how long they will hold me over till the next drop. That's what I'm worried about above anything else. It's good, but is it 2-3 months good? #DangerTime

If it's 2.5 months and they drop Halloween in the middle of it, I would be fine.

If Halloween has new stuff, great, but I'm not keen on old stuff in the same format.

I'm with you there. I can't lab farm for another minute.

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The problem I see with the map is that its too big and takes too long to get to the events. I like the scope and locations in it, there's just too much wasted space in between the locations. Event timers also seem to make it so that you have to go to the opposite side of the map every time you want to do the next event. Maybe because its inconvenient to use griphon here.

When it takes longer to get to an event than how long it lasts is when annoyance overcomes fun.

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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:The problem I see with the map is that its too big and takes too long to get to the events. I like the scope and locations in it, there's just too much wasted space in between the locations. Event timers also seem to make it so that you have to go to the opposite side of the map every time you want to do the next event. Maybe because its inconvenient to use griphon here.

When it takes longer to get to an event than how long it lasts is when annoyance overcomes fun.

There's a lot of high spots to start from with griffon. I don't use mine much since skyscale, but enjoyed zipping around the new map some yesterday on it. My only real complaint is that the events are on "Tyrian time". Sorry, neither my watch nor server time sync up to that. Something we can actually plan for please? Or put a Tyrian time option on the clock.

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I think it was excellent. Probably my favourite map so far. Great encounters, and map actually feels like it has structure. Unlike many other maps. The only thing I find lacking are the rewards. There doesn't seem to be anything particularly interesting IMO (outside of new Charr cultural armor - that is great)

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@Anyandrell.6238 said:Seems to be something put together in haste and overall boring.

I disagree. The map doesn’t look at all like it was thrown together in a rush. None of the GW2 episode maps have felt like that either.

The map looks like a combination of several pre-Searing maps in Guild Wars 1. As much as I love pre-Searing (I still have a character I kept there just to be able to run around) it's still deja vu.

You should play EotM in GW1.

There is nothing to do around the map but wait for the events to start. No spontaneous missions, no hearts, no hero points, no masteries, nada. Just sit around waiting for something to start.

That’s the same in every map. Everything you mentioned that were missing would not really keep you busy for long and you’d be in the position you’re in now based on your personal preferences.

Some of the events are boring. Wait for a few hours to be able to jump on a platform to shoot boxes for a minute.

That event spawns every 10 min and lasts for 5 min or until successfully completed. Other events, except for the metas, appear to be on similar timers.

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The map seemed well designed to me, but I would have preferred more chain events or a meta-ish event.Overall story was really good to me for a prologue chapter and was more than I had expected.Only complaint I had was that it seems like half of Dragon's Watch vanished from the story for no given reason (again) and will probably be absent during the Saga/Season.

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So hard to know these days if these threads are genuine or not. However I love the Map, the concert and the fact it looks like pre, because that was the feel they wanted. As for rushed you didn't watch the stream last night, in fact there is a whole stream devoted to the concert meta event next week.For a prologue, I was pleasantly surprised that it felt like a normal Episode with a smaller story.
If you want a moan from me, the hovering platforms are not good for my motion sickness but that's my problem.It's a good job we get this content for free.

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@Anyandrell.6238 said:Seems to be something put together in haste and overall boring.The map looks like a combination of several pre-Searing maps in Guild Wars 1. As much as I love pre-Searing (I still have a character I kept there just to be able to run around) it's still deja vu.There is nothing to do around the map but wait for the events to start. No spontaneous missions, no hearts, no hero points, no masteries, nada. Just sit around waiting for something to start.Some of the events are boring. Wait for a few hours to be able to jump on a platform to shoot boxes for a minute.

Nope, It's fine. YOU are the problem.

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I had very low expectations going into this prologue. I expected a short intro, a couple events, and a world boss event right after.

Instead I got a possible 70 something achievements, a ton of different events, new drops, and I freaking love the concert event.

My expectations were so low I renewed my swtor subscription since they were supposed to have an expansion out in September. Well, swtor delayed it until late October and I couldn't be happier since I'm playing guild wars.

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It went above and beyond what I expected for a Prologue. I'm not yet convinced about that "Expansion level content" business still, but as far as Living Story goes, it's as solid as previous entries, which is a good sign. The events were creative, the story is interesting and the unlockable are compelling. They've done a very good job.

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I love the new map with its events. They are all just so fun. I mean, they seem like they're even more fun than the events on the other maps. That event you get to target shoot with is so fun. The concert event is so fun. I'm still running around doing more events. I like that there are fewer hostile mobs on the map too so I can enjoy myself there more without constant nuisance mobs.

The story had a lot of drama and intrigue in it. I think anet is very good at giving us gripping stories with a lot of good intrigue.

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