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Vault of the Khan-Ur/Grothmar Meta reward structure is horrid and needs severe improvement.


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@MetalGirl.2370 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap and the connection feels very forced.

Also, as an FYI, Anet was completely upfront about what that event was going to be about. It was the players who overhyped and read way too far into things like they do each and every time. Just look at that Endless Ocean weapon set and how some players are assuming that Cantha is on the horizon. There are people, for whatever reason, who tend to blow things up beyond what they really are.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

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@MetalGirl.2370 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

This is an example of reading way into things and making connections where there are none.

It seems like you’re upset that the meta reward structure isn’t the way that you want it and you’re now inventing things to justify that claim. To think that a developer would create an entire collection within a few weeks of an announcement just to mock players is a large stretch of the imagination.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

This is an example of reading way into things and making connections where there are none.

It seems like you’re upset that the meta reward structure isn’t the way that you want it and you’re now inventing things to justify that claim.

Yeah sure, no connections...what a coincidence it's called Merchandise Collector, with word "rally" to imply theater, and how all we got is merch, which is what people were mad at them for, for hyping it just to give us merch ads...and what a coincidence it's also an achievement in an episode that's right after the whole situation.

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@MetalGirl.2370 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

This is an example of reading way into things and making connections where there are none.

It seems like you’re upset that the meta reward structure isn’t the way that you want it and you’re now inventing things to justify that claim.

Yeah sure, no connections...what a coincidence it's called Merchandise Collector, with word "rally" to imply theater, and how all we got is merch, which is what people were mad at them for, for hyping it just to give us merch ads...and what a coincidence it's also an achievement in an episode that's right after the whole situation.

The only connections are those you’ve invented and are forcing.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

This is an example of reading way into things and making connections where there are none.

It seems like you’re upset that the meta reward structure isn’t the way that you want it and you’re now inventing things to justify that claim.

Yeah sure, no connections...what a coincidence it's called Merchandise Collector, with word "rally" to imply theater, and how all we got is merch, which is what people were mad at them for, for hyping it just to give us merch ads...and what a coincidence it's also an achievement in an episode that's right after the whole situation.

The only connections are those you’ve invented and are forcing.

That's what Anet wants you and people like you to think. It's obviously completely linked to it. Why else would they add that text if it wasn't ...

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@"MetalGirl.2370" said:That's what Anet wants you and people like you to think. It's obviously completely linked to it. Why else would they add that text if it wasn't ...

"My something went to something and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" is a fairly well-known shirt slogan. Also probably alludes to the (relative) worthlessness of the reward. Meaning, you need to get super-rare items worth thousands of gold to get a reward that you can buy outright for 5g and some peppers.

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@MetalGirl.2370 said:

@MetalGirl.2370 said:I still ask myself why I even bother playing the game.The only reason I haven't left is cuz I'm over 14k hours in with 39k AP. Too much time and money went into it that now it's too late to leave.You summed it all up pretty nicely and Anet doesn't even play their game in their off time to understand anything people say. It's absurd that you need 2h to finish meta and open the vault, unless you just decide to buy keys (but that just encourages irl money spending, as you're not playing the game to earn gold but convert gems to play - but maybe that's what Anet wants)They have no regard for people who work, most have families, so if you worked and had 3-4 hours after work, you'd spend most of it with your family, which leaves little to no time for actual game. And there's a lot that one might want to do, but here they are doing single meta that takes 2 hours to do... for reward that's pretty much nothing considering the time that went into it. Another problem is that it has 20-30mins between each event, so if you're like me and you have everything done, you can do daily in between 2 of them but then that leaves you with break between other metas which they're so short that you don't have time to start anything else to kill time. So you're either just going to give up and go play something else in the game, something else entirely or just AFK-ing most of the 2h.I even told my bf, I feel like GW2 became an "idle/clicker" game for people who have done everything - you come in, you afk 15-30min, click and press buttons for 5min, then afk for another 15-30min.I wonder if next major patch will bring "moves a day thing" as well, so once we spend our 100 clicks, we either wait 1h or pay 400 gems. (I feel like I just gave them an awesome idea)

You make it as if players can’t earn gold from playing the game and use that to purchase the keys. It doesn’t encourage people to buy gems more than anything else in the game. It’s no different than people spending two hours doing world bosses. The metas are spread out enough that you can do other things in between them. You have high playtime hours and high AP so clearly the two hours isn’t the real issue for you. If it is, just spend ~30 min and farm the gold for the keys. I’m sure that earning 4.6G in less than two hours is manageable.

Then what is the point in Anet making updates if I go elsewhere to earn money in order to do them? I thought new updates are there to be played, how dare I tell Anet to make it less annoying to play a game I paid for and poured 7 years of my life in. Interesting how they finally added some content and people are supposed to go do something else to earn money in order to do current content faster instead of Anet just coming to their senses and realizing that people have work, families and other games to play.

Then do the metas. The option to farm gold to purchase the keys is available to those who don’t want to do them which you appeared to fall under based on your post. The metas take no more time to do than your typical meta (5-10 min).

But I think, above all, that I should try and get myself off of forums eventually because everybody here just defends them with their lives as if Anet is just divine. (which never works cuz it's a weird feeling of "Let's go see how people are defending them today" and once I do I regret it cuz I'm left angered and in disbelief)

There’s a difference between defending Anet and defending something particular in the game. They can be mutually exclusive.

I am doing events, but I can still dislike the whole design of it. Cuz I'm not going to waste gold and then have to do some mindless farming more than I do already.

You can certainly dislike them but there are options and they’re not as time consuming as they’re being made out to be.

And I'll just give an example, latest thing we were angry about is the whole theater thing. People were mad, Rubi came and said something about people attacking them, the anger immediately died down.... now.... fast foward, patch day ... if you read little blue text for Merchandise Collector achievement, it literally says something about going to Bangar's Rally and all we got is merch....hmmmm..... does is not ring a bell ?People were mostly angry about the whole merch ad at their thing.... and their theater thing could be like "a rally"... so what I'm saying is, here are people being mad at Anet for false hype and 30min for merch sales, and they're having a laugh about it to the point of literally making a mock achievement ....They DON'T care. But people still defend them...

That example is one fairly large leap.

Just because they don’t do what YOU want them to do does not mean that they don’t care about the game.

That was an example of how people forget how they were mad at Anet. And of how Anet still mocks anything we're mad about, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors in that building. I'm saying they don't care about what people want, think or say, if they cared, they'd not go on and make achievement to mock what we were mad at them for.

This is an example of reading way into things and making connections where there are none.

It seems like you’re upset that the meta reward structure isn’t the way that you want it and you’re now inventing things to justify that claim.

Yeah sure, no connections...what a coincidence it's called Merchandise Collector, with word "rally" to imply theater, and how all we got is merch, which is what people were mad at them for, for hyping it just to give us merch ads...and what a coincidence it's also an achievement in an episode that's right after the whole situation.

The only connections are those you’ve invented and are forcing.

That's what Anet wants you and people like you to think. It's obviously completely linked to it. Why else would they add that text if it wasn't ...

Because the two are not related. It’s you making them out to be.

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@"Gop.8713" said:So still no visage boxes showing up on the tp makes me reconsider my thinking on this a little . . .

If the visage boxes are not tradable, and their drop rate is as low as it currently appears to be -- both still big ifs at this point -- then this would be a cause for concern. I still don't think it's a big deal for anet to make extremely rare rng items that aren't tradable, but if they've included them in a collection that is among those that counts towards the story meta cheeve, then clearly someone at anet either wasn't paying attn or two different groups at anet weren't communicating effectively . . .

The immediate effect to players is nbd, just one ap that nobody is ever going to get, but the fact that the situation exists bodes ill for the future . . .

People might just be using it themselves but someone finally got the light one just 3 hours ago https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/db/search?rarity=Exotic&type=Armor&sub-type=Helm

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What's even worse is that the big chest could drop nothing when you open it. This exactly happened for me today. (Yes, I had all the 4 keys, I'm not stupid I know how this works please don't suppose I'm dumb!) However I got the achievement for each time when you open the vault but nothing actually dropped from the chest. The RNG is actually fine for the recovered relic but the fact that you can get nothing from the chest for doing all meta events is much more a problem.

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I have loved Bound by Blood as a whole--but yes, the Vault of the Khan Ur needs to be fixed. IMO, it's the one thing souring an otherwise excellent release.As other players have said, I think adding an "Uncommon" category of rewards is warranted--that or increasing the possible "Common" drops. That, and we should either be able to open the Chest multiple times a day; get multiple Recovered Relic boxes from opening it once; or be able to obtain Recovered Relics via participating in meta events. Adding the rare armor skins to the pepper vendor at a high price is also a valid option.

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@Cynder.2509 said:What's even worse is that the big chest could drop nothing when you open it. This exactly happened for me today. (Yes, I had all the 4 keys, I'm not stupid I know how this works please don't suppose I'm dumb!) However I got the achievement for each time when you open the vault but nothing actually dropped from the chest. The RNG is actually fine for the recovered relic but the fact that you can get nothing from the chest for doing all meta events is much more a problem.

I heard that the big chest is on 24-hour cooldown rather than usual reset at daily reset.

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve seen how the metas scale with a low population of players and they’re quite doable. Granted, months from now, your best chance at doing them will be during the first couple meta cycles after reset but that’s the case with a lot of metas.

I tried to do Effigy twice yesterday evening (PT zone). It failed both times. We did not have enough DPS to kill Effigy within the time limit.

The real problem with that one is that people are dumb and either try to solo run the torch from brazier to brazier, or you have selfish sob's who want to get their pass the torch achievement done NOW rather than over the course of 10 events they need to do anyway, so they spam thrown torches right on top of the torch spawn so nobody can do 2nd leg of the relay. The timer does not reset once the effigy is active, so if you take up too much time on the relay race you're hosed.

If your torch gets lit before you'd like you can just put it out with skill 3 . . .

EDIT: and back on topic there are now TWO efficiency accounts that have unlocked one of the three skins. Still too early to tell but it is looking increasingly like this collection was poorly considered . . .

Or maybe they are being artificially being subdued to keep players trying to obtain them for as long as possible because Episode 1 isn't close to being ready.Then when they are confident they have a release window more and more players begin to suddenly get lucky with the skins.Wouldn't be the first MMO to manipulate drop rates and call it bad luck.....

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@Ol Nik.2518 said:

@Cynder.2509 said:What's even worse is that the big chest could drop nothing when you open it. This exactly happened for me today. (Yes, I had all the 4 keys, I'm not stupid I know how this works please don't suppose I'm dumb!) However I got the achievement for each time when you open the vault but nothing actually dropped from the chest. The RNG is actually fine for the recovered relic but the fact that you can get nothing from the chest for doing all meta events is much more a problem.

I heard that the big chest is on 24-hour cooldown rather than usual reset at daily reset.

Well... didn't know about this. Might be giving it a try later today maybe. I thought that it's the same like with jumping puzzle chests as the JP for example actually gave me something. Thanks for the information.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve seen how the metas scale with a low population of players and they’re quite doable. Granted, months from now, your best chance at doing them will be during the first couple meta cycles after reset but that’s the case with a lot of metas.

I tried to do Effigy twice yesterday evening (PT zone). It failed both times. We did not have enough DPS to kill Effigy within the time limit.

The real problem with that one is that people are dumb and either try to solo run the torch from brazier to brazier, or you have selfish sob's who want to get their pass the torch achievement done NOW rather than over the course of 10 events they need to do anyway, so they spam thrown torches right on top of the torch spawn so nobody can do 2nd leg of the relay. The timer does not reset once the effigy is active, so if you take up too much time on the relay race you're hosed.

If your torch gets lit before you'd like you can just put it out with skill 3 . . .

EDIT: and back on topic there are now TWO efficiency accounts that have unlocked one of the three skins. Still too early to tell but it is looking increasingly like this collection was poorly considered . . .

Or maybe they are being artificially being subdued to keep players trying to obtain them for as long as possible because Episode 1 isn't close to being ready.Then when they are confident they have a release window more and more players begin to suddenly get lucky with the skins.Wouldn't be the first MMO to manipulate drop rates and call it bad luck.....

Yes it's possible that the chilis could have some further use in later eps and that the visage skins will become more easily obtainable. For the chilis that would be good. For the skins it would be good on balance, but I'd still feel bad for players who spent thousands on them at that point. It's rapidly turning into one of those situations that doesn't have a fix . . .

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@Devildoc.6721 said:We unlock a vault with piles of gold... and only take one crappy piece of gear.If all you get is one piece of gear, then they are indeed being tricked. Every time I have opened the vault I have come away with about two dozend pieces of unidentified gear as well as some other stuff (empyrial fragments, chilis).

the same junk chests you can get outside of the vault, which is more salvage fodder this time blue and green. I don't think anything good CAN drop from them.

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@Devildoc.6721 said:

@Devildoc.6721 said:We unlock a vault with piles of gold... and only take one crappy piece of gear.If all you get is one piece of gear, then they are indeed being tricked. Every time I have opened the vault I have come away with about two dozend pieces of unidentified gear as well as some other stuff (empyrial fragments, chilis).

the same junk chests you can get outside of the vault, which is more salvage fodder this time blue and green. I don't think anything good CAN drop from them.Depends on how you define "good". Theoretically a blue unidentified item can open into a precursor.

But if you don't enjoy the "junk" feel free to mail it to me. I've always got a character around looking for a new set of equipment, and all of those salvaged materials eventually contribute to the next weapon or armor piece I am going to craft.

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