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Will Tengu and/or Kodan be playable?

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It’s very unlikely as was said in this interview

GW2 meet and greet

I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike Zadorojny said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.

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@Einlanzer.1627 said:Much like a lot of other things such as new weapon types, it could happen, but I doubt it. I'm not hopeful we'll get much of anything but more of the same from here on. Anet kind of proved themselves incapable of managing this game very well for the last 7 years.

Agreed. The game had so much potential, and it all went wasted in terms of what players could have found truly exciting new content (new professions, new races, new weapon types). They chose an easier path by implementing alternatives (e.g., e-specs) and dumped everything that would have meant a lot more work (like new races, keeping and expanding on the personality feature etc). Instead we are getting more of the same. At this point it feels like they won't have future capabilities to change anything about that, so let's focus on better story-telling and exciting new areas to explore, and hopefully many QoL updates.

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They could probably make sub races. Like a mix of char and human, then you choose which town you were born, and that picks which personally story you get. Everything else is duplicated. So it's literally just a slightly modified character model with horns or claws or something.

This should only be effort for the graphics designers.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:They could probably make sub races. Like a mix of char and human, then you choose which town you were born, and that picks which personally story you get. Everything else is duplicated. So it's literally just a slightly modified character model with horns or claws or something.

This should only be effort for the graphics designers.

Goes against the lore though as they said the races can not interbreed and these sub races not being anywhere in game, but suddenly Charr/syvari or Asura/Norn appear?

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:They could probably make sub races. Like a mix of char and human, then you choose which town you were born, and that picks which personally story you get. Everything else is duplicated. So it's literally just a slightly modified character model with horns or claws or something.

This should only be effort for the graphics designers.

Goes against the lore though as they said the races can not interbreed.

Who said that?

Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

Adding new races and classes is a common money generating tactic since it makes lots of your player base start over again on the grind.

-edit: make the scientist want gems to unlock the race for your account.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:They could probably make sub races. Like a mix of char and human, then you choose which town you were born, and that picks which personally story you get. Everything else is duplicated. So it's literally just a slightly modified character model with horns or claws or something.

This should only be effort for the graphics designers.

Goes against the lore though as they said the races can not interbreed.

Who said that?

The devs”Jeff says that Inter-species hybridization is not plausible, there are no half-norn, half-charr, half-sylvari and so on.”

Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

Yes, yes. The magical yet all technological Asura who can bypass every problem with a flick of a switch.

How I’m learning to dislike this trope as it trivializes all story plots and extends to forum posts where all things are possible once the Asura hit the “fix problem” button.

Adding new races and classes is a common money generating tactic since it makes lots of your player base start over again on the grind.

Undoubtedly but ANet said that the resources are better spent elsewhere which means they don’t think that they’ll recoup the costs from adding it to the game.

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They unfortunately boxed themselves into a corner with races. I'm not sure how they didn't realize they were doing this with their grandiose plans for the LW. I still think there are some options for adding new races that really need to be explored, though, and the fact that Anet is so dismissive of the idea of new races is one additional thing that doesn't speak well of their leadership.

  1. Simply disable story content for new races. I.e. add Kodan and Tengu, but require a purchase and/or level 80 to unlock them and disable story content for them. In other words, they would be treated as bonus/auxiliary races instead of main races and you would always have a main of one the original 5 for story progression.

  2. Have them simply emulate existing races for story content. I.e. a Kodan might share the Norn story.

  3. Add several new races at once and give them a new, shared personal story. It wouldn't even matter if it was much smaller in scale than the original PS (I'm sure a lot of people would actually appreciate it). The work to implement them into the LW would be a lot smaller.

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To quote a quest dialog from somewhere in the GW1 Canthan New Year festival: signs point to no.

As much as I'd like it, they've run the clock down on this, and ANet's new additions tend to be polished to a fault. So while we might accept a new race with very few armour skins, no access to previous story content, and limited customisation options, I don't think they can bring themselves to offer something like that.

After all, ANet implemented guild halls with way, way more features than we really needed - which made it a huge amount of work for them if they ever try to add new ones.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

Goes against the lore though as they said the races can not interbreed.

Who said that?

”Jeff says that Inter-species hybridization is not plausible, there are no half-norn, half-charr, half-sylvari and so on.”

Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

Yes, yes. The magical yet all technological Asura who can bypass every problem with a flick of a switch.

That interview is old, and I would say that given the changes that have happened in-game since then, norn/human crosses exist now.

1) We've seen the creation of an entire species out of random mist energy and chance, the Skyscale. It's possible they were based off of the dragons that were there at the time, and there's plenty of humans and norn around.

2) There are stories that "so-and-so is half norn, half human". These are local stories and urban myths, but they appear to be fairly common. And now we have a class, the Revenant, that actually gains powers and abilities from legends. Someone that's not even a fully trained Rev could still be drawing enough power from those stories to allow a genetic "oops", and do just what stories say they can do while with someone from the other race. This would be much, MUCH smaller scale than the creation of the Skyscales, maybe even smaller than things like the unstable magic rifts that have been around for a while now. Alternatively, if local stories claim that a living person is half norn/human, then some Rev power could make them so (for all practical considerations, at least).

@hugo.4705 said:Tengu Tonic .tm just need to be added.

I don't think that will ever happen. IF they were to add a new race, it would be Tengu because they already have some of the work done on them. Making that tonic would be removing that option off the table for good, and would likely cost them players that take it as a sign that the game's at its limits. So long as there's no tengu tonic, there's still a faint hope. Once it's out, that's it.

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@Palador.2170 said:

Goes against the lore though as they said the races can not interbreed.

Who said that?

”Jeff says that Inter-species hybridization is not plausible, there are no half-norn, half-charr, half-sylvari and so on.”

Could be easily corrected. Some asuran scientist figured it out.

Yes, yes. The magical yet all technological Asura who can bypass every problem with a flick of a switch.

That interview is old, and I would say that given the changes that have happened in-game since then, norn/human crosses exist now.

Old does not mean invalid. Nothing has changed to make half races fit the lore or the engine to make half races cost effective to create. If nothing else, piling on new code on top of the base code where character creation and armor lie means it’s even trickier to add and change at that level. They can’t even add color options to weapons and backpacks because they’re afraid of literal game breaking bugs nor can they change the personal story to be replayable because of problems with messing with the code at that level. Changing the UI and personal story to allow new races is unlikely for those reasons.

1) We've seen the creation of an entire species out of random mist energy and chance, the Skyscale. It's possible they were based off of the dragons that were there at the time, and there's plenty of humans and norn around.

Creation of a new mob/mount isn’t the same as creation of a new playable race that needs to fit the lore and fit the armor, character creation with personal story and the UI.

2) There are stories that "so-and-so is half norn, half human". These are local stories and urban myths, but they appear to be fairly common.

Stories don’t make things true or even possible. For example, in the real world there are stories about all sorts of creatures but so far no proof (fur found and DNA sampling has been determined to be from known native creatures). Just because the game world might have stories doesn’t mean it’s relevant to the argument here.

And now we have a class, the Revenant, that actually gains powers and abilities from legends. Someone that's not even a fully trained Rev could still be drawing enough power from those stories to allow a genetic "oops", and do just what stories say they can do while with someone from the other race. This would be much, MUCH smaller scale than the creation of the Skyscales, maybe even smaller than things like the unstable magic rifts that have been around for a while now. Alternatively, if local stories claim that a living person is half norn/human, then some Rev power could make them so (for all practical considerations, at least).

That’s a profession, not a race. Not the same and not relevant to the discussion of races/half races as the level of difficulty in adding professions to the game is less than adding new races

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@Palador.2170 said:

@hugo.4705 said:Tengu Tonic .tm just need to be added.

I don't think that will ever happen. IF they were to add a new race, it would be Tengu because they already have some of the work done on them. Making that tonic would be removing that option off the table for good, and would likely cost them players that take it as a sign that the game's at its limits. So long as there's no tengu tonic, there's still a faint hope. Once it's out, that's it.

True. But I don't see them adding Tengu, Largos, Skritts or Hyleks as playable races now, 6 years after launch. Of course some can still hope. But if they aren't planning at all to add dominion of winds, cantha, endless ocean or even deep sea dragon. Those tonics will be better than nothing. I don't see them developing a new race with all that came with. They struggle a lot to release just a map or LS episodes. (which are great by the way, but take way to long to produce, not speaking of new armor sets...)Can only hope they are now working better, but only the future will tell. Again considering current events....

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