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The single and most frustrating thing about GW2.

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@"joneirikb.7506" said:Hmm, personally I never thought the loot system was a problem for me. I've solved it pretty handily by just flat out ignoring it, since I've been playing for the combat anyways. I just enjoy that I can setup a build easy and fast with exotics and spare ascended if I got some in the bank, and just get to playing.

If anything I'd wish they just removed more of the middle steps in the loot, less bags and boxes, and green/blue gear, and just gave us mats and currency directly, and enable me to just set "auto store all mats to bank, ignore my bags". So I could just continue to ignore it even more.

Then again I'm not a fan of games with gearing/treadmilling and never cared one twit for the "omg rare drop!!!" feeling. And all over consider RNG to be a game design crime. So I guess it is pretty obvious that I'm not going to see eye to eye on this topic.

the more I play and look at GW2 I'd actually be in favor of rewamping all the rewards in the game over to a "reward track" system, so everything in the entire game got similar amount of loot for the same time played, irrelevant of what you did. So farming centaurs in Queensdale would reward the same as doing dragons stand or fractals or pvp etc. I'd love to see how player behaviour changed accordingly, would be a very interesting social experiment.

“A sad fact about you players, as a whole: you only do what you are rewarded for. You will do something less fun if you see a carrot at the end of the stick, and you will ignore something more fun if it doesn’t give you a “ding” or an XP reward or a title.” – Raph Koster/Holocron (11-26-2002 10:55 PM), SWG

I think we already have an idea where this goes. Players will just farm easiest without getting killed or needing to organize a group, as that would mean wasted time.

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Played since Beta.. 3 precursors (x2 of which were Rage), never been able to complete the Exotic Treasures collection.. cos like many others, items like SAM, Commissars Manifesto, Rhendaks Signet etc just wont drop for them.. maybe there is the outlier curse on many players account or maybe its RNG stretched way to far. I hazard a guess this latest merchandise collection will just turn players off when they have everything else done.Add to that the ridiculous item drops like Giant Spore Mushroom for a mundane decoration.. simply crazy.

So yeah the one thing that really digs a lot of players is the god awful RNG system and the plethora of green and blues from lvl 1 - lvl 80 and beyond.

So I can understand players frustrations on the games loot system.. feeling so un-rewarded for your time, effort and support of the game I reckon is a major reason why players look elsewhere, which is a shame because it spoils what is genuinely a good game that could be great.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:While I understand where you are coming from ... the old ways were worse ... do a raid 100 times at the small chance for a drop and hope you win the roll for it.

I admit I never played Raids in an mmorpg pre 2000 (was too young for that) but in the games that I raided in this was never the case. Most "proper" raiding games had/have a thing called master looter which allows guilds to sort out loot among themselves with little to no random rolls involved. Most raid bosses have a very high chance (100%?) of dropping good items and it's really a question of which you'll get, but you always get something.

The reason the loot in Guild Wars 2 is so frustrating is because everyone rolls for their own loot, which means they have to make drop chances really low to get "similar" chances. Another thing missing with everyone rolling on their own, is that in other games when the squad gets a good drop, it takes YOU a step closer in getting yours, because next one that drops you will have less "competition". The more people that get those light armor Raid boots, the closer you will be at getting yours next time, until you are the only one using Light armor, so you know you will get the NEXT one. With most of those items being account bound and completely behind RNG, Guild Wars 2 misses this opportunity and it's only a matter of luck. You might play with the same raid squad for 3 years and get zero Ghostly Infusions killing Gorseval every single week, but that lucky teammate will get 3 in a row.

In my experience, games with Raids that I've played have systems that make loot distribution fair among players, with little to no competition and very little RNG involved.

Edit: everyone rolling for their own loot is absolutely fantastic in the open world, in big group events, festivals, world events and so on. Also great in dungeons, fractals and Raids when you get random loot from bosses and mobs. That said, the best possible rewards should never be only about RNG

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I really liked the idea of bringing the WvW/PvP style reward tracks to PvE I think it sounds cool to add a reward track mastery, and unlocks for better and more rewarding tracks. Make the tracks kill/XP based with bonuses for big events/bosses or for being in the area the track is for. That way at least after a few hours or so you get something decently rewarding. Another idea could be to nix blue/green/white drops once you hit lvl 80 (and maybe unlock a mastery) and only drop stackable salvage items so instead of getting a blue spear you get a "blue" grade salvage item. I know the unidentified gear sort of accomplishes this but you lose a lot by not opening them, and opening stacks of unids takes a lot of time and bag space. I think they were a step in the right direction but I would rather just get "pile of salvageable gear" that provides the same salvage outcome with less steps and annoyance.

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@"lokh.2695" said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.

But that's exactly the problem, they never assume something inbetween. It's always either effortless and useless/ugly/superraredrop or extremely difficult to obtain so only a tiny population portion is going to have it. Always 100 or 0. Drop should be spread across multiple layers of difficulty and have its value calculated accordingly. So it's not either for super "casuals" or super "hardcore" but also for those who do want a challenge and an appropriate reward but have a life to live as well.

Like look at the spvp. People wanted more unique rewards and Anet did what ? Yeah, they introduced a unique gizmo, which is absolutely great, but again it's all coming to the point where you either get a super rare gizmo by winning a mAT or get nothing as soon as you got your title once. Once again 100 or 0.Look at the wvw. People wanted more unique rewards for their gamemode. Anet did what ? Yeah, introduced a single skin for the veteran portion of wvw playerbase (which again is not even hard, just time dependent) and told everyone else to eff off. Again 100 or 0.Pve rewards suffer the same thing, since they can't make any pve content challenging, so it's all about effortless collections, junk and super random drops. Like you can even see the same approach with leveling and exp gain. Why do i get x100000 times less exp from soloing some bounty or hot hp champion which took me numerous attempts and several build swaps, than some mindless escort or zerg fiesta where i stand afk or spam 1 button most of the time ?It's also quite funny that they made one of the few good looking raid thrones non-account bound so it can be sold on tp.

Loot system in this game is very much about 100 or 0, mostly 0 if you ask me. So you forget about getting 100 by actually playing through the respective content and go grind some gold to buy it off the tp. At that point it's more efficient to invest your potential play time into the irl job and just buy gems. Same thing but healthier.

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@Dami.5046 said:Most single and frustrating thing?How ungrateful people are.

Not sure where you're going with this, but you sound like an anet apologist.

We all give money to feel entertained, the loot system is not entertaining, it brings down the fun for a lot of us.

If you have nothing to add to the conversation you don't have to be here.

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@borgs.6103 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.Exactly.Can you imagine the outcry if for example, the new Charr head gear would have a high drop rate but account-bound and behind a very challenging content? It will be prestigious!

Id take that a million times over the never dropping RnG shenanigans its on now...

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.Exactly.Can you imagine the outcry if for example, the new Charr head gear would have a high drop rate but account-bound and behind a very challenging content? It will be prestigious!

Id take that a million times over the never dropping RnG shenanigans its on now...

Right? Agency is important.For difficult stuff like Liadri or stuff in the realm of raids/T4 Fracs, at least I know I can train for it, and if I decide to quit, that's my decision.You can't practice RNG. Your only agency is in hurling your time at it, which may never yield results, through no fault of your own.

RNG loot is fine for drops with extremely high frequency and the capacity for trade.Soulbound, and you probably don't want it to be less than 10%, depending on the nature of the task and how repeatable it is.

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I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.Exactly.Can you imagine the outcry if for example, the new Charr head gear would have a high drop rate but account-bound and behind a very challenging content? It will be prestigious!

Id take that a million times over the never dropping RnG shenanigans its on now...

Right? Agency is important.For difficult stuff like Liadri or stuff in the realm of raids/T4 Fracs, at least I know I can train for it, and if I decide to quit, that's
decision.You can't practice RNG. Your only agency is in hurling your time at it, which may
yield results, through no fault of your own.

RNG loot is fine for drops with extremely high frequency and the capacity for trade.Soulbound, and you probably don't want it to be less than 10%, depending on the nature of the task and how repeatable it is.

Again I'd get it if it was a precursor or some such thing, but a COOL cosmetic helm for charr being locked behind impossible odds? Thats just cruel....

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Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously wtf..

I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about.

@Gehenna.3625 said:Yeah this is one of the main reasons why I get bored with this game. I do come back but there's big breaks and most of the time after a couple of months I'm bored again. The game can be fun for a bit but repetition needs consistent rewards to keep interesting and this game doesn't do that very well. Loot just isn't exciting 99.9% of the time and then I start wondering why I'm even doing those same things over and over again.

Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam..

@"Ototo.3214" said:I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played like FFXIV. Just because I don't get a precursor drop from farming something doesn't mean that what I did get was "junk." I've capped my magic find and can confirm that it does help, I do get less of the vendor "Sell Junk" items than I use to, and instead get more blues and greens. At least those are something that can be salvaged down into valuable materials. Compare that to FFXIV where it's both a lottery if the piece of gear you need even shows up and if you happen to roll higher than your supposed teammates? No thank you, I'd rather not hate the people I'm playing with.

I'll agree that things like karma could have a better use but that's about all I agree with.

Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..

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@Random Wax Orc.7695 said:The current loot system has too many ultra rare drops to allow making it rewarding for everyone. Using RNG on that ultra rare scale only appears fair in population statistics, but will leave most individuals feeling unrewarded. It took me like 4 years before I got a precursor drop, and by that time they were worth a small fraction of their former prices. I gave up trying to get Tequatl's Hoard after doing the event daily for like over a year, and still have never had a drop, while others are well on their way of completing that weapon skin set. If Anet weighted rare drops by the number of common RNG results, then there might be some sort of RNG social justice, but as it stands, anyone without a gambling addiction is probably turned off by the loot system, or has just been on the unusually lucky side of the curve.

shrug This isn't a new issue and I don't expect anything to change.

i got 7 precursors so far. from 2016 till 2018 (this year bad loot) 6 from mystic forge 1 from tarir bag. but it’s nothing compared to black lion chest loot. a guildy got perm bank contract and 3 mount skins. i wish i had that luck. from map completion i get 1 key in 8 maps. and with bl chests i get 1 in 26 chests a bonus slot. so i never get something nice from it without spend gems for keys. i don’t spend real money on it but it’s a big frustration for me. everyone with so nice skins from it and i only get junk. but i gamble every day and every rare i get i put them in the mystic forge. exept if they worth 80+ silver. salvage luck is bad. precursors is not everything.

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@lokh.2695 said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.

As OP said the Karma system was good for this problem. People who like a challenge can do harder task which reward more karma and other players can do tasks in the game and slowly gain karma from just playing to buy the same item. Problem solved.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@lokh.2695 said:Whenever Anet adds something exciting to go for it's either a one-in-a-million drop or, if tied to actual playing the game good, they get yelled at that not everyone can get it. The community did this to itself, at least a good chunk of it.

As OP said the Karma system was good for this problem. People who like a challenge can do harder task which reward more karma and other players can do tasks in the game and slowly gain karma from just playing to buy the same item. Problem solved.

Except people don't want to work towards something slowly. It's the age of instant gratification, participation trophies and entitlement in gaming. Not fond of it but it is like it is.

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7 years (with 2 years break) into SW and other meta events farm.(6-7 hours a day of riba mostly) I never got precursor.Best item i ever got was El left hand of joko of severance couple weeks ago,and that was the only item i ever got worth over 15 gold.

During 7 years period,i got 6 ascended chests.4 weapons and 2 armor.

I think infusions don't exist as drop.They add it for a short period of time every few months.

By every universal and mathematical probability and possibility,out of thousands players who do SW and other meta events every hour,every day,you should see someone brag about infusion drop at least once a week.

People usually tend to brag about their drop,4 months since i came back to GW2,i am yet to see someone link precursor.RIBA+CF 7 hours a day,literally every single day.

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It's not gonna change, have ranted (and many others) about this for several times for many times.Silly thing is that even the characters go Nice gear! - You can never have to many treasure! or Mine all mine !! when picking up a random something worth 20 silver, pathetic.Was gonna play some GW2 today, decided to look at the forum on what's the talk these days.. but got reminded there is no reason for me to login anymore, none !

Playing 3 years casual, stuck on ascended stuff on 7 characters all infused up for the last year, just not going anywhere... PVE legendary armor maybe ANET ??
I don't care if GW2 is not that kind of game, let us progress in something!

Something people can sink bank items into besides truck loads for a legendary weapon (Mythical or Cosmic armor just to invent a name that give some sort of aura every 5 min in a fight) besides being forced to do raids/WvW and gather crazy amounts of stuff.Meta maps or maps with rewards have not been updated for a long time, just like the non exciting loot system.

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My inventory still remembers the good old days before bags with nothing but gold drops, some rare meterials (and dungeon currency for exotics). People kept asking for meaningful loot outside of those very rare precursor drops - so they gave us bags inside bags inside bags. Only time I ever felt like the devs have my sense of humor.

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Well there in lies the problem. If they put most things worthwhile to drop in game, it may conflict with the gemstore. Make it to common and it's not special anymore when you get it. I don't think they should increase precursor drops, they've already dropped so much due to collections, but they do need to add more unique,exciting drops as rewards.

I saw the Etherbound Pauldrons for sale in gemstore and while I thought about getting it, I looked at my requiem gloves (although not a shoulder,which matches my character perfectly and has a unique aura), I decided not to buy it. Why? I was more proud of my gloves and thought to myself, my shoulders already match well and while it did look a bit more cool, I just did not feel excited about it. This goes for almost all the skins on gemstore.

The only skin I use from the gemstore is the Aetherblade pants for female, only because that's the best looking tight/pants that I like on my characters. Now, if they allowed me to enchance it(custom it) somehow, I'd definitely pay for that. Like put a pattern or embroidery on it.

Which brings up the idea I've brought up before. It'd be the other way around. Earn the Aetherblade pants in game and buy and item in gemstore that can only enhance the leggings. Win/win for anet, and I'd definitely be more proud of it, as I'd still have to earn it in game. I'd definitely be proud of something rare(RNG) or hard earned(Legendary Armor) that I can enhance. I mean essentially, that's what we're paying for with the armor skins from gemstore anyways. How many armors in game that you can earn do you see have as nice effects as the gemstore.

It can't be plan jane ugly earned in game though. It should be something like the pvp/wvw legendary armor. The triumphant hero armor is nice, but the Legendary version is VERY nice. Getting the triumphant hero armor is not trivial either.

This idea can be implemented for anything really. Imagine an item that enchances the helm of Khan-Ur. It may be worth even more. But I'd have no problem increasing the drop rate a bit more. You see if they increase it as it is now, most would use this helm instead, which means no gemstore sales.

Perhaps some items the other way around. Earn a enhancement in game that can enhance an armor from the gemstore. The earned items should be something meaningful and with lore. Just my two cents.

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Question for those of you who ask for "interesting" or "exciting" drops: what exactly do you mean by that?

This game is trying to hand out drops in a way that allows people not lucky enough to drop exactly what they are looking for to work towards getting the same thing by having a lot of tradeable drops/materials. If I'm not lucky enough to get the drop I want, I either get materials to craft it, or stuff to sell so I can buy the stuff I want instead.

So far I thought "interesting", "exciting" or "worthwhile" drops would mean those that bring in lots of gold, but since the price of those items is directly related to how much other players are willing to pay for it, this doesn't make sense if the idea is to get more of them, since that would automatically mean demand is more quickly filled and prices crash.

Making more drops account bound on aquire would on the other hand mean everyone has to rely on luck to get their hands on those drops, and there will always be people that are left out or "forced" to spend time playing specific content long past the point where they are enjoying themselves. I still remember playing Vinewrath in the Silverwastes to get the chest armor to unlock the luminescent armor. It took me 30+ runs to get all three armor weights (one guaranteed from achievement plus two random drops), and several months since I really didn't enjoy doing that event all the time.

@Dante.1508 said:

@Ototo.3214 said:I'll very gladly take the loot I get from playing GW2 compared to other games I've played

Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..Actually that's an easy one, since ascended equipment can be crafted from the materials you get either as direct drop or by salvaging the lower quality equipment you get. It's one of the reasons why I personally prefer the GW2 loot system over any other MMO I've played: even if I never see the drop I am looking for, there's usually enough other drops to eventually craft/buy whatever I really want. Personally I very much prefer that to waiting for drops that might not happen until way past the point where the content stops being fun.

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