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Stealth is completly worthless.


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@"Antycypator.9874" said:Stealth — thief's most important mechanic, totally broken because it does not BREAK ENEMY TARGETING.What does it mean? Everything can continue attacking you (in range) and fully channel their skills even if you're "invisible".

It does break targetting. But any attacks underway will complete, and hit you. That does include channel attacks. And yeah, it sucks, its part of why you really dont use stealth in-combat very much. Its pretty much an out of combat tool exclusively.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Antycypator.9874" said:Stealth — thief's most important mechanic, totally broken because it does not BREAK ENEMY TARGETING.What does it mean? Everything can continue attacking you (in range) and fully channel their skills even if you're "invisible".

It does break targetting. But any attacks underway will complete, and hit you. That does include channel attacks.

That's what I meant. + they hit you even if you dodge (rifle build, stealth on dodge).

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Ok, lets finally fix this horrible mechanic where attacks follow through stealth, I agree.


  • Stealth no longer works if observed by other players

Oh my, Quantum Stealth? So what, if a theif is in a box, with a random wheel that decides whether he uses blinding powder or, idk, thieves guild, he will be both in stealth and not in stealth until observed?

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@"Antycypator.9874" said:Stealth — thief's most important mechanic, totally broken because it does not BREAK ENEMY TARGETING.What does it mean? Everything can continue attacking you (in range) and fully channel their skills even if you're "invisible".

Channeled skills acts like a condition damage. Once the skill is applied, it will continue to deal damage for the duration, just like conditions, whether you're in stealth or not as long as you remain in range. There is no other solution to this other than to get out of range.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Ok, lets finally fix this horrible mechanic where attacks follow through stealth, I agree.

  • Stealth no longer works if observed by other players

Oh my, Quantum Stealth? So what, if a theif is in a box, with a random wheel that decides whether he uses blinding powder or, idk, thieves guild, he will be both in stealth and not in stealth until observed?

Only if the char name is Shrödingcharr.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Ok, lets finally fix this horrible mechanic where attacks follow through stealth, I agree.

  • Stealth no longer works if observed by other players

Like Invisible Boy from Mystery Men?

"Learn to hide your strikes from your opponent and you'll more easily strike his hide." - The Sphinx.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Ok, lets finally fix this horrible mechanic where attacks follow through stealth, I agree.

  • Stealth no longer works if observed by other players

Oh my, Quantum Stealth? So what, if a theif is in a box, with a random wheel that decides whether he uses blinding powder or, idk, thieves guild, he will be both in stealth and not in stealth until observed?

Only if the char name is Shrödingcharr.

I am reminded many years ago a client hauling in this old CRT screen and claiming there an issue with it. He indicated lines would appear on the screen randomly and the image would distort. We had in our shop for days and never had an issue with it. When asked if he could better describe when and how this occurred he said "Oh it never happens when you are looking at it".

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I wish Thief had a real stealth mechanic.An F3 that put you in stealth. Make you invisible to any foe that is not close enough. Break if you attack or get attacked (even accidentally).Facing you : 1200 detection rangeOn the side : 900 detection rangeFrom the back : 300 detection range

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  • 1 month later...

The Stealth is broken > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

Stealth — thief's most important mechanic, totally broken because it does not BREAK ENEMY TARGETING.What does it mean? Everything can continue attacking you (in range) and fully channel their skills even if you're "invisible".

Stealth Mechanic, is broken because if you target a ranger and he stealth with his stealth it breaks target and you do not hit him, But like Antycypator stated is true. You should not be hit after going stealth. If a ranger is using rapid fire on a target that is a straight line of fire it should not follow the target to right or left, straight yes. At this time when you go stealth the ranger have a homing arrow the follows you which at the same also tell every other play on the field where to find you it is BROKEN.

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Nice necro.

On a more serious note, I actually don't mind the tracking in stealth. With the way the skill queue works it makes it easier to land a rifle burst on stuff like holo and ranger as they do their Zoidburg impression, and I'll take being more vulnerable to channel skills myself over passively buffing other classes which arguably shouldn't have had stealth access to begin with.

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With some skills, such as Rush (warrior GS 5) it can indeed feel very silly.

It's warranted on Pew Pew and other projectile-based channels, though, because stealth could very easily break the game otherwise. Besides, it does raise the skill cap of timing and preparing, does it not? I thought we liked that?

Also, I disagree on the argument of stealth being thief's most important mechanic. Game knowledge > creativity/thinking ahead > micro mechanics > the rest.

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  • 1 month later...

People don't like stealth cause you can die from it if you are caught out in the open but this is 1 target at a time even a really good thief gets his but hand to him every once in a while, but when you dodge and stealth you should be clear to get away that was the mechanic and reason behind stealth and they have broken that mechanic. Now if you stealth and right at the same they you dodge they throw a spell or shot at you it will follow the whole way as if you didn't even dodge. As it stands now i am in a fight with a ranger and he shoots rapid fire and i dodge it does matter that i dodge and went stealth the raid fire will kill me and will appear downed, not because i was poisoned or had conditions on me but because I can not dodge the rapid fire.

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@jgeezz.7832 said:Some additional info: rapid fire (and many other skills) is a channeling skill. so If your foe casts this right BEFORE you go into stealth, he/she will continue hitting you during the period of the of the skill usage. Which is why you need to dodge despite going into stealth. (Although one will argue that it's an very telegraphic skill which is very easy to avoid. And in most cases you would bait it before engaging in the first place)

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@GWMO.4785 said:

@jgeezz.7832 said:Some additional info: rapid fire (and many other skills) is a
channeling skill
. so If your foe casts this right BEFORE you go into stealth, he/she will continue hitting you during the period of the of the skill usage. Which is why you need to dodge despite going into stealth. (Although one will argue that it's an very telegraphic skill which is very easy to avoid. And in most cases you would bait it before engaging in the first place)

Ok on my deadeye build i go stealth when i dodge, so when you say a channeling skill so if you are saying that i need to dodge to avoid damage when you are countering a channeling skill, this is what i am doing and the damage is following me when i stealth.

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@jgeezz.7832 said:

@jgeezz.7832 said:Some additional info: rapid fire (and many other skills) is a
channeling skill
. so If your foe casts this right BEFORE you go into stealth, he/she will continue hitting you during the period of the of the skill usage. Which is why you need to dodge despite going into stealth. (Although one will argue that it's an very telegraphic skill which is very easy to avoid. And in most cases you would bait it before engaging in the first place)

Ok on my deadeye build i go stealth when i dodge, so when you say a channeling skill so if you are saying that i need to dodge to avoid damage when you are countering a channeling skill, this is what i am doing and the damage is following me when i stealth.

Channeled skills used before you stealth will complete their cast on you, this includes Rapid Fire, Volley, Kill Shot, Bull's Charge, Rush, and any other skills that channel and track on the target. Stealthing after such a skill is cast is a waste of stealth, dodge first then stealth. For DE you're getting the stealth as you dodge, so it is what it is, you'd be better served with using Sniper's Cover or Smoke Screen to block channeled projectiles than using stealth.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@jgeezz.7832 said:Some additional info: rapid fire (and many other skills) is a
channeling skill
. so If your foe casts this right BEFORE you go into stealth, he/she will continue hitting you during the period of the of the skill usage. Which is why you need to dodge despite going into stealth. (Although one will argue that it's an very telegraphic skill which is very easy to avoid. And in most cases you would bait it before engaging in the first place)

Ok on my deadeye build i go stealth when i dodge, so when you say a channeling skill so if you are saying that i need to dodge to avoid damage when you are countering a channeling skill, this is what i am doing and the damage is following me when i stealth.

Channeled skills used before you stealth will complete their cast on you, this includes Rapid Fire, Volley, Kill Shot, Bull's Charge, Rush, and any other skills that channel and track on the target. Stealthing after such a skill is cast is a waste of stealth, dodge first then stealth. For DE you're getting the stealth as you dodge, so it is what it is, you'd be better served with using Sniper's Cover or Smoke Screen to block channeled projectiles than using stealth.

I know a lot of people don't like Kneeling but most of my DE game is working off of or around Snipers Cover but that has to be consistently maintained or has to be up also before the death rays connect.

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