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Build Templates Were Free in GW1

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@dodgerrule.8739 said:

@ListenToMe.5130 said:guys. the game is free to play.it's not sub-based.it's a business.i will happily swipe my credit card for templates.not interested in using additional software and copying and pasting stuff.

This game is buy to play, not free, and I'd gladly buy more expansions if they delivered repeatable content with them.

I'm all for paying to support development of the
. Right now I feel like we're just paying to support more things to pay for on the store. Where's my playable content other than LS?


This game is free to play.

By your logic I guess WoW is also a F2P game, since it's free until level 20.

It's very simple really. GW2 has an F2P part, which is basically an
extended trial
of the core game, and a heavily restricted one.

In the end GW2 is still a Buy-to-play game and WoW is Pay-to-play, despite both having parts that are free.

The entire base game is free to play

And? That doesn't make GW2 F2P, not to mention everything about that version is still heavily restricted. It's not like the whole pre-HoT experience is F2P. There are only 2 slots, chat limitations, TP limitations, etc.

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@"vesica tempestas.1563" said:But your OK with justifying playing a mmorpg with no sub. They are putting a useful utility in the shop that people want, buy it and support the game or don't.

Put it this way by your argument you only ever want items in the shop that are not desirable and have never been free in any game in the past.

What "but" are you referring to here exactly? The first Guild Wars was exactly as buy-to-play as Guild Wars 2 currently is. For goodness' sake, it's not even a different company! Though at this point I wonder, truly... It had a much smaller microtransaction store which is the big problem and the main difference here. Microtransactions store offered character slots very limited selections of outfits, bonus mission packs, and I can't even remember anything else of any significance.

They pumped out three campaigns in crazy short amount of time, I understand that it was very difficult and very labor-intensive to do it that way, but I'll be honest that as a player I enjoyed their work and paid for each campaign and the eye of the north expansion.

We've already bought the game, at least many of us who were here since launch did it that way. I understand the models have had to change over the years to get more players in general, however I find the shift to microtransactions to be well out of the players and the company's interests.

Another thing that's been bothering me is the conception that this is simply another "item" to be added to an account instead of a feature that should have been implemented since its Inception. If they had any foresight at all they would have thought that there would be a lot of builds to be ran regardless of what the actual builds happened to be when the game launched. Now more than ever there are a great selection of builds to choose from for three entirely separate and distinct game modes, with even more microcosms of opportunity within each one.

I would love to support GW2 as I have been over the last 12 years that I've known the franchise, but I'd rather do it in a storefront that respected it's customers and its own alleged values. And to be perfectly clear, I bought EXPANSIONS for GW1. Expansions that provided charactee slots as part of the purchase, or did we also forget HoT not originally having an expansion slot either?

Editing: cleanup

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@dodgerrule.8739 said:

@ListenToMe.5130 said:guys. the game is free to play.it's not sub-based.it's a business.i will happily swipe my credit card for templates.not interested in using additional software and copying and pasting stuff.

This game is buy to play, not free, and I'd gladly buy more expansions if they delivered repeatable content with them.

I'm all for paying to support development of the
. Right now I feel like we're just paying to support more things to pay for on the store. Where's my playable content other than LS?


This game is free to play.

By your logic I guess WoW is also a F2P game, since it's free until level 20.

It's very simple really. GW2 has an F2P part, which is basically an
extended trial
of the core game, and a heavily restricted one.

In the end GW2 is still a Buy-to-play game and WoW is Pay-to-play, despite both having parts that are free.

The entire base game is free to play

If you don’t have a paid for game you can’t post on the forum.

The game is buy to play.

Edit: the free version is an extended trial with multiple restrictions.[Account types]

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@"Pirogen.9561" said:If template is stored on your client, then it costs ANet nothing.

If template is stored on server, then it costs ANet something. Server disk space. Disk space is not for free. One(1) template would be like nothing. But on server you have to multiply this by millions of characters/accounts. So it does add up.

OK, 3 templates are already there. The "current" ones. So 3 don't increase disk space. Extra do.

GW1 "templates" where on client, your PC.

Where are GW2 templates stored?

  • If client, then "pay for extra" is a dirty money grab.
  • If server, its justified. Disk space is not for free.

Also, they have to develop or from scrap. They need to make back the time spend and the employees time.I don't think it needs to be expensive, because maintaining builds by hand was never that time consuming.But regardless of the storage costs, the production costs also need to be returned.

@Emberstone.2904The reason it was free in gw1 was because it came from predevelopment. It wasn't a later addition

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Emberstone.2904The reason it was free in gw1 was because it came from predevelopment. It wasn't a later addition

Weren't templates added with the 2nd expansion? 2006 or something.

Anyways unfortunately the two games have drastically different monetization.

GW1 sold content, features were free and skins were earned as rewards.

GW2 sells everything but content, including skins and features.

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@"Trise.2865" said:Common misconception. Guild Wars 1 didn't store your build templates, and didn't remember your gear.

But by all means, do continue harping on about it long after the decisions have been made. Surely that'll make you feel better."We want Build Templates!""Okay, here's some Build Templates""EEW! Not like THAT!"

What the fuck are you talking about??????You had build templates and Equipment Sets to toggle

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While, yes, I understand the game has to make money to continue and such things like gear templates actually store gear so charging for that storage makes sense. What I don't understand is this: Why are the traits and skill set ups being monetized at all when they could be stored client-side with no issue? Hell, there are even going to be chat codes that you can use to instantly change your build, so what's stopping someone of doing this manually and completely skipping out on this part of the monetization scheme?

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:people are getting perma ban for using arc now

For using a modified template DLL to re-enable templates. I've been using ArcDPS without any issues.

Apparently it's also people who haven't updated Arc DPS for awhile too.

I haven't updated mine since Oct 1st and I'm still fine

:s not sure. just what people have been saying. I haven't logged on for a long time myself

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@Towelie.3719 said:

@PervMonk.4891 said:people are getting perma ban for using arc now

For using a modified template DLL to re-enable templates. I've been using ArcDPS without any issues.

Apparently it's also people who haven't updated Arc DPS for awhile too.

I haven't updated mine since Oct 1st and I'm still fine

:s not sure. just what people have been saying. I haven't logged on for a long time myself

If someone is worried, I suggest they just disable ArcDPS for the next few days until there are more posts on Reddit to see what the trend is. It could very well be an older version of the mod, it was something else and people thought it was because of ArcDPS, or they're just lying.

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@"Pirogen.9561" said:If template is stored on your client, then it costs ANet nothing.

If template is stored on server, then it costs ANet something. Server disk space. Disk space is not for free. One(1) template would be like nothing. But on server you have to multiply this by millions of characters/accounts. So it does add up.

OK, 3 templates are already there. The "current" ones. So 3 don't increase disk space. Extra do.

GW1 "templates" where on client, your PC.

Where are GW2 templates stored?

  • If client, then "pay for extra" is a dirty money grab.
  • If server, its justified. Disk space is not for free.

It doesn't matter where the data is stored from the user point of view. We want a functional system and don't care where they store their data.There are functional systems out there for the game and for the older game on the same engine so it works.

What you are saying is "I have developed a product that is worse than similar products on the market but because it is so expensive to maintain the price must be higher. Since no one would buy it we should ban all competitive products".

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"PervMonk.4891" said:people are getting perma ban for using arc now

For using a modified template DLL to re-enable templates. I've been using ArcDPS without any issues.

Please see


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@witcher.3197 said:

@Emberstone.2904The reason it was free in gw1 was because it came from predevelopment. It wasn't a later addition

Weren't templates added with the 2nd expansion? 2006 or something.

Anyways unfortunately the two games have drastically different monetization.

GW1 sold content, features were free and skins were earned as rewards.

GW2 sells everything
content, including skins and features.

That I don't really remember. My point is more, it was made during development, and therefore it's accounted for in the base product that you buy.

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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Emberstone.2904The reason it was free in gw1 was because it came from predevelopment. It wasn't a later addition

Weren't templates added with the 2nd expansion? 2006 or something.

Anyways unfortunately the two games have drastically different monetization.

GW1 sold content, features were free and skins were earned as rewards.

GW2 sells everything
content, including skins and features.

That I don't really remember. My point is more, it was made during development, and therefore it's accounted for in the base product that you buy.

Well, made for Nightfall maybe, but the feature was 100% free for anyone who ever owned any of the game versions.

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