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Why would you do this!? (LWS3/4 Daily reduction)


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@Blude.6812 said:

@amidare.9561 said:Interesting change. Finally certain maps will be more populated (some less obviously) which will help with organizing meta events. Clever move.

Clever way of compensating for loss of people playing?????? At the expense of gating those that continue to play?

You ignore the hard fact that the more content this game gets, the more spread out the population is. This is why they chose for the LS1 format first before moving to traditional permanent content, after much complaining by players.

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I used the LS3 and a few LS4 dailies mostly to farm karma. Only did quick ones and managed to outbalance my daily PSNA purchases. So this is now gone.

On the other hand, I have already seen how the system of rotating dailies works and performs - Drytop. This is technically an LS map, not a core-tyria map. When the LS episodes connected to Drytop were live, it was quite easy to get even some of the harder achievements with a little patience. Whenever I need something from the Drytop vendors, I usually just wait until the Daily Events rotation lands on this map. Tier 6 is almost always granted, there are commanders organizing the events and the locked sections are almost always open. You can farm tons of currency in no time and get decent loot. It does not matter if HoT, PoF or any of the new LS get released. The Daily Events task is on Drytop and the fun begins.

So looking to the recent change about the LS map dailies, I am really looking forward to finish some of my old achievements, collections and craft pretty much all the gear I neglected due to time issues. It will still take a while to get my stuff done, but with similar populations as with Drytop during the Daily Events, it won't be boring ever again.

However, there is still the problem with the karma. Well, there is Karmic Retribution on most of the maps. But I never leveled any KR up to maximum, because ANet made it a habit to balance the droprates of several maps, whenever a map had a decent karma loot.

tl&dr; I have mixed feelings about the change. I will definitely miss that easy karma-source, but I will be able to unlock and finish a lot of old content with the temporary repopulated maps. Especially new players, who want to get their achievements done and play the old content, will benefit from this.

Request: Can you please add the HoT and PoF worldbosses to the Daily Worldboss Rotation? Especially events like Serpent's Ire are still a pain to complete, if you need it for a collection. Thanks to your Both Expansions for Everyone strategy, it would not discriminate anyone anymore.

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With a generally fixed amount of butter and an ever-increasing supply of toast, I think this change was probably necessary. I'll miss the extensive fast-and-easy karma farm, which I tended to hit in between releases, but it'll be nice when I'm working on picking up missed achievements to be able to find a day I can be reasonably assured of finding a populated copy of the map. With seven days in the week and six maps in each season, the day of the week each map comes up will shift by one each week, which will make it easier for folks who don't play every day to plan for when the map they need will coincide with their game days.

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i understand and agree with the rationale of rotating maps (i also have the same opinion of a similar rotation for other dead events with low traffic)

But i disagree with simultaneously removing the old dailies. i think that step should be reversed. give ppl their choices. the increased reward will still draw the bigger crowd drawn to the greater reward/time spent ratio, and the original rewards will still serve as a weenie bonus to newbies who need to farm a specific currency (or older players who just purchased the ep).

And if u say that the old daily rewards were crappy anyway, then all the more reason for you to be indifferent towards anet restoring that aspect (while leaving the new rotating daily alone)

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With the new system you do the 4 daily achievements in the zone and get 3 chests from each, that's 12 currency from that map. Another 12 from the other season daily, total 24 currency for doing just 8 dailies.

With the old system you got 1 chest from each achievement, 4 achievements per map and 6 maps per season, that's 48 currency from 48 dailies.

Going from 1 currency per daily to 3 currency per daily is a massive reduction in time commitment. Yes the total is reduced but how many players will benefit from the triple currencies and how many will "miss" not doing 48 dailies every day.

Overall the change is good for everyone except for those that farmed multiple maps daily.

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I kept a closer eye on my gains from the new dailies. Honestly? For me it seems about the same as far as the passive rewards goes. I never do each map daily to completion and I've yet to take my salvaged mats to the TP, but yeah, it doesn't feel like I've lost anything and just have fewer island hops to make.

So I guess this change gets a Pen Monster rating of, "Ehnn?"

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

The key part of my statement is this: "From a personal standpoint this MIGHT encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said MIGHT because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me", and that still holds true. I looked at the LW3/4 dailies for today, the 20th and they're Sandswept Isles and Ember Bay, neither of which I go back, except when they're part of the regular daily rotation, and that is still going to be the case...I'll do the regular dailies and then spend the rest of the time in Bjora Marches.

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@Kanok.3027 said:Are you serious? This change is terrible! Oh, you increased the amount of chests we get for that one particular map, but what if we don't need the currency for that map and need it from another one?So in this day you don't to that dayli, and take other content. After dayli reset you can check if you needed map present, if no - skip, if present - welcome.

Or you can still do it and convert it to the Dragonfall map currency... or one of the other new ones, Bjora Marches, etc. There are vendors to exchange currencies you don't need.

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I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

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@Lottie.5370 said:I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

It's not a grind thing or trying to do everything. It's reducing something that wasn't needed to be reduced to obtain a diff (yet justifiable) goal, when it was entirely possible to achieve both goals together. Previously someone could go to Ember Bay any day of the week and get rewarded with events and get rewarded with extra dailies. Now that only happens once a week, plus it risks emptying the other 5 maps that are off rotation. The balance has gone.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Lottie.5370 said:I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

It's not a grind thing or trying to do everything. It's reducing something that wasn't needed to be reduced to obtain a diff (yet justifiable) goal, when it was entirely possible to achieve both goals together. Previously someone could go to Ember Bay any day of the week and get rewarded with events and get rewarded with extra dailies. Now that only happens once a week, plus it risks emptying the other 5 maps that are off rotation. The balance has gone.

The maps were already empty. As someone who struggles to get achieves recently...Id rather have to log in on a specific day but be guaranteed completing the achieves...than log in for days and hours on end, hoping to get enough people to complete them.

A single map daily is tidier, easier and the best way to encourage the majority of players to be in a single map.This really is only a problem for the minority who did multiple dailies.Anet knows how many people did dailies and how how many they did.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Lottie.5370 said:I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

It's not a grind thing or trying to do everything. It's reducing something that wasn't needed to be reduced to obtain a diff (yet justifiable) goal, when it was entirely possible to achieve both goals together. Previously someone could go to Ember Bay any day of the week and get rewarded with events and get rewarded with extra dailies. Now that only happens once a week, plus it risks emptying the other 5 maps that are off rotation. The balance has gone.

The maps were already empty. As someone who struggles to get achieves recently...Id rather have to log in on a specific day but be guaranteed completing the achieves...than log in for days and hours on end, hoping to get enough people to complete them.

A single map daily is tidier, easier and the best way to encourage the majority of players to be in a single map.This really is only a problem for the minority who did multiple dailies.Anet knows how many people did dailies and how how many they did.

I regularly did the first 3 LS3 maps. Never found them empty. I know there were issues in maps like Draconis. Lake Doric I don't know as it's been a long time sicne I played there, but maps being empty wasn't a consistent issue everywhere

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Lottie.5370 said:I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

It's not a grind thing or trying to do everything. It's reducing something that wasn't needed to be reduced to obtain a diff (yet justifiable) goal, when it was entirely possible to achieve both goals together. Previously someone could go to Ember Bay any day of the week and get rewarded with events and get rewarded with extra dailies. Now that only happens once a week, plus it risks emptying the other 5 maps that are off rotation. The balance has gone.

The maps were already empty. As someone who struggles to get achieves recently...Id rather have to log in on a specific day but be guaranteed completing the achieves...than log in for days and hours on end, hoping to get enough people to complete them.

A single map daily is tidier, easier and the best way to encourage the majority of players to be in a single map.This really is only a problem for the minority who did multiple dailies.Anet knows how many people did dailies and how how many they did.

I regularly did the first 3 LS3 maps. Never found them empty. I know there were issues in maps like Draconis. Lake Doric I don't know as it's been a long time sicne I played there, but maps being empty wasn't a consistent issue everywhere

ok so .. Blood stone fen wasn't too empty(its metas dont take many people).Point stands..what good if 3 maps have enough people, and the oother 2 never have enough people?

Mind I've had trouble with achieves in ALL LW3 maps...whens the last time you went after story achieves that require a group, in those maps?

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Lottie.5370 said:I'm not sure why there is so much negativity here, the hugely long list of dailies was an eyesore and if you wanted to complete every daily it'd take you ages. Not every player enjoys going back to the old maps, so having those that do enjoy that all go to the same maps on the same days (because of the dailies) is going to make things a lot better for everyone - there will be more people around for events. There are still tons of ways to farm map currency if that's what you need and they even added one more way in the new map.

It's not a grind thing or trying to do everything. It's reducing something that wasn't needed to be reduced to obtain a diff (yet justifiable) goal, when it was entirely possible to achieve both goals together. Previously someone could go to Ember Bay any day of the week and get rewarded with events and get rewarded with extra dailies. Now that only happens once a week, plus it risks emptying the other 5 maps that are off rotation. The balance has gone.

The maps were already empty. As someone who struggles to get achieves recently...Id rather have to log in on a specific day but be guaranteed completing the achieves...than log in for days and hours on end, hoping to get enough people to complete them.

A single map daily is tidier, easier and the best way to encourage the majority of players to be in a single map.This really is only a problem for the minority who did multiple dailies.Anet knows how many people did dailies and how how many they did.

I regularly did the first 3 LS3 maps. Never found them empty. I know there were issues in maps like Draconis. Lake Doric I don't know as it's been a long time sicne I played there, but maps being empty wasn't a consistent issue everywhere

ok so .. Blood stone fen wasn't too empty(its metas dont take many people).Point stands..what good if 3 maps have enough people, and the oother 2 never have enough people?

Mind I've had trouble with achieves in ALL LW3 maps...whens the last time you went after story achieves that require a group, in those maps?

I do acknowledge a problem in some places, I just don't necs agree emptying the others to fill just one is necs the correct one, hence why I suggested alternatives earlier

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

Indeed, I'm also one of those that never bothered with dailies, but with increased rewards I just might. There's no way in hell I have time to do all those dailies nor would I want to for such lackluster rewards. I think it's a good change. I only did 1500 ap of my 2 gold dailies with over 2k hours. That's how much I hate mundane dailies. Maybe should have rotated 2 at a time.

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