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Official capes discussion thread

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Since there are a lot of cape threads in the discussion forum and a lot of good ideas being shared, we've created one central thread and merged some of the other threads to keep the conversation going in one place.

Reminder that we welcome all forms of feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is respectful and constructive. You can check this post about providing good feedback: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/317/how-to-give-good-feedback

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I read from somewhere the other day on the forum that the cape floating at the back of the toon is fixed with patches, so i went to buy the cape from the gem store just a few minutes ago and to my horror, its not fixed,, my kudzu stick out of my ranger cap and clips near the top of the cape and its so ugly. Dear anet can you please fix the problem? Its also sticking out for other weapons, greatsword, staff and etc...the main issue is because the cape is floating behind the back, and it makes the back weapons stick out out too.

All my characters that are using the cap are male humans. The side weapons are perfectly fine, its just the issue with all the back weapons floating out together with the cap. And please i do love the cap, it looks good, so i hope anet will come up with patches soon to fix the cap problem. Thanks.

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Honestly, I liked this cape. The wings are already a little bored:)Here, for example, how it looks on my necromancer (human) and guardian (norn): zBark1O.jpgB1N6XQv.jpgHowever, there is a problem with displaying a two-handed weapon behind his back with this cape, as has already been noted here. We have to turn it off.The price, in my opinion, is normal.

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I understand a more realistic cloth simulation with collision and all is very consuming (both on development time and performance of the game) and the implementation is, for that, good. It still looks a little stiff and like the GW2 version of EQ2 cloaks - which look and behave almost the same.

I'd like to see some improvements though:

  • Reduce the angle the cape sticks away fromt he back (looks like around 30° on a male Sylvari)
  • If possible, make it less "floaty" and more "flowy" (right now it seems like there's a constant, moderate wind)
  • make cloak position / angle dependent on displayed weapons (2h under the cape -> increase angle a bit, move weapon closer to the character)
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@"BlackyWarsX.5384" said:I understand a more realistic cloth simulation with collision and all is very consuming (both on development time and performance of the game) and the implementation is, for that, good. It still looks a little stiff and like the GW2 version of EQ2 cloaks - which look and behave almost the same.

I'd like to see some improvements though:

  • Reduce the angle the cape sticks away fromt he back (looks like around 30° on a male Sylvari)
  • If possible, make it less "floaty" and more "flowy" (right now it seems like there's a constant, moderate wind)
  • make cloak position / angle dependent on displayed weapons (2h under the cape -> increase angle a bit, move weapon closer to the character)

Was linked by someone else in a thread that got merged into this mega thread but it bears repeting.


Anet-ChelseaCapes are one of the most difficult things we've ever had to implement, for so many complicated reasons. Backpacks are similarly irritating. One of the many factors here is body scaling and armor. There is a single backpack model which has to work whether you're fat, skinny, wearing a skin tight suit, or huge, bulky, spiky armor. If the cape is fitted snug to a skinny, tight suit wearing character, it will be completely inside the body of a chonker in giant armor. There's more to it than that, but hopefully that starts to give you a better idea.

I am one of the creators of backpacks (not capes) and I care deeply about the game and the people who play it. I take great pride in my art and I want it to be the best it can be for everyone. Unfortunately, game development is a series of compromises and this is the best possible solution. It's almost never as simple as it seems.

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@Linken.6345 said:

Was linked by someone else in a thread that got merged into this mega thread but it bears repeting.

I get that and I read that back when it was posted on reddit, but they ask for feedback, so this is it. I know that it probably was difficult for them and my points were merely some suggestions to improve. No need to disregard any feedback because there's a dev statement. They'll evaluate what's possible to improve based on the many different suggestions they receive here.

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The cap itself is looking great and beautiful, i am pretty happy Anet listen to the players and implements it, i bought the cape yesterday and loving it, but there is a major issue with two handed weapons clipping and sticking out at the top half of the cap when the back weapons are stowed. I tried it on all my toons yesterday, almost all the back weapons clip at the top half of the cap, sure they added a hide weapons option, but who wants to hide their favourite weapons just because of the cap.

I hope they will fix it soon, because it will be a major problem if they are still going to release future caps in the gem store.

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@BlackyWarsX.5384 said:

Was linked by someone else in a thread that got merged into this mega thread but it bears repeting.

I get that and I read that back when it was posted on reddit, but they ask for feedback, so this is it. I know that it probably was difficult for them and my points were merely some suggestions to improve. No need to disregard any feedback because there's a dev statement. They'll evaluate what's possible to improve based on the many different suggestions they receive here.

Well your feedback really sounded like you had not read that at all.

Maybe next time better saying in reply to this dev reddit post I propose these changes.

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@Ice Blue Eyes.6420 said:I read from somewhere the other day on the forum that the cape floating at the back of the toon is fixed with patches, so i went to buy the cape from the gem store just a few minutes ago and to my horror, its not fixed,, my kudzu stick out of my ranger cap and clips near the top of the cape and its so ugly. Dear anet can you please fix the problem? Its also sticking out for other weapons, greatsword, staff and etc...the main issue is because the cape is floating behind the back, and it makes the back weapons stick out out too.

They're almost certainly not going to fix that kind of clipping issue. They did however make it so that you can hide your weapon when its stowed. This prevents the clipping entirely.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@sorudo.9054 said:it would be nice if they at least let ppl simply buy it with gold, the whole rep thing for guilds is a bust tht only caters to the big guilds while leaving smaller or tiny guilds to rot and die.

Which is a funny thing to say considering its only the small ones that want you to rep.

i have my own guild, just for me alone.till this day i have never ever done anything for guilds since they ruined it with their rep crap, the old system would actually allow me to get it easily.....

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So I was messing about with the camera in preview screen and noticed something with the cape and other backpacks/no backpack... weapons sit much closer to the body with nearly every other back piece than they do with capes, hence the clipping. Which leads me to ask the question... why? Why are weapons binded to the skeleton differently than with other back pieces, when it only causes clipping issues like this. As you can see, moving it back to where it would normally sit fixes the clipping for the most part.Np305BN.png

Being that this is already built into the games system, there should be no reason that they can't fix this in a patch, no? Gives me hope, at least. If not, I may request a refund for my cape, sadly. I only bought it because there was no clipping in the preview screen in the black lion store.

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@"Liam Mich.4876" said:So I was messing about with the camera in preview screen and noticed something with the cape and other backpacks/no backpack... weapons sit much closer to the body with nearly every other back piece than they do with capes, hence the clipping. Which leads me to ask the question... why? Why are weapons binded to the skeleton differently than with other back pieces, when it only causes clipping issues like this. As you can see, moving it back to where it would normally sit fixes the clipping for the most part.Np305BN.png

Being that this is already built into the games system, there should be no reason that they can't fix this in a patch, no? Gives me hope, at least. If not, I may request a refund for my cape, sadly. I only bought it because there was no clipping in the preview screen in the black lion store.

more interesting: the cape from PoF dont clip with most weapons,why they simply dont used same "tech"?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Banners_of_Dynastic_Reckoning

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