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60 Keys, Only Commons...


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Yep, that's what happens. For every person bragging that they got everything they wanted with 3 keys there will be others who use dozens and get nothing worth mentioning. That's one reason I never buy keys.

The advice used to be to only buy keys if you didn't care what you got, or enjoyed the process of finding out, and to buy the items directly from the TP if you wanted something specific. But then they started bringing in these account bound uncommon drops (probably because relatively few people were buying keys) and the only other way to get those is to collect enough statues (also from black lion chests) and then wait for them to be available from the merchant. So now, if you want those items, it's a choice between gambling or forgetting about it.

(If you want to gamble for them I recommend three things. Firstly get into the habit of doing a 'key run' where you do the level 10 personal story on a tempoary character once a week, or whenever you feel like it, to mitigate some of the cost. Secondly decide what you're willing to spend on those items, remembering you might end up with nothing, and don't go over that amount. It's not great if you don't get what you want, but it's better than wasting even more money. Finally if you do get lucky and get the items you wanted within your allowance of keys stop opening chests and bank any keys you have left over to use next time there's something you want.)

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Ye, I also bought 25 once, hoping for at least one uncommon.And I would have been ok with that, happy had it been two.It was all junk tho so I won't spend a penny on keys anymore :)I'll support the game by buying some other stuff here and there but the keys were a huge disappointment.

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@"Danikat.8537" said:(If you want to gamble for them I recommend three things. Firstly get into the habit of doing a 'key run' where you do the level 10 personal story on a tempoary character once a week, or whenever you feel like it, to mitigate some of the cost. Secondly decide what you're willing to spend on those items, remembering you might end up with nothing, and don't go over that amount. It's not great if you don't get what you want, but it's better than wasting even more money. Finally if you do get lucky and get the items you wanted within your allowance of keys stop opening chests and bank any keys you have left over to use next time there's something you want.)

Danikat, what you posted is precisely how I do it! :smile:

And it's very nice having those free weekly keys from the farm to use. :+1: The only thing I do additional to what you said is I buy some keys here and there when they go on sale (whether I want something from the BLC at that time or not) and put them with my weekly keys obtained. So, typically, when there's something that I want I have a good 20+ keys to burn that cost me close to nothing (especially if I've converted gold to gems to buy the on-sale keys :+1:).

Often times, I do get the drop desired, but sometimes I do not. And when I don't and I've spent the keys I've allotted, I STOP and chalk it up as Lady Luck not being on my side that go around... haha. :lol: And for me, that's the trick to gambling - setting limits, sticking to them and going into the "Casino" with the mindset of not expecting to win.


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I got lucky this time got it on my 13 key. Saying that I don't even remember how many keys I spent before I got the Starborn Outfit What it boils down to is what its worth to you to have it now. Because these items eventually come to the Black Lion Statue Vendor within a years time frame.

Just because your lucks bad now that don't necessarily mean it will be it later. I like to open them with a slow cadence. Allowing a few seconds before I open the next. Reason being that most RNG selections are based of system time and I like to give the clock a chance to move forward so that maybe I may fall into a better loot table. Of course this is all speculation but generally this has been working better for me lately.

At the end of the day RNG is RNG no matter how you dress it. So put on your tin foil hats and good luck charms and unlock those boxes and remember don't gamble with more than what you can afford to lose. Go in knowing that you are going to lose it all so if you happen to do just that, you will not be let down. Good Luck everyone !

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Yeah i only used 15 keys and saw that they have drastically lowered the Black lion chest odds i'm done with keys till this is corrected.

I also got zero black lion weapon skins.. I've also noticed each black lion chest we have had lately has had less and less chance at things above common. Word of advice to anet, you keep lowering odds customers give up gambling.. it takes time but it does happen, when you cannot win anything its no longer worth doing.

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There is a common misconception with gambling that when you do it in more bulk, your chances increase. This is not true. If you have a chance of one out of twenty to get a rare item to drop, this will be the chance every time you take the gamble. So when opening 60, you will have 3 rare items on average. However, some will have 6 and some have none. This is how RNG works. If you dislike that result, stay away from keys.

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