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Is this game going to die soon ?

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We are lacking an expansion this time around, with them opting to go right into the next Living World chapter. But I think it's too early to say the game is dying at all; we need to wait and see what happens next. It's possible that the expansion was merely delayed, not canceled, or that they are trying something else. We know that there is a big balance and class overhaul patch incoming soon, and those usually come just before some major content release, so I'm holding out hope. But even if that's not the case, I can't imagine the entire community just leaving. We might drop to a smaller size, but we're not going anywhere.

I guess the real question is; what do YOU consider "dead?"

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It's in no imminent danger no.

There are concerns obviously, but I have no real basis for seeing a "dead" game anytime soon

Also, you should define what you consider content. Because LS episodes are very and always have been considered content. You may not like them - I may not always like them, but they seem popular enough to sustain the population

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I'm always curious when someone asks a question like this. What answer are you hoping for? And what are you going to do when you get your answer? What if somebody tells you "Yes". What's next? Are you going to give all your loot away (cause I can help with that) and leave? What if it's "No". Will you be reassured, or keep looking for a "Yes". How does this affect your future actions....? Enquiring minds want to know.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:According to the threads of every mmo every game is always dying or gonna die yet years later still there but eventually all games die

The writing has been on the wall for long time now.. We can disagree that the game is dying, but we can agree that many decisions made by management were seen as "mistakes" by many of the people who left.

I think we can also agree that once those people are gone they don't come back. And because those "mistakes" are not seen as mistakes by management or to be urgent or valid concerns.. That is why we have a thread like this,.

Unfortunately a lot of the core grievances of players are irreparable changes that became core "features" of the game despite unpopularity and negative feedback that was given.

Even if the company did a 100% reversal on these issues and reverse course it will be too late now. Which is very sad.

Many people 6 years ago saw the game for the potential it had but it went down a development course for whatever reason that it didn't live up to the potential it had by many people opinions. That may not matter to a lot of people but it did matter to a lot of other people.

So like it said it may of been good for awhile and it had its up and downs but it is what it is now like it or leave it.

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@Krzysztof.5973 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

Well they DID call it "Saga" and said we can expect "expansion level content" so you can't blame OP for expecting something fresh and unique.

And lots of the stuff we got was a good step in that direction? For example we got multiple masteries and they weren't even one and done, it was 4 full mastery trees, which will potentially get expanded further moving forward. We haven't seen that in an Episode release before.

Personally I just enjoy that we get more frequent releases. People will tell you the game is dead if an episode drops after 4 months, they will tell us the game is dead if half of it ships 2 months and the rest 2 months later. It doesn't matter. We get the same amount of content, but with less wait. What happens in between (raid, fractal or event releases) is just an addition on top of it all. Making it so that those things don't have to be tied with episode releases was the smartest move they could have made.

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I think what had me concerned for this game was what the former employee ms.price had said about what was going on at anet.They had other projects happening and slowly siphoning out staff to other projects while trying to make it 'look' like that gw2 was still getting the same amount of love and development into it

But now the layoffs have happened, and since have had a few releases and few notes about what the future holds for this gamewe will just have to wait and see..

Personally I love this game but at times I do ask my self the same question .. but until anet breaks silence theres no point in even asking lolAin't no one gonna tell you straight until anet does

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I believe so.. yes.

Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

Well they DID call it "Saga" and said we can expect "expansion level content" so you can't blame OP for expecting something fresh and unique.

And lots of the stuff we got was a good step in that direction? For example we got multiple masteries and they weren't even one and done, it was 4 full mastery trees, which will potentially get expanded further moving forward. We haven't seen that in an Episode release before.

Personally I just enjoy that we get more frequent releases. People will tell you the game is dead if an episode drops after 4 months, they will tell us the game is dead if half of it ships 2 months and the rest 2 months later. It doesn't matter. We get the same amount of content, but with less wait. What happens in between (raid, fractal or event releases) is just an addition on top of it all. Making it so that those things don't have to be tied with episode releases was the smartest move they could have made.

Good step in the right direction?The masteries are useless and only prevent you from getting meta loot in the first place. Once you have them you can get the rewards but you never ever need the mastery again. "4 full mastery trees" - I can only laugh about that although it's pretty said.And no, we don't get the same amount of content. Achievements were heavily gutted in terms of replayability and lots of people played 2 hours and asked "That was it?"Plus, since you haven't read the recent statements fractals & raids are not in development at the moment so actually there's no "on top of it" that's coming in the near future. The "event releases" you're talking about I want to see because I only believe it when I see it.We're definitely not in maintenance mode but please don't spread the lies of everything is perfect and fine because it isn't at all. Things have drastically become worse in terms of quality.

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The game isn't dying because people still buy junk from the gemstore which keeps it alive (every thread about crap tier BLC-keys ever).GW2 doesn't have much of a future though, no raid/fractal development, no new elite specs, the content we do get has low replayability, old content never sees fixes, many outdated systems/structures etc.

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@DoRi Silvia.4159 said:I think what had me concerned for this game was what the former employee ms.price had said about what was going on at anet.They had other projects happening and slowly siphoning out staff to other projects while trying to make it 'look' like that gw2 was still getting the same amount of love and development into it

But now the layoffs have happened, and since have had a few releases and few notes about what the future holds for this gamewe will just have to wait and see..

Personally I love this game but at times I do ask my self the same question .. but until anet breaks silence theres no point in even asking lolAin't no one gonna tell you straight until anet does

I might wonder about the statements from someone fired acrimoniously long before.

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@"Dante.1508" said:I believe so.. yes.

Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed.

Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:I believe so.. yes.

Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed.

Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name.

Guildwars 2 was released on 28 August 2012 Flame and Frost: Prelude is a release launched on 28 January, 2013.. sorry it was five months Hot released one and a half years after release i quit then.

I forgot Southsun was part of the living story 1.. very loosely connected imo.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:I believe so.. yes.

Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed.

Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name.

this is true, the start of living world was in November 2012 (with the lost shores event), which was only months after the release (August 2012). even if you only counted the Flame & Frost part of living world as the official start, it would still only be January 2013. nowhere near a year and a half.

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@nottsgman.8206 said:

@"Dante.1508" said:I believe so.. yes.

Content is grindy dry and repetitive with a focus on "meta" and difficult content, everything of any worth is stuck behind a cash shop or a insane grind and mobile phone game mechanics.. The content is non existent and takes far too long to to come out if it even comes out.. Nothing is fixed after the fact outside of exploits, in game economy is the pits, the gold to gems is just over board crazy prices.Customers joining are far diminished compared to customers "taking breaks" Its not hard to see as a customer on servers. The old saying MMO's are dying is accurate its slow but it is happening..

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

People had played this game for a year and a half before living stories ever existed.

Really? I was pretty sure Living World Season One started right away; it just didn't have that name.

this is true, the start of living world was in November 2012 (with the lost shores event), which was only months after the release (August 2012). even if you only counted the Flame & Frost part of living world as the official start, it would still only be January 2013. nowhere near a year and a half.

Apologies i corrected my post.

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@Arkham Creed.7358 said:We are lacking an expansion this time around, with them opting to go right into the next Living World chapter.

They are NOT opting. They garbage GW2 after POF.......working at somethinng else..but they failed and now milk this game to the end. That's why we dont have new content to play. Please don't go around with opting LW over espansion... it was a save ....a lame save after a big lie

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@Vinceman.4572 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:You can't be serious...

If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?

Well they DID call it "Saga" and said we can expect "expansion level content" so you can't blame OP for expecting something fresh and unique.

And lots of the stuff we got was a good step in that direction? For example we got multiple masteries and they weren't even one and done, it was 4 full mastery trees, which will potentially get expanded further moving forward. We haven't seen that in an Episode release before.

Personally I just enjoy that we get more frequent releases. People will tell you the game is dead if an episode drops after 4 months, they will tell us the game is dead if half of it ships 2 months and the rest 2 months later. It doesn't matter. We get the same amount of content, but with less wait. What happens in between (raid, fractal or event releases) is just an addition on top of it all. Making it so that those things don't have to be tied with episode releases was the smartest move they could have made.

Good step in the right direction?


The masteries are useless and only prevent you from getting meta loot in the first place. Once you have them you can get the rewards but you never ever need the mastery again. "4 full mastery trees" - I can only laugh about that although it's pretty said.

Same principle every single mastery line in this game has. They could have made it into one line with 8 different masteries instead. Would that make you happy? Amazing how you people can deny that something exists just because you don't consider it meaningful.

And no, we don't get the same amount of content. Achievements were heavily gutted in terms of replayability and lots of people played 2 hours and asked "That was it?"


Even if this was the case, that's still a good amount of things to do considering we didn't wait 4 months for this. Releases are faster, but they're not as big. What's the problem with that? People are sick of waiting and people will always complain that there isn't anything to do. This happened with PoF too, remember? Probably not, because people have very selective memory when it comes to things like that. I guess expansions aren't content anyway.

Plus, since you haven't read the recent statements fractals & raids are not in development at the moment so actually there's no "on top of it" that's coming in the near future. The "event releases" you're talking about I want to see because I only believe it when I see it.

Show me that quote. Show me the exact wording, not some paraphrasing. They never said this. They said the opposite last I heard and we only don't get anything with these particular upcoming releases so people don't expect them.

We're definitely not in maintenance mode but please don't spread the lies of everything is perfect and fine because it isn't at all. Things have drastically become worse in terms of quality.

Quality overall has increased, but there are many low points as time goes on. Weak episodes by the "lesser" content creation teams for example. Story telling has become better, each map has more life to it etc. These are highly subjective things, but most people just ignore most of them even if they were (((objectively))) good because they pay no attention anyway.

Call me delusional if you will, but I'm just fed up with people who just parrot some narrative they heard and started throwing around phrases like "x is not content", when by all definitions it is. Not healthy to be so obsessed with the negative, not that I am directing this at you but the general attitude towards almost everything that gets released. People are spoiled, they're running out of things to complain about.



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@Cobra.6509 said:

@Arkham Creed.7358 said:We are lacking an expansion this time around, with them opting to go right into the next Living World chapter.

They are NOT opting. They garbage GW2 after POF.......working at somethinng else..but they failed and now milk this game to the end. That's why we dont have new content to play. Please don't go around with opting LW over espansion... it was a save ....a lame save after a big lie

That is a paranoid overreaction to a misunderstanding. Lots...heck, MOST game developers have multiple teams working on multiple projects, including those that run MMOs. Blizzard, for example, not only covers World of Warcraft but also Overwatch, Starcraft, Diablo, and others. That is what was going on; Arena net had a second team working on other projects, including a possible Guild Wars 3 prototype, while another team continued Guild Wars 2 development. This second team was since disbanded and folded into the GW2 team. This does not mean the game was abandoned in favor of other things, merely that they were investigating expanding the studio to cover additional properties beyond just their flagship title, as nearly every other game developer on the face of the earth does.

Because of this I'd say the negative is not that they had another team working on other IP, but that we now only have the one. Generally speaking the studio with only one game is at much greater risk than the one with multiple; as a single game is more vulnerable to changes in the market than multiple, and if the studio's one and only title under preforms THAT is when the problem happens. A studio with a title that does very well can afford to maintain a smaller title that might otherwise need to be shut down (case and point, the original Guild Wars is still live today only because of the profits of Guild Wars 2 paying to keep the lights on). So if GW2 is on the decline, the only thing that could have saved it was whatever that second team was working on. Without that, we now really are screwed, GW2 just lost its safety net. But as I just said, Guild Wars is still active because Guild Wars 2 is making money. If you want a sign that this game is in bad shape; keep an eye on the original. When THAT gets shut down, then you know something is wrong.

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