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Aerial Combat

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I love Guild Wars.Been a player since GW1, and with all honesty is the best game I have ever played, and remains so.

Though some people saying the game is dying, is perhaps a bit extreme, I'd like to give an idea to spice things up a little.Not that I don't have plenty to do still, which I do.Yet, I thought of this and so I'm sharing it.

How about making a few maps, just like pvp or wvw, except solely dedicated for gryphon and skyscale?

Give them skills and abilities, which some could vary according to class, and players could play in coop modes or against eachother?

Perhaps, even, you could do a couple of maps in the next episode of pve story which were for aerial combat.

Obviously in those maps the flying mounts would not fall down at all.Otherwise, what would be the purpose of it!?

I'd love aerial combat maps.I think it would be a great addition to GW.

Just an idea.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:I love Guild Wars.Been a player since GW1, and with all honesty is the best game I have ever played, and remains so.

Though some people saying the game is dying, is perhaps a bit extreme, I'd like to give an idea to spice things up a little.Not that I don't have plenty to do still, which I do.Loads to do still.Yet, I thought of this and so I'm sharing it.

How about making a few maps, just like pvp or wvw, except solely dedicated for gryphon and skyscale?

Give them skills and abilities, which some could vary according to class, and players could play in coop modes or against eachother?

Perhaps, even, you could do a couple of maps in the next episode of pve story which were for aerial combat.

Obviously in those maps the flying mounts would not fall down at all.Otherwise, what would be the purpose of it!?

I'd love aerial combat maps.I think it would be a great addition to GW.

Just an idea.

Its a neat idea. I would be inclined to suggest this could be done pretty easily, but might work best in n annual Festival like maybe Dragon bash if it was skyscales or a little dragon. That said, the game does have one aerial combat map but its PvE and its locked behind Living World 3. Its a terrific map though. Specifically, I'm referring to Bloodstone Fen.

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Aerial combat and underwater combat are exactly the same thing; 3 dimensional combat. And seeing as how underwater combat was hugely disliked and abandoned, why exactly would aerial combat be any different?

Yes Bloodstone fen had glider offensive abilities, and while one or two people may have personally liked it, the reason you never saw it again is because clearly it wasn't a big hit.

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@sevenDEADLY.5281 said:Aerial combat and underwater combat are exactly the same thing; 3 dimensional combat. And seeing as how underwater combat was hugely disliked and abandoned, why exactly would aerial combat be any different?

Yes Bloodstone fen had glider offensive abilities, and while one or two people may have personally liked it, the reason you never saw it again is because clearly it wasn't a big hit.

The glider attacks had a major advantage over underwater combat. All abilities was ranged. Meaning significantly less issues in reaching and aligning yourself with your target so you can melee them.

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The idea behind skyscale and gryphon flight is not like gliding by any stretch of the imagination.In bloodstone fen, unless you use the wind drafts, you keep falling down.Hence I put that the mounts would not voluntarily fall down, unless as a flight manouver.

Riding a flying dragon has nothing to do with gliding.Also, gliding skills are yours.The idea here would be for the mounts to gain abilities of their own.

For instance, skyscale basic attack would be a fire ball, and gryphon could be a lightning bolt.You'd have an energy bar that fills up, the more enemies you kill, then release a special attack.

Most of their skills could remain, such as gryphon nose dive.

I think it could work just fine.Don't knock it until you try it.

Making free flight maps are not that hard.A gravity volume at -250 should do the trickNo terrain needed, which is one of the things that takes longer to do in a map, and makes it larger in data overall size.

It would have little static meshes, the skybox does all the background.

Very small amount of emitters.So it wouldn't be a heavy map.The thing that always takes longer to do and is a very tedious process, in my mapping experience is path nodes.Having to build the AI path from starting points to objectives.Flying path nodes takes even longer as you have to adjust each one in a 360° radius.Then hit build path, rinse and repeat; untill all the nodes are connected.

I've done a few of of those spacial and sky maps, which occasionally play. Except is based on futuristic maps, and they're really fun.

I've done Capture the flag modes, which you have to use spaceships, fly to enemy base and bring flag back to your base, while defending yours.I currently have a team of 5-15 AI players.

Also, just all out war, and other types of combat.It only took me a few hours to make the map.The game modes and objectives are pre defined, and unless you want to put a scripted trigger, it doesn't take a lot to make them.

It wouldn't hurt ANet putting it as a choice.You wouldn’t have to play it if you don't want to.

I really liked kralkatorik last fight, before it fell down.Should have more like that.

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Gryphon air fights. I love the idea. The gryphon is my second favorite mount. Maybe attach missiles to them or lasers. Asura know no bounds. The Skyscale seems more like a bomber (air to ground attack) than something that would attack other air targets since it's not as quick or agile as the Gryphon. It's just an idea so it's cool to think about.

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@XYLO.7031 said:Gryphon air fights. I love the idea. The gryphon is my second favorite mount. Maybe attach missiles to them or lasers. Asura know no bounds. The Skyscale seems more like a bomber (air to ground attack) than something that would attack other air targets since it's not as quick or agile as the Gryphon. It's just an idea so it's cool to think about.

Not bad, hey.Not bad at all.Asura tech in mounts.I like that.

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I think it'd be a cool idea to have more emphasis on aerial combat. Such as different weapon skills midair, or have current skills interact differently midair. However with the current state of the game, it's extremely unlikely this will happen, and all of the original combat devs have left the company.

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I very much enjoyed the bloodstone fen gliding skills likewise I also enjoy the special action key Dragonblood spears and firebomb items you can collect in Dragonfall since you can use them while mounted which is currently the closest thing in the game to mounted combat we have.

Nothing like flying around on your Skyscale and launching spears down on your foes or throwing bombs at them hehe tons of fun :D

I could certainly see a kind of PvP style instanced activity utalizing a mounted ariel combat style gameplay..First thing that comes to mind is Skyscale Dragonball hybrid activity.. I think something like that would definitely be possible and a whole lotta fun to play.

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Essentially the underwater combat in game is aerial combat as you still have to deal with three dimensions, the only real difference is that you are not mounted. Most people do not seem too keen on the underwater combat because they have to deal with three dimensions so I am not sure how many people would enjoy aerial combat.

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It would be great fun to have a wvw aerial map. You still could have horizontal platforms all over the place. Large floating islands, some smaller towers and tiny camps and vice versa up high and down low. Almost like an Alpine Borderland map had a cataclysmic event and shattered into pieces. It could be a super tall map with even a water ocean below. Griffon super diving would come in great. There could be Skyscale mount JP like climbing paths to get back up with all your lovely bottlenecks like from desert borderlands. I thought they would do something like this in PoF styled on the DJinn area in southern Desolation. Land, Air and Sea WvW borderlands could be quite fun!

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@Donutdude.9582 said:I think I'd pass entirely on this idea. Despite how bug-ridden it is, I much prefer Aion's aerial combat.

When I need my fill of aerial PvP, I go there.

I never played Aion.Is it any good?I play Drakengard, and the aerial combat with a dragon is fantastic.But the controls are obviously designed for the occasion.You can dash left and right, for instance.You can do quick turns, etc...I kinda imagined doing that with a skyscale.

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