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What kind of map do you want?


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@ixora.3569 said:I would love a map that doesn't allow mounts especially those flying ones. Bring back the good old Guild Wars style of exploration where you actually ran around and appreciated the landscape.

Only if you bring back old Guild Wars style classes and the class system, as well as everything else that made up GW.Also, you can always just go back.GW2 is a different game and should be handled differently.

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@ixora.3569 said:I would love a map that doesn't allow mounts especially those flying ones. Bring back the good old Guild Wars style of exploration where you actually ran around and appreciated the landscape.

I never understand this point. Other players on mounts in no way affect another player's ability to explore a map without using a map. Now, if you mean PoF maps with larger aggro ranges on the mobs, then I can agree however IMO that has nothing to do with mounts.

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@coso.9173 said:I mean aesthetically. What kind of map with a preferably new idea and concept would you like? We have snow, desert, fields, caves, water, etc...I'd personally looove a map that is mostly a creepy forest, like a bigger version of the aberrant forest. Something like dusk wood from wow. A creepy forest, with a dark town, a graveyard, ghosts spiders, and other monsters. I think gw2 could use some more creepy enemies too, without it being a creepy game.What would YOU like?

Yeeeeees, and I'd like to see some witch lore added :O

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I mentioned a sinking map idea a while back. Where the dynamic event was that the island would act like the mysterious island and sink every hour and rise back to the surface the next hour. The meta would be to fight off the creatures of the deep as it sinks and rises, a long with surviving the floods as it goes under. Basically I want the mysterious island as a map. I want to be able to experience a land mass sinking and rising. I also want thunder and rain when it starts to sink so you can know the meta is about to start.

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I want a haunted mansion map. That floating castle in the sky. Inside of the castle should be a full multilevel map with lots of hidden treasures and secret passage ways. It could be like Twisted Castle and Tangled Depths to the 10th power. I'd love that. Only the dedicated will really know their way around.

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I like spooky/rocky/volcanic/alpine jungles environments. Here are several kind of map I would like to see:

1~A swampy forest with a very dense fogs with an haunted mansion/ ruins. And strange altars and dark magics/ disapearances happening.

2~An asuran lab/city complex built on a volcano, and the crater with lava but along some charrs. (Not really inquest, more like soren draa or luminates power plant)

3~Underground map (not at all like tangled depths) more like bioluminescent shrooms, underground lake and waterfall, lava cracks, lava rivers, stalagmites/tites....

4~Ensemble of floating medieval castles/islands/cubes with hang bridges...Maybe tied to zephyrites....

5-Underwater map.With ton of corals, manta rays, archipelago, beaches, underwater facility (aquabase terror 7/jinx isle like) many quaggans, some largos. And hyleks on some islets. And of course submarines/ships.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@"Elric.4713" said:Echovald Forest.


Also unfrozen Jade Sea.I really want a big water based map with small islands dotted about.

I don't want to be a smart buttocks nerd, but jade sea isn't exactly "frozen".It's solidified Jade. Hence the

It's frozen in the sense that it's petrified from the Jade Wind but it's not frozen like ice frozen :)Didn't know what other word to use, guess you could say crystalized but that doesn't quite feel right lol

After Shiro's defeat though both the Jade Sea and Echovald Forest have started showing signs of reversion to their original state so by the time we get there in Gw2 they should be largely restored to a living forest and a water ocean.. which will be fascinating to see :D

Indeed.Think we'll still be able to see, walk, and swim the Canthan territory, before GW2 comes to its conclusion?

Highly unlikely, and honestly id rather not go back, i want to see -new- places that we have never seen before, going back to the old places we have been going while nice is getting old IMO. Lemme explore Janthir bay and its isles(and that volcanic region at the far north of the map), the region of Elona known as Dzalana, Lets go the crater that Kralkatorrik made in Elona, the entire region known as Scavengers causeway has never been touched and its a huge portion of the map, the Domain of Winds would be amazing if it was made exploreable.

Theres even room for anet to go to an entire new continent thats never been seen before IG and does exist in lore, why not go there?


All those landscapes are already exist in GW2 though, but Canthan is not yet ;)

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I dig many of the suggestions here, but am going to make my own suggestion...Something whimsical, at least at first glance, but horrifying and demonic at it's core. If it's a forest or swamp, I'd like it to be an all the time "night" map. Something like a cross between Zangarmarsh over in WOW with it's giant mushroom forest and a larger version of The Grove coupled with elements of TD or AB.

There's that story event in Malchors Leap where that king( I think anyway, can't fully remember) is having a party, but then you break the illusion and everyone is actually a dead zombie minion. I could use a whole map of that element, but I want it to be huge...and like others have said here...have it operate like Hot Metas or the Silverwaste.
Essentially a dream-like map. One large glamor. A fake out dimension...run by a trickster demon(could be a good time to start re-introducing demons to Tyria). Or...Fairies....ok, rewatching the Magicians..sue me.

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I'd want to see a return of the more vertical maps, but accessible. Verdant Brink didn't have a sufficient number of ways to climb, Tangled Depths was thoroughly poor in its actual layout and conveyance. But I still like VB.Or, go the Brisban/Skrittsburg route, with a huge underground set of tunnels/structures that have ascent/descent points. It'd be a great layout to cram in some events that happen above, below, or simultaneously.

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The artists usually do an amazing job either way. The last release was kind of boring, but there are a few parts that were cool, like the giant ice cavern and the meta unlock part.

If we're sticking to just this season, I was hoping for a woodlands cascade area. I'd like to see an entire forest area like the area in Bitterfrost. Of course ideally I would love a creepy echovald as well, but I think they could do something pretty cool with the woodland cascades area.

I typically like the maps that have a little more diversity though though.

If we're reaching outside this season, I'd say Echovald for sure, and say some underwater Largos capital city or something. It would be bubbled somehow so the gameplay would be like normal gameplay and not underwater gameplay, but it would be cool to have this giant elaborate Largos city with Steve's glowing eyes looming in the background. Could get pretty creepy and dark too.

Other than that - Arah.

I'd love to have a map in the so far undiscovered part of Arah near the Artesian waters, and maybe an open world version of the explorable and story mode versions of Arah.

Honestly, I think a multi-chained fractal series with pre-cataclysm Arah could be pretty awesome. Seeing the city explored in its former glory, having it broken up into several different fractals that let you live through that portion of history. But as fractals are apparently no longer being developed the only hope of ever seeing that is with this new Vision thing they're implementing.

Other than that some more high fantasy maps would be kind of cool. Something akin to Heart of the Mists but with a more white/gold fairy tale kind of vibe.

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