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Do you want new Character Selection Screen?

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I voted yes just because I think it would be nice for the launcher and the character select screen to match, but I think it's a very minor thing (like @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said it's not like I spend a lot of time there) and definitely shouldn't be a high priority change. But if someone happens to have the time and/or some art which was created for something else and then not used that would be appropriate it couldn't hurt to update it.

As long as it's not too dark or too blue. I like blue, and I like dark colours, but not as the entire background for the first thing people see coming into the game. So hopefully more snowy scenery than Jormag's ice everywhere.

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Yes, because it's been a long time looking at the same background and something new would be nice. Though I'd much rather they added some new sorting options instead of having just the "last played" sorting we've been using forever. Mainly for those of us with tons of characters, but still potentially useful to all.

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Oh wait, you meant just the aesthetics?

No. I don't care if the launcher and background match.

What I want is a new character select that:•Resizes characters properly so they fit on the screen•Lists all characters for easy selection (or in the very least, allows faster scrolling)•Sorts and filters

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