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Poll: Is WvW More Enjoyable After The Patch?


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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@Junkpile.7439 said:No. Brandead zerging got huge boost.

+1, an outnumbered group has no chance of winning now due to lack of damage, rez abuse usually on the other side's favor, each player's Warclaw dismount doing more damage than most power skills, etc.

I feel the exact opposite and almost exclusively play in a small group outnumbered.

It's not perfect and downstate is more problematic than last patch but even so outnumbered fights are more doable.

The best builds for outnumbering enemies took some of the biggest hits to their dmg.

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I had fun apart from the fact my power mirage feels like a useless sack of shit with one dodge.But I like the slower pace, so +1 for that, warclaw change is nice too (I like running with a mounted group while unmounted) so +1 for that too.But until mirage gets its second dodge back, I’m going to be more into map completion and achievement chasing than WvW or pvp.

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I'd say its not that much difference compare with before. The factor changed might just the players waiting for this patch so the WVW seem more active abit with double buff.Meanwhile, something else screwed that's why I voted less enjoyable.I could appreciate the idea behind to nerf those skills too OP to offer other traits/trait lines a chance to be selected.But these 300s i-CD traits just unacceptable.I couldn't see any point if anyone still gonna run them after that doubled tripled CD change.5 mins could be the situation we engage into 2nd or even 3rd group in WVW and we gonna have some trait skills still recharging.I dont against the idea to increase the CD abit but 300s just too much.For example, U could make stances on warrior longer to 120s or so and decrease the duration to 6-8s.300s for 2 easy trigger stances just too long and quite much a waste of 2 traits, I doubt if anyone would even still select these 2.They are not like getting nerfed just directly got threw into trash can.Some other minor things I might still need investigation.But all these 300s CD need a fix.

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I went from full on melee in your face brawler style of gameplay on my soulbeast, to bunker hybrid here have some condi as well style of gameplay. I preferred the brawler style more as it had a higher skill requirement. I can't be bursted anymore and I can't really burst people anymore as well.Overall fun factor is lower now. Blobbing is even more required, and people run from 1v1's. I've seen an increase of pure condi spam groups ganking people.Changes were too extreme, the real culprits of bad balance are still in the wild (FB boon and heal spam, necro aoe spam).We'll see how it develops though, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Im really enjoying how the big clash fights habe changed. Instead of one side just stomping rolling over the field i feel it is a bit more slow paced, just enough time for my pewpew ranger to enjoy the micro fights and tails that appear; the "stops" during battle, the back and fort movement of the field.

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It feels a bit better but things like condi rev need to be nerfed HARD.Also ranger have few skills that are 1500 range, they also need to be toned down to 1200, 1300 at best. The traps too, I walked into one, my hp just disappeared, didn't cleanse just to see how ridiculous it is.

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"Thanks" to two main features I personally do not find the new patch very enjoyable:

  • Contrary to the mission statement, condi has become burst in bigger scale fights. Many power players seem to have shifted over to condi, since it was not nerfed nearly as hard as power. While the protection aspects and cleanses have been nerfed quite hard in many cases with reduced cleanses and on top of that increased cooldowns.
  • Condi bombs go with a lot of hard CC. I think CC has become like a sub-role now, as with CC you do not damage anymore. So quite some player (including me) slot as much CC as possible when doing some anyways, maybe while providing support. This again is countered by a lowered amount of stability and stunbreaks.
  • In the end results you might not even need as much total damage in a burst anymore, as you can simply force enemies to have to stay in the condi bomb.

Especially when numbers of players in a fight are not equal, the changes seem to favor bigger zergs a lot more than the old meta / patch state. IMO the intended design goal of promoting better play is not achieved. Instead the design promotes simply putting your best effort into forming the bigger zerg. Numbers matter more than skill. Big brain.

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