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In-Game Housing [Merged]

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@"kharmin.7683" said:

I hope not. If players want Wildstar housing, then they should play Wildstar. I would prefer Anet spend their resources on content that would appeal to what I believe would be a larger portion of the player base.

Sadly they cant since it closed down 1½ years ago


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@"kharmin.7683" said:

I hope not. If players want Wildstar housing, then they should play Wildstar. I would prefer Anet spend their resources on content that would appeal to what I believe would be a larger portion of the player base.love this quote, I hope they do that too...Being an open solution as it is, the solution could be in-game housing,that appeals to large portion of playerbase.

This is like my MBA course,Macy's, etc have been going downhill since Amazon became very popular, what should they do?"They should focus on selling online" "They should sell online" "They should do online marketing"...They've been selling online since before Amazon was a thing.They should a lot, the issue is, how, in what way specifically

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I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

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Housing would be a nice feature, good groundwork and concepts are already ingame. Guildhalls never appealed to me, since it was never real housing, nothing personal about it. I would spend way more time on housing if I knew the decorations actually belonged to me, not the guild. It would have great replayability for the general population, unlike dungeons and raids, which are either officially abandoned, or only cater to a small amount of players, as stated by Anet.

PoE has a nice working system, too. Their hideouts are used for a lot of things.

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Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the crap in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:

I hope not. If players want Wildstar housing, then they should play Wildstar. I would prefer Anet spend their resources on content that would appeal to what I believe would be a larger portion of the player base.

Sadly they cant since it closed down 1½ years ago

Think about that...

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:The home instance doesn't feel like a home though. In Everquest, Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft, you customize your home, it's not premade and little to no customizations that Guild Wars 2 has right now.

Especially the home instance in Divinity Reach, it's basically a zone. I don't own the multiple houses in that instance.

They need to make a real home instance that actually feels like a home, and it should be customizable. Let me build my home, I don't want premade default that everyone else has too, that does not feel like a home.

Then why did you cite ESO? Of the games you cited, this is the one I actually play, and if you and I both buy the same house, they are exactly the same. This is exactly the same scenario as home instances, for Norn's they're the same, for Asura they're the same, etc. There's room for customization, but the base units are identical. It surely wouldn't hurt to make the home instances more upgradeable, but really, I haven't done anything with mine, because other than a hub for some of the vanilla story quests, I haven't had to use it for anything. I have bank access, and vendors w/out having to go into the home instance, and so, I don't go in, and frankly, that's 90% of what I'd need from a home here.

So I see it more as players want it, and that's great, but it's not something they need to do, it's just something it'd be nice if they did.

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@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

Guild halls in this game is

  1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
  2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
  3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

@"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

GW2, everybody is at end game, like endgame endgame. Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

Guild halls in this game is
  1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
  2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
  3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

@"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

GW2, everybody is at end game, like
endgame endgame.
Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

Exactly what does CP have to do with anything? You can, quite literally, have maxed CP on a level 1 character, and you're still not going to be let in endgame content. Why? Because level 50 is the requirement, not the CP. Fair warning, when you discuss how other games work, beware, some of us play lots of games, and may be hip to "but this game does x", especially when what you present doesn't match up with the reality. Nobody, reasonable, is expecting one to have Caldwell's Silver and Gold before they'll let you run Vet Pledges with them. Vet Pledges are amongst the ways you earn the CP, not the other way around, as you're trying to sell us here.

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@robertthebard.8150 said:

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

Guild halls in this game is
  1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
  2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
  3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

@"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

GW2, everybody is at end game, like
endgame endgame.
Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

Exactly what does CP have to do with anything? You can, quite literally, have maxed CP on a level 1 character, and you're still not going to be let in endgame content. Why? Because level 50 is the requirement, not the CP. Fair warning, when you discuss how other games work, beware, some of us play lots of games, and may be hip to "but this game does x", especially when what you present doesn't match up with the reality. Nobody, reasonable, is expecting one to have Caldwell's Silver and Gold before they'll let you run Vet Pledges with them. Vet Pledges are amongst the ways you earn the CP, not the other way around, as you're trying to sell us here.

You cant get max CP without having been lvl 50.Also, you need to be a lvl 50 with x amount of CP to raid, you wont get a raid with 0 CP being a lvl 50.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:I would love to point on how dead guild halls are right now. Besides the random decorations, there has been no real updates sinces monuments update. Player housing sounds like it it end the same way, on the long laundry list of abandoned content. But unlike dungeons and raids, those still have replayable, guildhalls have no replayability for the general population.

Guild halls in this game is
  1. actually too big, it feels more like a zone than a Guild Hall.
  2. Also it already comes furnished, so defeats purpose of spiffing it up.
  3. Also, some players are probably very creative but they have no access rights to spiffy it up

@"zityz.6089" said:Player housing would work in this game the same way as other games with Player housing. A feature that will be used for a month or two for a person to go "look at all the kitten in my house!" and then it will fade away into obscurity.

But on the other hand, it will open up a possibility for Anet to sell you a cultural themed dining set in the Gem store...FOR 7 DAYS ONLY!!!

No it wouldn'tOne big difference between GW2 and ESO is GW2 you reach end game very quickly. In ESO, you still have 700+ CP's to farm. In Everquest, you still have 10k AA's to farm. etc.

GW2, everybody is at end game, like
endgame endgame.
Anyone can do raids, they just need to know how. In ESO you need x amount of CP, in EQ you need x amount of AA. GW2, don't show me gear, show me stuff that signifies you know how to do this raid. In EQ and in ESO, how much CP or AA you have? "You don't have 12k AA, well you need to get that first then we will talk about even more requirements."One other thing with MMO's is people come and go, and one reason housing gets put on the back burner is because they come back and have so much to grind. In GW2 you come back and say "now what"

That being said, Housing is an endgame feature to have.Games like EQ and ESO, still gotta do a ton more grinding. Games like GW2, I'm at end game END GAME "bored as hell, what to do now, totally wish i could do something creative like housing"

Exactly what does CP have to do with anything? You can, quite literally, have maxed CP on a level 1 character, and you're still not going to be let in endgame content. Why? Because level 50 is the requirement, not the CP. Fair warning, when you discuss how other games work, beware, some of us play lots of games, and may be hip to "but this game does x", especially when what you present doesn't match up with the reality. Nobody, reasonable, is expecting one to have Caldwell's Silver and Gold before they'll let you run Vet Pledges with them. Vet Pledges are amongst the ways you earn the CP, not the other way around, as you're trying to sell us here.

You cant get max CP without having been lvl 50.Also, you need to be a lvl 50 with x amount of CP to raid, you wont get a raid with 0 CP being a lvl 50.

...and what part of your first line invalidates anything I said? It's not even good refutation of anything I said. Once you have max CP on one character, you have it on all your characters, including that fresh new level 1 alt you just rolled up.

Psst: People were raiding before CP was a thing, how did they get anywhere back then?

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Just overhaul the guild hall system, give us more guild halls and more customization and make guilds mean something. Bam player housing, with a twist and it can help you make friends to enjoy the game with. If you don't want to be social then fine, don't join a guild but the basic premise is already there for this type of feature and it just needs attention to make it good enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:Just overhaul the guild hall system, give us more guild halls and more customization and make guilds mean something. Bam player housing, with a twist and it can help you make friends to enjoy the game with. If you don't want to be social then fine, don't join a guild but the basic premise is already there for this type of feature and it just needs attention to make it good enough.

Guild hall wouldnt be bad if they want to do it that way.Hotel style would be pretty cool like others have mentioned.

They should have wider accessibility when it comes to creation, like a member can create his room in the GH instance. Rather than "creates all or not able to create anything" options.

It's just right now, it is in need of improvements. Needs more things to customize, like placing vendors, placing GH related things whereever you want. Making the walls however you want. Customization in GW2 is very bad.Its just a template with few customizations.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@uberkingkong.8041 said:Will in game housing be included in GW2 next expansion?Everquest has it, Elder Scrolls Online has it, World of Warcraft has it.Guild Wars 2 should have it!

Disagree. Just because other MMOs have it, doesn't mean that GW2
have it. I prefer the development resources be used for other content.

this.X, Y and Z have so GW2 needs it is a weak argument.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:Will in game housing be included in GW2 next expansion?Everquest has it, Elder Scrolls Online has it, World of Warcraft has it.Guild Wars 2 should have it!

This is what is known as a bandwagon fallacy. In other words, you're saying that because other games are doing something, GW2 should do it. Another, if somewhat more extreme, example would be [enter the name of a mass murderer here] murdered hundreds of people, so you should too. Now, don't take my words out of context and say that I think that mass murder is okay, because I don't. I'm just using a statement similar to yours to prove it's lack of logic. All because WoW did something does not mean that GW2 should do it or vise versa.

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  • 1 year later...

Just make it like EQ2 or FF14 housing....they don't need to reinvent the wheel.


I spent such an absurd amount of time on my EQ2 house which was all instanced based and FF14 has a cool system of unlimited home instance in the form of apartments...but actual physical property in the open world which is limited and finite that is much more expensive but has its spot in the world and people can see it.


Would love to see either system implemented in GW2

Edited by Luclinraider.2317
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