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[Suggestion] Free outfit for Coronavirus awareness?

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@"Kanok.3027" said:I swear, people are making it sound like this thing is killing people by the millions when the mortality rate is low. Guess people need to panic about anything and bring awareness to it. Hey, here's a suggestion: let's raise awareness for cancer instead! It kills millions per year and yet no one is panicking over that!

Except cancer doesn't spread from person to person. I mean even with a mortality rate of 2% or maybe even 1% when talking about 7 Billion people is still 28 to 49 Million people you suggest we shouldn't panic about. Plus the addition that if that would run rampant people can't get the help because we (as a race) don't have hospitals to care for all those sick people, which then obviously affects the capacity to take in people suffering from all the other illnesses.

So if you want to help cancer, don't just let the hospitals overload with COVID patients please, because "it has only a low mortality rate anyway".

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Edited dialogue in game at Spirits' Refuge.

Vigil Tactician : I've done some preliminary tests on the... SARS-CoV-2Vigil Marksman : You can just call them "Covid -19." That's what everyone else is doing.Vigil Tactician : That's not very scientific. If you call it a name like that, you give it power.Vigil Marksman : It is powerful. Powerful and very dangerous. To suggest otherwise is irresponsible.Vigil Tactician : What's irresponsible is treating this like some kind of curse. It's a quantifiable thing. It has rules.Vigil Marksman : I don't care if you study it. I honestly don't even care what you call it. Just don't catch it.

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I don't think a free outfit is a good idea. I don't want special outfits that might not fit into the ingame world. Also for awareness - since more player might be playing - some new seasonal event might be nice. Maybe let the upcoming SAB festival run a bit longer (so people with more free time because of Corona can enjoy it a bit more) and add some additional stuff into the game. Ingame disease mini living story (not repeatable - like with LS1 ... only playable in this special circumstances with low or no rewards just for the story).

Like cooking food and deliviering it to elderly people that can't leave the house (to protect them from getting infected).

Also players and guilds ingame might do their own events. (Maybe more people will be online to play ... maybe heling new players doing older stuff nobody does anymore usually nowadass. Dungeons n stuff.)

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