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Group content required for story completion

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@sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

@"Raknar.4735" said:I've never said that a MMO can only have 1 person or 100 person though. That's something you're accusing me off :DReality is that MMOs also have single player content, so telling the OP to play another game is still wrong.

I'm not demanding they stop making single player encounters in the game, the OP is trying to prevent ANET from making multiplayer content. See the difference?

Also you very clearly have stated several times now that MMO means MASSIVE only and NOT multiplayer.

Nope, that's not what I read. I get that it's what you want to have read, but "don't make story content require a group" is not the same as "don't make group content".

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@"robertthebard.8150" said:Nope, that's not what I read. I get that it's what you want to have read, but "don't make story content require a group" is not the same as "don't make group content".

This isn't Icebrood Saga episode 3. Visions of the past is entirely new and it seems its going to be group oriented content, while living world updates (Icebrood saga episodes) intend to be single player. So yes, by demanding they make visions of the past exactly like living world, you are demanding they don't make group content, because this is new group content and you're demanding it not be. How is that unclear?

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@sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

@"robertthebard.8150" said:Nope, that's not what I read. I get that it's what you want to have read, but "don't make story content require a group" is not the same as "don't make group content".

This isn't Icebrood Saga episode 3. Visions of the past is entirely new and it seems its going to be group oriented content, while living world updates (Icebrood saga episodes) intend to be single player. So yes, by demanding they make visions of the past exactly like living world, you are demanding they don't make group content, because this is new group content and you're demanding it not be. How is that unclear?

No, they are not. I get it, "But I'm an MMO purist, if you're not in a group the whole time you're logged in, you're doing it wrong", or something along those lines? Content that is made, and released to be group content should be just that. It's not like they came in demanding that all dungeons, fractals and raids be made SP, and all future ones, if any are on the table, should also be SP. Story content, from when I joined to now, has always been SP content. I read here that Zaitan wasn't always, but it is now. There's a world of difference between what was asked for, and what you're trying to claim.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Indeed since this is on par with dungeon stories

It's also similar to Nightmare Tower from LS1. Which people wanted back. And that WAS story content.

In fact LS1 was mostly group stuff - Battle for LA, Marionette, Nightmare Tower, Invasions, 2 dungeons, Tequatl

Still at work so haven't experienced it yet, but what about 3 months from now? 6 months from now? What will players new to the game or playing catchup do when everyone else is doing Eps 3 and they can't get enough peeps to finish the story?

It's all well and good to compare it to S1, but you never had that problem with S1 because the content gradually was removed from the game, so there was never a time when players would come along and struggle to get the groups needed to complete it.

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This is content you can solo. At least the first part since the Ryland section is bugged so I never tried that part yet. Though it is a "rush" kind of content that can be taxing. It will take multiple playthroughs to get all achievements. Many more to get all that new resource to get all the stuff. Better than spending 250 gold coins per coat armor.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Indeed since this is on par with dungeon stories

It's also similar to Nightmare Tower from LS1. Which people wanted back. And that WAS story content.

In fact LS1 was mostly group stuff - Battle for LA, Marionette, Nightmare Tower, Invasions, 2 dungeons, Tequatl

Still at work so haven't experienced it yet, but what about 3 months from now? 6 months from now? What will players new to the game or playing catchup do when everyone else is doing Eps 3 and they can't get enough peeps to finish the story?

It's all well and good to compare it to S1, but you never had that problem with S1 because the content gradually was removed from the game, so there was never a time when players would come along and struggle to get the groups needed to complete it.

This isn't directly main story though and it's easily completable with less and it's designed to be repeatable so it's not going to empty any time in the near future. This is the least likely instanced content to struggle to be completed so even those who want to experience it wont miss out due to spreading population

The idea is you can run around with friends in a squad or in a public group and still get stuff for it. It is for all intents and purposes, a quick access dungeon with a loose, contained story to give it purpose

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@"Mea.5491" said:"Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively multiplayer game. :tongue:

Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

I repeat. MMO =/= 10 man instanced dungeons. It means a bunch of players online together at the same time.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Mea.5491" said:
"Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
game. :tongue:

Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

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@Mea.5491 said:

@Mea.5491 said:
"Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
game. :tongue:

Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

Maybe that's why FFXIV is successful and GW2 is having issues. I love GW2 but too often it feels like a single-player game for an MMO. Solo players always cry when we get multiplayer content in a multiplayer game. It's sad.

Successful maybe, interesting to me? no, and ive had friends who left GW2 for it try to get me to play it. Im not interested in the type of gameplay they want out of an MMO, its why i stay behind, GW2 has what i want, if it changes to much i will of course leave, but i wont be starting a "typical" mmo.

The only time ive seen Solo players "Cry" is when it impedes the story, ive never thought story mode should be multiplayer mandatory, so im on their side there. Which by the way what do you mean by solo players? Players who enjoy doing -Their- characters story alone, or those who play alone 100% of the time(can you even? this game always has players doing events.)

Very rarely do i see people demanding all 5-10 man content be removed(most are troll threads too...), in fact this isnt even asking for that. Most of the strike mission threads, raid threads and back in the day dungeon threads wanted it to be easier as this game has a huge easy going population, and i do sort of agree with them.

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Wow, I see a lot of strawmanning in the responses to me. So here we go:Every single MMO still has content that can be done solo, the amount of soloable content can vary but GW2 has always leaned heavily into being more solo friendly and allowing people to pick and choose when to interact with others and who they want to interact with (such as not having things like group queues that toss you into a group of randoms until recently with the public strike missions)I do not want anet to stop making group content.I play group content in GW2 all the time.Story has just been traditionally a solo or party-optional part of the game, and I enjoyed it this way as it allowed me to take in the story and lore at my own pace without the distraction of other players and potential trolls.I do not always have friends available to play with and pugs are notorious for being bad to the point that its almost worse to have them around than to be solo.The mission needed for this story is tons of fun and I enjoy playing it, but I still feel it should not have been required to advance the story in my story journal.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:Wow, I see a lot of strawmanning in the responses to me. So here we go:Every single MMO still has content that can be done solo, the amount of soloable content can vary but GW2 has always leaned heavily into being more solo friendly and allowing people to pick and choose when to interact with others and who they want to interact with (such as not having things like group queues that toss you into a group of randoms until recently with the public strike missions)I do not want anet to stop making group content.I play group content in GW2 all the time.Story has just been traditionally a solo or party-optional part of the game, and I enjoyed it this way as it allowed me to take in the story and lore at my own pace without the distraction of other players and potential trolls.I do not always have friends available to play with and pugs are notorious for being bad to the point that its almost worse to have them around than to be solo.The mission needed for this story is tons of fun and I enjoy playing it, but I still feel it should not have been required to advance the story in my story journal.

So this boils down to where the progress of the content is recorded: in your story journal?

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:Wow, I see a lot of strawmanning in the responses to me. So here we go:Every single MMO still has content that can be done solo, the amount of soloable content can vary but GW2 has always leaned heavily into being more solo friendly and allowing people to pick and choose when to interact with others and who they want to interact with (such as not having things like group queues that toss you into a group of randoms until recently with the public strike missions)I do not want anet to stop making group content.I play group content in GW2 all the time.Story has just been traditionally a solo or party-optional part of the game, and I enjoyed it this way as it allowed me to take in the story and lore at my own pace without the distraction of other players and potential trolls.I do not always have friends available to play with and pugs are notorious for being bad to the point that its almost worse to have them around than to be solo.The mission needed for this story is tons of fun and I enjoy playing it, but I still feel it should not have been required to advance the story in my story journal.

So this boils down to where the progress of the content is recorded: in your story journal?

Yes and no.The fact that it's in the story journal is a big part of it. But there is also the possibility that the information we get from this release will be directly tied into the story later, so that even if it wasn't in the story journal the game would still expect you to have done it in order to understand a major plot point. (A pitfall that gw2 had when it came to dungeons and how if you didn't do the storymode for them you were suddenly met with a group of people who hated each other getting along again and you aren't sure what happened to change that)

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:Wow, I see a lot of strawmanning in the responses to me. So here we go:Every single MMO still has content that can be done solo, the amount of soloable content can vary but GW2 has always leaned heavily into being more solo friendly and allowing people to pick and choose when to interact with others and who they want to interact with (such as not having things like group queues that toss you into a group of randoms until recently with the public strike missions)I do not want anet to stop making group content.I play group content in GW2 all the time.Story has just been traditionally a solo or party-optional part of the game, and I enjoyed it this way as it allowed me to take in the story and lore at my own pace without the distraction of other players and potential trolls.I do not always have friends available to play with and pugs are notorious for being bad to the point that its almost worse to have them around than to be solo.The mission needed for this story is tons of fun and I enjoy playing it, but I still feel it should not have been required to advance the story in my story journal.

So this boils down to where the progress of the content is recorded: in your story journal?

Yes and no.The fact that it's in the story journal is a big part of it. But there is also the possibility that the information we get from this release will be directly tied into the story later, so that even if it wasn't in the story journal the game would still expect you to have done it in order to understand a major plot point. (A pitfall that gw2 had when it came to dungeons and how if you didn't do the storymode for them you were suddenly met with a group of people who hated each other getting along again and you aren't sure what happened to change that)

Why are you making this sound like something new?

I mean by and large instanced or group content has always been used to tell potentially related but not overall important part of any given story in the game. You don't really need to understand the whole story of the dungeons or raids to get the major plot points, let alone understand the story and it's direction.

If this wasn't in the story journal I feel very confident in saying this thread would not exist. It literally seems is the fact that it's in the story journal that is your problem.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:Wow, I see a lot of strawmanning in the responses to me. So here we go:Every single MMO still has content that can be done solo, the amount of soloable content can vary but GW2 has always leaned heavily into being more solo friendly and allowing people to pick and choose when to interact with others and who they want to interact with (such as not having things like group queues that toss you into a group of randoms until recently with the public strike missions)I do not want anet to stop making group content.I play group content in GW2 all the time.Story has just been traditionally a solo or party-optional part of the game, and I enjoyed it this way as it allowed me to take in the story and lore at my own pace without the distraction of other players and potential trolls.I do not always have friends available to play with and pugs are notorious for being bad to the point that its almost worse to have them around than to be solo.The mission needed for this story is tons of fun and I enjoy playing it, but I still feel it should not have been required to advance the story in my story journal.

So this boils down to where the progress of the content is recorded: in your story journal?

Yes and no.The fact that it's in the story journal is a big part of it. But there is also the possibility that the information we get from this release will be directly tied into the story later, so that even if it wasn't in the story journal the game would still expect you to have done it in order to understand a major plot point. (A pitfall that gw2 had when it came to dungeons and how if you didn't do the storymode for them you were suddenly met with a group of people who hated each other getting along again and you aren't sure what happened to change that)

Why are you making this sound like something new?

I mean by and large instanced or group content has always been used to tell potentially related but not overall important part of any given story in the game. You don't really need to understand the whole story of the dungeons or raids to get the major plot points, let alone understand the story and it's direction.

If this wasn't in the story journal I feel very confident in saying this thread would not exist. It literally seems is the fact that it's in the story journal that is your problem.

You clearly did not read what I just said.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:The latest story requires 5-10 man instanced content in order to complete it. Anet has not required group content for story since the original Zhaitan fight which they later changed to be soloable.

Making group content required for the story is a step backwards.I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

I know anet wants to push players into trying out strikes but this is not the way to do it.A chapter in my story journal should not require group content.

Its a step forward, Reinforce people to join guilds and play an MMORPG together. For too long guild wars 2 has tried to be both a single player game, and a multiplayer and I believe it was to get people to try visions of the past. Im not against it, it was and is a lot of fun and I've enjoyed it quite a lot more so than I initially thought I would as its got a lot of lore and feels good to play.

If you dislike this wait until the woodland cascades come next, its said to be a pve variant of WvW so I imagine its gonna require TONS of group content to actually work and get you to your story. I like this direction~

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Mewcifer.5198 said:The latest story requires 5-10 man instanced content in order to complete it. Anet has not required group content for story since the original Zhaitan fight which they later changed to be soloable.

Making group content required for the story is a step backwards.I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

I know anet wants to push players into trying out strikes but this is not the way to do it.A chapter in my story journal should not require group content.

Its a step forward, Reinforce people to join guilds and play an MMORPG together. For too long guild wars 2 has tried to be both a single player game, and a multiplayer and I believe it was to get people to try visions of the past. Im not against it, it was and is a lot of fun and I've enjoyed it quite a lot more so than I initially thought I would as its got a lot of lore and feels good to play.

If you dislike this wait until the woodland cascades come next, its said to be a pve variant of WvW so I imagine its gonna require TONS of group content to actually work and get you to your story. I like this direction~

Historically a game company making a sizable change to the philosophy of their games and how they are played does not work out well for them.

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