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Sometimes I feel LW chapter bosses aren't designed for solo play

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My traits and stats coupled with loosing access to my weapon skills, the ones that actually matter and do damage for the most part(I didnt see the drop/swap button) made that fight way harder than it should have been. 7-8-9-0 are really hardly used in the build im running, so having those was barely noticeable and not helpful in the case of two of them with how much that boss moves around.

@Randulf.7614 said:

You can use your own skills in that fight by switching out Rylands sword.

Did not know you can switch out of his sword. Honestly didnt see an icon for that but i was to busy trying to avoid dying, and figuring out what his skills did.

Plus his skills are literally the most overpowered in the entire game, minus Caithe's insanely op stuff and Sohothin^^

His skills destroyed my builds rotation and how it functioned. Caithes was just as awful on my ele as Ryland was. Sohothin was the only weapon skill ive enjoyed using due to just how much damage it did per hit.

But as said above, i wasnt aware you could drop his sword(didnt see the button.)

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A lot of bosses in LW feel unfair to me - often times, they are either bullet sponges or are combined with easy to avoid yet poorly explained mechanics. Often times, it's more useful to watch the floor rather than the boss, because their animations rarely correlate to their method of attack.

That being said, I've never felt the need to bring in other players for help, because all of my builds have some way to add sustain.

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Thing is that bosses must feel a bit of "HP sponges" as they are balanced in a way that full optimised builds wont kill them in 5 seconds.Personally I did every story with my raid character and every encounter was over really fast, however if Ibwould have fight against same bosses with my wvw character, those fights would have been way too long.

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The bosses are less or more hard depending on your build, your profession and your gear. Plus your knowledge and skill of course. I don't find any of them particularly hard and most of them I don't find HP sponges. Of course, that doesn't mean I enjoy every fight but I enjoy a lot of them.

That said, though I have soloed every boss, almost all the time, I play with friends. It's easy enough to make some friends and play with them. While the game doesn't actively encourage duo play (or more), it does allow it, and many story instances can be greatly sped up . As a guy who does 90% of my stories with friends, I don't even understand what this thread is about.

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@"Dante.1763" said:Story bosses should be easy for an average player

How exactly does that make them "Bosses" then?

As for the OP, it most likely just comes down to your build/skill level.Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.

It's hard to care about any story that's so full of ludonarrative dissonance, where there is this big bad the story builds up to but all the while you know that they are just gonna fall over instantly when you sneeze at them (unless you purposefully unequip half your gear and stop every few % Boss HP to see if anything cool happens before you go back to melting them).

Really wish Anet had gone with a Story Mode/Challenge Mode approach to Story missions.

! Being bored while "fighting" the literal come to life god of war, fire, and challenge who had been build up and referenced since 13 years at that point is still one of my most disappointing moments in this game, just disappointedly sighing and shaking my head at the delivery of story content in this game when it was over and realising that was it, rather than sighing in relief that I had finally beaten the encounter with a sense of accomplishment.

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All the story bosses have been tedious (which is a different thing from being difficult) since at least LS3. They've got at least twice the health they should have, and every fight boils down to "spews AOE everywhere all the time, which will kill you in seconds".

A lot of them aren't scaled well for solo players either, though that's usually more of a problem with achievements (particularly of the "beat this boss in X time" or "do not get hit by X attack" varieties).

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@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

And similar guidance can be given to players on the opposite side of the spectrum as well.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

And similar guidance can be given to players on the opposite side of the spectrum as well.

I don't think average players have a better time when taking off armour.

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I hate story as is due to the incredibly boring, long and slow NPC conversations I couldn't care less about.Some of the annoying bosses just make it all the more frustrating because my only goal is to get the content locked behind story, the longer it takes the worse it gets... Suffering like that just to unlock game content is bleh :confounded:

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

Which I have been doing since years when playing story as mentioned in my post, but you might imagine how badly it feels to have to take off some of your gear and/or swap to a deliberately bad build as preparation to going into a "boss fight", just so it doesn't melt in <20 seconds on the first try and you get to see some of the mechanics.

It doesn't exactly make for a good gaming experience when you deliberately give it your worst and still breeze through content, especially when it's supposed to be a big lore bad. Just makes for an awful experience.Hell, with one of the big Story bads of GW2, I got stuck in terrain, and as I was trying to find my way out unsuccessfully for a couple minutes because I didn't want to replay the entire mission, the NPC's finished the big boss themselves way off screen without me even getting to see the last stages of the fight, let alone getting a single hit in..

I'm not asking for boss fights to be artificially inflated. I just wish they weren't artificially deflated to a point where Anet makes decade long legendary lore foes and even gods out to be a complete joke when it comes to gameplay.It's almost like satire and feels like some of these big bads which have been in the making since GW1 15 years ago finally step onto the stage just to slip on a banana peel and break their neck before you get a chance to actually fight them.

Imo Boss Fights should be all about having to bring your A-Game, and then still having an enjoyable and memorable struggle of possibly even failing and trying again, analysing the boss and it's mechanics, having to adjust your build to counteract and deal with them. Otherwise what's the point of having a boss fight at all.

The Story feels completely devoid of any meaning when it's trying to build up a story threat and you listen to all the exposition etc. and all the while just think, yea, yea, let me just fight you and instantly delete you already like the rest, what's the point..

Which is where different difficulties for Story content could have added a lot, ideally offering the current unfailable Story mode, a hard mode and maybe even a proper challenging Group Mode, akin to GW1's story.

@Fueki.4753 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

And similar guidance can be given to players on the opposite side of the spectrum as well.

I don't think average players have a better time when taking off armour.

What they meant was likely that overly weak players might be encouraged to step up their game to beat some of these legendary bosses, rather than expecting competent players to consciously sabotage themselves, or maybe at least a compromise of the two.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

Why should the average players (who are the vast majority of the player base) be forced to get better, just because a mere handful of top players don't feel challenged enough?How is that reasonable in any way?

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@Asum.4960 said:

What they meant was likely that overly weak players might be encouraged to step up their game to beat some of these legendary bosses, rather than expecting competent players to consciously sabotage themselves, or maybe at least a compromise of the two.

@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

This isnt dark souls. "Git gud" is a laughable response to someone saying they find bosses in the story hard.

Im a competent player, i do tier 4 fractals, i do raids, i dont struggle with those nor do i get carried, i dont handicap myself through the story and still find a few of the bosses challenging(solo, all bosses melt with a group). Top players should never ever be the balancing point. They are an outlier, average players are what the story is made for mostly, and if they are finding it challenging on its own making it harder is not going to make them better, they are already struggling and more than likely playing at the top of -their- game, not everyone can get insanely good.

Further, alot of the outrage around HOT was aimed at the story not being able to be beaten by -everyone- that includes the worst players in the game, and anet also has to take them into account when it comes to make the story. If average players are finding bosses post HOT hard, i highly doubt the worst players find them even fun to attempt.

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@"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:every fight boils down to "spews AOE everywhere all the time, which will kill you in seconds".

80 levels of the game hammering home the importance of dodging, then "LOL, Nope!" It's like them finally adding a breakbar tutorial and then giving you nothing but bosses with a perma-locked grey bar after that.

@"Dante.1763" said:This isnt dark souls. "Git gud" is a laughable response to someone saying they find bosses in the story hard.

Careful. Mod Bot doesn't like it when you call out this sort of crappy attitude.

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@Dante.1763 said:

What they meant was likely that overly weak players might be encouraged to step up their game to beat some of these legendary bosses, rather than expecting competent players to consciously sabotage themselves, or maybe at least a compromise of the two.

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

This isnt dark souls.

True. The Dark Souls community actually creates their own challenge modes, like SL1 runs, speedruns, no hit runs etc., instead of trying to make the whole game harder for everyone. They push their skill to the extreme with their own restrictions, not by telling the developer to create harder content.Can't say I've seen many attempts at creating community challenge modes in GW2. It has always been "Make the game harder, Anet!".

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@Dante.1763 said:

What they meant was likely that overly weak players might be encouraged to step up their game to beat some of these legendary bosses, rather than expecting competent players to consciously sabotage themselves, or maybe at least a compromise of the two.

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

That seems a little backward. I think if it's between that and you gittin' gud, it's pretty obvious which is the more reasonable solution.

This isnt dark souls. "Git gud" is a laughable response to someone saying they find bosses in the story hard.

Im a competent player, i do tier 4 fractals, i do raids, i dont struggle with those nor do i get carried, i dont handicap myself through the story and still find a few of the bosses challenging(solo, all bosses melt with a group). Top players should never ever be the balancing point. They are an outlier, average players are what the story is made for mostly, and if they are finding it challenging on its own making it harder is not going to make them better, they are already struggling and more than likely playing at the top of -their- game, not everyone can get insanely good.

Further, alot of the outrage around HOT was aimed at the story not being able to be beaten by -everyone- that includes the worst players in the game, and anet also has to take them into account when it comes to make the story. If average players are finding bosses post HOT hard, i highly doubt the worst players find them even fun to attempt.

You're right. "Git Gud" is a terrible response to a player who is struggling....unless that player literally suggests other players should tie an arm behind their back if they want a challenge. In case you guys need me to spell it out for you: "Git Gud" and "You should handicap yourself" represent the same "crappy attitude"!

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I have played un until LS3 and finished it. (Just started with PoF but put it on hold for SAB and old GW1 stuff.)So far only the Stavemaster Aryn in some HoT misson was super annoying and hard. (Took me lots of respawns from the checkpoint which was luckily nearby.)

Other bosses were easier. Only some optional achievements for some have been a bit hard. (LS2 the last one where you had to avoid lots of damage stuff for the achievement.)

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Asum.4960 said:Personally, my biggest issue with LW bosses is that they melt sheer instantly before I can even see any of the mechanics and appreciate the fight, and I'm not saying that to brag but as genuine complaint with the story content.That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

And similar guidance can be given to players on the opposite side of the spectrum as well.

I don't think average players have a better time when taking off armour.

That’s not what I meant.

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@Linthenius.3704 said:

@Linthenius.3704 said:Not trying to complain about difficulty. But the bosses typically end up being more of a bullet hell simulator then actual boss fights at times. Also damage sponges when solo. Is that just how they are designed to encourage bringing groups?

A lot of the bosses in living world have unique mechanics to them. Sometimes you need to weaken/damage them with special action skills or other non traditional combat mechanics. If you ignore these mechanics and only use regular combat skills, the fights will take forever and bosses might not progress to different phases. Additionally, if you arent using dps gear the fights will go pretty slowly.

Its not that i'm having trouble with the mechanics. Its mostly that the bosses tend to
just have to much health for one person
at times. Just finished season 4 chapter 2, and the one end boss I understood what must be done perfectly fine. Break the fire rocks and take those drops and blast the glowing marks when they pop up. But combined with the boss being a big damage sponge and there being a million other things to avoid it just got a bit annoying.

Thats because your build is probably really bad. You phase them in a couple of seconds with decent builds and thats not an exaggeration. Dps builds dont finish one rotation loop most of the time and i'm spending usually more time waiting for phases or rp talk than fighting.

Also is sohotin supposed to do damage? It felt like using it was a dps loss compared to my normal skills. Most players simply never learned their characters. No synergies in skills or traits or even gear. All the single player games i play are usually way harder on normal and you can always invite another player for infantile mode in gw2.

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@"sokeenoppa.5384" said:Thing is that bosses must feel a bit of "HP sponges" as they are balanced in a way that full optimised builds wont kill them in 5 seconds.And that underlines one of the core issues this game faces. An enemy that a top player will roll over without noticing any resistance could still be a massive hp sponge taking a ton of time to kill for an average player. There's no way to properly balance the game in such a situation.Although, if devs have to choose either one or the other, i'd rather see the personal story encounters balanced more around the average players, instead of around the top ones.

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@Fueki.4753 said:That is an issue that should be dealt by overly strong players taking of their gear or simply holding back, not by artificially inflating things and making it harder for anyone.

You do understand that Season 3 requires Heart of Thorns and Season 4 Path of Fire right? I'm not sure why a fight in either season's content should be considerably easier than any of the fights in the expansions themselves.

@Fueki.4753 said:Why should the average players (who are the vast majority of the player base) be forced to get better

Are you saying that the vast majority of players didn't finish the expansion content? This would certainly cause concern but I doubt that's the case.

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@castlemanic.3198 said:That has ZERO implications on whether or not players finished expansion content. you're reaching here and I don't know why.

The topic of the thread is about living world chapter bosses. I assumed the argument given

Why should the average players (who are the vast majority of the player base) be forced to get betterapplies to the context of the thread/topic here and not as a completely off topic and derailing remark. Maybe I assumed wrong.

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