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Your favorite content type in GW2?

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A very hard decision between raids, WvW, Dungeons, roleplaying, story, Strikes and PvE for me.However I chose story because I love the lore of this universe so much and I love to immerse myself in the world of Thyria (the planet, not the continent)

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For me it was a hard decision between Raids and Story. But because I started raids because of their story in the first place, I went for "Story". But since I joined a static raid group, I spend most of my weekly play time in raids :)

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I do enjoy my Strikes right now, but they occasionally get ruined by people being angry even in successful no-req lfgs.

Fractals are fun, but I've lost my mojo for them for some reason at the moment. Maybe because my Guild disbanded. Story just is a means to an end. It isn't overly fun and gets worse with subsequent play throughs on alts.

Open World is fantastic though. Even on the rubbish maps like Bjora, Thunderhead and Kourna I still enjoy it

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Toss up between Story and OW.

I think OW edges out, simply because it has slightly better replay value due to there being far more variety in available maps/events with different metas that can also utilize different mechanics.

Also, some characters in the Story suck... Which makes it sometimes excruciating to play through a story and listen to them whine for what feels like 4 whole eternities...

Dungeons... Ehh... Sometimes they're fun. Other times everyone is just skipping everything (It's also sometimes hard to find groups for particular routes, especially Story modes, because the idea is mostly to speedrun the quickest and easiest path)

WvW I haven't played in a while. Blob vs Blob combat doesn't really appeal to me and roaming from my experience is mostly just glass cannon builds trying to insta-gib other glass cannons.

PvP/Raids/Strikes I haven't really got around to properly playing yet. I've played a bit but not really invested much into it so it's hard to say.

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I do a bit of everything except PvP, although I only really do Fractals when I need something from them, but the open-world content is my favourite and what I spend the majority of my time doing.

I've always liked exploring in all games (I used to deliberately avoid finishing levels in old platformers or FPS games until I made sure I'd found everything) and I love that this game really makes it feel worthwhile. Sometimes it's midly annoying - I think I'm being really clever finding my way to a spot the devs never expected players to reach and then I find a chest or something there, meaning they obviously knew some people would do it, and I realise I'm not being as clever as I thought. But I'm also pleased that they knew people like me would take the time to find a way to get there and included something to find when you did.

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I clicked wvw, because that takes the biggest chunk of time, but the thing I am most excited about is the story. Can't wait for the next episode.

I just hope ANET wakes up and stops story lovers like me into kitten strike missions.

NEWSFLASH: Anet, if I wanted to do fractals&raids, I would do fractals and raids. That stuff bores me to death. And strikes do not make it better, they make it worse. STOP FORCING ME TO DO CRAP I HATE TO DO.

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Would have liked to choose lore. But this the closer one. I'm no fan of the story since the start, I only care about the maps design/landscapes and the lores pieces and ambient dialogues within them. After that, dungeons, because of the animated beautiful and skippable cinematics and again lores and dialogues in them.

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I chose dungeons, but I play all of the listed content in the poll.I would love to have dungeons / 5 man content that are longer and have harder bosses in them (like strike mission boss difficulty), similar to the ones in Guild Wars 1.Dungeons in my opinion, could be a great way to provide extra story/lore and challenging content.I don't care for voice acting for dungeons. I don't mind just text bubbles like in GW1.Also give better rewards, similar to raids.

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achievements are missing in this poll.dungeons in this game feel too restricted to me, fractals are fine. any pvp content in this game is far too short-lived to enjoy for me, lore needs to be more. story has virtually zero replay value due to its linear form. that isn't a bad thing but i play rpgs for their replay value so it can't be the favorite part.

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