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Yourself in Tyria, or your GW2 char irl?

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For a long time I said that if I was me but in a fantasy world I'd just be one of the random NPCs who never leaves their town and just tries to make a living. Then Siren's Landing was released and I realised that's not true. I'd be one of the Pact members working behind the scenes (and way behind the front line) trying to clean up and repair the damage done by the dragons after the main events have moved on. In real life I work for a wildlife conservation organisation and I think that's the closest equivalent I've ever seen in a game. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad, especially since if it's anything like my current job I'd mainly stay in Lion's Arch trying to keep everyone organised and be out in the field relatively rarely, so the risk of death would be comparatively low.

I'm not sure if that would be better or worse than being one of my GW2 characters in real life, but I am sure that wouldn't be a good idea. For a start the vast majority of them aren't human and I imagine that would cause some issues (although being a giant, horned cat who can shadow step could be fun). My human female ranger would probably be the least dramatic change but she has notoriously bad judgement (which is apparently my fault somehow) and a tendancy not to think things through which I imagine would get her into just as much trouble in real life as it does in games.

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Despite how much I'd like to live in Tyria, I would probably have to go with being my character IRL. My two mains; eng and ranger are both the shortest possible female Norns. I basically based them on myself but the best version; fit and younger. I've put my Norn characters next to taller male humans in the game to get an idea of real world height. I think a short female Norn is at or slightly taller than 6ft which would make them about my hight in IRL. Having Norn morphing skills IRL would be awesome.

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As much as I'd like to be my gw2 avatars irl, I get the feeling that story will likely end in invasive studies and/or dissection "for science!". Not to mention the headaches of becoming a person who doesn't exist. You'd basically be stateless and potentially jobless... But you have magic powers, so yay?

If I go to Gw2, the technology and magic exists to become my avatar (either through mesmer magic, tonics or makeover kits). There's still the possibility of dissection, but I would be careful to avoid any asura.

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Definitely myself in Tyria :) I love my main (commander) but all that would be left from her (since she can't join an Order or become the Pact Commander irl) would be a thief who's living on the streets of a major city. Not very appealing. I'd rather live in Tyria as myself and join the Order of Whispers ;)

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Myself in Tyria wouldn't survive more than a few days, I mean they have no wifi! They have no Guild Wars 2! But bringing one of my characters in real life? That would be more interesting, provided I keep the abilities, the problem there would be picking one out of the many characters.

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I think I'd enjoy being myself in Tyria since, like I said in the other thread, none of my characters are based on me so I'd feel like an imposter if I became one. Plus I have anxiety so being a giant hellcat in a world without charr would make it kinda hard to do anything.

I'd probably do animal behaviour/training or writing in Tyria. I definitely wouldn't be on the front lines but I could do some good in the background. I could also possibly help the charr out a bit if my scattered knowledge of blacksmithing and metalwork is more advanced than theirs. Oh, and magic healing is great, especially when you don't have a GP of your own irl :p

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Hard question, on one side I'd love to be in that magical fantasy world, but it is also dangerous as hell.On the other side if I could become my char without spending my life in the gym and plastic surgery, it would be awesome too, but I would lose the chance to live in that fantastic setting.

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Hmm... Myself in Tyria could be cool. Especially spending like forever in the Durmand Archives reading all the books. Also, if I managed to go to Kormir's Library, even more books to read. Meanwhile, partaking in Moots and Meatoberfests constantly!

On the flip side, this whole quarantine situation would be considerably less boring if I had a gigantic pair of Norn boobs...

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