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If you could name your weapons ...

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If we had the ability to name our weapons (the ranger can have named pets), what would you have in your inventory?

Pharus: I would have to name "Bueller."My Predator: "AT&T" from the 1980s slogan; 'Reach out, reach out and touch someone.'Incinerator: "Flick my Bic"Eureka: "Indifference"Nevermore: "Conspiracy Stick," the name of a group of ravens

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@Hoover.6394 said:Xiuquatl > XiaoQing which means “little turquoise“ it match the meaning and it’s actually the name a famous green snake demon in chinese mythology

Xiuquatl is a reference (or disfigurement of the name, if you want to see it negatively) to the Aztec deity Xiuhcoatl, whose name translates to turquoise serpent.And the weapon is based on Aztec design.

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That would be fun if they'd use their new names in the trading post.Crafting a collection of sceptres and renaming them into "greatsword" or other weapon types, so that the search function wouldn't work without filters could be fun.

I'd probably end up calling things close to what they look like. "Shiny wood sword", "Ice Axe", and end up with multiple items with a different skin but the same name, since we have multiple "Ice"-axe skins in the game.

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It's not as fun as it is in TES' series to me because of the "meta" sigils/runes and the design model that differentiates them between weapons and armours but I'll try to make a port of the ones I had (in Skyrim). Let's see:

- Robert No Drowny Jr.Aquabreather (I can't read this one without laugh XD)

- Amulet of "Back Off Mary Poppins" (fighting amulet)Rune of Revenant, Durability and/or Resistance* Named after a scene from Two and a Half Men

- Necklace of Run, Barry! Run! (world amulet)Rune of Evasion, Centaur and/or The Pack* Named after a scene from The Flash

- Ring of "The Reapers are coming" (fighting ring 1)Any of the Power Runes and/or any of the Vitality Runes and/or any of the Toughness Runes* Named after several scenes from my favourite game: Mass Effect

- Stop bleeding in my hand, bitch! (fighting ring II)Any of the Power Runes and/or Rune of Durability and/or Rune of Dwayna

- The Ex-Wife (Sword)Any skill that causes Immobilization plus Sigil of Debility and/or Rune of Rata Sum and something to Absorb Health (I don't know if there's one)

- 'll Go Wherever You'll Go (Boots)Rune of Evasion, Centaur and/or The Pack (my original had something to increase Carrying Capacity 'cause I was a hoarder XD)* Named after The Calling's song

- Gauntlets of Back Pain Killer (Gauntlets)Same as above

- 'll Fart on your graveRune of Balthazar and/or Flame Legion plus Sigil of Chilling and Rune of Svanir/Ice plus Sigil of Debility and/or Rune of Rata Sum (closest counterpart of Shock Damage I've found)


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