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@Fire Attunement.9835 said:Signets of Suffering: This trait has been moved to the master tier and replaces Dread. The enhanced signet effect now only activates when in shroud. The enhanced effect for Signet of the Locust has changed to be a 33% movement speed bonus. The enhanced effect for Signet of Vampirism has changed to increase the number of targets to 2 for the passive life siphon.

Speaking as somebody who uses this trait in PvE in its current form - yes, we exist! - I'd really like it if the enhanced signet effect activated even when you aren't in shroud. Maybe only in PvE? PvP necros with this trait are super frustrating to fight, but as a PvE reaper I like having access to high and reliable life force generation, even if undeath signet/signet trait isn't strictly optimal to use from a DPS standpoint.

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@God.2708 said:I am excited for the 2 firebrand 3 scourge meta coming back in WvW. I had gotten bored of the balance and class diversity.

this x100.

what is it with Anet who after 8 years continues to take steps to diversify the WVW meta, which has barely changed even a little since inception. scourges do NOT need changes that will consolidate their meta position, except maybe on the support side.

also, 1-dodge mirage in WVW needs their 2nd dodge back. mirages were bad in WVW even when they had 2 dodges.

druid buff is ok but they are prob never going to see use outside of raids until 1) glyph trait has larger area or applies healing more reliably 2) druids can give group stab

oh and lastly, well of power and well of corruption do not need buff. these are already highly used skills.

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Something to note.

Dread on scourge will not reduce Garish Pillar since that's skill 4. Not like that's a problem for me personally, I don't like the fear skill recharge aspect of this trait I'd rather convert wail of doom into a fear for more fear options, but spite is already pretty weapon heavy focused so. Idk.

I personally have this idea that a Terrormancer should be at its absolute best as a core build. So going into spite, Soul reaping and Curses should feel required. It's not there yet.

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oof. those Elementalist changes are gonna really feel bad for solo play.

Were they even thinking about that when they made these changes? I mean, they mention raids . . but like; why does our personal damage have to suffer like this, especially when the profession already required us to work for the damage in the first place? Learning Elementalist and Weaver as a new player has been tough; but rewarding and satisfying. After reading this ,I feel like that time investment in learning how to stack burns and might is definitely being punished.

Like, were people really complaining about how OP Elementalist is in the raiding community? Being new, I haven't had a chance to even jump into that kind of content, but is this some rampant issue that forced the balance team to make the choice? I'd really like to know, if anyone has some answers! lol

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@Hadi.6025 said:Y'all trying figure out how to lay off another 140 people? Release this patch. You're on your way.

Can't believe I am agreeing with Hadi. Necro changes, this class doesn't need any in the current meta. .

Warrior changes... The blanket nerf last patch to all classes intended to slow down the game mode essentially was identical to the class mechanics of warrior. So while they effected other classes very little those changes effected warrior as a whole.

To make things simple that's what your company did, I can understand that, what I can't understand is why warrior was the target and you called out the warrior as the #1 problem last patch.

.Warriors even before the February patch were under performing in PVE and WvW and in competitive PVP at high level at least vs equally skilled players. For zerg play in wvw the class has no viable range options and AOE. For PVE it was just a banner slave. And for PVP the effort you have to put into beating another player that is as good or better than you on another class that counters warrior which is a lot of them is more effort they need to put into beating you. The class hadn't been considered S-Tier since early days of HoT. They have been a B-Tier class for a pretty long time.

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Pleasr tell me we are missing the Reaper buff for pve end game. DPS potential of 2/3 the damge or 10k-12k less damage than mesmer and guardian on actual boss encounters is to much of a gap. Hope we are missing some greatsword or Reaper buffs.

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@Elaron.8150 said:aw yes,nerfing the burn weaver by 25% and giving revenants ability to legend swap mid-air,truly the changes we all asked for and begged for every day,thanks anet!I do wonder if they even watch tournaments or play the game themselfs ,or just throw darts at the board to make balance decisions.

They do not do darts. Takes too much effort. They go with the less effort option. Roll dice.

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Im glad to see Warrior getting some love, but its not enough. Everything Mosharn.8357 said on page 3 plus the fact that without having a power berserk stats build, warrior damage is so very mediocre. It feels like other classes have higher sustain-damage without the berserk stats. If warrior actual sustain seems enough, then maybe more native defense would be nice? Its not fair to have to play your best in wvw/pvp so you can do just ok (not good, ok) whereas other classes can have a lazy mediocre play and still do better than you.

Bottom line, warrior get love in PvE, how about getting it in PvP too? Warrior hasn't been relevant in PvP for so long...

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Continuum Split: This skill has a 1.5-second duration with no clones. 1.5 seconds is added per clone shattered. This skill no longer grants distortion.

Thanks for continuing to remove sources of distortion from the only class that actively uses it in Raids. Soon enough there won't be any at all. We're now at 2.

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Random changes that affect nearly nothing about the current state of pvp as expected.

Random ele nerfs for a build nearly nobody plays anymore, pistol skills on engi, and some random warrior adjustments. And what, ONE of the grenade kit skills? Not the toolbelt skill, or any ridiculous traits.

Pretty sure they're just trolling at this point.

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  • why still the hate for staff ele ? comon, make staff ele great again; it's stupidly low how much self might generated spamming all your cd, still can't keep up with weavers sword autos
  • still don't see much being done to reduce the surviveability of weavers, as far as i can see they can still solo jump into group of zerg in WvW for minutes and get away alive
  • aura tempest still needs to be reined in a bit in pvp


  • Please only make the FMW change to PvP and WvW, leave it as it is for PvE
  • Leap of Faith, really?! making Guards even more unkillable?
  • I would like the balance team to take a look at DH's traps' mechanics, it is way too strong compared to ranger and thief traps; and the way it's being played, i feel they should be not be played as so offensively as it is currently.
    • deployment and trigger time, traps should be strategically place, not fly jump into a pot hole and spam traps, need to use more brain power! make them become big brainer! not the current small brain.
    • effect radius in PvP, the radius should not cover the entire capture circle, this allows players to play around the trap while competing for the cap/decap; I very much prefer making the capture circle slightly larger as the solution, as there are so many other skills that have similar size.


  • Scourge shade skills mechanic reversal TY!!!
  • I still feel Lich Form should be taken away from Scourge and Reaper as the drawback to pick the elite, it adds way too much ammunition to the amount of dmg and def they already have.
  • Please fix Signet of Undeath revive bug


  • will see how Chrono performs in real world situation, on paper certainly sounds much better than the current state
  • Please visit down state skills, it's slightly too powerful compared to other classes because of the amount of synergy with traits
  • Delete the 1 hit combo please, it's still so annoy in WvW and PvP, and one of the reason why so many bots are using mesmer; in fact, I think no 1 hit combo should ever exist.
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Signets of Suffering was a great Grandmaster trait for PvE, it was generally far better than the other two.

It was providing much better survivability and often even “better dps” (it was often really easy to lose dps by taking damage while in Shroud, when not using Signet of Suffering and Signet of Undeath).That trait being underwhelming was just a fantasy shared by many people.Anyway, I think Signets of Suffering will be useful even in its new spot. I appreciate the change and I think it will make necromancer a bit stronger.

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@Vlad Morbius.1759 said:They have seriously lost their minds reverting Scourge back, there is NO rational reason to do this in WvW if anything you should be going the opposite direction. What a colossal screw up this is, and i can't wait for this to blow up in your collective faces!

That mechanic change “had to” be reverted, it made too difficult to allow Scourge to be “viable” in a support role in competitive modes (in fact, it was not “viable”, and probably they had no idea about how to solve the problem).I’m confident ArenaNet can now find a better way to balance Scourge, that old change was “a fail”.

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