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Everything that's wrong with the patch notes... [Updated]


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Source: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109025/upcoming-balance-notes

I will be talking from a pvp perspective as pve is irrelevant to me. This balance patch really is no good. Half the changes are irrelevant which goes to show how confused the devs are. These changes just show how there is a lack of direction for the classes because most of the changes just seem like "let's try something and see" changes instead of changes that push classes and specs in a certain direction. If you really don't know what to do with certain classes/specs then open a discussion on the forums so people who actually play that class can give you input. And i mean positive input, not cries for nerfs.


  • Persisting Flames: Useless trait.

  • Pyromancer's Puissance: Nerf for might stack burn builds like fire weaver or d/d ele (nobody plays this anyway). Might > explosion. Might be okay for tempest but you have to give up blinds which are probably more important.

  • Searing Slash: Obviously much needed burn weaver nerf.

  • Primordial Stance: Obviously much needed burn weaver nerf.

  • Power Overwhelming: Useless trait. You pick air for power damage. Good luck with your survivability if you want fire + air + x

  • Staff Changes: Shows just how little you understand why ele staff is bad. It's the stationary gameplay and casting times, not the cooldowns.

  • Mist Form: Tempest survivability nerf.

  • Obsidian Flesh: Ele survivability nerf.

  • Hardy Conduit: Tempest protection uptime nerf.

  • Glyphs: Bugfix

  • Same problems will remain for ele. No build other than tempest will be viable because burn weaver survivability sucks, core ele doesn't have any useful builds/roles to begin with and dps ele still hits like a wet noodle and dies like a fish on land.


  • Pistol buffs: it's something?

  • Shield buffs: Shield needed no buff.

  • Scrapper buffs: wrong buffs. scrapper already has survivability, what it needs is damage. you could have buffed hammer skills instead of shield skills, because hammer is a glorified noodle right now.

  • Flamethrower buffs: Sure, meme builds will rejoice.

  • Orbital strike: Might help core engi a bit, not much though.

  • Grenade kit nerf: i mean... it's something? not like other skills in grenade kit needed a nerf too, right? like, for example, the f skill.

  • Holo trait nerfs: Still trying to find them.

  • Will anything change for engi? probably not. you might see a lone condi engi trying out the changes, the rest will still be holos blasting your face off with grenades and might stacks.


  • Leap of Faith: Healing is okay, helps dps guard a bit with sustain.

  • Mighty/Glacial Blow: Needs damage, not cooldown reduction. This is an incredibly telegraphed skill which should not have a lower cooldown but more damage to reward you for hitting it.

  • Rest is irrelevant.

  • Will anything change for guardian? No.


  • Chrono self shatter: great.

  • Chrono shatters: not so great, especially the removal of distortion.

  • Mirage "buffs": where?

  • Will anything change for mesmer? nope. You know, i always wonder, what's the role of chrono? a dps? a support? because it can't really do any of that.


  • shades: good. i'd rather have good and useable shades than scourge being dead. you can always nerf numbers. with this kneejerk nerf reverted, can we revert mirage dodge too?

  • Blood Bank: hard to tell, sounds ok, probably not very useful.

  • Well buffs: sure, half of them were completely useless anyway.

  • Signet buffs: good, signet are outdated.

  • Dread: might be good for core necro, especially with signet buffs.

  • Will anything change for necro? yep, scourge is back, get ready for it. The only thing i'm concerned about is, scourge will once again be a better core condi necro, so i hope the signet and trait changes will make something like the old celestial d/d signet necro viable, otherwise core necro will probably not have a place anymore.


  • Soulbeast nerfs: unneeded.

  • Seed of Life: activation time still too long. nobody is going to stand that long in it if they are trying to survive.

  • Lunar impact: good.

  • Vine Surge: Not sure if druid needs more immob.. and staff still sucks.

  • Grace of the land: no bueno.

  • glyph healing skill: wash the pain away > this garbage

  • Will anything change for ranger? no.


  • qol: good

  • sevenshot: finally shortbow has 5 usable skills. the weapon is still bad though.

  • sustain nerfs: good

  • power damage nerfs: where art thou?

  • will anything change for rev? condi rev will get slapped harder by holo now.


  • LuL


  • Brave stride: good. probably still not useful because why would you ever not pick peak performance.

  • off hand mace: use shield.

  • off hand sword: the buffs are not bad and i would run this if warrior could use 3 weaponsets.

  • mending: good. warrior condi cleanse should be distributed more evenly, and not everything on shake it off tbh.

  • savage instinct: okay, berserk mode duration still better. more berserk = more damage.

  • outrage: good.

  • blood reckoning: good until you get stunned, which isn't rare at all right now.

  • breaching strike: probably the only relevant buff warrior got.

  • Will anything change for warrior? No. Warrior still lost too much damage which should be added to other skills. It's fine if cc skills deal no damage, but other skills need to do more damage to make up for it, which just isn't the case right now. Many warrior weapons are outdated (longbow is a good example). Hammer trait is still gimped from the reshuffle a couple years back when they made it a grandmaster, which it really shouldn't be. it competes with might makes right and berserker's power, a fight it will never win. it was moved to strength back in 2017, and i believe it used to be a master trait in tactics, which it should be once again.

Overall the wait for this balance patch was very long and the changes fail to do anything meaningful. holo was not nerfed, power rev was not nerfed, all the useless specs and classes like mesmer and warrior will still remain useless. build diversity for half the classes is really bad right now. the classes with bad build diversity are ele, engi, warrior, mesmer.


final patch notes update:

engi:grenade f skill nerfed.

renegade:heal and elite nerfed.

thief:pistol whip buffvenom leech nerfedcrit chance above 90% hp buffed from 5% to 10%precision to crit dmg buffedhigher ferocity under effect of fury buffed

general:dolyak runes nerfedmad king runes nerfed, or rather, changed because of renegade.

alright, i have some stuff to say about this.

engi nade barrage nerf is.. well.. it helps but is the wrong approach. with this you nerfed holo but every other engi build that runs nade kit too.

renegade, instead of nerfing it, it isn't even that good, how about you rework it.

pistol whip buff is alright but i think sword auto attack buff would have been better because s/d suffers from the same problem. no damage outside of skill 3 for both s/d and s/p. venom leech okay, don't actually know how much of a damage nerf this is. other traits are okay, not gonna change much other than a bit more damage if you run these traits.

rune nerfs are a bit questionable. first dolyak is only run by tempest and druid. tempest was nerfed enough and druid is a meme. mad king is just a kneejerk nerf because renegade can abuse it. if renegade worked differently this rune wouldn't even be a problem.

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Build diversity is bad because people keep advocating for options to be taken away. Naturally, Anet is more than happy to do it.

"Remove sigils. Remove amulets. Remove weapon swap. Remove traits."

When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

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@"Kuma.1503" said:Build diversity is bad because people keep advocating for options to be taken away. Naturally, Anet is more than happy to do it.

"Remove sigils. Remove amulets. Remove weapon swap. Remove traits."

When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

Anet needs to remove a lot of things from this game from PvP because there's actually things that should absolutely not exist in a PvP game. The dude who wants to run around as a minion mancer while he afks and his pets solo players for him shouldn't be able to do that, for a example.

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Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patchFdjTITz.jpgThey noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So lets wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

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@"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patchFdjTITz.jpgThey noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So let's wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

They are trying to kill both core ranger and soulbeast as payment for being a little strong in the past, god forbid ranger does a little dmg with their attacks without procs to actually kill someone.

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@"Kuma.1503" said:Build diversity is bad because people keep advocating for options to be taken away. Naturally, Anet is more than happy to do it.

"Remove sigils. Remove amulets. Remove weapon swap. Remove traits."

When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

Nope not really true

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@Kuma.1503 said:When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

You can actually cause an increase in diversity by removing and nerfing things. If A >>> B==C==D==E==F then removing A or nerfing A down opens up far more things for use since A isnt the only clear option.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

You can actually cause an increase in diversity by removing and nerfing things. If A >>> B==C==D==E==F then removing A or nerfing A down opens up far more things for use since A isnt the only clear option.

It can have the opposite effect too. That's forced diversity and, yes, if you remove A, the other ones are the next best option. That won't make them good options tho, just the only options left. The optimal way would be to nerf A to the level of the rest IF they are strong enough. If not, you need to nerf A a bit and buff the rest a bit so they're equal with an appropriate power level.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

You can actually cause an increase in diversity by removing and nerfing things. If A >>> B==C==D==E==F then removing A or nerfing A down opens up far more things for use since A isnt the only clear option.

It can have the opposite effect too. That's forced diversity and, yes, if you remove A, the other ones are the next best option. That won't make them good options tho, just the only options left. The optimal way would be to nerf A to the level of the rest IF they are strong enough. If not, you need to nerf A a bit and buff the rest a bit so they're equal with an appropriate power level.

prime example, ele in pvp or wvw. staff competitive- no, core - no. any ranged build (for a mage in effect!) no. Warhorn. Nope again. Sceptre - no. Whats left? a melee build and a gimmicky cc LR build. Absolute total incoherent design mess for a castor class.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@Jekkt.6045

Ranger/Soulbeast is in a good spot right now.

Druid is still going to need much larger buffing than what they have planned.

I agree on ranger and soul beast bruiser/dps builds. Condi ranger could use some nice buffs tho.

Druid needs a lot of work. If you look at tempest/firebrand supports, that's where druid should be.

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@dronte.3416 said:What I learnt from the patch notes that it's definitely the time to roll Holo. Although I am lacking character slots.. oh wait I will just delete my mesmer as it will stay completely useless.

Guardian, Rev, Holo, or Necro. These classes have consistently been good choices for pvp. And they still will be in the many months to come.

Idk why Anet is so scared to appropriately nerf these classes, so might as well join the band wagon.

Or just play a new game. I'm waiting for a beta to come out 7/23 to take up my time

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@Stallic.2397 said:

@dronte.3416 said:What I learnt from the patch notes that it's definitely the time to roll Holo. Although I am lacking character slots.. oh wait I will just delete my mesmer as it will stay completely useless.

Guardian, Rev, Holo, or Necro. These classes have consistently been good choices for pvp. And they still will be in the many months to come.

Idk why Anet is so scared to appropriately nerf these classes, so might as well join the band wagon.

Or just play a new game. I'm waiting for a beta to come out 7/23 to take up my time

Same, Im willing to leave ele behind and grab holo, rev or guardian

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Build diversity is bad because people keep advocating for options to be taken away. Naturally, Anet is more than happy to do it.

"Remove sigils. Remove amulets. Remove weapon swap. Remove traits."

When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

Anet needs to remove a lot of things from this game from PvP because there's actually things that should absolutely not exist in a PvP game. The dude who wants to run around as a minion mancer while he afks and his pets solo players for him shouldn't be able to do that, for a example.

You misunderstand. I'm talking about removing options all together. Nerfing degenerate builds is a different can of worms, and generally healthy for the game.

Imagine if, instead of nerfing minion mancer Necro. Anet decided to remove the rune/amulet that Minion mancer was using.What you get is situation similar to the removal of Barbarian and Knight's amulet.

PvP has been streadily trimming away sigils, amulets, and runes. Instead of nerfing Mirage intelegently (perhaps reworking IH) they removed an endurance bar.Soulbeast lost a pet. Mind you, this wasn't the worst of changes, but it had the unfortunate side effect of reducing the skill cap of the spec, which will lead to more linear gameplay in the long run as it is balanced around the loss of a pet.

I don't agree with the decision to continuously remove things for the sake of balance. Decisions like that should be done only when absolutely necessary.

I understand that the purpose of these changes is to refine away the extraneous parts of a class's kit, but thus far Anet's execution on that front has been shaky at best... It seems Anet cannot destinguish between what is unecessary and what is a core part of a class's kit... as we've seen with most notably Mesmer

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@"Jekkt.6045" said:Necro:

  • shades: good. i'd rather have good and useable shades than scourge being dead. you can always nerf numbers. with this kneejerk nerf reverted, can we revert mirage dodge too?So you think number nerfs will be reasonable to get control over a spec that creates two huge denial areas without any effort? And reducing the area is a kneejerk nerf? But nerfing the area effects to laughable levels (1s torment and so on...) is the way to go?
  • Signet buffs: good, signet are outdated.What? Signets are the strongest mechanic reaper and core currently have. They fix a lot of inherent class issues. The best heal, the best damage mitigation, the best passive life force generation and the best shroud uptime is achieved with a signet build.
  • Dread: might be good for core necro, especially with signet buffs.Won't help core a tiny bit.
  • Will anything change for necro? yep, scourge is back, get ready for it. The only thing i'm concerned about is, scourge will once again be a better core condi necro, so i hope the signet and trait changes will make something like the old celestial d/d signet necro viable, otherwise core necro will probably not have a place anymore.Scourge was never gone, but your favored number tweaks have pushed it behind condi core necro. Now you got your area denial back, but you still can't kill anything with a scourge in PvP. Speed Rune Signet Reaper is the strongest offensive build necro currently has. How should D/D signet necro become viable when the signet rework is a plain nerf and worse than before?

You seem to be pretty clueless. Telling the devs they are "confused" while showing absolutely no understanding of class basics is ridiculous.

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@"KrHome.1920" said:You seem to be pretty clueless. Telling the devs they are "confused" while showing absolutely no understanding of class basics is ridiculous.

He seems to be talking about sPvP while you seem to be talking about WvW.

People need to realise that others look at changes from different view points.

The same note can look incredibly underwhelming for a PvE Player, fine for a PvP player and brokenly OP for a WvW player, or in any other mix.

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@"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patchFdjTITz.jpgThey noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So lets wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

"Blizzard balancing" is often referred to as "Horrible balancing" - do not ever refer to them as a better more competent developer for balancing a video game.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patch
They noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So lets wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

"Blizzard balancing" is often referred to as "Horrible balancing" - do not ever refer to them as a better more competent developer for balancing a video game.

I will. Yes, they are known for not the best balancing. But as a player that played both games, (one since late vanilla, and the other one since early gw1) I can assure you that even in the worst moments, Bli$$ard did not do this kind of stupid changes that ANet is doing atm. 50 power nerf? Is that a joke? Half year waiting, everyday some1 makes post about either condi rev or holo and they didnt even touch the topic? Its embarassing.They should learn from their big brother. If Bli$$ard is considered as bad balancing team, what are we gonna call ANet, hmm?

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@Widmo.3186 said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patch
They noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So lets wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

"Blizzard balancing" is often referred to as "Horrible balancing" - do not ever refer to them as a better more competent developer for balancing a video game.

I will. Yes, they are known for not the best balancing. But as a player that played both games, (one since late vanilla, and the other one since early gw1) I can assure you that even in the worst moments, Bli$$ard did not do this kind of stupid changes that ANet is doing atm. 50 power nerf? Is that a joke? Half year waiting, everyday some1 makes post about either condi rev or holo and they didnt even touch the topic? Its embarassing.They should learn from their big brother. If Bli$$ard is considered as bad balancing team, what are we gonna call ANet, hmm?

Blizzard are bad, but they have not a chance in hell of every balancing the game because every day people get more powerful, which destroys balance. Anet does not have that problem however so they should be better, however the cadence of the balance patches are atrocious, insteads its the big bang approach which any designer/developer will tell you will NEVER work.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patch
They noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So let's wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

They are trying to kill both core ranger and soulbeast as payment for being a little strong in the past, god forbid ranger does a little dmg with their attacks without procs to actually kill someone.

and it's still not even meta, a lot of people complain about soulbeast because it's godlike and "has everything" but the reality is, it isn't. there is a difference between being annoying to fight and you just flat out hating the class vs it actually being a carry and performing in meta comps. nade holo is the most offensive pug carry and ranger still gets complained more in the forums, but I understand why (because they're bad players and people have too much fun farming on nade holo atm).

im actually not defending soulbeast, i admit it's annoying to fight against longbow from a distance and the pet is an annoying mechanic to worry about. but these are just facts. if we're talking about their most performing build it's the core decap build and that's bunker, and honestly crev is just a better option now for that for far carry play.

soulbeast indeed has good dmg when you go zerk amulet and has a lot of dmg % enhancements along with mobility. the issue is, just having those 2 things is not good enough to carry or perform in meta .. when focused it's a liability, always is the case with soulbeast

holo nade is actually not THAT different from soulbeast, they match mobility and deal alot of dmg, but they have nade kit and team elixir support and a free stomp option, and just a better carry overall.. nade kit allows easy kite & run while dealing burst dmg ... soulbeast can't really do this because once you're in longbow it's an easy pressure.

this is something bad players will never understand and prob never get a chance to because they're just not good

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@"iKagura.1903" said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patch
They noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So let's wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

They are trying to kill both core ranger and soulbeast as payment for being a little strong in the past, god forbid ranger does a little dmg with their attacks without procs to actually kill someone.

and it's still not even meta, a lot of people complain about soulbeast because it's godlike and "has everything" but the reality is, it isn't. there is a difference between being annoying to fight and you just flat out hating the class vs it actually being a carry and performing in meta comps. nade holo is the most offensive pug carry and ranger still gets complained more in the forums, but I understand why (because they're bad players and people have too much fun farming on nade holo atm).

im actually not defending soulbeast, i admit it's annoying to fight against longbow from a distance and the pet is an annoying mechanic to worry about. but these are just facts. if we're talking about their most performing build it's the core decap build and that's bunker, and honestly crev is just a better option now for that for far carry play.

soulbeast indeed has good dmg when you go zerk amulet and has a lot of dmg % enhancements along with mobility. the issue is, just having those 2 things is not good enough to carry or perform in meta ..
when focused it's a liability, always is the case with soulbeast

holo nade is actually not THAT different from soulbeast, they match mobility and deal alot of dmg, but they have nade kit and team elixir support and a free stomp option, and just a better carry overall.. nade kit allows easy kite & run while dealing burst dmg ... soulbeast can't really do this because once you're in longbow it's an easy pressure.

this is something bad players will never understand and prob never get a chance to because they're just not good

The problem is:If the problem is procs giving such high number balance the procs and unnerf the dmg.

I heard people mention procs being a issue when combining sick em and other stuff for huge blasts of damage.

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