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Lily of Elon pass

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Who has this pass and do you like it? I maybe want to upgrade to the deluxe edition to get access to it.I didn't really see the point at first but now I feel like I just need to try it first haha.Does it support going back to your previous location too or is that only Mistlock and Bastion?

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I have it and the best use I give it is to get my alts to Crystal Oasis, since the only methods to get in there is through that pass, starting PoF story, teleport to friend, or coming from the Domain of Vabbi through guild hall or the Sunspear portal thingy you get from the Griffon Quest.

And no, it doesn't have a "return to previous location" feature since the lounge is located inside an overworl map, unlike Mistlock Sanctuary/Armistice Bastion. Attempting to use it within the Crystal Oasis will give you a message saying you're already in that location.

Nonetheless its really worth to have it to get alts to crystal oasis.

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I use the Lily pass to quickly get to PoF maps for dailies and other objectives I might have in the area. It puts you in a location that's right next to a vista, multiple gathering nodes (Trees, Ores, and Plants), and is also right next to the Choya Pinata and casino coin collection events. In short, it's a handy tool for things-doing in the desert.

The pass does not return you anywhere; it's basically a one-way waypoint to Crystal Oasis. This is because the oasis is an open-world map, whereas the bastion and (some) other lounges are instanced areas.

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@LisaJ.4582 said:

@"Wolfb.7025" said:I don't remember about Bastion, but for Mistlock Sanctuary, it only transports you to core tyria cities + Lion Arch's Aerodrome.

And Lily also gets to the aerodome? Or just Pof maps and core tyria without the aerodome

No, Lily of the Elon is just a lounge with all the crafting statons, most merchant NPC, it does not include a portal service to other areas.

Mistlock Sanctuary has a portal that sends you to all the core tyria cities, other lounges doesn't feature this.

You can compare the things both passes offer here:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lily_of_the_Elonhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistlock_Sanctuary

The only value Lily offers you over all other lounge passes is that Lily teleports you to Crystal Oasis, which is a hard-to-get zone if you don't have any wp unlocked.

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@Wolfb.7025 said:

@Wolfb.7025 said:I don't remember about Bastion, but for Mistlock Sanctuary, it only transports you to core tyria cities + Lion Arch's Aerodrome.

And Lily also gets to the aerodome? Or just Pof maps and core tyria without the aerodome

No, Lily of the Elon is just a lounge with all the crafting statons, most merchant NPC, it does not include a portal service to other areas.

Mistlock Sanctuary has a portal that sends you to all the core tyria cities, other lounges doesn't feature this.

You can compare the things both passes offer here:

The only value Lily offers you over all other lounge passes is that Lily teleports you to Crystal Oasis, which is a hard-to-get zone if you don't have any wp unlocked.

Just about every Lounge Pass has a portal that sends you to all the Core Tyria cities, including Lily of the Elon.

@LisaJ.4582 Here's a list of Lounges, and their 'special' features. You can click on the link to each one on this page to find out exactly what each one offers: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lounge

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I also have this one and for me its primary use is to transport new characters to Crystal Oasis or as a free TP to that side of the world. I prefer the Mistlock Sanctuary placement of NPCs and stations for my crafting and other needs. Personally I would love to see a tome to put all these lounge scrolls into, it would make me more willing to invest in others if they weren't going to also take up additional shared inventory spaces.

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I have that since pre-purchased PoF Deluxe when it was up for pre purchase and I must say it's kinda nice to get characters to PoF maps if your guild doesn't have Windswept Haven as their guild hall. I still have the Verdant Brink pass (forgot the name), the one for Divinity's Reach and Mistlock. However I found myself using the PoF one all the time now since it's easy access to PoF maps and usually doesn't have as many players as DR or Mistlock and I'm incredibly anxious and paranoid around other random people.

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@LisaJ.4582 said:Who has this pass and do you like it? I maybe want to upgrade to the deluxe edition to get access to it.I didn't really see the point at first but now I feel like I just need to try it first haha.Does it support going back to your previous location too or is that only Mistlock and Bastion?

its convenience just like any other pass, doesn't support going back to previous location

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I primarily use the Lily of Elon pass since it isn't a 'separate instance' like some of the other passes do. It does have an NPC you talk to to be able to travel to core cities. About the only thing it doesn't have is going back to the original area from whence you came. Overall, the only upside I can see that it has over the other passes is the fact that it is within the map, so you can easily shuttle an alt or low-level alt there and immediately start reaping the benefits on being the map like the casino event or hero points.

Overall, the only downside is that it doesn't have the fractal merchants (Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey does include those merchants), so definitely look into what you primarily want it for and research as a different pass may be better suited to your needs.

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I like the Lily of Elon pass because of the layout of the crafting stations which I use all the time (Lily is a circular design). And the Toilet and Casino are right there too! :smiley: So whenever I fancy a few games of SandStorm and got a stack of ectos burning a hole in my pocket, I'm good to scratch that itch! HAHA! :sweat_smile:

Plus, I spend a lot of time in the desert doing various things, so Lily has sorta become my regular hangout of sorts! :smile:

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:I hate that it has to be in the specific character's inventory to enter if you are already in the map. Really annoying being knocked back because I forgot to transfer it to the character I was on.

That's the same with all passes. They work from Shared Inventory too - place it there and every character has access.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Wolfb.7025 said:I don't remember about Bastion, but for Mistlock Sanctuary, it only transports you to core tyria cities + Lion Arch's Aerodrome.

And Lily also gets to the aerodome? Or just Pof maps and core tyria without the aerodome

No, Lily of the Elon is just a lounge with all the crafting statons, most merchant NPC, it does not include a portal service to other areas.

Mistlock Sanctuary has a portal that sends you to all the core tyria cities, other lounges doesn't feature this.

You can compare the things both passes offer here:

The only value Lily offers you over all other lounge passes is that Lily teleports you to Crystal Oasis, which is a hard-to-get zone if you don't have any wp unlocked.

Just about every Lounge Pass has a portal that sends you to all the Core Tyria cities, including Lily of the Elon.

@LisaJ.4582 Here's a list of Lounges, and their 'special' features. You can click on the link to each one on this page to find out exactly what each one offers:

Oh right, I just discovered Lily had a core tyria cities' portal, Wiki only lists it as the NPC name that handles it smh

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I like it.

It allows me to get alts into PoF maps easily so I can get stuff like PoF HP's without having to faff around with that first quest. (Also, running around grabbing HP's can help level 70-80 too since they give a bunch of exp and aren't too bad to solo and often can have other people to help if you have issues)

As well as being a convenient way to instantly get to a place with a bank/TP/vendors by just double clicking on the pass in my shared inventory.

However, this is from the perspective of someone who doesn't have any other passes, other passes might have additional benefits.

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Just get bastion it has everything that lily have and much convenient as the npcs are close to each other. There is also a pvp arena which i enjoy the most. I already forgot lily as soon as i got this.

As for teleporting to anywhere including aosis, get ‘recharging teleport to a friend’. Lfg crystal aosis and you are there.

These items is all you need to transport anywhere. See you at the arena.

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I have the Lily of the Elon pass and I use it a lot, but until yesterday (when I bought the Armistice Bastion pass) I didn't have any others. I'm not quite sure how that will affect it, but I suspect I'll go to Armistice Bastion when I want to get back to my previous map, or I want WvW merchants and the Lily when I'm done with the map I'm on and want to go somewhere else.

I'd always been hesitant to buy a pass before because I wasn't sure it was worth the money, but since I wanted PoF, the extra character slot that came with the Deluxe Edition and I buy gems periodically getting the Ultimate Edition of PoF worked out well. I also thought it would be useful for getting to the desert, since I like to avoid using waypoints when I can. I think it was well worth it for me. As well as the location I like the layout of the area, and going there sometimes gets me doing the Crystal Desert events like the choya pinyata and the legendary corrupted facet.

@Wolfb.7025 said:

@Wolfb.7025 said:I don't remember about Bastion, but for Mistlock Sanctuary, it only transports you to core tyria cities + Lion Arch's Aerodrome.

And Lily also gets to the aerodome? Or just Pof maps and core tyria without the aerodome

No, Lily of the Elon is just a lounge with all the crafting statons, most merchant NPC, it does not include a portal service to other areas.

Mistlock Sanctuary has a portal that sends you to all the core tyria cities, other lounges doesn't feature this.

You can compare the things both passes offer here:

The only value Lily offers you over all other lounge passes is that Lily teleports you to Crystal Oasis, which is a hard-to-get zone if you don't have any wp unlocked.

All the passes include teleports to other major cities, including the Lily of the Elon. It won't take you straight into the Aerodrome (as far as I know none of them do that) but it will take you to Lion's Arch, or any of the racial capitals. There's very few differences between the passes, some have a few extra merchants related to their theme (for example the Mistlock Sanctuary includes the Fractals vendors and the Armistice Bastion has WvW vendors) but basic features like portals to cities are included in all of them.

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I used the elon area for a while, but left it for the DR area as I find that one more convenient.

It is used for getting characters into PoF without doing the story, but this can also be done by going to the GH in PoF (and when you enter e.g. the desolation from the vaabbi site, the waypoint at the riverside entry is unlocked, making it easy to unlock all PoF maps on the way to amoon)

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:I hate that it has to be in the specific character's inventory to enter if you are already in the map. Really annoying being knocked back because I forgot to transfer it to the character I was on.

That's the same with all passes. They work from Shared Inventory too - place it there and every character has access.

True but you can't just wander into most of the others. I think that's why it bothers me. I have the same complaint about the one in Divinity's Reach though that one feels pointless to me since the city already has all those services. The Captain's Airship is the one that sits in my shared inventory slot.

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