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Five Guild slots isn't enough anymore


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I’ve only really been part of 1 guild. I’ve tried other guilds, but didn’t like the Rep-rules. (Even joining a 50% rep guild got me a warning /w after switching to my main guild for a guild mission for 10mins, ridiculous)

+1 for more guild slots, but the Represent thing needs to go imo, otherwise I won’t pay gems for a feature I won’t use. The whole guild system should be reworked imo if we can join multiple.

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I think the biggest problem is that the guild system is being used (or abused) by players for having the ability to broadcast activities to like-minded players. While the so called "social guilds" fit the image of a traditional guild that you'd find in other MMOs, there are plenty of raid, wvw, music, etc guilds that don't require any representation whatsoever. These guilds basically do what the lfg-tool can't do. To me it isn't surprising that players try to join as many of these guilds as there are game-nodes in GW2.

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I guess I'm kind of on the fence. On the one hand I agree that everything in the game can be guild content and so it makes sense to join guilds to cover everything you might want to do. But for myself I tend to stick to just one or two social guilds and just do content with them or with whoever happens to be around. For example I'll sometimes do organised Triple Wurm and Tequatl runs, but I don't join the guilds who run them, I just join in when they're advertising it.

The only reason I'm in 5 guilds is I haven't needed to leave any yet. I'm in a private bank guild, my old guild from launch which is inactive except for a Facebook group which gets occasional posts, a second inactive guild I kept hoping would be re-started and 2 active social/PvX guilds. I did briefly join some others before the active ones I'm currently in but it didn't work out so I left them again fairly quickly.

So for me it would probably be a good idea to keep the 5 guild limit or I could end up with a long list of inactive guilds I just never left. But I would support raising the limit for other people and I think making it something you have to buy (either with gold or gems, or another currency) could be a good way of encouraging people (like me) to think about whether they need another guild slot or if they could leave one of their current guilds instead.

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I would like more guildslots too. It was fine for years but the longer you play the more friends and "social circles" you are likely to have, many of which would benefit from being able to join their guild instead of just being able to join their discord.

I would also have liked to make an additional event-theme guild for halloween and do labyrinth farms with that guildname/tag but I am already at 5 slots and so are many of those I would have done it with :)

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@"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:I think this is just a stopgap solution, to a problem we should not be having. Simply put I believe that Alliances SHOULD be the solution, contrary to their current usefulness.Currently Gw2 does not have much in the way of real guild content.... But i tihnk it is about time to bring back more guild based content. Having alliances also is very helpful to smaller guilds who dont have the membership to do current content too, and allow for stronger guild relationships to form. It would also allow for guilds to create sects, one sect may focus totally on WvW, one on PvP and another on PvE while also possibly including a noob sect or a PvX sect without filling up the guild mates list of guilds with one guild who wants such sects.Further it would allow players from any guild in the alliance to join in for guild missions or guild hall captures.Having less content that would benefit from alliances is not a good argument in my eyes, since after their inclusion devs can focus on the addition of content to support its existence.

This drives home the point well. We can neither have the expectation of one guild doing everything, since the game has proven theres more organizational efficiency to have guilds dedicated to specific areas of the game, and players being members of it. But whats falling behind is how to handle players who dabble in multiple areas. These are usually the type of player who is also willing to drop their routine in order to help others with some one-off task, or shift around resources and man power to help a deficiency in the short term. Thats way more community focused then I've seen most "one mode only guilds", where half the guild refuses to go do something outside their routine/schedule because it'll throw off their week or just plain "dislike" the rest of the game. For other games this might be covered by more extensive friends list and LFG system..... but neither are actual "solutions" to the problem of people having different areas of interest.

This is where alliances make the most sense. Because despite there being a lack of "guild specific content", alliances have always conceptually been an organization tool- some games just use rewards and mechanics to incentivize its use. So at a higher level, just like guilds are used to help connect players with specific content groups, Alliances help guilds connect in a similar fashion. Using PvE as an example, a Raid Guild can be made of mostly Raiders, and be part of an alliance that focuses mostly on raids. With just one Guild slot, a player now has access to a large network of Raiders to find party slots. To address chat partitions, you can restrict Alliance chat to only Actively Representing Guild members, since those not active in that guild at the moment probably has their focus elsewhere. Individual guilds still handle rally calls if something needs attention, but those representing can passively monitor that channel and then call for a rally if they deem it important. The benefits to WvW are also pretty obvious with the support of the new system; though a couple of key errors are still in the mix with Gem transfers on the line.

Outside of that, this significantly cleans up the biggest organizational issues seen on an individual guild member's level. You join a Guild of people you like given a particular area of the game, and that guild becomes part of a bigger network of like minded guilds. Even if 50% of the guild does random stuff, the 50% thats focused on something doesn't have trouble finding people outside the guild to fill slots. How Guild officers want to Janitor their roster is still up to them, but at the very least theres no practical penalty for having a guild at less then max size to obtain reach. Like a guild of 20 can slot into an alliance just effectively as a guild of 100, and not have to worry about "useless people" taking up slots. It might also finally get some xenophobic guilds to learn some communication skills, and play nice with others....... but probably not.

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@"starlinvf.1358" said:This drives home the point well. We can neither have the expectation of one guild doing everything, since the game has proven theres more organizational efficiency to have guilds dedicated to specific areas of the game, and players being members of it. But whats falling behind is how to handle players who dabble in multiple areas. These are usually the type of player who is also willing to drop their routine in order to help others with some one-off task, or shift around resources and man power to help a deficiency in the short term. Thats way more community focused then I've seen most "one mode only guilds", where half the guild refuses to go do something outside their routine/schedule because it'll throw off their week or just plain "dislike" the rest of the game. For other games this might be covered by more extensive friends list and LFG system..... but neither are actual "solutions" to the problem of people having different areas of interest.

This is only a issue for pve games. In pvp mmorpg, guilds are by nature pvx but in a way that pve is a mean to farm gears for them to fight in pvp. Those games don't have extensive LFG, the games just simply has more like minded players.

Pve mmorpg is the only game that separate guilds to this absolute level.

@"starlinvf.1358" said:This is where alliances make the most sense. Because despite there being a lack of "guild specific content", alliances have always conceptually been an organization tool- some games just use rewards and mechanics to incentivize its use. So at a higher level, just like guilds are used to help connect players with specific content groups, Alliances help guilds connect in a similar fashion. Using PvE as an example, a Raid Guild can be made of mostly Raiders, and be part of an alliance that focuses mostly on raids. With just one Guild slot, a player now has access to a large network of Raiders to find party slots. To address chat partitions, you can restrict Alliance chat to only Actively Representing Guild members, since those not active in that guild at the moment probably has their focus elsewhere. Individual guilds still handle rally calls if something needs attention, but those representing can passively monitor that channel and then call for a rally if they deem it important. The benefits to WvW are also pretty obvious with the support of the new system; though a couple of key errors are still in the mix with Gem transfers on the line.

Outside of that, this significantly cleans up the biggest organizational issues seen on an individual guild member's level. You join a Guild of people you like given a particular area of the game, and that guild becomes part of a bigger network of like minded guilds. Even if 50% of the guild does random stuff, the 50% thats focused on something doesn't have trouble finding people outside the guild to fill slots. How Guild officers want to Janitor their roster is still up to them, but at the very least theres no practical penalty for having a guild at less then max size to obtain reach. Like a guild of 20 can slot into an alliance just effectively as a guild of 100, and not have to worry about "useless people" taking up slots. It might also finally get some xenophobic guilds to learn some communication skills, and play nice with others....... but probably not.

Anet once said a long time ago they did consider making alliance due to the existence of large guilds, well, because those large guilds tackle many areas of the game so the alliance is pretty much for them to branch out into sister guilds to tackle every part of the game efficiently. However, since it is meant for large guilds, anet also said that it is not a priority since large guilds are few in numbers.

As for why anet consider alliance is meant for large guilds and not small guilds, well, I assume is because only large guild is ambitious enough to do certain things, for example things like you have mentioned.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:It would be easy for me to end up in 10 guilds, so I'd also like to increase the limit (and I, too, would pay gems for that). However, I don't think that "because dropping a guild might be rude" is the best rationale. That's a personal issue that ANet shouldn't be responsible for addressing.

Here are some types of guilds to which I'd belong if there was room (not counting storage guilds):

  • Primary social guild
  • Second social guild (because I'm still friends with many people).
  • Primary WvW guild (because my social guilds don't WvW)
  • Primary Challenging Instanced content guild (the people with whom I do T4/cm fractals with)
  • Raid training guild A (where I'm learning)
  • Raid training guild B (where I'm training others who aren't ready for prime time)
  • Mindless Farming Guild (e.g. for Silverwastes, DT, etc)
  • Challenging Open World Content Guild (e.g. for Triple Trouble, Shattererererererer, etc)

My husband and I have two bank guilds (pre guild hall ones) and I belong to my main PVX guild and that guild's bank guild. There are several WvW guilds on my server that I would really like to join but can't because my guild slots are full. Also once alliances come about hopefully we get a dedicated Alliance guild slot as many have their guild slots full from all the other things they do.

I would love to see the guilds broken up into categories with a certain number of slots per category:

  1. Those who have guild banks for storage but never got guild halls and never intend to make these into guild halls. (4 slots) **edited this from 3 to 4
  2. Main social guilds ie PVX, PVE guilds (4 slots)
  3. Fractal guilds (4 slots)
  4. WvW guilds (4 slots)
  5. Alliance guild (one slot only)
  6. PvP guilds (4 slots)
  7. Raid guilds (could include training ones) (4 slots)
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5 guilds at the start was awesome. Now, with all the new 'vertical advancement' it isn't enough for a lot of people. For those that say 'most games only have 1 guild' that is one guild PER CHARACTER. If we went with that logic, then I need 70 guild slots (lol, I know I'm insane). The ways to play the game have expanded and that's fantastic, but other changes are needed too.

Consider, 500 accounts total per guild. How many guilds are so big that there are 2 or 3 or 4 guilds with the same name? cough TTS cough for example. Now, 500 accounts was perfectly fine back before Megaservers made 'home servers' meaningless. Now instead of 500 accounts out of the 30,000 people that play on Tarnished Coast, we have 500 people from the bajillion accounts that play on 51 different servers. Yes, alliances are hoped to help take care of multiple guilds linked together, but it is still going to be a problem in other ways.

Consider, when you could only see the guild chat of whichever Guild you were currently representing, then 5 guilds was pretty much the maximum that you could keep track of, and you had to rely on /whisper and logging different characters, or changing your current rep in order to talk to guildies. Now that (thank goodness) you can see the chat in each guild, your only problem is remembering to type /g2 to talk to Tommie about story plot holes and /g5 to organize the raid for friday.

Every time this subject comes up in /map chat, there are the same discussion points. A) 1 or 2 is more than enough for me. B ) Repping sucks now, it will only get worse. C ) We would gladly pay in gems for more guild slots. D ) You all are kitten crazy, help me kill this legendary bandit...

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@Aerinndis.2730 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:It would be easy for me to end up in 10 guilds, so I'd also like to increase the limit (and I, too, would pay gems for that). However, I don't think that "because dropping a guild might be rude" is the best rationale. That's a personal issue that ANet shouldn't be responsible for addressing.

Here are some types of guilds to which I'd belong if there was room (not counting storage guilds):
  • Primary social guild
  • Second social guild (because I'm still friends with many people).
  • Primary WvW guild (because my social guilds don't WvW)
  • Primary Challenging Instanced content guild (the people with whom I do T4/cm fractals with)
  • Raid training guild A (where I'm learning)
  • Raid training guild B (where I'm training others who aren't ready for prime time)
  • Mindless Farming Guild (e.g. for Silverwastes, DT, etc)
  • Challenging Open World Content Guild (e.g. for Triple Trouble, Shattererererererer, etc)

My husband and I have two bank guilds (pre guild hall ones) and I belong to my main PVX guild and that guild's bank guild. There are several WvW guilds on my server that I would really like to join but can't because my guild slots are full. Also once alliances come about hopefully we get a dedicated Alliance guild slot as many have their guild slots full from all the other things they do.

I would love to see the guilds broken up into categories with a certain number of slots per category:
  1. Those who have guild banks for storage but never got guild halls and never intend to make these into guild halls. (3 slots)
  2. Main social guilds ie PVX, PVE guilds (4 slots)
  3. Fractal guilds (4 slots)
  4. WvW guilds (4 slots)
  5. Alliance guild (one slot only)
  6. PvP guilds (4 slots)
  7. Raid guilds (could include training ones) (4 slots)

Why only 3 bank guilds what about the people who have 4 bank guilds atm and 1 main guild?Sounds to me that you and your husband got 3 so you put the limit on 3 since it fits you two.

Most of this can already be done by joining each raid, pvp, wvw, fractal and so on discord to keep tabs on when they do their stuffs.

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@Linken.6345 said:Why only 3 bank guilds what about the people who have 4 bank guilds atm and 1 main guild?I don't count bank guilds against my 10, as you can see from above.

Most of this can already be done by joining each raid, pvp, wvw, fractal and so on discord to keep tabs on when they do their stuffs.In my case, almost none of it can be done by using Discord since not everyone uses it. Also, I can chat in game using /g1, /g2, /g3 etc, but it's nearly impossible to play and have more than one chat going in via discord. I have tried to keep up using Discord and it's just not feasible.

I hope I've been clear:

  • I know that other people don't need and/or can't use more than 2-3 guild slots.
  • I know that it's unlikely to be a priority for ANet, unless it's easy to implement (and it almost certainly isn't)
  • Nevertheless, I would make good use of 10 guild slots and I'd be willing to pay gems for it.
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@Hornet.6357 said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

Id have to agree we need more guild slots.

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Personally, I do not understand the concept of being in more than 2, maybe 3 guilds maximum. I am maybe old school, but I feel really "linked" to the guild I am in and it means commitment to me. Aside of the "feeling" point of view, on a more practical side: If members are free to come and go with no representation rule, then how is it possible to build up core team with reliable members and a schedule for raids and WvW for example? Without representation, there is no commitment anymore.My impression is that being in lot of guilds is like picking up out of each guilds only that what serves interest, very happy to do so, but not returning anything back to the guild because just passing by without committing. Sort of.

Due to my - old school - view of what does mean to be member of a guild, I do not agree on the idea to have an extension of the amount of guild slots. For me, it would be like telling to players: Feel free to have a "pick-up" behaviour toward guilds. I tend to believe that if such behaviour is reinforced, it will become more and more difficult for guilds to keep existing. At least that's how I see it.

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@"Haleydawn.3764" said:I’ve only really been part of 1 guild. I’ve tried other guilds, but didn’t like the Rep-rules. (Even joining a 50% rep guild got me a warning /w after switching to my main guild for a guild mission for 10mins, ridiculous)

+1 for more guild slots, but the Represent thing needs to go imo, otherwise I won’t pay gems for a feature I won’t use. The whole guild system should be reworked imo if we can join multiple.

The rep system is fine, it was already reworked before to remove the incentive for guilds to act like that. Some still do, either because they saw other guilds with rep requirements and didn't know why they had them and are just copying an archaic policy, or because they are obsessed with creating a "guild image". Either way, it's the person running the guild's fault, not the rep systems fault.

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@"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:Personally, I do not understand the concept of being in more than 2, maybe 3 guilds maximum. I am maybe old school, but I feel really "linked" to the guild I am in and it means commitment to me. Aside of the "feeling" point of view, on a more practical side: If members are free to come and go with no representation rule, then how is it possible to build up core team with reliable members and a schedule for raids and WvW for example? Without representation, there is no commitment anymore.My impression is that being in lot of guilds is like picking up out of each guilds only that what serves interest, very happy to do so, but not returning anything back to the guild because just passing by without committing. Sort of.

Due to my - old school - view of what does mean to be member of a guild, I do not agree on the idea to have an extension of the amount of guild slots. For me, it would be like telling to players: Feel free to have a "pick-up" behaviour toward guilds. I tend to believe that if such behaviour is reinforced, it will become more and more difficult for guilds to keep existing. At least that's how I see it.

Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

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Honestly i wish i could join up to 10, because out of my guilds i have.1.) A RP guild that i rep quite a bit because i talk to people there.2.) a guild that only exists as a hub to gather people(and to do Teq daily).3.) Family guild that never gets used.4.) Old Friends guild that ive thought about leaving repeatedly cause they no longer play.5.) Raid training guild.

Out of those, none of them do WvW, and the raid group only does raids one day a week. I wish i could join a guild or two that did raids elsewhere.

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@Hornet.6357 said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

They need to add a title called Guild Jumper.

I don't even know why there are 5 guild slots to begin with.There should be at most 2.Guilds USED to be for players who were loyal and achieved goals together. Now players just join guild for free hand outs.

I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if a player isn't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

We DO NOT need more guild slots. Be happy there are 5.

The title Guild Wars in of it-self is contradictory. Maybe ANET meant for Guilds to be at war with their own members?

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@Wolfs Shadow.7234 said:

@"Hornet.6357" said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

leave a guild?

I don't even know why there are 5 guild slots to begin with.There should be at most 2.Guilds USED to be for players who were loyal and achieved goals together. Now players just join guild for free hand outs..

Guild Wars, the title it self is contradictory. Maybe ANET meant for Guilds to be at war with their own members?

I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if players aren't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

We DO NOT need more guild slots. Be happy there are 5.

1.) The "guild wars" title has more to do with what GW1 was originally before it was released(it was a 100% pvp game.) and the lore of the game than the actual in game gameplay itself.

2.) The real world has changed and so to have games. Players do not like being tied to one group forever, or being forced to be part of just one group forever, its unnecessarily restrictive. The guilds i have joined, i joined for what they offered, no SINGLE guild however can offer it all 100% of the time im playing the game which is why i have guilds that SPECIALIZE In individual tasks so if i want to do one of those tasks i can ask THAT Guild, something i wish i could expand upon by joining more than 5 due to there being more than 5 things i enjoy doing in this game.

3.) Im glad that joining 100% rep guilds is optional because i will never do so again. I was in one that was 75%, required, and EVERY SINGLE TIME i would rep my RP guild because i was actively roleplaying i INSTANTLY had more than one guild officer down my throat about Rep, thankfully Arenanet was smart and made the game as such that im not mandated that i am not required to be in a single guild(which in gw1 was pretty required), and feel no obligations to rep just one guild at all times.

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Mostly, I'm an RP/cosplay completionist.For me, most of my WvW or PvE story content is occupied with my RP characters.41 out of 46, if you will.

I'm in 2 fully active guilds, and the rest are my own creations (for name sake and tag matching with one or two characters of mine).I'd definitely Pay to get more guild slots.Truth be told, I'd probably waste quite a bit on guild slots just for the guild name/tags I could make to match my mains.

But... I don't see a reason to have more guilds in all honesty, it's not a huge deal, and if it drains resources from Devs, then no.Would be more helpful though for us character junkies, or socials.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Hornet.6357" said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

leave a guild?

I don't even know why there are 5 guild slots to begin with.There should be at most 2.Guilds USED to be for players who were loyal and achieved goals together. Now players just join guild for free hand outs..

Guild Wars, the title it self is contradictory. Maybe ANET meant for Guilds to be at war with their own members?

I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if players aren't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

We DO NOT need more guild slots. Be happy there are 5.

1.) The "guild wars" title has more to do with what GW1 was originally before it was released(it was a 100% pvp game.) and the lore of the game than the actual in game gameplay itself.

2.) The real world has changed and so to have games. Players do not like being tied to one group forever, or being forced to be part of just one group forever, its unnecessarily restrictive. The guilds i have joined, i joined for what they offered,
guild however can offer it all 100% of the time im playing the game which is why i have guilds that
In individual tasks
so if i want to do one of those tasks i can ask
Guild, something i wish i could expand upon by joining more than 5 due to there being more than 5 things i enjoy doing in this game.

3.) Im glad that joining 100% rep guilds is optional because i will never do so again. I was in one that was 75%, required, and
i would rep my RP guild because i was actively roleplaying i
had more than one guild officer down my throat about Rep, thankfully Arenanet was smart and made the game as such that im not mandated that i am not required to be in a single guild(which in gw1 was pretty required), and feel no obligations to rep just one guild at all times.

1.) Guild Wars 1 was not 100% pvp and far from it. 3 1/2 PVE expansions. It was 25% PVP & 75% PVE and that is still is probably overshooting it. The game was also instance based.

2.) What does real world have to do with anything? Most MMOs only allow 1 guild. A handful allow a maximum of 5. As I stated OP should be happy there is 5. I also stated at most there should be 2. I do agree with you, not every guild has 100% of what you are looking for. Which is why I also stated 2. Some Guilds do WvW only, some PvX or some per PvE(RP). Regardless there are squads within guilds.

3.) No one forces a player to join a 100% represent guild. I am not even saying it should be a requirement, but it is also ridiculous to expect guilds not to have a representation requirement either. You are simply dead weight & a waste of slot for someone more deserving who will represent (not meant to be harsh).

It is a matter of preference. I personally only join Guilds who have a representation requirement because I know that the hard work I put in, is reciprocated & I also give gold to fellow guild mates to help them along their journey. (Paying it forward perhaps). If the number of members who do not represent out-way the ones that do, I leave the guild.

  • It cost Gold to invite someone to a guild
  • It cost Gold & resources to maintain a guild
  • It cost Gold & resources to upgrade a guild

& last point it arguable if ANET is smart. Unrelated, but their choice to make PVP an after thought was a terrible idea & will likely bite them in the butt in the long run. They've likely missed massive marketing opportunities given the esport scene. Their attempt previously was approached terribly. The popular trend leans towards PVP not PVE.) They will be lucky to have a WvW, SPvP come next western MMO, especially if Amazon's New World lives up to its hype.

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