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Warrior needs a comeback next patch


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@KIIIL.1860 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Mauling it over in my head, I think warrior is gonna be in this state until next expansion..... maybe even beyond that... and likely until the brink of the end.

never, arena has been breaking the warrior for 8 years already, and then it gets worse - believe me.

Nah I think @Thornwolf.9721 is right on that.

The trend since HoT is that Warrior usually gets its chance to shine when an expansion first releases and then it is gradually toned down until it's eventually in the same sorry state like it is now.

It happened with Zerker and HoT because Zerker used to be very powerful.Same with Spellbreaker. At PoF launch it felt incredibly busted.Not talking about PvE though. Very little experience there.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Aveigel.2601 said:it's already the most played class...

I'm assuming you're getting this information from GW2Efficiency?

That doesn't mean that it is in a good place for PvP. It might have a presence in PvE, and even in zergs to some extent, but how much it is played isn't reminiscent of how well it is actually performing. Keep in mind, GW2 is much more vastly populated by more casual players who spend a majority, if not all, of their time in PvE related content. sPvP has a much lower population, WvW as well, so out of whichever number of players you're seeing playing Warrior on GW2 Efficiency, only a
% of them are actually participating in PvP due to Warriors current state.

And not everyone uses GW2 Efficiency to begin with; You have to link your account. So those a small percentage, of a percentage~ Id argue WvW is up there with open world PvE in terms of pop.

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Warrior is in very poor shape. Slowly, but surely I stopped playing my Warrior. I held out longer than most too.

Axe sucks now, used to be my favorite weapon. , I have been playing my thief instead. Maybe the X-Pac will bring axe for thief so I can actually do damage again. Why land 2k Evis (if you are lucky it lands) when I can just spam 5k Heartseeker?

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I'll start with a brief background of my experience in Guild Wars 2 so that you can hopefully see where I am coming from with my views.

I've recently returned to the game (well about two months now) and warrior has always been my main. From being the first class I played in Guild Wars: Prophecies to being the class that I've put around 2/3rd's of my play time in on Guild Wars 2. I've always enjoyed the look and feel of the class on a conceptual level. I've not played a lot of the game for a long time, so most my experience was back during the early stages of Living World Season 1, with brief returns scattered throughout as expansions were released. It's always been a game I enjoyed playing, but one that other friends didn't care to play with me so I'd get pulled away to other things.

When playing Guild Wars 2 I've always been an Open World and WvW player. I've never had a knack for small scale PvP since I feel extra pressure in such scenarios and I know I play sloppier as a result, so I've only done a tiny bit of sPvP gameplay. My opinions on the Warrior are thus going to be focused on WvW in this thread. Ever since Beta when I got to play during stress tests, I've been a huge fan of WvW game play and the majority of my time has been devoted to running around Eternal Battlegrounds and the Alpine Borderlands (I have not done enough WvW since HoT to say I can navigate the Desert Borderland well).

I am quite sad at the current state of warriors in large scale battles. Don't get me wrong, I know the class is desired (specifically Spellbreaker bubbles), but the fact that the class feels pigeonholed into one type of role makes me rather disappointed, especially when the meta version of the build is built around support heals and cleansing. That just doesn't sound like a Warrior to me. I enjoy the play style and am fine with running it to help my raid team in big fights, but I know I'd like to change it up and be a heavy hitting threat sometimes; after all I am a Warrior.

As it is, if I want to be a powerful hitting Warrior that gets in the thick of things, I can't really do that. Even with double Endure Pain and double Balanced Stance through traits, I'm easily taken down in large fights because Endure Pain doesn't block conditions, the stability that Balanced Stance provides is easily gotten through due to the sheer number of CC's going out, and conditions are too easy to reapply once cleansed with Shake It Off.

You can make the argument that this is not a problem of the Warrior being to weak and is a problem with conditions, but that argument has already been made many times and the developers have thus far seen fit to leave them as they are. If conditions aren't changed, then Warrior needs to be brought up to better survive through them. Going full defensive and support traits to survive in a zerg battle should not be the only way to play a Warrior, at least in my opinion.

I know that one other build that is sometimes ran in WvW is a Berserker with greatsword and rifle to provide high burst damage. This is certainly more along the line of what I envision when I hear the name Warrior, but it also highlights I think the problem that Warrior faces when not playing Spellbreaker, and that is survivability. Playing this sort of spec feels very glass cannon and while that is fun for roaming players, it's not very viable in group play. I think this play style is good for players who want to roam in a havoc squad and pick people off, so I don't think it should change, but I'd like to see other versions such as hammer primal burst and some of the melee rage skills give the class more survivability options when running with a group. Perhaps having the skills provide might to allies and giving a barrier based on the number of allies affected or something along those lines could help you play the melee damage role in large scale PvP without making the Warrior a nightmare to face 1-v-1.

To wrap things up I will just say I don't know the specifics of what should change, but I know I have this feeling that something is wrong with my favorite class.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:Mauling it over in my head, I think warrior is gonna be in this state until next expansion..... maybe even beyond that... and likely until the brink of the end.

never, arena has been breaking the warrior for 8 years already, and then it gets worse - believe me.

Nah I think @Thornwolf.9721 is right on that.

The trend since HoT is that Warrior usually gets its chance to shine when an expansion first releases and then it is gradually toned down until it's eventually in the same sorry state like it is now.

It happened with Zerker and HoT because Zerker used to be very powerful.Same with Spellbreaker. At PoF launch it felt incredibly busted.Not talking about PvE though. Very little experience there.

dude what, i played HoT on release, even played in tournaments that were not automated back then, berserker was completely trash and meta is literally dominated by chrono and rev, and then there's side node druid and daredevil is literally unkillable, and DH literally trashed every single warrior varietion.there were literally no place for warrior at all, it is also when most of the old school skilled warrior quit or just switched to new classes.

that's literally the reason i quit gw2 back then because warrior is literally unplayable and there's no melee build/class i liked, hybrid rev was extremely op and unfun to play.

and spellbreaker was only decent and no where near op, it was just super sustainable and it slowly wears enemy out on side node, that's it.

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@gmmg.9210 said:After being away for years, I came back to find my beloved Warrior in a terrible state. The Defense Line has had it's passives absolutely nerfed into oblivion. I still want to play Berzerker and want to like him; the potential for a fun sustainable powerhouse of damage sounds great! But the sub class still leaves so much to be desired. The Elites feel underwhelming with bubbles everywhere, while everything else feels underwhelming compared to other ults. (Looking at you necro).We really need a comeback, as I can only play ranger for so long.What would you guys change? Also vanilla war needs love too.

Hey mate. I'm running shout Berzerker with Zerk Ammy and Soldier runes. It eats up condi for breakfast and is a ton of fun running double axe / gs. The sustain is excellent.You'll find me in the arena so come join me for some duels and i'll share my build :)

Mack Beartorn.

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@felix.2386 said:dude what, i played HoT on release, even played in tournaments that were not automated back then, berserker was completely trash and meta is literally dominated by chrono and rev, and then there's side node druid and daredevil is literally unkillable, and DH literally trashed every single warrior varietion.there were literally no place for warrior at all, it is also when most of the old school skilled warrior quit or just switched to new classes.

that's literally the reason i quit gw2 back then because warrior is literally unplayable and there's no melee build/class i liked, hybrid rev was extremely op and unfun to play.

and spellbreaker was only decent and no where near op, it was just super sustainable and it slowly wears enemy out on side node, that's it.

Just my two copper. I've pretty much always only ever played Warrior and I found early-mid HoT to be one of the best times to play it.Pre-nerf Axe/Shield + Greatsword Zerker was so much fun that my central nervous system grew unable to regularly produce dopamine from playing it so much.

Probably a controversial opinion but the old HoT days made for what i'd personally call the most enjoyable PvP times ever. Pretty much everything besides rev was completely broken. It was somewhat dumb at times, but having 8/9 classes being op but fun is way better than having only 4 meta classes with everything being all nerfed, samey, and boring.

If you want to go on a Warrior Nostalgia trip I can give you a really cringey Warrior montage I made back in 2016 fit with bad effects, copyrighted music, the whole shebang. ?There's also much better Warriors and content creators than me. Try searching back to Fall 2016 if you have some favorites.

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@Xca.9721 said:

@otto.5684 said:Ya.. warrior is not doing good in any game mode. It is alright in PvE, but probably the worst performing class.

Warrior in PvE is one of the strongest classes, pulling huge dps besides the banner support. I often out dps other dps players in fractals/raids as a support class.

I've out DPS'd a weaver with my Berserker in FotM before so :+1:

@Mack.3045 said:

@gmmg.9210 said:After being away for years, I came back to find my beloved Warrior in a terrible state. The Defense Line has had it's passives absolutely nerfed into oblivion. I still want to play Berzerker and want to like him; the potential for a fun sustainable powerhouse of damage sounds great! But the sub class still leaves so much to be desired. The Elites feel underwhelming with bubbles everywhere, while everything else feels underwhelming compared to other ults. (Looking at you necro).We really need a comeback, as I can only play ranger for so long.What would you guys change? Also vanilla war needs love too.

Hey mate. I'm running shout Berzerker with Zerk Ammy and Soldier runes. It eats up condi for breakfast and is a ton of fun running double axe / gs. The sustain is excellent.You'll find me in the arena so come join me for some duels and i'll share my build :)

Mack Beartorn.

Str/Tact/Ber or Disc/Tact/Ber?

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@felix.2386 said:dude what, i played HoT on release, even played in tournaments that were not automated back then, berserker was completely trash and meta is literally dominated by chrono and rev, and then there's side node druid and daredevil is literally unkillable, and DH literally trashed every single warrior varietion.there were literally no place for warrior at all, it is also when most of the old school skilled warrior quit or just switched to new classes.

that's literally the reason i quit gw2 back then because warrior is literally unplayable and there's no melee build/class i liked, hybrid rev was extremely op and unfun to play.

and spellbreaker was only decent and no where near op, it was just super sustainable and it slowly wears enemy out on side node, that's it.

Just my two copper. I've pretty much always only ever played Warrior and I found early-mid HoT to be one of the best times to play it.Pre-nerf Axe/Shield + Greatsword Zerker was so much fun that my central nervous system grew unable to regularly produce dopamine from playing it so much.

Probably a controversial opinion but the old HoT days made for what i'd personally call the most enjoyable PvP times ever. Pretty much everything besides rev was completely broken. It was somewhat dumb at times, but having 8/9 classes being op but fun is way better than having only 4 meta classes with everything being all nerfed, samey, and boring.

If you want to go on a Warrior Nostalgia trip I can give you a really cringey Warrior montage I made back in 2016 fit with bad effects, copyrighted music, the whole shebang. ?There's also much better Warriors and content creators than me. Try searching back to Fall 2016 if you have some favorites.

you probably either just started playing pvp 2016 and you find it fun without much knowledge.or you fail to release 2016 fall is one year after HoT already, i'm not sure if i lasted that long for how trash the meta was on release and warrior was on release, so i can't say on that.

but as some one who's had 4k+ ranked warrior matches played pre-HoT and played in ESL pre-HoT.warrior has never been op on any release, specially berserker was completely trash and unplayable even worse then now, and spellbreaker on release was ok, but it's still defense spellbreaker, so you know whatsup with that.

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@jpsssss.7530 said:If you have the skill to play it, Gunflame Berserker has somehow reanimated itself in WvW roaming (thiugh that may be a select group of the best warriors). Like a really good player can 1v2 and nuke people.

I will say it may be easier to pickup retaliation medi core guard tho.

Gunflame warrior is meme build which is countered by any player not afk at the keyboard.

A amazing warrior playing gun flame will lose to a below average player playing most meta roaming specs in wvw.

Thus the problem with riffle overall with warriors.

If you are looking for that type of gameplay - Play a dead eye.

More dmg, more survivability ( even as glass ) , more mobility and stealth to boot.

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A few weeks ago i got so bored that i actually started gw2 again, played 2 games of pvp and felt bad for my team, because having a warrior, while the other team doesnt just is like a 4v5 for them.I took a look at godsofpvp (which generally gives a good idea about what kinda build is good) and even they said that warrior is basically unplayable. I believe teapots tournament didnt see a single warrior?

Alt+f4 after that and only came back to play through the living world thing in like 2 hours and log back out again... Oh and to take a look at 8th birthday gift (which was underwhelming to say the least)

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

@felix.2386 said:but as some one who's had 4k+ ranked warrior matches played

Nevermind, I think I get the frustration now

Funny thing is that, i probably only played 1k+ game on warrior since HoT. probably 300 for HoT and 1k for PoFthat demonstrate how completely garbage warrior is at core.HoT berserker was literally the middle finger that anet gives to all PvP warrior pre expension.

when you see all the pre-exp guard/engi/hief mains all over the place, old war main is basically non-existencewe already had to go multi class only to be able to join a team to compete in the weekly non-auto tournaments pre-expensionand then berserker released and it was completely hot garbage.

oh and it is literally the least played class in top level tournament of all time.

even tho i'm long gone from an actual warrior main, i still constantly post for it dreaming one day, it can also be like engi/guard/thief/rev, that you don't need to multi class and shelf it for more then 50% of the time to compete in any tournament.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Warrior got so many issues which they can't change I think.There are a lot of weapon skill need to be tweaked/changed but they don't even do it.Utility skill mostly filled with mini boon and mini condi (compared to other class which can apply so much condition or spam the boon), when it comes to PvP or WvW there is not enough damaging skill.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Dante.1508 said:It really does op.. Warriors need a way better ranged option.. and a lot more defence on par with Guardians, Jeez even thieves play better than Warriors in open world.

The amount of thieves I have to rez during Bounties says otherwise...

Actually i rezz everyone because i mostly play Engi.. That said my Warrior dies in Tyria maps my other Classes do not.. Even today i was chatting to my guild and they all agreed Warrior needs super help.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@Dante.1508 said:It really does op.. Warriors need a way better ranged option.. and a lot more defence on par with Guardians, Jeez even thieves play better than Warriors in open world.

The amount of thieves I have to rez during Bounties says otherwise...

Actually i rezz everyone because i mostly play Engi.. That said my Warrior dies in Tyria maps my other Classes do not.. Even today i was chatting to my guild and they all agreed Warrior needs super help.

I find myself in the same situation in open world with my warrior, rezing a good chunk of players that go down. Meanwhile I'm still at full health and tanking the same damage that killed them (and yes I'm full glass). For open world people just don't know how to use warrior traits to their advantage.

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@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

@Dante.1508 said:It really does op.. Warriors need a way better ranged option.. and a lot more defence on par with Guardians, Jeez even thieves play better than Warriors in open world.

The amount of thieves I have to rez during Bounties says otherwise...

Actually i rezz everyone because i mostly play Engi.. That said my Warrior dies in Tyria maps my other Classes do not.. Even today i was chatting to my guild and they all agreed Warrior needs super help.

I find myself in the same situation in open world with my warrior, rezing a good chunk of players that go down. Meanwhile I'm still at full health and tanking the same damage that killed them (and yes I'm full glass). For open world people just don't know how to use warrior traits to their advantage.

I crap out might in OW for that reason. That and I watch my footwork. Red circles are bad juju by the sign of all the dead eles and thieves inside of them.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Dante.1508 said:It really does op.. Warriors need a way better ranged option.. and a lot more defence on par with Guardians, Jeez even thieves play better than Warriors in open world.

The amount of thieves I have to rez during Bounties says otherwise...

Actually i rezz everyone because i mostly play Engi.. That said my Warrior dies in Tyria maps my other Classes do not.. Even today i was chatting to my guild and they all agreed Warrior needs super help.

I find myself in the same situation in open world with my warrior, rezing a good chunk of players that go down. Meanwhile I'm still at full health and tanking the same damage that killed them (and yes I'm full glass). For open world people just don't know how to use warrior traits to their advantage.

I kitten out might in OW for that reason. That and I watch my footwork. Red circles are bad juju by the sign of all the dead eles and thieves inside of them.

My build doesn't care about red circles.

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