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Level 80's in starter zones, why?

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This isn't a complaint thread, but more of a question, If you have level 80 characters that you take into the starting zones or pretty much anywhere in core tyria, why do you do so?

I personally just love the aesthetics of the starter zones, i feel lik my commander is taking a break from the chaos of dragons and gods and is just chiling. I also occasionally roam around and talk to npcs to see the kind of things they have to say.

What do you all do?

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There's lots of reasons. Sometimes it's because I'm doing map completion and for whatever reason that character hasn't completed that map yet, or maybe I'm doing a collection or achievement which requires it. Sometimes I'm gathering crafting materials which drop there. Sometimes I'm on my way somewhere and decided to run there instead of using a waypoint so I can see what happens along the way. Sometimes maybe I just feel like re-visiting that map and since I'm not there for anything in particular I just use the character I'm already on or whichever I felt like playing.

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Because my kids end up on those maps a lot on thier alts. They like to claim spots on those maps as thier character's new home. One time I found them seated at a table in Divinity's Reach re-enacting our dinner from the previous day. Mostly I find them in Queensdale. I guess they are role players now. Anyway, I am just the muscle that protects them from the "bad guys." Nice to have a purpose ?

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@castlemanic.3198 said:This isn't a complaint thread, but more of a question, If you have level 80 characters that you take into the starting zones or pretty much anywhere in core tyria, why do you do so?

I personally just love the aesthetics of the starter zones, i feel lik my commander is taking a break from the chaos of dragons and gods and is just chiling. I also occasionally roam around and talk to npcs to see the kind of things they have to say.

What do you all do?

Ever hard about grinding masteries? Nothing wrong with lvl 80 in starter zone in GW2.

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As a new player (bought the game about a week ago), I honestly thought it was pretty cool how you'd often see max level players in the starting areas mingling with the fresh players and doing the same content. It's fun to see what your character could look like and become given the time and dedication, so it's kind of motivating in a way.

But at the same time, having max level characters participate in the starter areas became a bit of a nuisance as a new player fairly quickly because of how easy it is for a level 80 to steam roll their way through the content. It often makes trying to get events and other quests done as a new player a bit frustrating as you don't get to the event areas quick enough and by the time you get to them they're already done because a) max level characters are steam rolling the content, b) they have mounts and c) they have all the waypoints already unlocked.

It'd be nice to see either; proper power scaling for higher level characters, removing mounts from the starter areas, or changing the daily event quests to include other zones of the map that aren't exclusively starting areas on a rotation.

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These days, my 80=level alts only go to beginner maps for map completion, though they will do the dailies there if that's the daily map when they are 'stationed' there. Since I rank up a key farmer every week by doing map complete on a beginner map, I see quite enough of them without extra sight-seeing.

But it sometimes amazes me that there are still secrets and extras and amazing things to find on the maps I've completed so often. I had been playing nearly three years before I stumbled on Snrif's lair in Metrica Province!

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@Goettel.4389 said:

@Viger.1347 said:...proper power scaling for higher level charactersThis. I like doing dailies on an 80, but the level scaling is just not enough. kitten us more plx, especially mount damage - for those folk who still can't get how annoying it is for new players to have you tail-swipe everything with your shiny raptor skin.

^^^^ This. It must be very off-putting to those new players.

In addition, I wish the mob health and number would scale up more. For those gathering events (wurm meat, logs, etc), they should upscale much, much more, so that everyone has a chance to finish the collection. 30 people trying to do one little event means a bunch of people won't get credit - simply because they can't do any damage/collect any materials.

An alternative is to remove the low-level-map dailies from the daily achievements for players who have a level 80 on their account.

Back to the OP: I'm there for map completion, and also because the pact supply network agents are always on at least one starting level map.

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A big problem with many MMOs is that once you finish off an area there is little or no insentive to return. As a consequence, those maps turn into wastelands which is a huge turnoff for new players that log in and feel like the game is empty. GW2 has done a good job of trying to find ways to encourage people to return to old maps, and keep the sense that the game is healthy and alive. Plus, there is so much to do and explore in this game, I just like going back, even if its just to wander around and admire the beautiful design of the game.

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I also take my level 80s into core maps. Usually for Dailies, World Boss train, map completion, materials, achievments and collections.

It is really nice to drop into a core map after being in the Jungle and be able to melt mobs with a glance. Power trippin but sometimes I need that little fix.

I do try to be mindful of new players and not obliterate mobs they are actively hunting. But if a player is down I will lend aid.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Because the core map design is often so much more fun and interesting to play than many of the narrow focussed later LS maps which lack the variety and organic design of their predecessors. Sometimes I just want to experience what GW2 started out as rather than what it has become

The only reason a lot of people still play is that they can forget about how bad the game got after HOT.

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