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Worth coming back?


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Since it's still free you canjust jump into it, have a look for yourself and decide if you want to stick around.The game has changed a lot since 2013, many new mechanics have been added and a lot of QoL stuff like the wardrobe for skins or the wallet for currencies. It will feel like a new game I suppose.

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The game is still active with lots of people online. It will be quite different to what you remember because there's been loads of updates over the years. If you have a spare character slot I recommend making a new character to play at first so you can familiarise yourself with the game again from the begining. Then when you're feeling ready for it you can swap to your old characters so you can pick up where you left off, or start new things without having to level them up all over again.

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@Wezley.3725 said:Hey guys,

I'm thinking about coming back to the game after all this time. i have not played properly since 2013.So, how is the population and is it worth coming back?


Take a look at GW2 wiki to get some impression of what have changed and how much you need to catch up. You should be able to find GW2 wiki by searching Google as I am on phone where it is a bit hard to use copy and paste links.

There is also guides on YT, but that might contain spoiler for story parts, if that is your interest. Check for video made in the last year to see how game play work today and not how game play worked for some years ago as there have been patches that changed damage on hard CC and so on.

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@Wezley.3725 said:Hey guys,

I'm thinking about coming back to the game after all this time. i have not played properly since 2013.So, how is the population and is it worth coming back?


It's the perfect time to come back! There is a ton of stuff to catch up on and by the time you do, we'll probably have a new expansion to play with!

PvE seems in pretty good shape right now. Open world is active and the storyline is ongoing. Development of new content is slower than most would like (when is that not the case, though?), but there is plenty there to keep a returning player busy. This year they released a bunch of mini raid-type content they call strike missions. They just released a new fractal, too. If you haven't played since 2013, get ready to see the game like you've never seen it before!

PvP/WvW are neglected. PvP population is low and it's a very visible problem. Regular balance patches were promised, but ANet appears to have completely abandoned that plan. So, basically what they've been doing for years! Good job, team! On a positive note, if you can get past the poor balance, lack of game modes, stale meta and awful matchmaking, the combat is still pretty top notch.

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For PvE I would say yes. There's plenty of content to do and it seems like there will be a lot more too in the future. The population in PvE is quite active, especially in the more popular maps.

WvW and PvP seem to be less frequently updated. So if you do them infrequently and can accept the issues that they currently have, they can still be enjoyable from time to time.

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@Wezley.3725 said:Hey guys,

I'm thinking about coming back to the game after all this time. i have not played properly since 2013.So, how is the population and is it worth coming back?


I'm curious, what does the population have to do with anything? Since the game is conveniently free, you can try it for yourself and then decide for yourself.

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As someone already said;

For PVE 100%. I really enjoy it and i used to pvp only. Plus there is an expansion in the making for next year.

For PVP ? No. Absolutely not. Sadly Anet neglected the pvp for too long and still does despite saying otherwise. Cant even step up and communicate with their playerbase.

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