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Do you use the "Compact" inventory option?


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Whatever isn't sold off is compacted to make management easier, and if it's important, it ends up in the top row of my bags, because that's where things compact to by default (meaning they never move) -- like salvage kits, food, and whatever stuff I'm likely to hold onto for a few days.

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I use it all the time and I want an option to combine deposit and compact in one button so I don't have to click both every time.

I don't get people who don't use compact, even if you organize stuff so that there is some free slots between your items, they will be filled by loot so in the end your stuff is mixed with random shit to salvage.

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@krz.1327 said:I use it all the time and I want an option to combine deposit and compact in one button so I don't have to click both every time.

I don't get people who don't use compact, even if you organize stuff so that there is some free slots between your items, they will be filled by loot so in the end your stuff is mixed with random kitten to salvage.

Well the right click salvage kit and press the salvage all masterwork and lower option and I dont have to bother about hunting any of the gear down.then deposit all material, use personal merchant to sell all junk and off I go no compact needed.

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@mes.4607 said:Anyone saying no is crazy. Use invis bags people

You mean the bags that do not let you deposit materials or sell things to both vendors or on the TP? That require a player to manually move items out of to do anything with them? That's just switching from one bad experience to another

And again, no one is requesting that the compact option be removed from the game. Literally all we want is for there to be an option that lets us move its location as roughly 2/3rds of players (using this poll as an example) do not use the option and its location causes a drop in the QoL of such players due to its current location. Something, btw, that Arenanet realized was a problem when they gave players an option to change where it was on the cog list as so many people were accidentally clicking on it because it was right next to the deposit materials button.

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@Zephire.8049 said:

@mes.4607 said:Anyone saying no is crazy. Use invis bags people

You mean the bags that do not let you deposit materials or sell things to both vendors or on the TP? That require a player to manually move items out of to do anything with them? That's just switching from one bad experience to another

And again, no one is requesting that the compact option be removed from the game. Literally all we want is for there to be an
that lets us move its location as roughly 2/3rds of players (using this poll as an example) do not use the option and its location causes a drop in the QoL of such players due to its current location. Something, btw, that Arenanet realized was a problem when they gave players an option to change where it was on the cog list as so many people were accidentally clicking on it because it was right next to the deposit materials button.

Invis bags are for storing gear and other items you dont want mixed in with the rest... I feel like people dont use them correctly

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@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:Anyone saying no is crazy. Use invis bags people

You mean the bags that do not let you deposit materials or sell things to both vendors or on the TP? That require a player to manually move items out of to do anything with them? That's just switching from one bad experience to another

And again, no one is requesting that the compact option be removed from the game. Literally all we want is for there to be an
that lets us move its location as roughly 2/3rds of players (using this poll as an example) do not use the option and its location causes a drop in the QoL of such players due to its current location. Something, btw, that Arenanet realized was a problem when they gave players an option to change where it was on the cog list as so many people were accidentally clicking on it because it was right next to the deposit materials button.

Invis bags are for storing gear and other items you dont want mixed in with the rest... I feel like people dont use them correctly

What gear if you got legendary you dont need any other gear.Even if you had that if you got it carefully down at the bottom it wont be mixed in with the rest.

the rest is above it and will get destroyed when you salvage all masterwork and lower + right click master/mystic/silverfed and go through any exotic or rares you dont want to keep.

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@mes.4607 said:

@mes.4607 said:Anyone saying no is crazy. Use invis bags people

You mean the bags that do not let you deposit materials or sell things to both vendors or on the TP? That require a player to manually move items out of to do anything with them? That's just switching from one bad experience to another

And again, no one is requesting that the compact option be removed from the game. Literally all we want is for there to be an
that lets us move its location as roughly 2/3rds of players (using this poll as an example) do not use the option and its location causes a drop in the QoL of such players due to its current location. Something, btw, that Arenanet realized was a problem when they gave players an option to change where it was on the cog list as so many people were accidentally clicking on it because it was right next to the deposit materials button.

Invis bags are for storing gear and other items you dont want mixed in with the rest... I feel like people dont use them correctlyWhich for most people would be 1/5 bags, though with the armoury gear is less of an issue as you can store two sets without it taking up bag space.

That still leaves 4/5 bags that can have their stuff moved around by accidentally clicking a few pixels to the right.

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@"galen ubal.2807" said:Yes, I use it.I consider this whole "controversy" nothing more than people showing the pettiest sort of thing they'll whine about.

Yes, how dare players complain about the revert change of a quality of life feature added 4 YEARS ago!

GeneralAdded an option to the Options panel to move the Compact option found in the Inventory panel to the bottom of the drop-down menu.

If you had bothered to read about some of the detailed explanations of WHY this change, in fact return to a pre QoL change from the past, is such an issue to some players, myself included, you hopefully would not have made such an ignorant statement.

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Hate the compact feature. In short, it messes up the order of your inventory and gives you less control over the arrangement of your loot, utilities, and other items.

In a game that is this junk, loot, and gizmo-heavy, it blows my mind that they'd pick Halloween, one of the most inventory-centric festivals of the year, to revert this particular QoL and make a significant change to the inventory UI. I'd have been perfectly fine with this if you could hide one (or both) of the new buttons or opt to keep the old drop-down - instead people now get to worry about something that was fixed four years ago.

Let me be clear that I understand that some people like the compact function and there is nothing wrong with the fact that they like it. My problem lies in the fact that I don't have the option to turn it off and it makes a mess of things whenever I accidentally use it.

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I'm a bit surprised that people have the exact number of items needed to fill their invisible bags. I generally don't and end up with junk in the invisible bag that doesn't get deposited or sold, or overflow items that would get moved by a compact.

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I consider this whole "controversy" nothing more than people showing the pettiest sort of thing they'll whine about.Then you must be one of the players who use an inventory layout that is compatible with the compact function. Consider yourself lucky. For us players who use a different layout accidentally clicking this buttons costs a few minutes of restoring order in the inventory. Literally.

I picked a layout early on where bag 1 is my inbox, bag 2 is an invisible one for quick access and protection (think: buff food, unid gear) and below that generic stuff and less often used items that I hoard. Compacting this means, that I have to move almost every item in my inventory back to the place where I want it. Where I can FIND it when needed. At the very least the items that I use regularly.

Moving the compact option to the bottom of the menu was a very welcome change. This newest patch not only reverts it but makes it even easier to accidentally click.

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@blp.3489 said:I'm a bit surprised that people have the exact number of items needed to fill their invisible bags. I generally don't and end up with junk in the invisible bag that doesn't get deposited or sold, or overflow items that would get moved by a compact.

That is why as I salvage, sell, whatever... I then move items up to the spaces in the 2 visible bags. Not a problem.

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What was the need to separate these two buttons from the rest in drop down menu?

I mean, I'll get used to it, but was the extra click really so bothersome? I see all sorts of other requests for problems to be solved, but I haven't seen this one.

And what's with the discrimination against all other options in the drop down menu then? Think of all the people who show and hide rarity all the time. Don't they deserve their own button next to these two? I petition for these people to be heard already :p

TL;DR: Just, why? Aren't there more important things to be done?

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I do. For the stuff I may be carrying that I don't want moved around, I have bags for that too. It even says in their descriptions that they won't move around, and that I can't accidentally sell them in one case. What's even better is that I can craft them myself, for about 10 gold a piece for a 20 slotter in each category. For stuff that I may want to use on a regular basis, it stays in the "Starter Bag", right at the top of my inventory, and almost never gets shuffled, unless I run out of kits for breaking down the gear I don't want any more, or at all, or use up a consumable. Depending on the consumable, that may even be desirable, since I may want to replace it with a higher level version, or something.

So it would seem that the solution to this issue is built right into the game, and has been for a very long time, yes? I don't know about other crafters, but if I'm guilded with someone that doesn't want to take the time to get crafting high enough, I'd gladly craft those bags for them, if they provide the materials, or at least the ones I'd have to buy from the vendor every time. No charge, no tips, just a service for someone in the guild. If I'm financially solvent, I may even forgo the "buy the materials" every once in a while.

I also use the deposit all feature, a lot. So these buttons have saved me a bit of time during a play session. I've never actively pursued attempting to get this feature added, but I'm sure not against it being there. The same situation exists for mats that I don't want to deposit, for whatever reason, I can simply put them in an Invisible bag, and they won't deposit. They also won't move around if I sort the bags, and any new ones I pick up are put on the stack when I get them, however that process may work, looted vs crafted, for example. I can also jump right to the appropriate bag, by simply clicking on it on the left side of the inventory interface, well, the default one anyway, so no real time spent scrolling through the rows to find what I'm looking for, if I know which bag it's in.

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I never use it...tbh I don't even know what it does :) I arrange my bags in a specific order and have the last one as an invisible bag, that's worked well for me all along.

I do find myself still clicking the gear to get the deposit materials button though...I wish I could move the new deposit materials button to where the gear is now so I don't make that mistake so often.

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The problem with a compact button is that there are items I need to find quickly (ie. gathering tools, salvaging kits, food, utilities, spare weapons or armour, etc). It's generally easier to just fuse all the bags into one big inventory and organize these items into their own corners.

One misclick can mean a minute of inventory sorting, which isn't particularly fun.

I was happy when we had the option to move the "compact inventory" button away from the "deposit materials to bank" option a year ago, and I really don't see the need for this change.

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