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Which mount do you like the best?


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@Tyncale.1629 said:This is going to be a race between the Skyscale, and then some mount for the people who haven't gotten the Skyscale yet(for some reason). And then a few votes from people who DO have the Skyscale, but voted for another mount, and will be sure to tell us about it.

Looks like you're wrong. Griffon has the lead with 50% of the votes. It's a cooler mount, more satisfying to get (I absolutely detest the grind for the skyscale, but I thought the griffon was fun to get) and I prefer how it controls. Then of course there are the griffon time-trial adventures, which are fun as well.

In comparison, the skyscale is just a boring pseudo-flying mount, which is a pain to get.

Griffon > skyscale any time any day of the week.

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I voted for the skyscale because I love dragons, and games I like which let you freely fly a dragon around (almost) anywhere are frustratingly rare. Ones which also let you customise your dragon are even rarer. Honestly the fact that the skyscale is also useful is almost a bonus for me, I'd use it even if it was the most useless mount.

But I think the only one I don't like is the roller beetle. No matter how many times I practice I'm no good at controlling it, which means using it is either a short burst (like breaking down a wall) or crashing wildly forward and hoping I can stop within about a mile of where I need to be. As a result I never use it unless I have to.

  • I love that our first mount in this game is a raptor - the kind of thing which would be a rare/expensive optional mount in a lot of things.
  • The springer might be the least frequently used or least exciting, but it's by far the one I miss most when playing other games - right up there with gliding. It's also very useful for me as someone who likes to find my way into parts of the map we were never supposed to reach.
  • The skimmer is another one I really appreciate having when I need it, even if I generally don't choose to use it at other times, and I like it a lot more now it can go underwater.
  • The jackal is one of my favourites - I like that it's faster than running but slower than the raptor, it hits the right balance for me, allowing me time to look out for interesting things along the way. Also I like the lore behind them and the sand portal mechanic.
  • The griffon is incredibly useful, it's my 'default' mount (the one I normally have on the mount button and therefore on a mouse button for instant access) because of the speed and versatility. They also look pretty cool.
  • The warclaw is another 'nice to have'. In WvW of course it's useful, but in PvE it can be nice too if I want a slower mount for some reason.
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Can't say. Raptor for small to medium distance gaps. Skimmer for water. Jackal for every uneven land / ascending ways. Beetle for long distances. Griffon for medium to long distances when I am on a high location. Skyscale for getting on higher places. Bunny for much CC. Warclaw in WvW. So every mount has its place for me.

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I'd say that I like all of the mounts - they all have their own use and none of them feel bad to use. However, I mostly use Raptor if I want to travel fast over land, Skimmer over long stretches of water, and Skyscale for anything else.

I probably use Skyscale the most of all of the mounts, just because of how the maps are. I also like how "slow" it is compared to the Griffon, which is way too fast for me to control/use so I just... never do. I dislike the Beetle for the same reason, it goes way too fast for me to comfortably control it and not just crash into every damn tree or rock I see. I really envy people that can do cool stuff on it.

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@"Tyncale.1629" said:This is going to be a race between the Skyscale, and then some mount for the people who haven't gotten the Skyscale yet(for some reason). And then a few votes from people who DO have the Skyscale, but voted for another mount, and will be sure to tell us about it.

Begrudging member of team "Working on Skyscale" here.

Voted griffon because of how fun it is to hit max speed and zoom across the terrain. Before I dumped 250g into it I read up on skyscale vs griffon and wasn't sure if I wanted to bother with the griffon until I watched vids like these:

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I vote Griffon cause it looks really cool and it's fun to play with, but I use every mounts.

Skyscale is the most versatile one, you can do everything, really fast and acurately. Godmod of exploration and harvest.

Griffon is the fastest mount, really useful to cross an entire map in 2 seconds. But you need to climb before, if you cant, use roller beetle (on PoF basically).

Raptor on short and flat distance (between 2 tarir chest for example).

Jackal needed to cross areas with a lots of ennemies, without taking a single hit.

Skimmer for underwater content, really helpful on orr exploration.

Springer... To cc world bosses lel.

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I think a better question would be which mounts do you use most to least and why.

Skyscale - versatility of crossing terrainRaptor - quick point to point jumpsSkimmer - water and the odd areas where I want to rapidly descend without damageSpringer - for attacks and the odd short hopsGriffon - quick map crossings in airRoller Beetle - quick map crossings at ground levelWarclaw - in WvW, useless otherwise.Jackal - I only use for the rare sand portals I encounter

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