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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

It's human nature man. You know this. I say because every time anything comes up it's just make your own lfg like you don't get some will put one up but alot more wait. Again idk why. Same as some guys can walk up to a girl and others can't. I know why you put reqs. There's content you need them for and content you don't. No way and I waiting extra time looking for dumb reqs for Bears or raven or these cms but you see it. I get raids and boneskinner and whisper. Theres 2 issues one is dumb reqs and 2 is less players lead then follow. Both can be true.

It still doesn't matter what requirements players set for their groups regardless of what the content is that they are doing. People who refuse to create their own groups are not entitled to join anyone else's and especially if other groups have requirements which they do not meet. There reasons for not creating their own group are not an excuse to ridicule others who created their own with requirements.

You acknowledge there's diff skill levels but refuse to see that content for others can be difficult and not difficult for you. Like the sunqua thread where some said t1/2 is a lil hard. And you run in "no it's not". Of course not for you who did t4 cms and w the same group do 25 when it's t1 req. Of course your group won't struggle. But in lower tiers noone cares what you join as or if you exp or looks for alacrity etc. I just join groups on lesser content to help players not as good as me(those actually exist) instead of listing nonsense alac bs 250li for a boring easy cm that I don't need 5 elite players to beat. But no way would I join a no req whisper lfg cuz that's suicide.

You're not providing the complete story. That thread you're speaking of was created on day one or two of release and people were saying that it was too difficult. It wasn't them saying that it was "a lil hard". It was new and not enough players were familiar enough with the mechanics to have smooth runs for everyone on average. This really doesn't have anything to do with this thread anyway.

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@preacher.9370 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

tbh, as one of those that don't like to make my own lfg, is I feel plenty confident with my gameplay in the content, but people tend to look to the group creator for everything. I would rather just do my part and put damage down or whatever role function i'm performing, not have people looking to me for whatever.

and also in all honesty, the kp/li stuff is pretty stupid. I'm no raider, although i wouldn't say no it, attempted one training run, bought a kill to be able to max out masteries, and since the training run was for the same boss that the paid run did and had a decent understanding of the fight, i joined in on the kill and wanted more, but don't really have the time to commit to raids sadly. i'm not saying i'm a great player, nor do i completely suck at the game. have ran strike missions with pugs with no li/kp reqs plenty of times and have had smooth easy runs. yeah, sure, kp/li says they can contibute to killing a boss in a time limit and handle some fight mechanics. whats to say those that have never set foot in a raid aren't capable of the same outcomes? those two things should not be the determination of a players worth.

It's unfortunately all that we have to estimate the skill level of players. You may have smooth runs but there are others that do not with pugs.

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@preacher.9370 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

tbh, as one of those that don't like to make my own lfg, is I feel plenty confident with my gameplay in the content, but people tend to look to the group creator for everything. I would rather just do my part and put damage down or whatever role function i'm performing, not have people looking to me for whatever.

and also in all honesty, the kp/li stuff is pretty stupid. I'm no raider, although i wouldn't say no it, attempted one training run, bought a kill to be able to max out masteries, and since the training run was for the same boss that the paid run did and had a decent understanding of the fight, i joined in on the kill and wanted more, but don't really have the time to commit to raids sadly. i'm not saying i'm a great player, nor do i completely suck at the game. have ran strike missions with pugs with no li/kp reqs plenty of times and have had smooth easy runs. yeah, sure, kp/li says they can contibute to killing a boss in a time limit and handle some fight mechanics. whats to say those that have never set foot in a raid aren't capable of the same outcomes? those two things should not be the determination of a players worth.

If 2 people are in the group noone knows who started the group so how do they look at the creator for anything?For all you know the one who made the lfg might have left due to wife, kid or parent emergency and the other person in the group stayed on to look for people.The only place people expect you to know kitten as a leader is commanding raids.EditSorry forgot about that one open world boss tri-wurm were commanders should know kittens aswell.

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@Jilora.9524 said:Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why.

This is your problem right here.

You are judging someone who actually took the initiative you are unwilling to take and judging them. Yes, taking the lead might comes more natural to some, that doesn't mean it's easy. Maybe the player has been through enough situations where he took the initiative for things to go sour, or not work out. It wouldn't even matter, if you are on the sidelines, don't judge others.

It's easy enough to throw up a LFG with no requirements, those often fill faster than the ones with requirements. If every player would take more initiative we would not be having the issues that are being talked about in circles on the forums.

Yes, it's human nature to let others take the lead, why? because it's easy. It's also human nature to blame others for personal shortcomings or laziness.

Now don't get me wrong, you can blame others as much as you want (for what ever good it might do, sure it helps to vent sometimes), but at least acknowledge your own responsibility in this issue.

I find it hilarious that players make such LFGs myself, though I would easily qualify for any requirements made, but I fully accept other players right to form their groups how they want them too. Their group, their rules, none of my beeswax.

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@Katary.7096 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

The way these players get enjoyment out of the game is different from the way you do. That does not make them inferior.

They are trying to make others look inferior by putting up LI requirements for such simple content. It's elitist and truly ridiculous. That's all I am saying, I don't see why it's so hard to understand and why I have to repeat myself time and again (I'm saying it's ridiculously elitist and completely unnecessary and exorbitant for this type of content, you claim I'm calling them inferior - logic?).

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

The way these players get enjoyment out of the game is different from the way you do. That does not make them inferior.

are trying to make others look inferior by putting up LI requirements for such simple content. It's elitist and truly ridiculous.

If you feel someone is trying to make you feel inferior via a LFG posting for group creation, that is on you and not them.

The LFG posting is about finding a specific type of player. What you read into it is based on your own insecurities.

@Ashantara.8731 said:That's all I am saying, I don't see why it's so hard to understand and why I have to repeat myself time and again (I'm saying it's ridiculously elitist and completely unnecessary and exorbitant for this type of content, you claim I'm calling them inferior - logic?).

Yes it is, but it's their group, so what do you care. Ignore the listing and move on and stop telling others how to play the game.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The LFG posting is about finding a specific type of player.

Yes, I know.

Why not put up LI requirements for
content then? How about world bosses? Yes, they are
hard that everyone on the map should have at least 150 LI or be gone. ;)

If that were possible, and people found enough players (there are occasional organized meta event maps btw), then more power to them. Why would I or any one for that matter care?

Would I find it ridiculous? Sure. Would it make me shake my head? Likely.

So what?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The LFG posting is about finding a specific type of player.

Yes, I know.

Why not put up LI requirements for
content then? How about world bosses? Yes, they are
hard that everyone on the map should have at least 150 LI or be gone. ;)

I don't think it is fair to compare instanced content to open world content.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Why not put up LI requirements for all content then? How about world bosses?I put Dhuum kp and dwd title requement for reccomnend fractal, some ppl ask link 250 mithrill ignots for escort raid boss, some ask AP value for another content .. or ONLY ASURA!!Don't like ? Make you own group.

Yes, they are so hard that everyone on the map should have at least 150 LI or be gone. ;)if this is instance content for party - be ready for requirements, and filtering, not only by LI, but by other many things. But be ready for requets on open world also. Map mirror have limit, and you will be kicked from squad before join on map and come all squad ppl ..

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

It's human nature man. You know this. I say because every time anything comes up it's just make your own lfg like you don't get some will put one up but alot more wait. Again idk why. Same as some guys can walk up to a girl and others can't. I know why you put reqs. There's content you need them for and content you don't. No way and I waiting extra time looking for dumb reqs for Bears or raven or these cms but you see it. I get raids and boneskinner and whisper. Theres 2 issues one is dumb reqs and 2 is less players lead then follow. Both can be true.

It still doesn't matter what requirements players set for their groups regardless of what the content is that they are doing. People who refuse to create their own groups are not entitled to join anyone else's and especially if other groups have requirements which they do not meet. There reasons for not creating their own group are not an excuse to ridicule others who created their own with requirements.

You acknowledge there's diff skill levels but refuse to see that content for others can be difficult and not difficult for you. Like the sunqua thread where some said t1/2 is a lil hard. And you run in "no it's not". Of course not for you who did t4 cms and w the same group do 25 when it's t1 req. Of course your group won't struggle. But in lower tiers noone cares what you join as or if you exp or looks for alacrity etc. I just join groups on lesser content to help players not as good as me(those actually exist) instead of listing nonsense alac bs 250li for a boring easy cm that I don't need 5 elite players to beat. But no way would I join a no req whisper lfg cuz that's suicide.

You're not providing the complete story. That thread you're speaking of was created on day one or two of release and people were saying that it was too difficult. It wasn't them saying that it was "a lil hard". It was new and not enough players were familiar enough with the mechanics to have smooth runs for everyone on average. This really doesn't have anything to do with this thread anyway.

The entitled bs again. I don't join group I don't meet reqs for. By all means list whatever reqs you want. I can not join and still think it's nonsense setting high reqs for moderate content. This all comes down to.Why does lfg reqs bother some enough to make threadsWhy do those threads aggravate you to make you run in here everytimeWhy does you running in here w the same answer everytime aggravate me.It's a viscous cycle

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The LFG posting is about finding a specific type of player.

Yes, I know.

Why not put up LI requirements for
content then? How about world bosses? Yes, they are
hard that everyone on the map should have at least 150 LI or be gone. ;)

If that were possible, and people found enough players (there are occasional organized meta event maps btw), then more power to them. Why would I or any one for that matter care?

Would I find it ridiculous? Sure. Would it make me shake my head? Likely.

So what?

Yea Ashantara I agree with Cyninja here if that was possible you bet there would be lfg for it since they would take down world bosses faster and be able to do 2 maybe 3 of the same one before the next boss in line 15 mins later.

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The average player that actually knows what a HB/cQB/alac/BS is probably going to be better than the people doing the public missions , never mind asking for LI/KP.Yesterday I did a public because I'm done with CMs. That was a mistake because I ended up with people autoattacking ; it took longer to do the public with less rewards than a remotely competent group doing CMs.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The LFG posting is about finding a specific type of player.

Yes, I know.

Why not put up LI requirements for
content then? How about world bosses? Yes, they are
hard that everyone on the map should have at least 150 LI or be gone. ;)

If there was an option to do certain metas by starting your own map with ability to kick people? Oh, you would be surprised how many people would take part in it. Because average player skill in this game is very low, some choose to set their own requirements to separate wheat from the chaff. No, you don't need LI to complete the content. No, it is not required for you to ask for any KP. This boring piece of content already takes almost 1 hr for 3x CMs. If there is a way to shave off even couple of minutes by asking for proper comp and/or KP some players will do it.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Krzysztof.5973 said:This boring piece of content already takes almost 1 hr for 3x CMs.

I assume that you’re doing CMs for the increased chance (or was it the only chance) of getting the volcanic weapons? I’ve just been doing the public mission of Metrica three times as I’ve been averaging 14 minute runs.

Well this thread is about CMs so yes.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:They are trying to make others look inferior by putting up LI requirements for such simple content.I think they are trying to find a specific type of player, who has a specific mindset, to group up with because that kind of gameplay happens to be their preference for enjoying the game. And they attempt to communicate that to complete strangers. Nothing more and nothing less.It's elitist and truly ridiculous.The way you phrased that makes it sound like a statement of fact. It would be reasonable if it was your opinion.That's all I am saying, I don't see why it's so hard to understand and why I have to repeat myself time and again (I'm saying it's ridiculously elitist and completely unnecessary and exorbitant for this type of content, you claim I'm calling them inferior - logic?).So when you described their behavior as "pathetic" and that is makes you "cringe", that was your attempt to elevate them above others instead of putting them down? If so, I admit that I have misunderstood that.

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