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is unranked the place to try your darndest

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Lol i lost count of how many times i ger whispers after unranked matches when i do daily on my main class to do it quickly

Other than that it's more for off builds and and new build practice. But unranked can be very frustrating, if you gold 3+ you always be against 3 4 man plat premades, specially in off hours

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I "tryhard" but it's more like I do my best and still just wanna have fun, unranked is a place to learn and to have fun, if you cry about teammates in ranked its already annoying and not helping, in unranked it's just advanced pure garbage to flame people, just have fun and relaxe

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As long as you don't throw on purpose play whatever you enjoy there. Don't need to be super anal about caps imo, as long as it doesnt constitute a major throw (like pushing a bunker for ages on his node without killing). If you win the fights you'll eventually get the nodes in most matches, unless the enemy comp is super tanky.

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I hateeeeee unranked. It's so bad.

Reason: almost nobody knows what they're doing

Reason: 1/5 games you have the one team member who is toxic for some reason. Go be toxic in ranked please.

Reason: matchmaking is wildly unbalanced. You might be in a team full of noobs against a team of 5-man premades getting ready for the monthly AT or regular AT.

Reason: you're testing your build that you worked on for 6 hours. You worked on it outside the game on gw2builds. All that work led to failure as the build dies too easily and doesn't deal enough damage. The build lacks role identity.

Reason: lack of rewards. No pip advancement.

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I always play with all I have, even if the enemy team is spawn camping, even if this is unranked not because everything is a competition but because this is the way to enjoy the game and make it more enjoyable for other players. The only difference is that I usually have more fun with builds and professions in unranked because there is nothing to lose. (and then if I have been enjoying the build + having some success I use it in ranked :) )

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i always try to win, but i'm not using meta-clones, my favourite characters are all oddities,for example my favourite character at the moment is a full-zerker node-nuker spirit guardian

so yeah, try to win, but play something fun and weird.(you should probably have added a third option for the poll!)

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I'd say both. The most fun I have is when I have to switch to tryhard mode to win a match or a fight because the enemy team is worth it (as long it is not a one-sided game). In fact, it is really what I am looking for both in unranked and ranked. Unfortunately ranked is so much about ...well...rank and playing the system that it is less fun overall.

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