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metrica province drm players not helping till the final boss fight

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I have just started doing drms so maybe this is usual? 3 times now I have done the whole mission by myself then when the boss is at 30 percent health, the final fight a player will show up. they didn't help the whole mission. is this what people do? minimum work for the same amount of credit? just go hide somewhere until someone else has completed 75 percent of the mission?

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@Avengedeath.4671 said:I have just started doing drms so maybe this is usual? 3 times now I have done the whole mission by myself then when the boss is at 30 percent health, the final fight a player will show up. they didn't help the whole mission. is this what people do? minimum work for the same amount of credit? just go hide somewhere until someone else has completed 75 percent of the mission?

Yes just dont do public go in a private party by your self.It will be easier since it scale down to you as well mate.

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@"Avengedeath.4671" said:I have just started doing drms so maybe this is usual? 3 times now I have done the whole mission by myself then when the boss is at 30 percent health, the final fight a player will show up. they didn't help the whole mission. is this what people do? minimum work for the same amount of credit? just go hide somewhere until someone else has completed 75 percent of the mission?

This is what happens when content allows it and nothing is done about it. My guess is people encountered single players doing it in the past, maybe even reported, saw nothing happened so why bother when you can leech like they did. Now more people do the same than it had place initially and there's not much you can actually do to get players to start actively participating in those drms.Here are the options I see for YOU to have at least some control of how you play through drms:a) keep joining public drms, see if there's anyone slacking at the starting phase of the game, if there is -leave and try again. Daunting, very little control over how it goes anyways, potentially takes endless amount of time to actually find an active instance; pretty much just mitigating/refusing "doing the work for slackers". Probably not worth the time and effortb) Make your own or join a squad, those people shouldn't slack at all, pretty safec) Join private encounter alone and complete the drm like you would anyways, but without upscaling and without making leechers happy

Pretty much the only constant valid solution is not playing in public instances. Otherwise you're just gambling.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Avengedeath.4671" said:I have just started doing drms so maybe this is usual? 3 times now I have done the whole mission by myself then when the boss is at 30 percent health, the final fight a player will show up. they didn't help the whole mission. is this what people do? minimum work for the same amount of credit? just go hide somewhere until someone else has completed 75 percent of the mission?

This is what happens when content allows it and nothing is done about it. My guess is people encountered single players doing it in the past, maybe even reported, saw nothing happened so why bother when you can leech like they did. Now more people do the same than it had place initially and there's not much you can actually do to get players to start actively participating in those drms.Here are the options I see for YOU to have at least some control of how you play through drms:a) keep joining public drms, see if there's anyone slacking at the starting phase of the game, if there is -leave and try again. Daunting, very little control over how it goes anyways, potentially takes endless amount of time to actually find an active instance; pretty much just mitigating/refusing "doing the work for slackers". Probably not worth the time and effortb) Make your own or join a squad, those people shouldn't slack at all, pretty safec) Join private encounter alone and complete the drm
like you would anyways
, but without upscaling and without making leechers happy

Pretty much the only constant valid solution is not playing in public instances. Otherwise you're just gambling.

There is one more thing you can do. The moment you join a public DRM and see other players, invite them. That way you can communicate better and at the same time notice if someone is slacking in a corner, because let's face it, it's not easy to see if players are leeching on some DRMs anyway. For example at Metrica DRM, if someone is staying at the arena waiting for the boss to get there, you won't notice them easily, only if you see more people in the arena than during the rest of the instance.

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It happens.. sometimes people like to troll as well.During one of my DRM's a little while back I had a player who spent the whole first phase "collecting" the NPC's and then waited until the very last second to turn them in for the morale boost.

I enjoy a good troll and all but that was just asinine.. nothing funny about making people waste time for no reason.

There are also people as well who focus entirely on one thing.Had a few DRM's where people would kill the required amount of Destroyers or Icebrood for the morale boost and then continue to do nothing else but pointlessly kill more of them.Same thing happens with saving civilians too, people keep gathering them past the morale boost and don't contribute to the other tasks.Same for the Supply run bit in Bloodtide.. that one is very very quick for one person to do with the Rollar Beetle and yet some will just spend the whole first phase running supply way over the cap >.<

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Its the one issue with drms thats also fairly unique to drms because strikes didnt suffer remotely close to this from leeches neither did raids and fractals.

Its not the easiest thing to solve other than having a more robust reporting system and also anti afk incentives.

Maybe a commedation system with some high commedation rewards would be an ellegant way to incentivise being actually active.

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@zealex.9410 said:Its the one issue with drms thats also fairly unique to drms because strikes didnt suffer remotely close to this from leeches neither did raids and fractals.

That's because DRMs are open world content inside an instance and don't put everyone in a group. Other instanced content puts everyone in the same group and they are visible on the map, meaning it's much easier to identify leeches. Also, while in a group you can solve the problems @Teratus.2859 describes, players doing the same thing over the cap, by telling them to do something else. Sometimes players have tunnel vision and don't pay attention to the UI, so they don't see that part is finished. Being in a party would allow better communication and solve that problem. As long as Arenanet treats DRMs as open world inside an instance this will happen.

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It's this strange grouping system they invented for DRMs. Why are players in public not in a party automatically? Or at least make them visible on a map. It's not just for identifying leeching (which doesn't really help much but frustrate you unless you just leave or you could kick them) but also for better gameplay. I enjoy group activities also for the social aspect. If other players feel like a bunch of NPCs I might as well just do it solo.

I usually invite other players at the start of a public DRM. Most will accept and make the run a far better experience. Just saying "Hi" and "Thanks" and seeing them on the map makes the run much more enjoyable.

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What social aspects? In-game chats are dead where I play. I think I've seen a couple of "thx" once at the end of a public DRM and minimal Q&A in Eye of North(?). However, I've never noticed how may players are in "my" public DRM in total. Most of the time the preps were completed and mobs and bosses drowned in the ususal visual vomit.I assume most communications are in Lions Arch or on a guild's favorite voice-chat platform. Not that this is a new phenomen.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Its the one issue with drms thats also fairly unique to drms because strikes didnt suffer remotely close to this from leeches neither did raids and fractals.

That's because DRMs are open world content inside an instance and don't put everyone in a group. Other instanced content puts everyone in the same group and they are visible on the map, meaning it's much easier to identify leeches. Also, while in a group you can solve the problems @Teratus.2859 describes, players doing the same thing over the cap, by telling them to do something else. Sometimes players have tunnel vision and don't pay attention to the UI, so they don't see that part is finished. Being in a party would allow better communication and solve that problem. As long as Arenanet treats DRMs as open world inside an instance this will happen.

Some maybe, some people do like to troll :PThe tunnel vision issue does tend to apply to the chat as well though.

Better solution would be that certain elements of the event such as civilians and supply etc stop becoming interactable once the morale cap is reached for them.Only one that doesn't really work for is the enemies.. but it would still be an improvement.

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@Avengedeath.4671 said:I have just started doing drms so maybe this is usual? 3 times now I have done the whole mission by myself then when the boss is at 30 percent health, the final fight a player will show up. they didn't help the whole mission. is this what people do? minimum work for the same amount of credit? just go hide somewhere until someone else has completed 75 percent of the mission?

People go a coffee break while pre-events time out and tend to be late. So I'd blame the real culprit: remove the event and escort before the boss so players don't arrive late

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It was predictable. And to be honest I don't want to incriminate slackers only, this is bad behavior but they're also victims of the DRM failure, public as private instance.1) this rigid group system; already criticized back in time for dungeons. If you disconnect, you can't join anymore. If someone is slacking, it's useless to kick him. You can't enter in DRM to wait for other people while doing preparations ...2) preparations boring as hell; too long, boring mobs, the sames events a DRM to another, poor loot. Yes you just want to slack off, make tea, bake cookies, rather than be watchful 10 minutes to kill 3 random mobs at each checkpoints...

Edit. There aren't that many leechers. If some people are afk 2 minutes during escort, nobody cares.

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@Bristingr.5034 said:This is why DRMs need to just go away.

i really do believe that drms will probably be added to the list of abandoned content by arenanet someday, just wait =)(dungeons, raids, fractals and strikes are already waving at mr. drm from the horizon)  but while it's relevant/current-content though there's no harm in asking for fixes or reworks i do think they should do something to encourage participation (and not tolerate AFKing) and also to increase rewards to make doing drms more worthwhile

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