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Female Fashion

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The game needs better looking tops & boots for female toons.

Some of the tops would look better without the bottom part around the hip area.

Some of the boots make my toons feet look really small & out of proportion with the rest of my body.

Females want boots that have a heel & is shaped to the female leg with an awesome color aura of toon choice.

No more flat footed boots please.

Edited by jewel.6047
Forgot to include in post about the boots.
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I believe female fashion choices in this game are fine. If you want a heel, look at light armors. It does not make sense for a soldier to run around in an armor with heels - that just looks tacky.


the real problem is male fashion - they are all so covering and monotone. It is very probable that straight men design this game mostly

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9 hours ago, jewel.6047 said:

The game needs better looking tops & boots for female toons.

Some of the tops would look better without the bottom part around the hip area.

Some of the boots make my toons feet look really small & out of proportion with the rest of my body.

Females want boots that have a heel & is shaped to the female leg with an awesome color aura of toon choice.

No more flat footed boots please.

Do we all want heels? I must have missed that memo. Personally I prefer flat soles (or a very low heel) because I think it looks better with the way the running animations work and the way the characters stand on uneven terrain (which is most of it). One reason I don't like wearing heels in real life is I could never get used to the slightly different walking motion needed, much less running. Of course it doesn't change in GW2 but that looks strange to me.


I think the only change I'd make to footware is to have more short options (ankle length, or mid-calf) for medium armoured characters, and maybe heavy (although my heavy armoured female characters are an asura and a charr so it all looks quite different on them).


I assume by 'the bottom part around the hip area' you mean the tassets on heavy armour, long coats on medium and skirts on light, and the tunics which are found on all 3? That's common request for both male and female characters and I think Anet have gotten a bit better recently. Elegy and requiem armour on all 3 weights was I think aimed at addressing common complaints but runic and corsair armour help too.


52 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

I believe female fashion choices in this game are fine. If you want a heel, look at light armors. It does not make sense for a soldier to run around in an armor with heels - that just looks tacky.


the real problem is male fashion - they are all so covering and monotone. It is very probable that straight men design this game mostly

Male armour doesn't have to be monotone, they get the same number of dye slots and can be quite colourful. I agree that there's too much coverage though, it would be nice to have more options for bare arms (both arms, not one random 1/2 sleeve and one full one) and shorts which aren't on outfits.

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9 hours ago, jewel.6047 said:

The game needs better looking tops & boots for female toons.

Some of the tops would look better without the bottom part around the hip area.

Some of the boots make my toons feet look really small & out of proportion with the rest of my body.

Females want boots that have a heel & is shaped to the female leg with an awesome color aura of toon choice.

No more flat footed boots please.


I dislike heels. I prefer flat footwear on my female toons. Heels in combat breaks immersion for me. There are plenty of outfits and skins I haven't acquired because of the high heels.


I wish some of the outfits and skins carried over design elements from the male versions. For example, the Shadow Assassin Outfit. The male human/norn version has the rope around the waist tied with a small knot in the front but the female human/norn version has a large gaudy bow in the back that clips backpacks skins and weapons.


There's room for both combat wear and seductive cosplay in the game but it's obvious that the designers of some outfits and skins couldn't decide which they wanted them to be because many the outfits and skins with issues generally fail at both.

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5 minutes ago, Kyrios.8736 said:

Impractical clothes like you described don't really fit combat-oriented characters, but to each their own. I prefer things like Warlord armor set for female humans and Priory's Historical armor for male humans. 

Just out of curiosity which Warlord's armour set is it you like? The light, medium and heavy versions look quite different from each other.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Just out of curiosity which Warlord's armour set is it you like? The light, medium and heavy versions look quite different from each other.

Light set is my favourite, followed by heavy and then medium. All weight classes look good and individual pieces go together nicely with other armor pieces, but helmets could use some polishing. Medium helmet is ok but looks too heavy. Heavy helmet is nice but it always exposes the neck or sides, so it could use an inner layer of cloth or chainmail that covers it.  Light helmet could be placed a bit differently to cover the forehead as well for more Napoleonic look, and while it looks decent with headscarf for pirate look, there should be a variant without it that shows hair instead, but that's an issue with game itself as there are no hair models for underneath helmets (we don't even have separate eyebrow colours). 

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For medium armor I would recommend https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigil's_Honor_Leggings_(medium_skin)
I know there are simular options for heavy and light. The main issue is that they are often not so visable as a set, unless you mix and match. My advice is to use the wardrobe without any existing armor so you can see just the pants and build your mix n match from there.

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Most of the boots that I have found for light armor for my Elementalist, have been, to me at least, rather ungainly and clunky and in most cases downright ugly. I was happy to see the High Heeled Shoes being offered up on the Gem store. As for more martial builds, yes, I can see people emphasizing more solid footwear. Pants is another issue that I can see people being concerned about. I was fortunate though that I was able to find a set that I really liked.

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A +1 for me for butt capes and massive skirts on heavy armour that balloon out. I think it might be related to the model issue on another thread that showed sylvari men (iirc) with massive ballooned out backsides on outfits.


I never quite understood cosmetic armour restrictions anyway (though I'm sure its the resuilt of how they were designed). In LOTRO your cosmetic armour is disabled in pvp for obvious reasons, but otherwise, mix and match as you see fit. With some of the outrageous looks on show here, it feels a strange restriction to our non-gameplay interfering invention.


And while we're at it, coloured backpacks and better, smaller backpacks. Some of us prefer the more practical aesthetic for adventurers.

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My sylvari seem to fair well with outfits, pass on the Tyria  jimmy choos...fighting dragons here not walking a runway in heels, but to each her own.   Some of the boots could be less chunky, the gemstone heels seem to work for those who like heels.  My charr...yikes well heels of any kind are not good, let's stick with some claws showing.  And absolutely on the butt capes, puffy skirt armor, and trench coats...maybe we see less of those in EoD 💗

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On 5/11/2021 at 2:47 AM, Mik.3401 said:

the real problem is male fashion

Yeah, honestly I’m aching for some design equity in this game. Personally, if it’s skimpy or sleek on female characters, the aesthetic should look similar on male characters. FF14 does a pretty good job of this. GW2 has gotten a little better over the years, but there could be better parity.

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On 5/11/2021 at 3:44 AM, Hannelore.8153 said:

You joke, but some of armors would look absolutely amasing if you could take out the pants. This game's idea of pants does make me want to go bottomless.

Light armor Charr have exactly one (1)  pants option that are just pants without added stuff. I thank the Ascalonian Performers pants every day

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