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So when are pets gonna be put at a reasonable level?


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1 hour ago, aymnad.9023 said:

I do not know why you are fixated onto quickness like this is the secret to some magic potion.
Quickness is used on power ranger builds as a way to land burst. I am going to repeat myself here :


Quickening zephyr : As I was saying it is used to burst. Condi builds will not use it and even power side noder will probably not. Most will rather slot an additional defensive utility because you take a risk with this utility.

Lesser quickening zephyr :  Once again you will not use it out of cd. I think this is the only quickness source in the game that you can disrupt like that by tripling the cd.

because, some other posts lead to here..

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6 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

why are two mains arguing about who's class are more broken mechanically

when both are broken.

you would know when you actually multi class.


like pet shouldn't be hitting this much as there's no way to kill pet, because pet swap, ranger can just forever kit and let pet land hit. pet should be add on, not main burst.

and shiro, same as daredevil, i dont even need to call it out.


also soulbeast is kind of mini herald. mini as in, herald damage in instant, while soulbeast while also fast, but not instant. herald is closer to thief then soulbeast does.

You don't know me and I'm sure you never played anything that I did competitively.


Should you throw any wrong assumptions out there, I'll have to tell you that you're wrong. I'm not even close to play anything in the loop the average player does, nor does anyone care even if it was better under more layers of difficulty.


If Revenant is "broken" then you should explain why because it's honestly the easiest profession to lock down right now, undeniably is also the most powerful if people let them stack energy in the corner.


Rightfully so, it's the most 1:1 design currently the game has compared everything else, whether something can kill it or not doesn't mean it ain't balanced since mechanically speaking Revenants happen to just as likely being stunlocked as any other professions, if they aren't but are sustaining they can't riposte back in a meaningful way regardless, even when Riposting Shadows was stupidly overpowered, all they can do is run.


Factually they're harmless the more focused they get, Ranger (outside Soulbeast) is not in the slightest until they start getting outnumbered.


Revenant has attack and defense designs combined differently in skills for at least one of their stances and weapons because they can't do both at the same time like other professions even if they wanted to because of energy, allowing them downtime is asking to get murdered as 2 normally unavailable utilities will be used together.


Ranger has easily the safest approach available to rinse and repeat with ways that happen to also be more reliable (I didn't say better, but reliable here.) than Thief to easily disengage while their damage almost never suffer no matter their positions.


To say that Revenant is even comparable to it has me to believe that you haven't played enough to figure the many weaknesses, or have played anything outside Herald or what I like to call, "I can't play Revenant well so I'm gonna rely on having a constant gap to spam with all the possible passives in the game." Renegade Shortbow.


@aymnad.9023 Making a statement is not a complain. Only have to remind Rangers who use Smokescales are playing with lowest risks of having any downtime that exposes them to danger. Not talking about attacking from Stealth either which is another strong yet claimed to be weak asset.


This 16 seconds CD pet skill alone saves them a million of times from pressure with little concern for cooldowns because of the 5 hours of stalling, multi purpose approaches and wearing enemies from any distance.


Adding Pets that can "possibly" deal more damage than the user or other players on top of all that is just stupid.

Edited by Shao.7236
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7 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

No one is using frenzy anymore: and I guess the uptime is lower than ranger.

Rev: rev might have more uptime. yea. Swap to shiro and shiro port

Engi: nade holo has a utility; prot holo does not play convertion i guess. others I am not sure.

Necro, yea, quick in shround so 2 secs every 9 seconds.

Thief; no one use that; DE I am not sure


So one of the highest quicknessuptime for ranger.

Thief, warrior, engie and ranger all have a set of utilities where one of the skills is a stun break with quickness on it. Thief also has a lesser version of it from a trait proc, similar to ranger. They just don't run them. Warrior has a GM trait in discipline that grants quickness on the same cooldown as ranger, but like thief they run the alternatives. On ranger it happens to be a survival skill. Wildneress Knowledge is one of the foundation of most pvp/wvw builds, and thus Quickening Zephyr slots itself in a lot of builds. Beastmastery is also pretty much mandatory for core and soulbeast, and Zephyr's Speed is often the best GM trait to pick (partially again because you will be running survival skills with WS).


Ranger isn't the only class with high uptime of quickness, but its one of the few classes where those sources of quickness falls naturally into the "mandatory" trait choices in a lot of builds. More so on power builds, but condi builds are likely to run with survival skills as well so the opporunity is there.


8 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

Also, I said that mainly to argue another point. If the OP is about reducing the pet dmg to 0, I would not say that.


So, please, dont be presumptive, its not good. 


Well, you were saying ranger would do fine without the damage from pets. What is a reasonable number on tail swipe boosted by remorseless and possibly attack of oppertunity? Because it's pretty clear to me that Anet isn't interested in basing pet stats on amulet/gear choices or making them strictly utility focused (which would require more than number changes anyway).

Edited by Lazze.9870
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3 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:


@aymnad.9023 Making a statement is not a complain. Only have to remind Rangers who use Smokescales are playing with lowest risks of having any downtime that exposes them to danger. Not talking about attacking from Stealth either which is another strong yet claimed to be weak asset.

In the first post I could see you went into the classic nonsense exaggeration mode you can see on the forums. This was not a statement, at least not in the way you think it is.


Smokescale field is a disengage exactly, not an engage which buys time to decap. 



This 16 seconds CD pet skill alone saves them a million of times from pressure with little concern for cooldowns because of the 5 hours of stalling, multi purpose approaches and wearing enemies from any distance.

Maybe the ranger standing in range cannot fight you on the node like other professions? An interesting time to decap then move out.

The 16s window depends of the pet family and your build. Lots of pets will just burn during this time, even if not focused. Not to mention lots of pets will not hit you if you move.



Adding Pets that can "possibly" deal more damage than the user or other players on top of all that is just stupid.

Try a power core ranger without anything pet related and maybe you will notice a few things missing compared to some professions. Just a few.


In my post what I meant to say is that I could see a correct argument in favor of nerfing the drake skill (which you did not make) and could hear arguments for some other skills. 


On the other hand anyone I will laugh at the face of anyone just complaining about pets existence because they are the base kit of ranger. Your tiger example is funny because you have everything people ask for. A big warning and it is one of the lightest pet around. 

Edited by aymnad.9023
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@aymnad.9023 No, players say Rangers are incapable of anything which is false.


There is no exaggeration in the infinite riskless rotation having such access to Stealth for engaging or disengaging, in a 1v1 they easily have the edge over anything. Step by step quite literally.


Barrage node Engage, Rapid Fire, Point Blank Shot, Hunter's Shot, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing fight? Block, GS Leap into Stealth, back away and start shooting again, getting teleported on? PBS or HS. Person camping node? Barrage and keep shooting until no LoS, HS or PBS as soon target is not obstructed, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing? Rinse and repeat until you win.


In between it all you have 2 low cd stunbreaks, possible Stability to push with, Lesser Muddy Terrain. It's like to see you try and ever stunlock a good Ranger 1v1 without unblockables, this not counting all the stupid shenanigans pets can be doing.


This is the same story as before, Rangers saying they have nothing when lesser muddy terrain was pretty much just muddy terrain on a heal, free decap against almost anything. Still I am not saying nerf the player, nerf the pet co-efficient. The pet that can instantly be saved from being killed and come back 20 seconds later with full HP.


Profession is overbloated by pets, they're able to do fine without them being overpowered with co-efficient. What nobody gets is no matter how obvious the pet is, it's still another wild entity on the field and you expect people to dodge their important skills where as those skills are BLOATED in all sort of ways.


Such as Furious Pounce being a 10 seconds CD, that's the equivalent of a full evade recharge with the damage of a high damage burst skill.


If I dodge Furious Pounce, what stops you from Mauling me at the end of my evade? PBS, Rapid Fire?


Too much, I can save evades by having Stability for the CC, doesn't stop a second Maul, doesn't stop the safe distance from shooting with the pet adding damage on top.

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2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

Thief, warrior, engie and ranger all have a set of utilities where one of the skills is a stun break with quickness on it. Thief also has a lesser version of it from a trait proc, similar to ranger. They just don't run them. Warrior has a GM trait in discipline that grants quickness on the same cooldown as ranger, but like thief they run the alternatives. On ranger it happens to be a survival skill. Wildneress Knowledge is one of the foundation of most pvp/wvw builds, and thus Quickening Zephyr slots itself in a lot of builds. Beastmastery is also pretty much mandatory for core and soulbeast, and Zephyr's Speed is often the best GM trait to pick (partially again because you will be running survival skills with WS).


Ranger isn't the only class with high uptime of quickness, but its one of the few classes where those sources of quickness falls naturally into the "mandatory" trait choices in a lot of builds. More so on power builds, but condi builds are likely to run with survival skills as well so the opporunity is there.



Well, you were saying ranger would do fine without the damage from pets. What is a reasonable number on tail swipe boosted by remorseless and possibly attack of oppertunity? Because it's pretty clear to me that Anet isn't interested in basing pet stats on amulet/gear choices or making them strictly utility focused (which would require more than number changes anyway).

1) Dude, I already said that no one uses those traits anymore. And since no one uses them anymore, then ranger has one of the highest uptime in the current meta, whats the problem with this statement? Also, there is a reason they dont take quickenss traits, because they will not sustain long using them. But ranger I guess have enough sustain to take them.


2) Clearly 7k tail swipe/tiger rush, or  10k+ lighting strick, even smoke scale have 3-4k dmgs, are too high.


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22 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

@aymnad.9023 No, players say Rangers are incapable of anything which is false.


There is no exaggeration in the infinite riskless rotation having such access to Stealth for engaging or disengaging, in a 1v1 they easily have the edge over anything. Step by step quite literally.


Barrage node Engage, Rapid Fire, Point Blank Shot, Hunter's Shot, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing fight? Block, GS Leap into Stealth, back away and start shooting again, getting teleported on? PBS or HS. Person camping node? Barrage and keep shooting until no LoS, HS or PBS as soon target is not obstructed, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing? Rinse and repeat until you win.


In between it all you have 2 low cd stunbreaks, possible Stability to push with, Lesser Muddy Terrain. It's like to see you try and ever stunlock a good Ranger 1v1 without unblockables, this not counting all the stupid shenanigans pets can be doing.


This is the same story as before, Rangers saying they have nothing when lesser muddy terrain was pretty much just muddy terrain on a heal, free decap against almost anything. Still I am not saying nerf the player, nerf the pet co-efficient. The pet that can instantly be saved from being killed and come back 20 seconds later with full HP.


Profession is overbloated by pets, they're able to do fine without them being overpowered with co-efficient. What nobody gets is no matter how obvious the pet is, it's still another wild entity on the field and you expect people to dodge their important skills where as those skills are BLOATED in all sort of ways.


Such as Furious Pounce being a 10 seconds CD, that's the equivalent of a full evade recharge with the damage of a high damage burst skill.


If I dodge Furious Pounce, what stops you from Mauling me at the end of my evade? PBS, Rapid Fire?


Too much, I can save evades by having Stability for the CC, doesn't stop a second Maul, doesn't stop the safe distance from shooting with the pet adding damage on top.


You should try playing more patient against a ranger rather than porting in and throwing everything at them before you know what cooldowns they have up.


How to counter those skills:

1. Barrage -> walk out of it before the first tick hits you

2. Rapid Fire -> LoS

3. Point Blank Shot -> Dodge

4. Hunter's Shot -> if the ranger stealths with this, dodge behind LoS if you know they're still in longbow or if you know they have weapon swap up, kite away so they can't maul you

5. Maul -> Dodge

6. Hilt Bash -> it's a stationary close range attack that can't be stowed, just bait it out and about face so it doesn't connect, then you don't have to worry about a second Maul

7. Swoop -> if a ranger is using Swoop to disengage, use a cc at the start of the cast when you see the ranger detarget and face away from you to try and get away

8. Counterback -> bait it out and don't hit it just like you would for Full Counter, except it's more than double the cooldown of FC

9. Pet -> kite it around and dodge the one or two important skills it has while using terrain to make their pathing horrible

10. Lightning Reflexes -> time CC for after the evade

11. etc. etc.


Core lb/gs ranger isn't meta for a reason.  It's not the strongest 1v1er by a longshot and even the a/d variant which is better on node still isn't great.  Core Ranger is like a Spellbreaker, everything has a telegraph except for LB3 and D3 respectively.

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15 minutes ago, shadowpass.4236 said:



15 minutes ago, shadowpass.4236 said:


You should try playing more patient against a ranger rather than porting in and throwing everything at them before you know what cooldowns they have up.


How to counter those skills:

1. Barrage -> walk out of it before the first tick hits you

2. Rapid Fire -> LoS

3. Point Blank Shot -> Dodge

4. Hunter's Shot -> if the ranger stealths with this, dodge behind LoS if you know they're still in longbow or if you know they have weapon swap up, kite away so they can't maul you

5. Maul -> Dodge

6. Hilt Bash -> it's a stationary close range attack that can't be stowed, just bait it out and about face so it doesn't connect, then you don't have to worry about a second Maul

7. Swoop -> if a ranger is using Swoop to disengage, use a cc at the start of the cast when you see the ranger detarget and face away from you to try and get away

8. Counterback -> bait it out and don't hit it just like you would for Full Counter, except it's more than double the cooldown of FC

9. Pet -> kite it around and dodge the one or two important skills it has while using terrain to make their pathing horrible

10. Lightning Reflexes -> time CC for after the evade

11. etc. etc.


Core lb/gs ranger isn't meta for a reason.  It's not the strongest 1v1er by a longshot and even the a/d variant which is better on node still isn't great.  Core Ranger is like a Spellbreaker, everything has a telegraph except for LB3 and D3 respectively.

Thanks, but I already knew my options. That wasn't the purpose of my post, I was being hypothical with the common things I see happening with and against, you also forgot Smokefield in the equation and that one is the biggest offender with it's low CD. Ranger has more than enough options to do whatever they need to win 1v1's safely, they don't need their pets to hit for 5k+ in between the process, as it is quite literally passive damage that acts like burst damage.

Edited by Shao.7236
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On 6/12/2021 at 8:10 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

A kittenING BIRD: 5.5k vs demo amulet, and also 3s of chilled

What year are you talking about? Maybe before patches on full glass cannon with meme build ranger which can't do nothing except of this.


People should stop to cry and ask nerfs when they dont know much about game. Please learn to play this game, and not write on the forum how someone else kills your wrong build. Anet should buff classes on a level with others, and not constantly cut something in the game


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1 hour ago, Sea Wolf.7368 said:

What year are you talking about? Maybe before patches on full glass cannon with meme build ranger which can't do nothing except of this.


People should stop to cry and ask nerfs when they dont know much about game. Please learn to play this game, and not write on the forum how someone else kills your wrong build. Anet should buff classes on a level with others, and not constantly cut something in the game


Nah, bird could do that much and apparently that was okay but I don't agree and I still don't now.


Why should pets with absurd co-efficient be immune to the wide adjustment that everyone had to go through? Or are you not aware of it? We wouldn't be having this conversation if Anet had actually done everything perfectly, that's why some people bother to put it out.


I get that some skills weren't in the need of changes but those are just as obvious compared the ones that need it.


Most have to run glassy stats to do any damage and pets that haven't changed with high co-efficients can perform as good as they always did. That alone really makes it unfair, they're dealing damage that was designed to hit on people running Marauder (as everyone was.) while now they're like past damage destroying into people's new HP values because that was an intended effect from the new game wide changes.

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All this whining just prove one thing: Ranger is overdue for a deep full overhaul where all pets, traits and skills are reworked and re-balanced for current damage and gameplay expectations. 


All this issues can be resumed to

Ranger hasn't got any siginificant rework from 2012 and it keeps mechanics and designs which are not longer acceptable in current gameplay.


Core pets need a full overhaul and pets need to work better, stick better to highly mobile targets due to the moblity creep, do less damage and bring much more utility to the ranger toolset. 


Traitline and skills are also in deep need of a full overhaul.  Weapons need to do as much damage as other classes and pets do small contribution to that but mainly focus in expanding the ranger toolset as it is easier to balance than having a random AI doing it's thing with big packet damage skills.  


Ranger should not be able to play afk while the AI is doing all the work and a random attack with no control from the player part decides the combat. 

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21 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


It's not the only class with an abundance of quickness.


But I see we've now gotten to the point where some people think that the current damage of core ranger would be fine if all pets did zero damage.


I mean, sure. I'm all for replacing this wacky AI bs for an actual functional mechanic I can trust 100 % of the time. I wish Anet had that conversation internally before releasing the game. Not happening now, though.


But pets are a huge part of being ranger, and kinda defeats the purpose of having useful damage and utility.


Only spec which doesn't have pet out, and thats because they directly fuse with their pet, thus still needing pet, is soulbeast.


I'd rather have more useful pets than have every pet be completely useless by nerfing its dmg.

Edited by Axl.8924
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9 hours ago, Crozame.4098 said:

1) Also, there is a reason they dont take quickenss traits, because they will not sustain long using them. But ranger I guess have enough sustain to take them.


2) Clearly 7k tail swipe/tiger rush, or  10k+ lighting strick, even smoke scale have 3-4k dmgs, are too high.


1. Are you for real? I literally just told you why ranger takes QZ, then you tell me to stop explaining things, only to then question how it is that ranger can afford to equip a quickness skills when other classes can't.


I will tell you again. Survival skills. Meta for ranger since forever. QZ is a survival skill.


2. I wasn't asking if those numbers are too high. I'm literally asking you what is reasonable damage from a tail swipe boosted by remorseless and moment of clarity.

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1 Pet damage is too high.
2 Most pets miss most of their attacks and their AI is stupid as kitten, while lacking utility, which is why they have high damage to compensate ( smoke scale is like the only exeption which is why it is always played )
3 Ranger is not meta
4 Prot holo laughs as he face tans all those ranger skills while taking 0 damage due to bazilion toughness, healing and 40% protection.

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6 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

I don't agree and I still don't now.

Do you know that pets is the most useless mechanics? They often miss and miss the target as their running speed is slow, birds die with several skills and so on. People always wanna cry about smth. As long as people who play the game as casuals point out the balance in this game, nothing good will happen.

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On 6/13/2021 at 4:56 PM, Pati.2438 said:

@UmbraNoctis.1907 wait did you say something is not as hard to evade as full counter while full counter only proc if your dump enough to hit a warrior while he use it? lmao for that xD

Any decent Spb will use FC right before he is about to get hit, so there is very little time to react and cancel. Some skills can't be stowed, so they are guaranteed to proc FC, if the warrior times it right. Ofc it can still be dodged afterwards. That's only when looking at it in a 1vs1. In team fights FC is going to get procced on cd (which is probably where most complaints stem from i guess). Still, that's all completely irrelevant for this topic. I don't have any issues with FC, never complained about it or asked for nerfs.


20 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Ranger has easily the safest approach available to rinse and repeat with ways that happen to also be more reliable (I didn't say better, but reliable here.) than Thief to easily disengage while their damage almost never suffer no matter their positions.



What exactly makes ranger's evades, block and stealth more reliable than other classes' defenses?

If anything, ranger has less reliable skills than some others. GS3 has a long charge that gets easily interruped before the evade happens (unless it is used on a near target, but then there is not much mobility left for the ranger). GS4 block is as reliable or unreliable as any other block. GS4 evade requires the block to get hit, it also roots the ranger so not the greatest when you have to kite. LR gets screwed over by lightning aura or engi shield cc, also reveals the ranger when used in stealth and there is a target nearby.

And when it comes to stealth, ranger has the least reliable access out of all classes that can stealth, because the smokefield is tied to a pet that can die, get interruped (3/4 s cast) or simply be in a bad position. Additionally GS3 can also get interrupted and requires a careful positioning, because only the second part of the skill counts as finisher. LB 3 (if we look at non meta build) has to land for stealth (requires facing the target, goes on full cd without doing anything if requirement isn't met).


Also regarding pet damage: Base dmg is not that high.

What enables those big damage numbers are Marksmanship and GS modifiers (Opening Strike, Attack of Opportunity, Vuln stacking) - this doesn't only apply to pets but also to the ranger's own skills btw. Which means, the ranger has to time and combo certain skills in oder to generate burst. So contrary to popular belief, passively letting the pets do whatever they want, is not how core ranger works. If you know, how the build operates, it becomes very predictable and it isn't even necessary to constantly pay attention to the pet in order to know, when some big burst will be incoming (potentially - we are still talking about pets, so there is no guarantee - and that's not an advantage).

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18 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

@aymnad.9023 No, players say Rangers are incapable of anything which is false.


There is no exaggeration in the infinite riskless rotation having such access to Stealth for engaging or disengaging, in a 1v1 they easily have the edge over anything. Step by step quite literally.


Barrage node Engage, Rapid Fire, Point Blank Shot, Hunter's Shot, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing fight? Block, GS Leap into Stealth, back away and start shooting again, getting teleported on? PBS or HS. Person camping node? Barrage and keep shooting until no LoS, HS or PBS as soon target is not obstructed, Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul. Losing? Rinse and repeat until you win.


In between it all you have 2 low cd stunbreaks, possible Stability to push with, Lesser Muddy Terrain. It's like to see you try and ever stunlock a good Ranger 1v1 without unblockables, this not counting all the stupid shenanigans pets can be doing.


I did see your later answer so you probably know that we could apply this line of thinking to any profession. I could make reaper look like a godlike / unstoppable spec who has the ability to destroy teamfights and be a duelist if I were listing all of its skills and all of its utilities.



This is the same story as before, Rangers saying they have nothing when lesser muddy terrain was pretty much just muddy terrain on a heal, free decap against almost anything. Still I am not saying nerf the player, nerf the pet co-efficient. The pet that can instantly be saved from being killed and come back 20 seconds later with full HP.


Profession is overbloated by pets, they're able to do fine without them being overpowered with co-efficient. What nobody gets is no matter how obvious the pet is, it's still another wild entity on the field and you expect people to dodge their important skills where as those skills are BLOATED in all sort of ways.


Such as Furious Pounce being a 10 seconds CD, that's the equivalent of a full evade recharge with the damage of a high damage burst skill.


If I dodge Furious Pounce, what stops you from Mauling me at the end of my evade? PBS, Rapid Fire?


Too much, I can save evades by having Stability for the CC, doesn't stop a second Maul, doesn't stop the safe distance from shooting with the pet adding damage on top.


 The tiger will most likely be used with a maul, has very few hp and has no cc either and you can cc during the cast too. The cd could be increased a bit but with all the drawbacks this pet has, you are pretty much exaggerating (as the rest of your posts shows).


I already mentioned some drawbacks. Being in range means that you are giving up on the node. The pet only has 2 positions, on the enemy or close to the ranger which means that if it is on you while the ranger is not you can probably los and kill it(with some exceptions).


Is fighting a ranger with lb frustrating? Yes. Is it op? No. There are builds which have ways to deal with the pet without thinking or deal with range damage or have enough regen to deal with the phases without burst. Those situations are the ones frustrating for a ranger because you cannot contest the node and are not going to do much in teamfights either.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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2 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:


I did see your later answer so you probably know that we could apply this line of thinking to any profession. I could make reaper look like a godlike / unstoppable spec who has the ability to destroy teamfights and be a duelist if I were listing all of its skills and all of its utilities.



 The tiger will most likely be used with a maul, has very few hp and has no cc either. 


I already mentioned some drawbacks. Being in range means that you are giving up on the node. The pet only has 2 positions, on the enemy or close to the ranger which means that if it is on you while the ranger is not you can probably los and kill it(with some exceptions).


Is fighting a ranger with frustrating? Yes. Is it op? No. There are builds which have ways to deal with the pet without thinking or deal with range damage or have enough regen to deal with the phases without burst. Those situations are the ones frustrating for a ranger because you cannot contest the node and are not going to do much in teamfights either.

I honestly don't know what's the allure of keep answering to a nerf thread....people in a nerf thread are not interested in any sort of balance, they merely want to delete a class/spec that bothers them....they won't change their mind or anything so...even 20 pages worth of explanation and theories are wasted on them...so I am baffled ...I simply wouldn't bother answering back after 2-3 posts..

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

I honestly don't know what's the allure of keep answering to a nerf thread....people in a nerf thread are not interested in any sort of balance, they merely want to delete a class/spec that bothers them....they won't change their mind or anything so...even 20 pages worth of explanation and theories are wasted on them...so I am baffled ...I simply wouldn't bother answering back after 2-3 posts..

Well that most likely was my last answer ^^.


I check the forums on a regular basis to see what people say about every professions (in sPvP and PvE) even if I rarely comment (there also are some posts or people I avoid answering to). Sometimes there are things that I take away from reading people debate so who knows. But still like most people I have a hard time changing my mind 😁 

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42 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

I did see your later answer so you probably know that we could apply this line of thinking to any profession. I could make reaper look like a godlike / unstoppable spec who has the ability to destroy teamfights and be a duelist if I were listing all of its skills and all of its utilities.

I really doubt that. Reaper as way more short coming that Ranger does and that is still irrelevant to my point when I am not asking for anything on Ranger the player to be changed, just the pet co-efficients that are absurdly high and weren't affected by the wide game nerf.




 The tiger will most likely be used with a maul, has very few hp and has no cc either and you can cc during the cast too. The cd could be increased a bit but with all the drawbacks this pet has, you are pretty much exaggerating (as the rest of your posts shows).


I already mentioned some drawbacks. Being in range means that you are giving up on the node. The pet only has 2 positions, on the enemy or close to the ranger which means that if it is on you while the ranger is not you can probably los and kill it(with some exceptions).


Is fighting a ranger with lb frustrating? Yes. Is it op? No. There are builds which have ways to deal with the pet without thinking or deal with range damage or have enough regen to deal with the phases without burst. Those situations are the ones frustrating for a ranger because you cannot contest the node and are not going to do much in teamfights either.

Edited 28 minutes ago by aymnad.9023


Maul can whiff and the pet still gains bonus damage, so whether you're fighting the Ranger or not, the pet is able to hit for 25% extra damage if the user command so, CD is low enough to pair with any strong attack. There's nothing exaggerated about it.


Neither Smoke Cloud, this is the most forgiving synergy that allows stupid 1v2's to happen, it's not an exaggerated statement either with all the tools available, longest range skills to free cast anywhere from with the best weapon skills combination on GS. On 20 seconds base CD, it's way too low and removes much of any hard decisions within the class.


It's not frustrating to fight Ranger, it's fun to work around when it isn't just "Smoke Cloud, Disengage" anytime they are losing to re-engage with Longbow at range, the rinse and repeat is not fun in the slightest.


Play something else and just witness that anytime your team is 1v2, it's likely to be a Ranger doing the same strategy over and over, rarely is it anything else but Ranger.


1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

I honestly don't know what's the allure of keep answering to a nerf thread....people in a nerf thread are not interested in any sort of balance, they merely want to delete a class/spec that bothers them....they won't change their mind or anything so...even 20 pages worth of explanation and theories are wasted on them...so I am baffled ...I simply wouldn't bother answering back after 2-3 posts..


Or players can't take criticism to their profession nor accept the reality is that their certain mechanic is not balanced.


I like GW2 and I would like it to be fun for everyone else that are actually good at the game. I've been critical about anything that I play since the very start, so will I for everyone else.


Proving to you that my sanity is valid won't be difficult. Because I play Revenant most of the time doesn't mean I can't have an unbiased opinion or provide objective evidence, let all be the only Revenant that wants to push the envelope in competitive rather than sitting on a comfortable position that guaranteed me much success.


Fact of the matter being that currently we are arguing about a high co-efficient skill that wasn't changed in a patch that promised to tone down damage. There's much more in my favor that proves the point.


Meanwhile it'll be easy to provide evidence by just having any games with Ranger going, witness how any 1v2 against Rangers go, never going to happen without a Smokescale and even the most competent players end up wasting their time against those because easy consistent safe Stealth access to reset engagements on LB.

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17 hours ago, Sea Wolf.7368 said:

What year are you talking about? Maybe before patches on full glass cannon with meme build ranger which can't do nothing except of this.


People should stop to cry and ask nerfs when they dont know much about game. Please learn to play this game, and not write on the forum how someone else kills your wrong build. Anet should buff classes on a level with others, and not constantly cut something in the game


That damage came to me 2 weeks ago, 1st of june, an owl with chilling slash. I'm just pointing out how some pets do way too much damage, take it or leave it I don't care.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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