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eVerY oNe hAtEs nO DoWnsTatE

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Didn't they have a normal WvW bonus event recently and have similar turnout? Anyways, I wish they had a no death rally week instead of a no downstate week. Certain abilities are lackluster without downstate. I've only seen people angry about rallying, then misdirect their frustration at downstate. Not many people actually seem to make an argument against downstate itself, just rallying.

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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

Didn't they have a normal WvW bonus event recently and have similar turnout? Anyways, I wish they had a no death rally week instead of a no downstate week. Certain abilities are lackluster without downstate. I've only seen people angry about rallying, then misdirect their frustration at downstate. Not many people actually seem to make an argument against downstate itself, just rallying.

Might be, but to be honest, since they changed rally to 1:1, I don't think rally has been that much of an issue. It was a completely different issue back when it was 5:1.


I think the largest issue with downed state is groups just all hitting F to heal up downed faster then you can kill them, making for a very "tanky-meta". As such I think other test weeks might work better, like "No F in combat" week for example.

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Now that I've played during one of these events, I'm actually enjoying it.  Maybe it is all the extra people in WvW atm, but I'm having a much easier time winning 1v2 than I was before.  Not having to fiddle with rez mechanics makes all of the kills far more seamless and certain.  I no longer have to hope that I'll have enough cooldowns to finish a person after fighting two guys simultaneously for awhile.


I'm running celestial weaver, btw, so it definitely isn't a class thing.  Though swapping to marauder and dropping meteor storm on a zerg was quite satisfying now that they can't get back up.

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i dont understand that people differ so much about that. i'd rather have downed HP severaly reduced regularly, so they again die as fast as they did when we had real dmg post feb2020...


the faster deaths made the game feel faster again and that is GOOD


i dont care a lot about rallybots; carelessness should be not rewarded and someone who got downed obviously misplayed (or, his support) and therefore can just die at that point as well.


the thing is, if the group who downs people cannot finish them, they also misplay. if people get onepushed and dont kite off and counterpush, they also heavily misplay.


so, i could easily live with "no downed state"


.... and if the amount of rallies that actually benefit you (as player) or cause u to lose a battle are higher then, idk 25%?, then you're just not playing the game on a competitive level.


like, the aim is to kill em all without dying, that's what largescale is about, and it's not done by fighting in favorable numbers for most of the time;


if u feel outnumbered but have a map-queue for example, it's a general misplay from people on your server. speaking for EU, there's literally only 4~ competitive linkings. rest are coinflips or getting re-animated by some transfers.


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I'm not sure about all of you but I left my wife and kids (all 14 of them) for this week so that I could participate in the wonders that is no downstate.

Martha said.. "think of lil timmy" but I knew what I needed to do so I took a vacation to the nearest data center to the servers and packed up my computers so that I could be part of no downed state week. I brought all my best mates and am currently engraving my tombstone with the words "I wanted more no downed state." on it just in case I somehow pass before Arenanet comes to the conclusion that this is simply the greatest of all time. Just think, all the rally bots that used to have to remember to press the finisher button or cleave have one less key press they have to remember this week so they will be possibly twice as reliable.


The game should just be like this by default, really. 

No downstate week every week! ❤️ Let loose the flood on the queues. 🙂

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Logged in to three accounts (EU), zero queues, no groups running on the 2 discords I bothered to check, pretty much as dead as the last time I bothered to login into this game outside of the pitiful increasingly small window that is "primetime". 

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1 hour ago, derlistigeuhu.1658 said:

NA is a huge Alterac Valley. There are so few organized big groups that don't run from fights, but a huge number of gank groups and ppt'ers. Of course they enjoy this.

Yeah, NA is ppt and gank goons for the most part.


So, should all of our downstate polls included a breakdown by region then? Would be very interesting if the downstate keepers are overwhelmingly EU and the no downstaters are overwhelmingly NA.

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On 6/20/2021 at 10:52 PM, KeyOrion.9506 said:

Actually I like the no downed state.  I would also like to see No White Swords Wintersday, where you have to have a live player watching locations. 😛

I know everyone on TC would despise that event because scouts don't exist on our server (sadly). Maybe that's the type of event we need to light a fire under that server's belly.

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Just now, Bristingr.5034 said:

I know everyone on TC would despise that event because scouts don't exist on our server (sadly). Maybe that's the type of event we need to light a fire under that server's belly.

White swords is the only thing the scouts get to do on those dead maps they play on.  Take them away and your standing on a wall in a empty keep for hours watching the motionless pixels.  What fun.. how soon can we implement this??

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1 minute ago, displayname.8315 said:

White swords is the only thing the scouts get to do on those dead maps they play on.  Take them away and your standing on a wall in a empty keep for hours watching the motionless pixels.  What fun.. how soon can we implement this??


Now it depends. Are we talking about just the white swords? The event timer, WP blockage, and Watchtower stuff still all works right? If so, then it's no different than playing against any other server. They pay their scouts to sit in towers/keeps all day long, especially BG.

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22 minutes ago, gebrechen.5643 said:

Can we get a "No stealth" event next?

Which would the eqvivalent of a mere balancing.


No, what we need is a no thief week. Permanent no thief week could be a possibility, its true.


Its no different from people wanting permanent no downedstate week so I assume everyone in this thread is on board for this.

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1 hour ago, Bristingr.5034 said:


Now it depends. Are we talking about just the white swords? The event timer, WP blockage, and Watchtower stuff still all works right? If so, then it's no different than playing against any other server. They pay their scouts to sit in towers/keeps all day long, especially BG.

Gotta be at the objective to see the timer, watchtower is circumvented with cata/treb.. WP being blocked can show a possible group to fight but that only works on T3 keeps.  Either make the game less PPT centric or leave in all the PPT junk.

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21 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which would the eqvivalent of a mere balancing.


No, what we need is a no thief week. Permanent no thief week could be a possibility, its true.


Its no different from people wanting permanent no downedstate week so I assume everyone in this thread is on board for this.

Let's go step furher and do no boons&condies week, that's gonna be fun. I'm all up for it!

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