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Silhouette Teaser Weapon

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I can see a potential bow in the right hand but the left arm doesn't seem to be reaching back ( the body posture is all wrong for that. Say what you want about Anet but their art team has always been on point ) On that note, she doesn't seem to be holding anything in the left hand, thus another theory could be some kind of staff with a fancy headpiece ?

Bow, Dagger, whatever... the only thing that doesn't appeal to me would be a warhorn. *shrug*

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2 minutes ago, Harak.8397 said:

I can see a potential bow in the right hand but the left arm doesn't seem to be reaching back ( the body posture is all wrong for that. Say what you want about Anet but their art team has always been on point ) On that note, she doesn't seem to be holding anything in the left hand, thus another theory could be some kind of staff with a fancy headpiece ?

Bow, Dagger, whatever... the only thing that doesn't appeal to me would be a warhorn. *shrug*

Body posture as in the way she’s reaching back? Because it wouldn’t be much of a teaser if they had her reaching with her arm arched behind her back. 

She could still be pointing and preparing for a shatter I suppose. But bow makes much more sense than dagger. 

Agreed though. Warhorn is pretty boring. It could still be an elementalist and those fake leaks could be true with ele being a longbow wielding spec that has arrows that fire based off of charges.


But I’m hoping Mesmer doesn’t get warhorn.

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2 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I just figured out what it is. 

It's not a spear or a dagger.

It's someone holding a bow in their right hand and reaching up with their left to grab an arrow out of a quiver. The pointing bit we see on her left hand isn't her pointing, it's her elbow.

The ribbons on the back aren't seen anywhere else because they're attached to the quiver.

The things above her head - Arrowheads.

I can't believe I didn't see it until now.

are u serious? if shes reaching for her quiver... why isn't the fletching of arrows isnt visible? and moreover ppl who claim its a bow are totally wrong... noone holds a bow on their right hand.... every profession with bow hold it on their left hand(renegade, ranger....)... and i never watched anyone use a bow with right hand and draw an arrow from quiver with their left hand... so odd... 

also.. if new spec is just about new weapons, it'd be boring.. i believe anet has some nice idea up their sleeve... 

i acknowledge HOT and POF are distinguished by every profession getting a new weapon and elite spec designed around the weapon.. but i believe this espec gonna be different and out of the box...

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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10 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

are u serious? if shes reaching for her quiver... why isn't the fletching of arrows isnt visible? and moreover ppl who claim its a bow are totally wrong... noone holds a bow on their right hand.... every profession with bow hold it on their left hand(renegade, ranger....)... and i never watched anyone use a bow with right hand and draw an arrow from quiver with their left hand... so odd... 

also.. if new spec is just about new weapons, it'd be boring.. i believe anet has some nice idea up their sleeve... 

i acknowledge HOT and POF are distinguished by every profession getting a new weapon and elite spec designed around the weapon.. but i believe this espec gonna be different and out of the box...

It’s a drawing so it doesn’t really matter what hand she’s holding the bow in.


As to the quivers, we do see what could be an arrow above her shoulder. But she could be shooting illusionary arrows. She could also just be out of arrows. 

Also, it’s an abstract teaser. Why have her arm angled in an obvious way or a quiver full of obvious arrows if the point is to keep people guessing?


not much of a teaser when you spell it out.

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On 7/4/2021 at 3:35 PM, Fueki.4753 said:

There are multiple dagger skins that visually are facing forward, even if the attacks are still done from the back of the hand.

And then you have the Claw of the Khan-Ur, which is a double-ended dagger.

Link some, i don't know of any, I have the Claw, it still fits the backwardly-held dagger visual motif, it's just a symmetrical around the hand.

Look again at the silhouette. The blade of the weapon extends well past the knees, and clearly extends from the front of the hand.

There's no way this is a dagger. Much more likely a spear / polearm.



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4 hours ago, scerevisiae.1972 said:

Link some, i don't know of any, I have the Claw, it still fits the backwardly-held dagger visual motif, it's just a symmetrical around the hand.

Jormag's Needle

Reaper of Souls

Severed Dagger

Tear of Grenth

4 hours ago, scerevisiae.1972 said:

The blade of the weapon extends well past the knees, and clearly extends from the front of the hand.

There are some over-sized dagger skins, like the Dreamwalker Dagger or the Flame Dagger.

Incinerator is big, too. All of these would extend well past the knee (at least on human females) if held like in the silhouette.


For all we know, Arenanet might create new forward-facing daggers in similar size to those three, or give Mesmers a special treatment and have them hold (most) daggers forward-facing.

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I've talked about this with friends a fair amount, honestly I think it'd be cool if it's spear but very unlikely. The simple choice is mesmer, and dagger. There's a lot of huge dagger skins in game but keep in mind mesmer weapons have always looked strange, just look at mirage axe if you had the character hold that in an odd pose it could look like a lot of things not axe. It's also concept art, which doesn't follow the rules of ingame animations (look at spellbreaker). I believe it could also be a bow, but knowing anet it's one of 2 things, either the most obvious which would be dagger mesmer, or it'll be something entirely out of left field like an arcane bow elementalist.

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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Jormag's Needle

Reaper of Souls

Severed Dagger

Tear of Grenth

There are some over-sized dagger skins, like the Dreamwalker Dagger or the Flame Dagger.

Incinerator is big, too. All of these would extend well past the knee (at least on human females) if held like in the silhouette.


For all we know, Arenanet might create new forward-facing daggers in similar size to those three, or give Mesmers a special treatment and have them hold (most) daggers forward-facing.

Your examples have smooth handles, even if they extend below the grip somewhat. Compare that to the teaser. They dont have a bulging spike thing of death on both sides. 

Then look at bows in comparison, where some incidently have exactly that type of feature just above and below the grip.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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11 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

lol No, people just assumed that but you can't make out any fingers in the left part of her silhouette.


Of course you can't - it's a silhouette! If she is pointing, the fingers are in line with her arm, hence no fingers visible in the solhouette. D'uh! :classic_wink:

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45 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Your examples have smooth handles, even if they extend below the grip somewhat. Compare that to the teaser. They dont have a bulging spike thing of death on both sides.

The post I was responded to was about how the weapon is forward-facing and its size, so I gave example of forward-facing daggers and examples of over-sized daggers.

It had no relation to whether they were smooth or not.



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11 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:


warglaives confirmed.


I feel like I’ve even seen a bow in game that looks exactly like this weapon. Sunspear maybe? I’ll look later. Not that that means anything as we will be in cantha. But it might help people visualize the obvious.



Are you thinking of these skins? 😊


Sunspear Pocketbow


Sunspear Recurve


They kind of fit in with the sharp blady parts on the edges of the bows and with the tassles hanging here and there on the them!

Edited by AshkyLicious.4729
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since everyone's making their assumptions... 😅.. lemme make my wild assumption... the mesmer's holding a Rifle... lol... 🤣😂🤣

It's just a drawing of the rifle... it doesn't matter how it looks eg: u could image the rifle to be either sunspear matchlock variant or something new 🤭

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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War glaive or glaive would be great/a fine weapon name. Looking at the image, it looks like both ends have the same pointy bits. I agree with folks that think the other shoulder is the character pointing or some asymmetrical armor to throw us off. 


Here's what I think the weapon looks like and could see it used as a mid-range power option for mesmers where it functions like a thrown dagger or a large spinning shuriken for playstyle. 


Edited by Ceryxobitus.3012
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17 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

As I mentioned in the other thread, I still think it's a longbow that shoots greatswords.

But, what if it's actually a new weapon type (Greatbow) that has 3000 range and shoots beach umbrellas?


And the elite specialization would be called Silver Knight.

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6 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Your examples have smooth handles, even if they extend below the grip somewhat. Compare that to the teaser. They dont have a bulging spike thing of death on both sides. 

Then look at bows in comparison, where some incidently have exactly that type of feature just above and below the grip.

If it really is supposed to be a new espec then there's no reason to assume that the particular skin from that image is even in the game atm, so asking for people to link the exact one is pretty pointless.

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Sorry, everyone here is wrong, it's obvious a Harpoon Gun, yep, land Harpoon Gun for Mesmer.

Cantha is the expansion of subverting expectations, so that's what we'll be getting from what i have seen from the super secret beta:

Warrior = Throwing Pistol.

Revenant = Melee Longbow.

Mesmer = Land Harpoon Gun.

Ranger = Stuffed Pet on a Stick.

Elementalist = Mehsword, it's a Greatsword but broken in half.

Engineer = Land Spear finally, but it's a ranged support weapon like Guardian staff.

Guardian, Necro and Thief are not finished yet as of this post.

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2 hours ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

Sorry, everyone here is wrong, it's obvious a Harpoon Gun, yep, land Harpoon Gun for Mesmer.

Cantha is the expansion of subverting expectations, so that's what we'll be getting from what i have seen from the super secret beta:

Warrior = Throwing Pistol.

Revenant = Melee Longbow.

Mesmer = Land Harpoon Gun.

Ranger = Stuffed Pet on a Stick.

Elementalist = Mehsword, it's a Greatsword but broken in half.

Engineer = Land Spear finally, but it's a ranged support weapon like Guardian staff.

Guardian, Necro and Thief are not finished yet as of this post.

Just rumors, but:

- Guardian will have a main hand shield (double shield build will be aviable), F1/2/3 will grow a third hand to allow him to use a sword, an healing staff or a third shield;

- Necro will have kits, so no new weapon, he will use his pets as weapons grabbing them by their feet and use them to strike the enemy (F1 will give him the ratzooka that will be a rat thrower).

- Thief will get focus, their skills will allow them to steal the damage suffered by his allies.

Edited by hash.8462
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For the people that think it's a spear, i have one question. Will they use the same skins as the underwater spears? I don't see Kamohoali'i Kotaki as a logical land spear skin with the shark effect, unless they change it to some sort of sharknado effect 😉 .
Therefor i think a sort of Tanto weapon is more logical.

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