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This will be without a doubt the worst ToL in Guild Wars 2 history

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Is is a shame. The PvP events of this week were meant as a treat for the starved PvP community and they all got ruined by this messed up meta and the unwillingness to release constant balance patches for PvP on ArenaNets side, to the point were easily over 50% of players ran Scourge in the 2v2 tournament a few days ago.

I thought that maybe one will be released before the PvP events, because a ToL in this meta would be unbearable to watch and to play, yet we got nothing. Scourge, Prot Holo, as well as the Mirage Mirror bug/hack will ruin the entire tournament guaranteed and I think I speak for alot of PvP players when I say - please ArenaNet, fix this game mode - we are okay with waiting another 8 months for the expansion, but please give PvP some attention during that time period

Edited by snoow.1694
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I think they don’t realize that they are shooting into their own foot with this way of running the game and ruining their future End of Dragon sales. Marketing for expansions isn‘t made by Steam releases or media companies, but by the community, who enjoys the game and shares it with their mutuals.

Some excuse it by saying „the game is on maintainance mode until EoD release“, but what way of running a game is that honestly? People didn‘t buy the game + expansions and support it with gem purchases every month to be able to play the game when the next expansion is released. Right now we have entire elite specs in PvP like Berserker or Firebrand and core specs such as Core Engi that are completely unplayable at the same time where every 2nd or 3rd person is running Scourge or Prot Holo - an expansion doesn‘t excuse what has been done to the meta these past months

Edited by snoow.1694
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Me and my friend ran Reaper+Scourge in 2v2 in almost all 2v2AT and we won 2/3 matches every time we did no bye. 

 I honestly agree scourge is broken. 

To me current broken classes are every-necro>Holo>every-Guardian

 What desperately needs buff the most is Deadeye. If you play Deadeye every one will report you for trolling XD

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Anet doeant have a clue on how to fix and approach pvp in a meaningful way. Proff is in what they dont do and do do for pvp already. Whitch is nothing. I dont see their update meaningful or timely at all. Anet pvp is a total fail and the only way to make it not a fail is to dedicate development hours to balance/ meta changes, map obstruction fixes and communication on when and how they are going to fix the pvp problems. But that hope in my heart will alway be let down by anet. Its been 9 years. Only thing this game has is its combat system.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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10 hours ago, snoow.1694 said:

I think they don’t realize that they are shooting into their own foot with this way of running the game and ruining their future End of Dragon sales. Marketing for expansions isn‘t made by Steam releases or media companies, but by the community, who enjoys the game and shares it with their mutuals.

Some excuse it by saying „the game is on maintainance mode until EoD release“, but what way of running a game is that honestly? People didn‘t buy the game + expansions and support it with gem purchases every month to be able to play the game when the next expansion is released. Right now we have entire elite specs in PvP like Berserker or Firebrand and core specs such as Core Engi that are completely unplayable at the same time where every 2nd or 3rd person is running Scourge or Prot Holo - an expansion doesn‘t excuse what has been done to the meta these past months


You know they could literally remove PvP as a mode and their sales wouldn't be affected right? This current meta doesn't even apply to the majority of people who play PvP. In fact build diversity is probably at an all time high in lower skill brackets, so really the game is fine for most players. On top of that, tanky metas are healthy for new players because they leave plenty of room for mistakes.

Edited by eksn.7264
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Or maybe we all are wrong and they actually doing this pvp week to see where the actually Balance issues are and how they could handle them. 


P..S. Okay for Real. As we all know. They will see the issues saying it is balanced and give a kitten.

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I personally do not mind the balance too much. I don't like it, I think it has been a lot better (but also way worse) in the past but especially compared to some other mmos it's actually not too bad imho.

My biggest issue with sPvP is that Anet didn't do kitten for the game mode for several years. Almost all players have been starved of content or anything meaningful to do since ranked is a pure kitten show and ATs have been basically exclusive to high ranked teams. 

However I really appreciate the special tournaments and REALLY hope they'll stay in the game. Variety is essential and I hope they will improve and expand on it, I just hope it's not too little too late at this point.


And yea, no, I have absolutely no problem with some classes being strong in some pvp modes while being weaker in others, that's just how it works.. As long as every class has at least some builds that are at least viable it's ok imho. No need to have basically every possible build on every e-spec on the same level in every (game) mode. This is simply not possible and I think it just makes the balance worse trying to pursue such a goal.

Btw I've been playing some 2v2 yesterday and in all matches combined there was exactly 1 scourge and not a single holo soo.. dunno. @edit: while the 2v2 matches were actually ok, Ranked matches are a complete nightmare regarding scourge.. Anet, pls fix.


However I would heavily appreciate some more attention to sPvP from Anet. Hope they'll ditch Living Story after EoD and focus more on the other parts of the game than story. Maybe even bring GvG as a proper game mode, that would be really cool (even though I don't do GvGs)

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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Depending on whether you're EU or NA, the time at which you play, and your division, your PvP experience can be radically different. As a SEA Gold player, I still tend to see quite a variety of different professions and builds in my matches. It's rare for there not to be any Necros in a match, but they're not overly dominant either. While I do understand that, in the hands of skilled or top tier players, meta builds can be extremely potent, I would still caution against the urge to overly nerf builds (especially through the use of blanket nerfs like amulet or upgrade removals), because the unseen effect of that is that it makes it much harder for casual PvP players to join and find a competitive build they enjoy playing. As someone with an average ping of 250, that pretty much rules out a lot of melee builds because things like leaps and gap closers often do not work properly, putting me at the enemy's location where they were 1 second ago. That means that, for me, I am most competitive playing bunker/support, condi attrition or ranged burst (like the old Gunflame Berserker build), builds that have been steadily nerfed over the years.


While I do not discount the problem that meta builds can have on top tier competitive play, there also needs to be effective, "easy" builds for newbies to play so that casual players can hop in and feel like they're still contributing effectively to their team, without having to be pigeon-holed into whatever is the current flavour meta of the month. In the long run, it's going to discourage new blood from doing PvP, and the mode will slowly stagnate and die.

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1 hour ago, Zaxares.5419 said:

Depending on whether you're EU or NA, the time at which you play, and your division, your PvP experience can be radically different. As a SEA Gold player, I still tend to see quite a variety of different professions and builds in my matches. It's rare for there not to be any Necros in a match, but they're not overly dominant either. While I do understand that, in the hands of skilled or top tier players, meta builds can be extremely potent, I would still caution against the urge to overly nerf builds (especially through the use of blanket nerfs like amulet or upgrade removals), because the unseen effect of that is that it makes it much harder for casual PvP players to join and find a competitive build they enjoy playing. As someone with an average ping of 250, that pretty much rules out a lot of melee builds because things like leaps and gap closers often do not work properly, putting me at the enemy's location where they were 1 second ago. That means that, for me, I am most competitive playing bunker/support, condi attrition or ranged burst (like the old Gunflame Berserker build), builds that have been steadily nerfed over the years.


While I do not discount the problem that meta builds can have on top tier competitive play, there also needs to be effective, "easy" builds for newbies to play so that casual players can hop in and feel like they're still contributing effectively to their team, without having to be pigeon-holed into whatever is the current flavour meta of the month. In the long run, it's going to discourage new blood from doing PvP, and the mode will slowly stagnate and die.

I'm from SEA to playing in NA, but from my experience in playing lots of AT and rank I found that in AT there is always at least double of Guardian or Necro or both

 Then there's the problem of Rune of Trapper!! It can give very long duration of stealth on a non stealth class like Guardian and Ranger.

  I do agree melee build are almost useless on high ping, but sadly no solution to it

 There are easy builds. Power Ranger is one of the easiest and strong

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19 hours ago, snoow.1694 said:

I think they don’t realize that they are shooting into their own foot with this way of running the game and ruining their future End of Dragon sales. Marketing for expansions isn‘t made by Steam releases or media companies, but by the community, who enjoys the game and shares it with their mutuals.

Some excuse it by saying „the game is on maintainance mode until EoD release“, but what way of running a game is that honestly? People didn‘t buy the game + expansions and support it with gem purchases every month to be able to play the game when the next expansion is released. Right now we have entire elite specs in PvP like Berserker or Firebrand and core specs such as Core Engi that are completely unplayable at the same time where every 2nd or 3rd person is running Scourge or Prot Holo - an expansion doesn‘t excuse what has been done to the meta these past months


I have a feeling they are trying to see if the complaints go away, they are in a corner.


If they nerf scourge barrier it might open up the floodgates for more nerfs. It could also compltely delete scourge from pve and PVP and they aren-t sure where to go since scourges identity is barriers and condi dmg, and without those, they are basically nothing.


They made a huge mistake with barriers being their identity and setting it up this way while also making it better when stacked, and might have to do something where necros don't get any bonus barrier when stacked somehow, by saying: If more than 1, you don't get anymore bonus or something.


They need to get rid of stacking.

Edited by Axl.8924
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7 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

They made a huge mistake with barriers being their identity and setting it up this way while also making it better when stacked

ye stacking barrier is definitely a problem in both pvp and wvw. they could simply decrease the amount of barrier a person can receive, down from 50% of total hp.

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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1 hour ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

ye stacking barrier is definitely a problem in both pvp and wvw. they could simply decrease the amount of barrier a person can receive, down from 50% of total hp.


Actually thats prob a good idea and for the best.

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