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EoD is a $30 Patch.....

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On 7/29/2021 at 10:45 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

We know nothing about the new necro elite. If it is indeed a pistol, it could auto-attack screeching heads that aoe fear and confusion for all we know.

it's a pistol for necro's, it can't get any worse than that. (well, unless they add a rifle the next time)

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On 8/1/2021 at 5:13 AM, Mizuira.8245 said:


But we saw :


- no new dungeon

- no new race

- no new class

- no new fractal

- no new PvP mode

- no new raid

- no new PvE mode

- no real Cantha video IG

- only 1 elite spec

- Dungeons have been a dead system since 2013.

- New Tengu race never made sense as they would not be able to slot into the existing role of the player character within the story. They would require a whole new personal story path and that's out of scope with everything we know about GW2 expansion scopes to date through HOT and POF.

- New class wasn't going to happen. We now have 3 for each armor class and elite specs are given to each class every expansion

- New Fractal would be nice, I agree.

- I feel like PvP modes could be separate patches not necessarily tied to any given expansion.

- Yeah no new raids would be an interesting choice. It sounds like we will have new strike missions.

- What other types of new PvE modes are there?

- Agreed, I really wanted to see an in-game gameplay trailer like HoT and PoF. My guess is that will come.

- 1 elite spec shown with more on the way. I don't see the problem here. We know all 9 are coming. Is this just impatience?

Edited by Faridah.8431
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The problem i have with ANET choice of development is that they're basically like " Look trust us we know what we're doing, we're not going to tell you everything that's coming with the expansion , but its going to be GOOD". So far, in my honest opinion, Heart of Thorns was my favorite Expansion. Mounts are ok meh, but it's not everything. The PVE meta events in POF were TRASH, replay value? TRASH. HOT had the best metas, best voice acting, probably not the best story but it was definitely more fun and expansive. POF was just mounts and you really dont need any of the other mounts once you get griffon or Skyscale. The elite specializations weren't even all that great. Dead eye is just an annoying 1 trick pony, auto aiming , and a lot of changes haven't even balanced out POF elite specs. They either nerf them to hell (I.E Condi mirage) and leave them for dead, or let them go unchanged (I.E Ranger One Wolf Pack , Dolyak Stance). And then tried to say that Icebrood saga was expansion level quality. They literally killed off a part of the story people were looking forward to for YEARS and killed off the dragons in like 2 seconds. It was so disappointing. So, yea i don't trust Anet development. I'll still get the expansion but this probably the last time Anet as a company will get any money from me. Colin Johanson said EOD is not the "end of Guild Wars 2" but it kitten sure do feel like it. How can a consumer like my self even trust that they're going to put out good content? When they can't even be transparent and communicate with the community consistently. 

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There’s also a wealth of new PvE content in the form of map metas, and they’ve stated their goals are to be more HoTs-like in that regard. There’s also going to be more hardcore content in the form of CMs. New rewards, story, and yes a new mount. A very cool new mount that could be really fun and revolutionary for multiple game modes, plus one you can ride with a friend. Skiffs and fishing are a bit meh as a big new feature but we haven’t seen how it’s implemented yet. Could be a lot of fun, and could be a fun social activity to boot. It could really add some more fun layers to the game.

Edited by wondercube.1680
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On 8/1/2021 at 8:12 AM, Kalocin.5982 said:

Been playing since ye old beta, I feel you. I've made my post on character changes, it's something negative but it doesn't need an expansion. For the rest of this though, I think a lot of these folks haven't been up to the cost for other mmo expansion cycles. You're asking too much for how little you pay. GW2 is cheap

A lot of people in this forum don't understand this. They are literally paying next to nothing compared to monthly subs AND paying Expac for something like FFXIV. Endwalker alone is the same price as End of Dragons, but they ain't gonna stop paying at the initial payment of Endwalker, they gotta keep paying after that to even play Endwalker.

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On 7/31/2021 at 9:00 PM, miraude.2107 said:

Overall, GW2 has had a very generous setup. VERY GENEROUS. You can get the living world seasons for free just by logging in when they are current. They are re-offering them again for free right now, just log in. I can't see the other game companies willing to do that.


In all 13 pages of the thread so far, I feel this comment is probably the most on point in terms of OP's disappointment.


GW2 does a lot of things.... far below its potential, to put it politely. I myself came extremely close to quitting the game for good not so long ago.


However, what GW2 does better than any comparable title is being the most generous player experience currently out. So much of what we achieve in-game is given complete permanence. Transmute charges rain from the sky, masteries apply account-wide, and most QoL stuff that is baseline here just doesn't exist in other games, or came very late in development. I can't think of another game that just gives players as many conveniences as GW2 does, and doesn't nickel-and-dime us for the privilege of daring to use actually use them.


GW2 is not even my main game anymore, but I still consider it $30 well spent (I didn't care for the new raptor skin and don't need 4k gems atm). The sheer hours of enjoyment I'll get for that 30 far outstrips what I can get elsewhere.

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15 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:


In all 13 pages of the thread so far, I feel this comment is probably the most on point in terms of OP's disappointment.


GW2 does a lot of things.... far below its potential, to put it politely. I myself came extremely close to quitting the game for good not so long ago.


However, what GW2 does better than any comparable title is being the most generous player experience currently out. So much of what we achieve in-game is given complete permanence. Transmute charges rain from the sky, masteries apply account-wide, and most QoL stuff that is baseline here just doesn't exist in other games, or came very late in development. I can't think of another game that just gives players as many conveniences as GW2 does, and doesn't nickel-and-dime us for the privilege of daring to use actually use them.


GW2 is not even my main game anymore, but I still consider it $30 well spent (I didn't care for the new raptor skin and don't need 4k gems atm). The sheer hours of enjoyment I'll get for that 30 far outstrips what I can get elsewhere.


I want more and faster content in gw2 in every game modes those talked above. I don't want to play a cheap game and forced to accept less content and pretend all is well in Tyria. Being a ’cheap game' is not an excuse caused by playerbase, if they are gonna release everything players ask and compete with other mmos, then take more of my money and so be it.

Edited by fatihso.7258
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10 hours ago, fatihso.7258 said:


I want more and faster content in gw2 in every game modes those talked above. I don't want to play a cheap game and forced to accept less content and pretend all is well in Tyria. Being a ’cheap game' is not an excuse caused by playerbase, if they are gonna release everything players ask and compete with other mmos, then take more of my money and so be it.

Well if just you pay $100 instead for EoD you're playing an expensive game although still with the same content.


That way you fulfill half of your criteria, glass half full and all that.

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On 7/31/2021 at 11:09 AM, Rasimir.6239 said:

ANet announces living world with expansion-like features. Players: not enough features, give us an expansion.


ANet announces expansion. Players: this isn't an expansion, we got these features in living world patches



Not my fault that it brings nothing new, fishing and boating? Lmfao... yea ok. Not worth the price. The only saving grace will be the specs and that depends on what they are; If the classes I play dont get specs I think I'll like then whats the point? 

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1 hour ago, Thornwolf.9721 said:

Not my fault that it brings nothing new, fishing and boating? Lmfao... yea ok. Not worth the price. The only saving grace will be the specs and that depends on what they are; If the classes I play dont get specs I think I'll like then whats the point? 

Don't buy it.  Vote with your wallet.  

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On 8/3/2021 at 2:37 AM, Faridah.8431 said:

- Dungeons have been a dead system since 2013.

- New Tengu race never made sense as they would not be able to slot into the existing role of the player character within the story. They would require a whole new personal story path and that's out of scope with everything we know about GW2 expansion scopes to date through HOT and POF.

- New class wasn't going to happen. We now have 3 for each armor class and elite specs are given to each class every expansion

- New Fractal would be nice, I agree.

- I feel like PvP modes could be separate patches not necessarily tied to any given expansion.

- Yeah no new raids would be an interesting choice. It sounds like we will have new strike missions.

- What other types of new PvE modes are there?

- Agreed, I really wanted to see an in-game gameplay trailer like HoT and PoF. My guess is that will come.

- 1 elite spec shown with more on the way. I don't see the problem here. We know all 9 are coming. Is this just impatience?

Dungeons have been dead since 2013, except they redid all the bosses in AC at one point and added the Aetherblade dungeon even later. 


And Fractals have never come with expansions, but we have gotten fractals between expansions. It's not reasonable to expect them to come as part of expansions when in fact they come out independently.

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3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Dungeons have been dead since 2013, except they redid all the bosses in AC at one point and added the Aetherblade dungeon even later. 


And Fractals have never come with expansions, but we have gotten fractals between expansions. It's not reasonable to expect them to come as part of expansions when in fact they come out independently.

Forgot about those, thanks. Shows the last time I did dungeons.


And yes, that is true.

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On 7/27/2021 at 12:40 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

Their big features are a mount.....you know....something we've had multiple times in a patch already......


A skiff....something that already exists as mount...this isn't a new feature.


And, Fishing.....something that is literally a patch....about as big and feature heavy as our sitting in chairs patch.


The only thing that seems new is specializations....so we have a one feature expansion with the rest being patch content.


People leaving WoW in mass and multiple new MMO's coming out, GW2 needed to deliver a reason to come to our game...instead they told everyone to steer clear because they charge expansion prices for patch content.


What were they thinking?


Also, it's true, there could be tons more they are holding back on....but if this is the case then they need a new Marketing Director. Whoever did the PoF reveal needs to be brought back. Otherwise, there just isn't enough content here to warrant a full expansion and the price that comes with.

reading this seems like its coming from a person that doesn't understand how the road to a lot of  games release  works. it was called a first look not a deep dive it doesn't come out tell next year. i have been gaming for 35 years this is how it will go. they will drip feed us info for the next few months. their job is to keep you hooked and interested in the product. that will not happen if they do a deep dive this early  because people will lose interest hence the drip feeding

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On 8/3/2021 at 4:40 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Stop using terms you don't understand.

Think I understand it perfectly well. When HoT was first launched, it was content lite with only 4 new zones. It was an awful expansion upon launch. Many have quit over that expansion, and probably the reason why it became free with PoF only 2 years after it was released. Whilst it may be better today, it wasn't so much so back then.

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7 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Think I understand it perfectly well. When HoT was first launched, it was content lite with only 4 new zones. It was an awful expansion upon launch. Many have quit over that expansion, and probably the reason why it became free with PoF only 2 years after it was released. Whilst it may be better today, it wasn't so much so back then.

Many quit because of how difficult it was, not because it was content lite. Those maps still fill at Meta time, unlike POF. Which, while i can get folks to help with champions/bounties, doing some of the metas out there? Hah.


Further, a player needs the expansion to play the LWS that follows. Which adds more content free, to expansion owners.


HotT(4 maps) + lws3(5 maps)

PoF(5 maps) + lws4 + IBS(9 maps)


While i tend to agree this expansion is feature lite, we shall if its content lite when all is said and done.

Edited by Dante.1763
wrong number of map for pof
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5 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Many quit because of how difficult it was, not because it was content lite. Those maps still fill at Meta time, unlike POF. Which, while i can get folks to help with champions/bounties, doing some of the metas out there? Hah.


Further, a player needs the expansion to play the LWS that follows. Which adds more content free, to expansion owners.


HotT(4 maps) + lws3(5 maps)

PoF(4 maps) + lws4 + IBS(9 maps)


While i tend to agree this expansion is feature lite, we shall if its content lite when all is said and done.

They quit because of lack of content to do outside of the metas. All there was to do was the metas.

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3 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

They quit because of lack of content to do outside of the metas. All there was to do was the metas.

Maybe, but I don't think so.

Did a quick google and I found next to no threads complaining that there's nothing to do.

On the other hand, when I google HoT's difficulty I find threads all the way back when it first launched of people struggling to just get through the content, and to add to this; you'll STILL find people complaining about how HoT is goddamn brutal, even after it's become watered down to baby-mode in comparison.


I don't think "Not enough content" was the root cause for people quitting HoT back then.

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9 minutes ago, TwiceDead.1963 said:

Maybe, but I don't think so.

Did a quick google and I found next to no threads complaining that there's nothing to do.

On the other hand, when I google HoT's difficulty I find threads all the way back when it first launched of people struggling to just get through the content, and to add to this; you'll STILL find people complaining about how HoT is goddamn brutal, even after it's become watered down to baby-mode in comparison.


I don't think "Not enough content" was the root cause for people quitting HoT back then.

Yea. Nobody was complaining about there not being stuff to do in HOT. Theres imo to much stuff to do. When the metas contained the full pre events, it was nonstop events, exhausting.


Now the pres/day events arent required, but nobody really does them either, not sure thats a good thing.



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4 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

They quit because of lack of content to do outside of the metas. All there was to do was the metas.

Maybe some, but that's reason to leave based on ignorance because clearly there was always more to do than just doing metas. Most likely, they left because the large jump in difficulty ... because that is actually real unlike this 'only meta' theory. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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7 hours ago, Azure Prower.8701 said:

Think I understand it perfectly well. When HoT was first launched, it was content lite with only 4 new zones. It was an awful expansion upon launch. Many have quit over that expansion, and probably the reason why it became free with PoF only 2 years after it was released. Whilst it may be better today, it wasn't so much so back then.


The problem with HoT is that we didn't have any previous expansions to really gauge the scope of what it would be. So when it launched, 4 maps seemed comically low from what many expected and thus that was at the time a disappointment. The difficulty scale at the beginning was wound up to quite a higher level then most were used to so that created a backlash. And while I agree that HoT was "content light" in the scope of the story which I was expecting to be much, much broader and larger than it ended up being, I think HoT has otherwise endured with plenty of things to do around masteries, and enjoyable map metas. The other thing HoT did was setup the foundation for all the systems we use now that didn't exist prior to it. I would definitely call it more feature rich than content rich, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have content.


6 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

HotT(4 maps) + lws3(5 maps)

PoF(4 maps) + lws4 + IBS(9 maps)


PoF has 5 maps: Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, Elon Riverlands, The Desolation, Domain of Vabbi. 

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1 minute ago, Faridah.8431 said:


The problem with HoT is that we didn't have any previous expansions to really gauge the scope of what it would be. So when it launched, 4 maps seemed comically low from what many expected and thus that was at the time a disappointment. The difficulty scale at the beginning was wound up to quite a higher level then most were used to so that created a backlash. And while I agree that HoT was "content light" in the scope of the story which I was expecting to be much, much broader and larger than it ended up being, I think HoT has otherwise endured with plenty of things to do around masteries, and enjoyable map metas. The other thing HoT did was setup the foundation for all the systems we use now that didn't exist prior to it. I would definitely call it more feature rich than content rich, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have content.



PoF has 5 maps: Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, Elon Riverlands, The Desolation, Domain of Vabbi. 

-blink- honest to god i kept thinking domain of vabbi was a LWS map. I shall do an edit.

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