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Remove mounts, gliding, links etc, make wvw competative again


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9 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

1. Make wvw a lobby type gamemode with as many lobbies as long as there are enough players to fill them, so it was impossible to have much more players.

1. Remove mounts.

2. Remove gliding.

3. Remove buffs in structures.

4. Remove food.

5. Add amulet system from PvP to WvW.

6. Remove desert borderland, everyone should be in same conditions = to have same borderlands.

THANK YOU, otherwise there is no point to play. Without these changes the gamemode is exptremely unfair and toxic.


Not quite sure I understand. If everyone has access to these things, then how does it make it “unfair”? Can you explain in detail exactly how each one of these area makes WvW “toxic”? 

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the OP just fully misses any point. probably a bored thief who just wants easier ganks...


gliding and mounts are too late to be removed for main wvw mode. we are used to them by now.


why on earth would u remove food and oils? its a strategic part and nearly everyone after one week of playing has access to it, not even mentioning the free ascended foot plates


buffs in structures should not be removed, but maybe reworked. dynamic application instead of stale.


amulet system and normative stats is a crap idea. this is just not spvp.


desert border could use a rework, maps far too big and spawn position is pretty nuts... but do not remove it. there's yet so much staleness, no point in creating more staleness.


overall... not too good inputs.



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22 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

1. Make wvw a lobby type gamemode with as many lobbies as long as there are enough players to fill them, so it was impossible to have much more players.

1. Remove mounts.

2. Remove gliding.

3. Remove buffs in structures.

4. Remove food.

5. Add amulet system from PvP to WvW.

6. Remove desert borderland, everyone should be in same conditions = to have same borderlands.

THANK YOU, otherwise there is no point to play. Without these changes the gamemode is exptremely unfair and toxic.



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Remove scoring system and server leaderboard then, place wvw map to pve for open access from pve maps. gamemode is dead with such communuty of pve scrubs, enjoy your bandwagoning, server stacking and nightcapping

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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3 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Remove scoring system and server leaderboard then, place wvw map to pve for open access from pve maps. gamemode is dead with such communuty of pve scrubs, enjoy your bandwagoning, server stacking and nightcapping


Why do you have this need to completely replace wvw?

If you don't like it so much then don't play it?

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3 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Remove scoring system and server leaderboard then, place wvw map to pve for open access from pve maps. gamemode is dead with such communuty of pve scrubs, enjoy your bandwagoning, server stacking and nightcapping

Go to play sPvP where you don't need to pathetically disconnect to avoid being sieged while downed and leave WvW players enjoy WvW.

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5 minutes ago, Azaessevar.8051 said:

@ OP please go play fashion wars and leave my WvW alone. You dont need buffs, mounts, gliding, amulets or borderlands. Thx bye.

and you don't need balance, skill and competetive gameplay, typical pve player. you are eiter blind or stupid if you can't see that the current wvw system is totally broken in terms of fair game


When a pvp gamemode is unfair and broken in all possible ways, it creats toxicity and hate across servers and players.

Edited by Daredevil.2745
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4 minutes ago, Azaessevar.8051 said:

I am probably both blind and stupid but I learn to adapt to what we are given and don't cry about it. Good luck with your fashion wars.  BTW, rank 10k AND pve player so yea...

rank doesn't mean anything if it is achieved in a non-competative environment

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Wait... isn't spvp a super toxic area anyways? 🤪

Any pvp game mode is going to be toxic and create hate, it's the nature of pvp, not even a level playing field is going to change that.


But seriously though, go to the general forums and post about getting a new battleground game mode, because apparently both wvw and spvp don't fit your needs. While wvw has it's problems, I would guess no one in this thread wants it completely replaced to something else entirely, but obviously upgraded and improved which none of your suggestion does.

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Sometimes I also wish the gear system operated similarly to Spvp. It can be a real bummer or annoyance when your group has way too many of one class but you aren't kitted out in another to fill the hole. It may be easy to get exotics, but if am to play competitively on an even level I would like to be in full ascended gear first. And so the grind continues.

Edited by BishiDe.6925
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2 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

rank doesn't mean anything if it is achieved in a non-competative environment

You're asking everyone in your op to take WvW super serious and to scrap anything you think is pve related to be on par with your pvp prowess, but now it's all of the sudden non-competitive? Which is it? The only thing that should be removed are the structure buffs since it can discourage longer fights. You can make sure everyone has exactly the same stuff and the same maps, and player skill and effort will still throw things out of balance on a large scale. On the individual scale, calm down and try to do better and those things might not aggravate you so much. 



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Things I have learned from OP today:


All the enemy players I meet in wvw, are in fact environment, not players!


In all seriousness, ignoring OP seeming inability to spell "competitive", OP shows no point in trying to take them seriously by the second post within this thread.


When you come off from the stance of "everyone who disagrees with my kitten ideas, is dishonest exploiter" no contructive discussion can be held.


Does WvW needs improvement? I definitelly would not suffer from them. Are OP suggestions improvements? Does not sound so. Am I exploitative piece of a cat child, that wants to keep exploiting OP gear with op structure buffs and stacking of the server? That's a good joke, I don't even have full ascended, and the only times I see a stacked server is on rare ocasion my server get's linked to one of such. And even then most of my activities recently in wvw does not even revolve about objectives that can give any sensible stat improvement in the first place.

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considering a lot of people have alts, some even 4+ alt accounts, rank really does not matter that much.


@XenesisII.1540 the format is designed for largescale. it's so weird to rant about that...


@Lord Trejgon.2809 well, quite some people act like environment, ngl


@Gotejjeken.1267 dude. u realize, the only thing mounts have still in terms of real usefulness is that u can avoid CC and movement hindering condis on them, unless u get dismounted forcefully?


literally every other thing got gutted so hard yet. at the crappy state they are now, it would been better that mounts never have been introduced, but it simply is too late for that.


like, if u ask me if original mount sounds "somewhat cool", i'd still say "yeah but don't bring it to wvw". alone the mobility speed is a problem, as every class travels way faster around. combine that with feb2020-dmg nerfs, leading to super stale, boring slow grindy fights.... yeah well. turtlemode format as it is now. the siegeturtles are yet ingame...



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On 7/31/2021 at 9:26 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Why anyone would want to remove gliding I have no idea--what does it even do other than straight up QoL improvement? 😄


Well I can sort of get some people wanting to remove gliding - soon after it was introduced I was unfortunate participant of unfortunate zerg that tried to reset nothern towers on alpine BL that was owned by the "owners" of the BL. Alot of tires, and alot of good plays, trying to lure enemy zerg away by threatening their keeps etc. and all of that effort, only for them to just tp to their spawn, and glide from there to the tower. In one attempt we even got as far as to the lord room, when we finally were able to block them from gliding to the tower, by bombing the landing spot, but then they just glided to other place, regrouped there and it was again one of zergs from the map vs "main map blob", and you can imagine hot that ended....


Don't get me wrong I had blast of a fun during that evening, but I can understand people being irritated with sheer mobility that gliding has enabled.

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On 7/29/2021 at 8:28 PM, Daredevil.2745 said:

1. Make wvw a lobby type gamemode with as many lobbies as long as there are enough players to fill them, so it was impossible to have much more players.

1. Remove mounts.

2. Remove gliding.

3. Remove buffs in structures.

4. Remove food.

5. Add amulet system from PvP to WvW.

6. Remove desert borderland, everyone should be in same conditions = to have same borderlands.

THANK YOU, otherwise there is no point to play. Without these changes the gamemode is exptremely unfair and toxic.

1. Is a weird solution and Id like to see it. However Id rather see old worlds back without 500 gem links and relinkings. Just less tiers. I like when my server mates and guilds don't swap every 2 months.

5. can't be exact amulet system from PvP to WvW as that would kill build diversity. Would need more runes and multiple amulets with more stat options. For example 1 major and 3 minor amulets would work. Major amulet would consist of 40% of total stats and can be anything (even minstrel and trailblazer) and minor amulets (60% total) wouldn't be able to have such heavy defensive stats. Minstrel boys are just too tanky and braindead to optimize compared to dps players.

I support your list otherwise fully. Gliding, structure buffs, food, mounts and desert bl are all stupid.

Edited by Fatal.1347
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7 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


Well I can sort of get some people wanting to remove gliding - soon after it was introduced I was unfortunate participant of unfortunate zerg that tried to reset nothern towers on alpine BL that was owned by the "owners" of the BL. Alot of tires, and alot of good plays, trying to lure enemy zerg away by threatening their keeps etc. and all of that effort, only for them to just tp to their spawn, and glide from there to the tower. In one attempt we even got as far as to the lord room, when we finally were able to block them from gliding to the tower, by bombing the landing spot, but then they just glided to other place, regrouped there and it was again one of zergs from the map vs "main map blob", and you can imagine hot that ended....


Don't get me wrong I had blast of a fun during that evening, but I can understand people being irritated with sheer mobility that gliding has enabled.


Ne tower is the best tower, just build some balistas below and go duck hunting.


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I love how as the thread progresses, the ideas to "fix" things which the original ideas might cause become more and more outlandish.


Here is my take on this:

WvW is not meant to be highly competitive or fair. It never was.


Now we can live in some imaginary world where this is not the case. Assume that perfect population balance and perfect balance of classes etc. would somehow magically make this mode perfect (it would not). The harsh reality is: most player do not care about balance. They care about having fun. To have fun, none of the above needs to be executed perfectly (on the contrary, having perfect balance and population literally removes 1 convenient excuse players have for losing).


As such, if you want a more competitive player versus player mode: go to SPvP but stop trying to hurt this game mode.


Now as far as ideas to make the mode more FUN, those can be discussed.

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On 7/29/2021 at 1:28 PM, Daredevil.2745 said:

1. Make wvw a lobby type gamemode with as many lobbies as long as there are enough players to fill them, so it was impossible to have much more players.

1. Remove mounts.

2. Remove gliding.

3. Remove buffs in structures.

4. Remove food.

5. Add amulet system from PvP to WvW.

6. Remove desert borderland, everyone should be in same conditions = to have same borderlands.

THANK YOU, otherwise there is no point to play. Without these changes the gamemode is exptremely unfair and toxic.



sPvP is for all of the above, not for WvW. There are already a large number of posts and counter posts to these points that will not repost currently.


-10 here from me on these points. If anything we need more of many of the above. And will always be no to an amulet system. This is end game content you want people actively working towards, custom builds, gear, buffs and all the rest is what makes WvW a sandbox which has prevented even more player lose than we saw while they were actively developing for. No if anything I would recommend asking for a new sPvP map that can handle larger numbers of both sides if not a three teamed version instead. We need changes in WvW but not the above. 

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