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Reduce Taidha's gate HP or increase the bomb damage


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As the title says, I'm calling for something that I'm sure has been brought up before: the gate event for Admiral Taidha Covington is absolutely ridiculous. 'World Boss' events are spread apart in 15 minute increments, and yet Taidha Covington's pre-event takes the vast majority of those 15 minutes. I just got done doing an attempt on Taidha and we literally spent 12 MINUTES bombing the gate to open. That's the entire meta event: run bombs to the gate for 12 minutes. The fight against Taidha herself overlapped with the next map's event and I almost missed it because of how long we spent on Taidha's gate.


Please rework the HP or damage for this event. It's not fun, it's needlessly tedious, and there is no reason whatsoever for that gate to be as sturdy as it is. Been doing this for almost 9 years. It's time for a change. Perhaps reduce the HP by 75% or significantly increase the damage done by the bombs we put down. It will still take a few minutes to open up, but it shouldn't take 12 minutes.

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I agree.


Is it intended for world bosses to take longer than they currently do? Most likely. Power creep and cheesed mechanics no doubt have changed our expectations for how long we think these bosses should take, but the point is that the time invested feels worth it for other world bosses yet doesn't with Taidha's gate.


It's sort of like bosses that are HP sponges; it's not that people want to be able to one-shot them, but to repeatedly slap something that has little to no mechanics to play around with simply isn't fun after the first ten minutes of it. Taidha's gate can't be sped along with coordination or accuracy, it has no phases or state changes that would serve as 'rewards' for the time invested. Quite simply, it's just a waiting game while people run back and forth and the health of the gate creeps down at a snail's pace.


ArenaNet appears to recognize that people jump from boss to boss to boss. They sell a gizmo to make this easier, they host week-long events to promote it, and they add new encounters periodically because world bosses are a longstanding thing that people like. To me, that doesn't seem like they're worried we're doing bosses too fast. A tune-up of these events (or maybe even new achievements?) would be very nice.

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This boss needs ajustment yeah, the gate is just insanely strong for what is no more then a big piece of metal, there's hundreds of kegs exploding, a frigging boat firing cannons on it, it is totally crazy it takes that long and it just makes people bored more easily.

Id say the Fire elemental Pre needs some tweaking to, the golem escort already takes a bit, then having it 5 minutes wasting collecting some gas is a lot of downtime for a boss that melts in 30 seconds, if the pre events were shorter, the bosses more intimidating and a lot more health, this would be a big plus, most of them feel to easy especially during boss weeks, they completely melt away like butter in the sun.

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The current problem is the profession's power creep and the huge "break bar" dilemma created by Waystations / EP 2.0 (where it is kind of easy if you have them and a lot harder when you don't have them)


- Taida => Door could use a debuff, because it scales up horribly with many people around and currently encourages just "hovering" above and waiting for others to do the work (and therefore contributing to the scaling up problem)

- Fire Elemental => would be a lot better, if you could speed up the golem during the first part (which you can't now); I am not sure about reducing the 5 min timer on the second part. That way you can still do the boss, when you are late. But one Inquest spawning every 20 seconds is the boring thing.

- Claw of Jormag => People can stand at the feet of the Claw and out heal [Icy Grave] now. There is no need for clearing the Icicles to get the golems, carrying the explosives to the Claw. Either make Icy Grave lethal again of make the attack fail once you lost 10 golems, IMO.


Those are my worst offenders. I don't have to mention that world bosses got a lot easier compared to pre-expansion GW2. I don't want "Raid" bosses every 15 min, but they should be more than everyone balling up and pressing 1,1,1,1,1 ...

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Think most ppl just afk at the gate pre-event.


Anet wants everyone to participate... Even though it's a casual game , why are ppl lazy and just stand there staring at the gate instead of running bombs? If ppl complain about boss being tough and mechanic heavy for casual gameplay it's somewhat relatable but standing like a rock in prevents doing nothing and calling it casual gameplay would result in delays and casual players deserve those delays. And sad thing is, ppl who are actively participating in those events are punished for it.


Eg :

1) dragonstorm public instance delays and failure to do breakbar during boss fights.

2) Tahida Covington gate bomb runs.

3) Shatterer preevent.

4) Megadestroyer preevents.

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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3 minutes ago, vilkanor.3072 said:

another observation: maybe some mechanics were introduced when the players population was massive, now they are just an hindrance to those who are still playing

Nah, Taidhis gate has always the dumbest part of the event. Most of my maps where full(hard capped) so it isnt like the players werent there.


also, i ran bombs the entire time for the gate..got bronze..bombs need to do waaaay more damage and count towards more towards event participation.

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Should turn that gate into a legendary shield.
We'd be invincible!!! 

Seriously though, 100% agree with this subject.
This is one boss that I usually ignore when I run world bosses, and the bomb the gate phase is entirely to blame for that.
It's not even remotely fun.. it's boring, annoying and tedious.

If you ask me just get rid of the health entirely and put a stacking limit on it that scales with how many players are around.

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Replace the barrels with WvW useable cannons for everyone to shoot the gate with.

Coordinated and active groups can speed it along with portals, but my god it's a dull event. Cannons would be a simple and easy change to make it less dull.


But then, it's one of a massive amount of "core" sides of the game in a dire state. Not just bosses -- like Fire Elemental and its huge pre-event for a 15 sec boss -- but events as a whole. The core maps have masses of boring, meaningless escorts where enemies spawn at a pre-determined place on the route, in a pre-determined spot, so everyone just concentrates their AoEs there. When you get players together for things like Modniir pre-event, half the players can't even tag the mobs because they die the moment their dumb invincibility ends.


Even if they fixed all the event-related issues, the game still has a massive problem with the way bosses get burst down in seconds. And Anet's approach to balance is never to balance things in relation to one another: it's always been to simply nerf the current mainstream build.

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I agree that it would be useful to do something with this event. It takes a long time no matter what (I've been on maps with so many people running bombs that the stockpiles keep running out and the stack by the gate looks absurd and it still took ages) and individual players participation seems to make vey little difference. Between the two I think it encourages people to go afk; they can be reasonably sure someone will knock down the door (or the ship will do it) and can't see any real difference from joining in so they don't. But then the more people afk the longer it takes, so it creates a vicious circle.


My inclination is to say increasing the damage from bombs would help (and the participation they award). If players can actually see the bar move, even a tiny bit, when they drop their bomb it might give more incentive to help. I was going to say adding some sort of notification that you've done damage would help as well, but then I realised I have no idea if it shows the damage numbers because I'm too used to ignoring them. But maybe something under the bar to show your contribution, like with collection events, would help.


Adding different phases or other things to do would be more complicated, but I think it would also make the event more fun. I like the idea of adding cannons players can use (there already are cannons, but we destroy them instead of repurposing them) and maybe reasons to shift between the different stockpiles of bombs - like a point where you've broken the metal coating and exposed the wood so you switch to some sort of napalm bomb that sticks to the wood and burns. (The specifics aren't important, the idea is to have a 'you're half-way there!' point to give more of a sense of progress and mix up what players are doing a bit.)

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3 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I agree that it would be useful to do something with this event. It takes a long time no matter what (I've been on maps with so many people running bombs that the stockpiles keep running out and the stack by the gate looks absurd and it still took ages) and individual players participation seems to make vey little difference. Between the two I think it encourages people to go afk; they can be reasonably sure someone will knock down the door (or the ship will do it) and can't see any real difference from joining in so they don't. But then the more people afk the longer it takes, so it creates a vicious circle.


My inclination is to say increasing the damage from bombs would help (and the participation they award). If players can actually see the bar move, even a tiny bit, when they drop their bomb it might give more incentive to help. I was going to say adding some sort of notification that you've done damage would help as well, but then I realised I have no idea if it shows the damage numbers because I'm too used to ignoring them. But maybe something under the bar to show your contribution, like with collection events, would help.


Adding different phases or other things to do would be more complicated, but I think it would also make the event more fun. I like the idea of adding cannons players can use (there already are cannons, but we destroy them instead of repurposing them) and maybe reasons to shift between the different stockpiles of bombs - like a point where you've broken the metal coating and exposed the wood so you switch to some sort of napalm bomb that sticks to the wood and burns. (The specifics aren't important, the idea is to have a 'you're half-way there!' point to give more of a sense of progress and mix up what players are doing a bit.)

It doesnt show numbers. Just boom.

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6 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

I timed the event last night and it was less than 7 minutes from starting on the cannons until Taidha appeared. Much quicker than Fire Elementa in Metrica! Be aware you can use skyscale attack on the gate as well as the bombs.

It depends on the number of people that are there. The hps of the gate seem to scale massively off the number of people present (hint: the damage from ship cannons does not scale, and the number of available bomb kegs is limited and caps out very fast. So, adding more players beyond a certain (vely low) number just slows the event down more and more.

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Yup, the gate takes too long for how short the boss fight is. Fire elemental is the same, it takes an eternity for the pre to complete but the boss itself melts in like 10 seconds in a full instance.
Should maybe at least tweak the numbers a bit.

Shadow Behemoth and Golem are probably the best paced bosses that come to my mind rn.

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The main problem is for the scaling. A simple fix is applying the same change they did to the Shatterer pre a few years ago and change it to require a fixed number of bombs.


A world boss taking a while to kill is fine but but the majority of the time spent on a world boss shouldn't be a tedious and repetitive event.

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2 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

It was the last evening of boss rush, so the map was full. I know because one of my guildies tried to join our map and couldn't.

Sometimes smart people stay out of event range, and only join in after the gate falls.

Also, it is possible the bombs do not deal flat damage, but scaled off stats, which might introduce a random element to this.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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I generally Avoid doing this boss now because of how long the door takes. The door's HP could use an adjustment or the bomb damage could be adjusted. Or at least have the cannonballs the ships fire off do more damage.


Never a Sup flame Ram around when you need it during that fight.

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3 hours ago, Head Kracker.4790 said:

The biggest question you have to ask is WHY are we bombing a metal door when we have wood walls on either side?


50 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

or just cut the ropes holding it up

Or... we have mounts.  Just go over the wall.

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